HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-02-12, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS
Barristers, Solicitors, Notariee
Public &e, Office, on the Square, 2rel
door from Hamilton at. G.oderieh,
Private funds to loan at loveee rates
W. Piaou'twoom, K. 0, e. L. KnseoRAI .
R. J. D. Cooke.
Mr. Cooke will be in Hensel). on Friday
and Saturday of each week,
ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public
Coin missioner, Conveyancing,
Fire and Life Insurance. Agent
Corporation and Canada Trust
Co. Herald Office, Zurich.
Zurich Meet
Fresh and Salt Meats
Eoiugna Sausages, etc
Highest Cash Price for Wool
I ua g b i`' t &
D 3iche t
Dr. E S. Harale
Delaware & Hudson Co.'s
LACK ANA ck �.
Also soft coal.
Our terms are cash on
Du not feed fowl same morning
'when brought in.
Highest Cash Prices
---CASH FOR --
Cream and Eggs
W. O'Brien
Phone 94. Zurich
� n'
Th: iOM.
Ins r.nu oi
PAID-UP CAPITAL $8,000,000
Insures your barn against dam -
._age by wind or tornado for 40
cents per $100 for 3 years, and
your house for 30 eents per $100
for 3 years. No premium note
and no extra assessment guaran
!1zni 4.n
Agent -
Salesman Wanted
To Represent
The greatest demand for Nursery
Stock in Years.
British and European Markets a-
gain open for Canadian Fruit.
Largest list of Fruit rand Ornamen-
tal Stock, Seed Potatoes,
etc., growl in Canada
Windle for Particulars
StOne & Wellington
Established 1837
Wants, For Sale, Lost,
Found, Notice, Etc. Ads
We have just received a car-
load of cedar shingles.
[F. Ci, Kalbfleisch, Zuri_h.
Sleigh shoes $5.00 a set, cash,
while they last.
J. J. Barry, Zurich.
Our Accounts are ready please
call for yours. If not called fel
within a short lune, we will nail
$5.00 a day the year around,
send for yearly contract and sam-
ple case free, H. V. MAR11N,
Windsor, Ont.
Our accounts are now ready. If
not called for by Feb. 1st, they
will be sent through the mail. T.
L. Wurm.
tSleigh shoes $7.00 a set, cutter
shoes $2.50 a. pair and all other
general blacksmithing repairs at
reduced ',prices while it lasts.
Louis Prang, Zurich.
A quantity of corrugated roof-
ing Left over from the .Brucc'fieid
shed. for sale. t.f.-29
S. Dietz, Zurich!.
Frame building, 25x40, and 16
feet high, in good condition. Suit-
able for straw shed or driving shed
Apply to W. L. SeVert, Zurich:
In Zurich, my property consist
ing of 6 acres of land, good com-
fortable house and new stable. All
in A. 1. condition. At a bargain
for quick sale, A. Mittleholtz,
Zufielr. t.f--31.
The Adult Ladies' Bible Class of
the Evangelical church wish to
convey a hearty vote of thanks
to those who so nobly responded
in their recent Missionary under-
Entire herd of Pure Bred :Thert-
horn Cattle.
Consisting of 4 females, 2 males,
3 pure Scotch, and 3 Scotch Tap-
ped. All 'above mentioned are
Registered in the Canadian (Herd
Book. For particulars epply to
W. H. Pfile, Dashwood, R R. 1;
or phone 7-85, Zurich Centra( 30
Consisting of 100 acres, Last 15,
ccn. 12, Stanley, 3% miles north of
Blake Good cement wall bank
barn 56x52, with cement floor, rod
ded. Good 1% story, 8 roomed
Wee: house With summer kitchen
and woodshed rodded.. Hard
water well, also cistern. Five- ac-
res orchard,. Nearly all fenced
with woven wire. A spring cre-
ek supplies water all the year
round. Eight acres fall wheat
and 40 acres plowed. Half mile
from school. Daily R. R. Mail send
rural telephone connection. Pos-
session can be given April lst,1920
Reasonable terms, Apply to Jas.
