HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-02-12, Page 11 nt31.1.1•F1,1,711. ZURIC Vol. XX No 32 ER. ALD ZURICH, THU 1. \Y MORN1NG. FEBRUARY 12, 1920. 1e8ter yLe. a Smith,rdPvuabni icseh YOUR HARNESS NEEDS Wilt be promptly attended to here. See:us about DOUBLE TEA.IVI HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS Rugs, Blankets, Bells Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc - A Trial olicited FRED THIEL ZURICH 4.. It ./- -71dif "1:gdesuers=,-s,„ome-grei s: -.-.......4.1.-e---7-22 Mrs, D Koehler spent the past week at Kitchener. Dr. B. Campbell was a business visitor to London on Friday. HOCKEY Miss Mary Gascho was a visit- or to London last week. Miss Margaret Lamont of Lon- don is visiting at her home here. Rev, Morris Mines of New Yorl.. city is spending the week here. • - Last Friday Miss Anne Wu, m o: the village had the misfortune while engaged in hanging up slme wash in the kitheen, to fall a chair and fracture both her arms near the wrist. Drs. Campbe'' tin 1 MacKinnon were at once calle 1 and sustained the fractures. " We lhope for a speedy recovery of A fast game of ElLekey wi!1 be play.. Miss Wurm, ed off at the rink, to -night, Thursdam + 4. + + evening between Dashwood and Zurich 740 0000000 • • -0 -0 • :3 41 On page four of this week's II:r- ald in reading over the Hay Cun- eil we notice that our worthy Council is doing someth- essimeeosesso••••••••••••saceeoceseesseeeeese 600•••••••••••••••tesoaft • j» in the fmu oI a S°1'lev's M'ca • %oriel, by depositing a sum of mo 3- : ey, the interest of same to be awarded for scolarships :innually. This we think ndeed well is ia Many. Exceptional At Preeter's Store Men'sand Boy's 2 Overcoats • 2 0 • 0 s. 2 • • • '0 • 0* 2 • 4 • • ono 411i 0 Right here young men are the smartest Overcoats in town with waist seamed and form fitting. • Men's Suits All will find chosing easy; from these suits %in rich dark cloths smartly cut and thoroughly tail - cut and thoroughlyt ailored, Br- owns, grays and fanCy stripes and mixtures, all sizes. CORDED VELVETS LA splendid range of corded vel- vets in all colors, price from 75e to $100 a yard. FLANNELETTE GOWNS Ladies' heavy quality, White . • I flannelette night gowns made very roomy in all sizes. WOOLNAP BLANKETS v_ pa o fine quality wool - nap blankets extra large size and Ims ali wool Skating Sets, with VLIM'i, large scarf and touques to match, in. all ; tANFIELVS NNDERWEAR alues Men's Underwear Men's Wool Combination suits, Stanfield's brand, all wool suits, sp- lendid good values in all sizes. Men's heavy Wool Ribbed shirts and drawers, sizes 34 to 44, All - „Wool underwear from $2.00 -up. Men's Heavy Wool Socks A. large range of Men's heavy everyday wool socks in grey and khaki, from 35e. to 75c, a pair. Dress Goods 36 -inch Silk Poplins, $1.30 a -ed. This price is less than wholesale -v cost' to -day and these are erY superior qualities and the color range is complete. 45 inch All -Wool Serges, Navy Brown, Black and Green. All - Wool English Serge; for dresses and skirts, very speci*al value, Wool Sets very fluffy at $10.00 a pair. LAMES' AND CHILDREN'S SWEATER COATS Ladies' Sweater Coats in all col- ors. with "V” necks, all aizes, LADIES' CASHMERE HOS Ladies' black and brown Cach- niere Hose mall sizes, from $1. to $0.50 a pair. . Ateo.a.uu,agza.a*,. , Phone 59 WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S BOSE' Women's heave cotton hose for these cold days.. These stockings are most comfortable, fast black, splendid quality: Children's Cashmere hose all wool cashmere, black, white, red and ten, sizes for Kiddies 2. to 7 years, extra warm, durable fast colors. totke, 416tOttigV0 42166****46.40W14° Produce Wanted 014),‘ .9*.A4444.001be Skates Sharpened Every Evening 15 Cents a Nit. Hess the Jeweller • • Phone 67 'sidered arid great step t•owardcon- s • • .great re -construction work that *1 , to is going on in Canada at the pres- is - . „m--- 40 0 ent time as never before. Some 7-- e of our neighboring municipalities ..q e are offering Special Reduced I . .. have spent large suras of monet • in erecting monuments, which in I V e -..- -5_ e :14tith long grass and weeds and ye.• rs-e • t • laps at times will only be recog- es, ---- 1;,,„, Prices on the following lines for a . „many cases will be surrounded S O ,)Sized by some of the less cultuee I c)iiary boys as a target to throw sq. • - • limited time. _ ..._ .. stcnes,and rocks at and consr...1-1,„ O t---,-;„ -E- 2 uEntly sustain damages in In ny O ways. We hope that through N- 0 • this noble influence some Misses and Girl's Scarf and CCan Sets, -- fA.