HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-02-12, Page 4THE HERALD Issued Wednesday afternoon from the THE HERALD PRINTING OFFICE The annual meeting of the sub- scribere of the Hay Municipal Sy - Effective after Jail. 1st. 1920 stem. held on Tuesday, was fairly Terms of subscription 0425 per year well attended. The financial st- irs advance ; $2.00 may be charged if not 60 paid. U. S. subserterrrent of the :system for 1919 n'i,oti- was presented by Reeve J. Laporte onis $1,75 strictly lip advance, No ( who acted as chairm4r, and an ac- count given of the new constru- ction work undertaken and com- pleted during last year. Mr. La- pc.rte also stated that he expeeted that it would not be neceassary to reuse the service charges now in force as it was likely that the sy- stem would have a neat balani e on hand et the end of 1920. The natter of more efficient serdiee was also discussed ,and suggestions made whereby this could be great- ly helped by the co-operation of the subscribers and operators. The system now has nearly 575 subscribers and it is expected th•it the 600 mark -will be reached before the enc( of the present year. Mun cipal Matters (By A. F, H.) paper discontinued \anti' all ar- rears are paid unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which eve'ty subscription is paid is denoted on the label. ADVERTISIN:r RATES Display Advertising -Made known en application. Stray Animals—One insertion 50e three insertions $1.00. Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c. each insertion for one month of four insertions, 25e. for each subsequent insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., each insertion 25a. Local Reading notices, etc„ 10e. per line per insertion. No naotice less than 25c. Carel of Thanks 50e. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a line. Auction Sales, $1 for ane inser- tion and $1.50 for two insertions if moderate size. Professional Cards not exceeding 1 inch. $6 per year. Address all communications to THE HERALD ZURICH, ONTARIO. • STANL.'.Y TOWNSHIP. Mr. Ralph Stephc'nsnn and Mr. D. J. Stephenson have gone to Marlette., Mich., to attend the .funeral of their mice, daughter of Mr, W H Stephenson. Miss Ella Dawson went last we- ek Kennelworth, to visit her sister, Mrs. Oscar Wright, Mrs. 1' ?eek of Hensall is sp- ending a few days at the home of her son, Bert, Babylon Line. Miss Maggie Armstrong has re- turned home from a few days vis- it-with is- it •with her cousin, Geo. Armstrong of Brucefield. BLAKE. Mrs. Ray Consitt nad little son cif Hillsgreen spent the week -end eat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. eiapfe. Quite a number from thi> Heddon. ity attended the Carnival in..Zur- A grant of $15.00 was made to icdi last Friday evening.. the South Huron Agricultural So- ciete for the year 1920. The application of Mr. Milton Deitz for the position of operator end linesman of the Hay Township Telephone System at Zurich Cen- tra: was accepted. .The reeve, Mr. John Laporte, was authorized to sign contract appointing Mr. Milton Deitz, tis operator and linesman of the Zur- ich Central and that such con- tract shall be executed by said par- ties or: Feb. 10th at 1 o'clock, p. m. rOLICE TRUSTEES ORG ANPZE The Police Trustees of Zurich held their first regular meeting .on M,unday. Mr. F. C. Kalhfleisch was appointed chairman of the Boarci and Inspecting Trustee and 11Jr. A. F Hess, eecr,Aary. .A. num- ber of accounts were passed. The annual report of the Hydro Electric Department of Zurich for the year ending Dec. 31st, 1919, has been received from the Hydro Electric Power Commission's wl- itc.