S'. Delgaty, R. R. No. 3, Hayfield,
Ont• Phone 11 on 18, Hensall neu-
Ezra Oestreicher made a busin-
ess visit to Toronto last week.
The roads are in bad condition
and are salrnostitupossiable.
SON oral eases of flue are report-
ed in the country.
Mrs, J.. Lawsno sold her house
west of the village to R, Gower,
and Mrs, Kuhn sold her'a to Wm.
:Snaith of Shiplra.
Eev, S. M. Hauch was a viaitor
in (Zurich, last week.
We ate pleased to see Godfrey
Nicholson out again after his
Mist Anna Hess spent Friday at Keep Your Dairy Cows Comfort.
London. t.
Mr. Ed. Wurm spent the week- able and Clean.
end at Sim..eoe. Spray the Place With eerhitewasit.--
Messrs Yungblut & Deich:'rt ep-. .Add Souse Gerin -killer. (ells. In
ipped a carload of cattle un Fri - All Broken Window Panes, and.
day, . Provide Other Ventilation—Cane
Sleeping ..iekneee is not a new I of Plants in Winter.
disease. Night watchmen al`; (Contributed by Ontario Department of
ways had it,
Mr, Orville Ehnes left for his
home h;.. Calgary, Alta., after sp-
ending some weeks her'.
Pegaini played two instrum-
ents at the same time —the fid-
dle and the violin,
Rev 3 M. Ilauch of CI editor was
a visitor at the Evangelical par-
sonage late week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Meidinger of
Congres,, Sask., have returned to
Zurich and intend to make their
Z:utur.: home in this vicinity.
,' r1' are pleased to learn that
Mrs. ,lchin Pckstein, of the Bron-
son Line, who was seriously ill
the past week, is improving very
Mise Tilst(n, who had been fo.e-
lady at the Hall Dent factory here
hal severed. her connections
the Zuiich branch and left
Landoll on Saturday.
While standing on a handl sleigh
which it as being pule.l by hisiitrl�
boy, Mr, Alex. Mousseau, of the
Bronson Line, last Saturday, slip-
ped off and fractured both boned
of hie leg. Medical aidwae ai
once called and we are sorry to
say, Mr. Mousseau will be sionfin-
ed to thu heel for some weeks.
Our mailing list has been cor-
rected to Feb. 7th. If you have
renewed your subscription to the
Herald, and we have in some way
overioakeit it, kindly inform us a-
bout the mattes and we will 2h'er-
fully make corrections. If you
are in good standing your label
will read Jan.21, which means that
you err' paid tial Jan. 1921.. .Kindly
sec to it that your label reads
Agriculture, Toronto.)
HE period of long, cold
winter is here. Of necessity,
our milking cows Must have
special protection from the
cold, and at the same time ninat be
shade as comfortable as possible.
The whole of the inside Of the
stable should have a thorough clean-
ing. The dust and cobwebs should
be swept from the walls, ceiling and
windows; tine windows should be
thoroughly cleaned, also the man -
gore and stalls. Then spray white-
wash all over the inside, except the
windows. To the whitewash add conte
disinfectant eueli as a carbolic acid
preparation, or a chloride germ -
killer. This will Bill disease g.aiaa,
Lurking in dark, damp pia nes and
maintain the habit of the animals,
wlli'h is at the foundation of profit-
able; inilk prodeetion.
fort The next. slop is to put in all brok-
en window li,;lee, but where the
owner thinks he (an'iol afford to buy
glass at the present. high prices, a
piece of coal r cloth, such as an old
sack, 'na • b:' tacked over the win-
dow space. This will provide some
ventilation in a rita110 nor otherwise
vent tlatr•d.
Cries stables need ventilt.tioir in
winter by having the foul air remov-
ed and fresh air introduced without
a draft directly on. the cows. A sim-
ple way to do this is to hinge all
windows at the bottom and allow
theta to open inward, so as to shoot
the air toward the ceiling. There
should be a V-shaped board at each
side or end of the window, to pre-
vent the side -draft. Foul air outlets
should extend below the ceiling of
the stable, and preferably have two
inlets for foul air --one near the floor
and one at the ceiling, as in this way
tate foul air is removed without cool-
ing the stable too Bruch, by simply
closing the top outlet. No system of
cheap ventilation works automatical-
Iy. They all require some attention.