•rs The operating report sho- ws a net surplus of $1281.62, after making all charges. The total assets are now $9051.64 and t he surplus $2990,03. ---- . ---- HAY COUNCIL This Cumuli clo proceed to car- ry out the said memorial project, and do set aside the sura of $1000. as a perpetual memorial fund, such sural to be paid out of 'the general funds of the Township,and. to be invested and . kept it vested in some interest or dividend yield- ing securities or secutity, to— be approved of by the Council nad. i: successors in office, and that the iliterest arising from. such in- eestment or investments shall be applies: from time t- rime as the Municipal Council shall direct, to lir oe ids Scholarships for success- ful pupils in the Various public and separate schools throughout the Township, such Scholarships to be knnwti as the War Memoral Schol- arehips and to be awarded to pup- ils according to merit and as may be determined by the Municipal Co uncil of the Township o fHay. And further that this Council purchase suitable and appropriate medals for presentation to the pi;rents or immediate relatives: of the deceased soldiers of our Town 3:h'p, and to our returned soldiers who enlisted for service, and. AV host' residence was, at the time of their enlistment, or now is, in our Tawnbsip, and that for •sneh psi pose the sum of $400.00 be le i.l our of the general fund of the Township, The fellow'ing accounts a ere pas- sed ;— Municipal World, 8 subs and seppiies 11.50; Herald, printingfo: Tow nhsip 51.75; M. Nesbitt, bur- sar, for C. Rupp 3 months 39.00; A. F. Hess, registering births, m. and deaths for 1919, 25,00; J.. }lab- orer, auditor's salary 8.00; W. R. i:augall, ditto, 8.00; G. E. Thomp- son, grant stat, labor 21.25; South Huron Agr, Society, grant 15.00; C in. Ind. Tel. Co., supplies 13.07; Northern Elec. Co. Supplies, 83.90; Herald, printing for telephone 15.00 P. McIsaac, corn. L.D.T. re Dash 17.75: ditto on collections 14.00; ditto, messenger service to Jays. 1.a0;Bell. Tel. Co. labor account, cal:lemen 370.26; Bell. Tel. Co., L. T.'. T. Dec. 21, to Jan. 2.0, 75.35; A. The regular meeting of the Co- F. Hess, commission on toll coll uncil of the Township of Hay ;vas 11.13, J. Laporte, refund tel tax, held or Feb. 7th, 1920. All the 12 0a; E. Wurm, livery rse, tel, 1200. members were present. The min The council adjourned to meet Jr. IV ;—H. (Zimmer 3b3, Lu utee of the previous meeting ,sere again on Saturday, March 6th,- at WilIere 357, A. Rader 307, C. Snell read and adopted. 1 o'clock, p. m. 276, Li. Willert *216, L. Eveland '176, The Auditor's Report of the Tree' 'A,. F. HESS, Cle'r11.Tienla13 *158. asurer's and Collector's books of t.i S. Howard, Principal DASHWOOD 73?lie Ladies' Aid of Calvary Eve angelicieal church Held their mon- thly meeting at the hoarse of Mrs. John England. The meeting was in charge of Mrs, A, Birk, who con ,ducted it very ably. Although the roads were in poor condition, They managed to get there. And. enjoyed their time spent iwth Mrs. England, who is not enjoying the best of health, Miss Ada Fassold left Saturday for London, where she has accept- ed a position, Mr. 0. Simons of Fairda.le, Sask•, has been visiting with relative and friends. here, Mr Lee Guenther of London sp- ent the week -end at his home here. Mr S. Adams of London was a visitor intoes' n one day last week Mr. Snider 'of Gormley is visiting with his brother, Mr. W. Snider. Miss Hazel Snell spent a few days with Miss Mildred Sehroe.ter near Crediton. Miss L. M. Hartleib is visiting in Lacin. Rev.nclEifert of Tavistock called on friends ap few clays last week. Mr and Mrs. Geo. Cook spent a few days in Wilton Grove th iswe- ek. Miss Rose Guenther in impro,•ing from her illness. Miss Edmeston 'visited with fri- ends in Crediton over Sunday. . Mr and Mrs. T. Klumpp moved into their new home Monday. Word has been received here of th7 de nth of Richard Hamilton at Keatin.;, B. C. -He was a former resident of this town. Mr W. Willert spent a few days in Lo •bon this week. Dr. Taylor spent Friday in Lon- don. ;.7CIrhOOL REPORT ,Sr.. V; Total 500—V. Fassold 421, L. Gee—weer 403, H. Ireland 113* Jr. \ ; Total 500—E. Howard 390 C Steinhagen 344, M. Tiernan 263' M. Jennison* . Sr, IV ; Total 450—A. Hoffman 394, F. Hartleib 389, E. Guenther 380, P. Kleinsliver 375, U. Zimmer 366, J Guenther 339. the Township for the year 1919 was adoptee, and 50 copies be printed for distribution among the rate- payer, A. granl of two bags of flour was made to the family of Mr. Geo. Mr Chas. Meyers, who ince been id for some time was remo ;ed to the hospital at London for treat- ment. His many friends hope for sr speedy; Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of Hil- lsgreen called on friends in th Village recently. Mrs. Edighoffer is visiting fri- ends