Other points in stable preparation
are to have all ties secure so that a
cow may not get loose; repairs to
mangers and gutters should be made
so that they may be kept clean and
sanitary without too touch labor.
Litter and feed carriers are great sav-
ers of labor in looking after a herd
of milkers during the winter.
In a word, make the cows com-
fortable and lessen the labor of
stabling cows by having them sani-
tary and convenient, with as many
helps as possible in the form of ma-
chinery.—Prof. H. H. Dean, 0. A.
College, Guelph.
In the Estate of Nelson Denom-
me, Late of the Township of slay,
in the County of Huron, Farmer,
' NOTICE is heieby given that
all persons having any claims ag-
ainst Nelson Denomme, who died
tee the 7th day of January, 1920, at
the Township of Hav, are r -qt i e 1
on or before the 13th day of March
1920, to send by Post or deliver to
Mt s. Rachel Denomme, R.R. 2,
,Zurich, Ont., and Williini 1)ueh.i"
me, R. R. No. 2 Zurich, Ont. Ex-
ecutors of the Will of the said de-
ceased, full particulars of their
claims; and that after the said telt
mentioned date the said Executers
willp roceed to distribut the as-
sets of the said deceased among
the persons entitled thereto, hav-
ing regard only to the claims of
which they shall then have had
notice. and that the said Execut-
ors will not be liable for the said
assets or any part thereof, to
any person of whose claim they
shall tot then have received not-
Dated at Ooclerich the 5th .lay of
February*, 1920.
Proudfoot, Kiloran and Cooke,
Solicitors for said Executor:,
If Mixed with Sulphur it Darkens
so Naturally Nobody
can Tell.
Grandmother kept her hair beauti-
fully darkened, glossy and attractive
'with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Whenever her hair took on that dull,
faded or streaked appearance, this sim-
ple mixture was applied with wonder-
ful effect. By asking at any drug
store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound," you will get a large bot-
tle of this old-time recipe, improved
by the addition of other ingredients, all
ready to use, at very little cost. This
simple mixture dan be depended upon
tp restore natural color and beauty to
the hair.
A well-known downtown druggist
says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage. and
Sulphur Compound now because it
darkens ego naturally anti evenly that
nobody can ten It has been applied ---
it's so easy to use, too. You simply
dampen a comb or soft brush and
draw it through your hair, tatting one.
strand at a time. BY morning the
gray hair disappears; atter another
application or two, It is restored to its
natural color and looks glossy, soft
and beautiful. This preparation is a
delightful toilet requisite. It is not laic
totaled for the cure, mitigation or prof
vection of disease. ...
Cave of Plants In '(Winter.
Water growing pot plants only
when they need it, then water them
thoroughly. When the soil begins
to get dry and powdery on the sur-
face, or when the pot is tapped with
the knuckles or a knife handle and
it emits a ringing sound, the plant
requires water. Give sufficient water
so that It. runs out through the bot-
tom of the pot. Water plants in the
morning in cold weather, not at
night. Use tepid rain water, or water
that has been exposed to air and sun
for a day or two, if possible. The
water should be lukewarm, about 50
to 60 degrees F. in winter.
Humidity in the atmosphere is
one of the main requirements to be
successful with plants indoors. Place
pans or saucers of water on the heat-
ers or registers. A steaming kettle
or pot of water on the stove is a
great help in this respect.
When the pots become full of
roots, or where the soil is poor, worn
out or exhausted, liquid fertilizers
can be given plants. The soil should
be moist., not dry, or very wet, when
the fertilizer is aerated. There are
several gond plant foods sold at seed
stores. "Sterling Worth Plant Tab-
lets" or "Honors" are both good.
Half an. ounce of nitrate of soda die -
solved in a little warns water firet,
and cold water added to make one
gallon, also makes a fairly good fer-
tilizer for pot plants. Apply otter,
every week or ten days.
Spraying with water will help keep
down insect pests. A fine spray thor-
oughly applied to all parts of the
plant is nee 'clary to be effective.
Plants having very ror.gh hirsute fol-
iage, should not be sprayed or spong-
ed, especially in winter, only fhe
plants having ;glossy, glabrous fol
lags. Insect pests increase anri thrive
best in a clry, warm atmosphere. For
aphis or green lice, white fly, red -
spider and tlirip, "Sulpho-Tobacco
Soap" is a good remdy. I3lack Leaf
40 is also a good remedy for most
insect posts on house plants. Soap)
water or a, solution of whole oil soap
-and tobacco water are beneficial for de
insects on plants.
Slake about one-half pound If
fresh lime in a. pail of water, allow
it to settle. Give about a teacupful
of this solution Once of twice to each ..
plant suffering from earth worms,
Put frozen plants in a dark place
eta since, temperature about 45 de
The Iferald Department is al-
ways ready to turn out first-class
work at moderate prices consider
ing the great increase in cost of
production. Every farmer should'
and many have already, have a
printed supply of note paper and
envelopes, with No,. of Telephone
and .Rural Mail route, and perhaps
whatever specialty he follows in
stock, grain or fruit. It looks
businesslike and costs little rnor't
than the retail price of the blank'
Forsyth—At London on January,
20th, William Arthur Fo1u; i zi,
formerly of Zurich, aged '34.
For fine Job Work call at the
Herald Office..
Ti my the Edition Amberola is
the World's Universal lvitu lcel in-
stiument. 'Come see and !Rear
them and judge for yourself.
Alsr. Edison Blue Ami;erol rec-
ords in stock,
.talc'' Singer . eaving maeh'ne.s in
stock and agent for Pian'iz. Of-
fice at my residence.
H. 1W'ELL, - Zuri h.
i.., .' Wei 3111'
Cry fer Rector's
Fletcher's Ceeto_.:,;. is st-ictiy a rel.ledy for Infants and Children.
roods are specially pre:eared fer babies. Ai baby's medicine
is even more essential fer Doty. Remedies primarily prepared
for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of
a remedy for the common easements of Infants and Children
that brought Castoria before the public after years of research,
and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30
years has not proven.
/hat is CA TO f
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Sy i ups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend.
]gears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
Milill1111,ilfiGiBiClllllilllllllllllf11118111111N11gillillilliflilllllllll1111 1111411Illi! illllilll!III!II IIi9!ChiltRJl!N@111111;1tilf i eilflIglii!iill14 !MI lli!i111111ililillI11illlllll IIIHIIIIInIIIIA
Herald and Daily 'dobe ...... ... ... $5.00
Herald and Weekly Globe ....., --. --. .... 2,60
Herald and Daily Mail and Empire ...... 5.00
Herald ancl Weekly Mail and Empire ... ... 11,130
Herald and Daily Star $4.00
Herald and Weekly Star ... ... 2,60
Herald and Daily News
Herald and Free Press, evening' edition
Harald and Free Press morning edition
Herald and Advertiser, morning edition
and Advertiser, evening edition ... ............5.00
and Farmers Advocate ... ... ... ... ... 2.75
anti Farm and T)airy .. 2.01)
and 'Weekly Sun ... ... . .. ... ... o 75
and Family 'Herald rend Weekly Star 2.35
and Canadian Coon hymen 2.110
anti. Weekly Wi,tnese
Herald and Farmer's Magazine ......... ...2.50
Herald and Youth's Companion ... ... ... .................3.50
Renew your papers with us!anii wave rnoney
The 1-
,� .A D
gr'ees F. Do not touch the leaves.
°Sprinkling I1 n t f 1 di it Il II i I { Iii T a r a.°
with ice cold water is yy
lflgllll�HIHIIIHiIIUIVb�lfilifllllliVIIIIIIIIIIIifliflllllllll6ilfnkilNI,IIGI:IIVIIII,Ii(i,Jflll��ilalllilllil)II�IIIIIIiILIJfl11111111611111�aIIIIhIbIIfiJNlafl ll{I u f1 NI►IIIIIifIIIIINIIIIhlllfllillillllillll
beneficial,, W. Idttnt,, Oaf 4, Celloses