near Hillsgreen. COUNTY NEWS The death. occured in t.sborne on Thursday, January 29th, of a highly respected resident in the person of Martha Ann Btpel:, wife of Wm. H. Penwarden, at the age of 62 years. The funeral took place an Saturday to Zion Cem- etery, Exeter. IF BACK HURTS USE SALTS FOR KIONEYS F,at lees meat if Kidneys feel like lead or Bladder bothers you—Meat forms uric acid. Most folks forget that the kidney!, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged lend need as flushing occasionally, else we leave backache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rhea i natie twinges, torpid liver, acid s+,oniaeb, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder die +orders. ;You simply must keep your kidney iaoti've and clean, and the moment you Seel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salta from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water ibefore 'breakfast for a few days and gout kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with laths, and is barmlese to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It &Alio neutralizes the acids in the Torino so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is bars'L.ss; inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent lithisr 'water drink which a .•n: ybo dy should take tow and then tel keen• their kidneys clean, thus avoiding ssrioils oomplications. A well-known local druggist says he bails lots of JedSalts to folks Who believe lin overcoming hickey trouble while it is lotallt trouble. WAR MEMORIAL 1N THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY On the 15th of January, 1920,the council 01 the Township of Hay adopted the •following resolution respecting the War Memorial pro- ject„ which was approved of by the ratepayers at the last muni- cipal nomination meeting and whi ch has been under discussion and consideration by the council for seam( time That whereas at a largely at- tended meeting of the ratepayers of our Township held on the. 29tH and harmless. day of December, 1919, for the eurpose• of r,Oniinatine candidate HENSALL. Miss Eliza Thompson, who re -c c•at13• went to Guelph and has be- en seriously ill in the'ho-.pital there is not improving. Mr. Wm. Bell who has been sal- esman in MacLarens hardware for the past five years left Wednesday last, for Windsor where he has reeured a similar position. Mr. Frank Hagen of near Zur- ich last week sold his driver to 11Ir. Alex. Sparks of Seaforth for $140. 'Mrs. W G. 'Wilson was called to Niagara Fails Saturday owing to the serious illness of her daughter, ldrs. Herbert Chamberlain. The Jackson Mfg. Co. gave na exhibition of their work last Ffi- dag, evening.. Mr. Davis pad a- bout twenty young ladies of the Exeter branch were present. 6•41.0••••••••• O..4.411.4.4•.i..i..0.p0.4.0 ®LD -TIME COLD CURE-- DRINK HOT TEA! Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup frill at any time during the day or before retiring. It is the most efiectivo way to break a colt( and cure grip, as it opens the pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breal-ing up a cold. Try it the next time. you suffer teom a cold or the grip. It is inexpensis-e and entirely vegetable, therefore safe for the Reejeship and for the fo' RUB SNE flee of Councillors for the year 702)). matter of providing in our Township some fitting memorial to 1 commemorate th:.' hero'sm and sac • riiirre of our young men, who • n- some reason the second team got 1i b: i fin.., the Township of Hay Rub Soreness fromjointsandmuscles frightened and running away I el - with lin tire' cheat World with a small trial bottle of old Wei anti who fought and d;e•1 in St. Jacobs Liniment the defence ,:f freedomand jus- IStop "dosing„ Rheumatism. tiee and in defence of our homes I It's pain only; not 0110 ease in fifty rand our b: err re, was aiscuesed i requires internal treatment. Rub end where e .r'- ret the same meet- • soothing, penetrating. '.St Jacobs Lini- itir+, it w*:, i rrrpr;, e 1 that this Go • anent" right on the 'tender spot," and alit;. :: rc,+.3' a expend from $1107.11' out comes thethe tirnetir rscaunatile parinns'St to Wiener) in providing such e ' Jacob's Liniment" 38 a harmless rheu- merneriai matism cure which never disappoints Arai whereas, the question of a and doesn't burn the Skin. It takes arr,•a ter,:e'*tai'_ru'^ and the lather., Pain, soreness and stiffness' from rich- joints, I ,r woe sol ni t,ted to the vote i ung joints, muscles and bones; stops r the retype vers I,reaent at OP ociataca, lumbago, backache, neuralgia. L' b 1 C t 30 t b tel of IIvIATISM STIFF ACIJG FFfflM JONT3 ROOM II Sr. III; Total—Laura Reid, 108, Verde. Baker 322, Sallie Bettchen 270, Elmer 'Zimmer 522,, Adolph Gu- enther 252, Oscar M:1:er e00, *Gertr ude Fisher 103, *Minnie Rinker 162, Jr. III, Total 480;—Varna Virk 369, Emma Graupner 302, Herold Kellerman 256, Loreen Baker }91, Clarence Fisher 26,5 Clara Bender 261, *Harry Hartleib 241„ Laml.ert Witmer 237, *Alvin Kellerman 2:9,' *Mabel Schade 141, Sr. II; Total 430 ;—Grace Guen- ther 385, .Ar'netta Steinhagen 337, Alice Willert 328, Almeda '_Yiil er 298 Eddie Hamacher 291, Elgin Merner 293, Courtney Burmeister 289, *Walker Stirs 265, Victor Tyler234 Alice Grigg 221, *Edna Wilds 189, *Aaron Restameyer 126 Jr. II, Total;— 430;— Harry Hof- fman 376, Nelson Dearing 357, Flos- sie Kleinstiver 325,._Eugene Tiernan 293, *Kenneth Wein 2.7, *The:Ma Elsie 1913, 'Anna Tiernan 18e, * Ethel Hartleib 161. 41 Edmeston, Teahcer. Owing to the irregular attend- ance: Roam I, is unable to report. Those marked * were absent a number of clays owing to illness, and quarentine. EXETER Mr Wilson Anderson me: with ar unfortunate accident one dey recently when he missed his hold on a ladder in the barn, and iai:ins backwards broke his collar/ one. Mr. Thos. Holden sustained a painful injury on Thursday .a. -r. Ile and 1v1r. J. W. Waiper were iri wing out the Thames Wind rifer loads, and Loth were sitting :at the rear of Mr Houlden.s sleigh, with Mr, 'Waipe•r's tenni following. For o. le r:t ' '.a rn er lap e. a cen 0 e i • mr e' in ; 'Who un n`mnusiy rrn- old time, honest "At. Jacobs Lirtirnent,r • rveci of 1lnd w:anetinne'I the sal 1 : fronf any drug store, and in a moment ex .enditaare for the purpose of i you'll be free Pram pains, selves and i P 1 ' stiffness. Don't Suffer 1 .flub rheums - suer( memorial, i tisxn away. IVO 15)WVedilit Italt�.idtheear ;As e j iIII'�lli E are farmers' best friends. When the old wind- mill fails to "water the cows" be prepared with a UNITED to pump water. And for scores of other jobs your UNITED will save you hund- reds of dollars. Run the washing machine, the cream separator, churn, grindstone and many other machines with this Handy, Reliable Power Plant. United 1' H. P. Specifications are Unequaled 374 in. noto. 5 in. Stroke. 18 in. Fly Wheels weigh 40 lbs.' each. Total approximate weight 350 pounds. "Air Valve" fuel -saver carbur. dtor. Quick Speed Changing Device. Ask Us for Prices on All Size Engines a No 110 eti.,1.15+� r,,G_. ffg icre L. PRANG, ' Sok Agent ZURICH " E, ARE IN TI -IE MARKET 11FOR ALL KIN :veli OF AY i I. HIGHESTASH PRICES F. C.Ka11h..fieih,:Zuri�h imbed -onto the sleigh where the men were. Mr, Walper jumped to one side end escaped injury, but the tongue of the sleigh struck Mr, Houlden in the el.iest, and br clke two ribs away from the br- ant.. Rc'vv. Dr. and Mee. Medd, were in 73lvth hist week attending the fenr'rni of n relative. Tho court case laid by the Boarci of Health for selling meat not fit for human food was heard before Magistrates Ilawkins and Taylor last Thursday and was pose tponed for one week to allory an examination of the meat by Pro- iineial authorities'.. The Final JUST TWO MORE WEEKS AND LOTS OF BARGAINS YET This week, commetacing Feb. 9th, we shall finish up the Prints, FLANNELETTS, COTTONS AND T OWELING, , LADIES' AND MEN'S. UNDERWV•EAS. Specials in LAD IES' HOSE and MEN'S SOCKS. THE LAST WEEK, COMMENCING FEB. lath WILL NOT BE THr•4 LEAST, A BIG ASSORTM ENT OI' ALMOST HALF PRICE. LADIES' WAISTS AT WALL PAPER, DISHES, C APS, SHOES, RUBBERS. E.A. McAsh Varna Do you carry enough insurance? Material used in constructing buildings as well as furniture clothing, etc., has greatly adtraneecl in price. Therefore you should be insured higher to protect yourself •El g ainst Serious Loss: Ar F. Hess = Zurich AGENT FOR LEADING ,EIRE INSURANCE ,COMPANI> S *Mlet ttrossiskestroorairmr