- ii, v i N ...:: scholarships will be awarded and ki. Men's and Boy's Sweater Coats. .: lg. be the means of encouregine,•many 2 e: • Men's and Boy's Winter Caps — a bright pupil of Hay Township. =-=-- ------- 0. Men's Wool lined leather Mit.s. r.. - AN INCREASE IN --e-es ' ,,,:i.':•e-t • ' TEACHERS' S!-AjiMIES, ,... ' 1. - ..-- !/T,e0.,...`itltI.,,,..PeVe : 1:14':Y• .1111b1151,-.-'- • e At the last meeting of the On- ..-1 Men's and Boy's Heavy Socks. • tario Educational Associatioii Sal- ff. 0 • axles Committee the following iren s.:.-- . frs----7: . Common and Fingering Yarn : haulms were adopted;—Assistanc4 IM 2 and teahcers in ungraded sells o.s, LI : having interim certificates liS W ' :7-'-';'. f N. , :OUGLAS K. -------L 1 per annum, permanent $1,000, prar- IR cipals with interim certificates, r-3 PHONE 11 on 97 BLAKE F • $1,000, and permanent $1,200. ,... m..-- ... — 0 Since New Years many schools .1111illillailli0111111181112111111111011i1111h11111111A1111014111111111111111111110111111111111IIIIMINI11111111;:lilUlillifi;111K1111%111111i1121111111PIIIMM111131111411113$11Illill boards have given their teachers • 49 ially in the larger centres and in a substantial salary inerease5> esr;"- S' iet440509A04f0700110f 440004041110400•S tO****tiOso*O041150000-411010104Of ................_. , o O many of the local sections as wee. • Hensel' teachers received a 15;s: - et • sistant teacher's salary was rais- e Hooke e increase. In Dashwood the as,- : 2 ed to $800 and that of the prin- * cipal to 10,200. Mr. Redmond, .„ teacher of a one -roomed school 4 - with twenty-two pupils, near Belgrave, had his salary raised fa..om $750 to $1,200. A few mon- .... - Chs ago Miss Love, who left Ex- "' eter wher4 she received less than $000 now receives $1,200. Some have received even larger incr.7as- .4* es• but if the majority of th?'... school boards will follow the ex-' ample given, Ontario will soon. ! have. a sufficient number of can-:: able teachers, instead of there re- ing a shortage of 2,000 as at present, the oPlift of eclueatic'n, which Is etilillillnill101111111111111111111Millli1111111filllillplIfilieyglelllillef1111111bill111111111111111lilelniPP.Illi1111.11111111111611111gliffNliellililillillg1111111111111111111101110111110111111142 undoubtedly the prime issue of th's THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL and RESERVE $9,000,000 Over 120 Branches Oportnnity Shuns Those Upnprepared toGrasp It Start a Savings account today, lin The Molsons Bank, and be ready for opportunity when it Comes along. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch 477-.-44! 0 0 00 0 1 0o 0 0 00 0 ca+ 0 00 0 0 4' 4' • 4' 01124666$00600061/0011411011111,00 • 96966060 C T. U. NOTES k Val ti354400 4 ',.23e040 4 44000444100004.4040404+6140484 The next, meeting of L,L, W. C. U. vi11 be held at the no= of Mrs. C. 'Fritz on Wedne.tuy, Feb- ruary the 148th, a t8 p, m. Lloyd George said ita.intly; "Drink during the war :.ss used up, as much tonnage a .10 Ger- mans sank with all fi _loll submar- ines. Drink during the has killed more men than ,.- . boon killed by the German , M CIO 1 Drink during the war oyed more food than w h sub- marines put together." Canada's popalat'on i e by the census branch of trute nad- commerce departn— at 8,- 835,102. The census br.• ', has based its estimate for . eas.1.0'9 n the known increasef popu- lation as shown by thi, 11:19 : 1901 and 1911. Ouch •ea tions have in the past prove. • • proximately eorroct. .i,"eA 6 For Infants and C 0 .. *. 0 In Use For OvEra' :.;i".. -i.--.. -eres 0 Always bears the!,,.........«,....„..atti 1. • Zi1900#* of ---:i.......:::•.,7' NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF zunclr MRAs sx..A.TING SUCH A NOVELTY AS THIS SEASON. BE SURE YOU HAVE THE e t Hoe key Shoes WE HAVE THEM ALL SIZES, AND TO SUIT YOUR PURSE, BUTTER AND EGGS WANT ED C. FRiTZ The Shoeman 1'4!!"414 414. 445 4 Lerea!! n ..re, Seine of the most successful I:on tamers found their ski11 unit s'a.11- :ng whsn de ling with thea C. Some of our i enders made re- marks oi the undersize of the Herald last welt. This was due to som: mistake of th.- express Co. that CA 1,110:1 our weekly supply of ready -print front Toronto(t did not arrive until Friday after- noon, and as we -go to press on Wednesday noon, it 'W113 a few days late, se we did the next best thing and used -what paper we could find about the shop in or- der to reach our subscribers in the usual time. Tjjj"t The ;...;7..q: Paid Pre(v• Deek-keepeni Only thee., tor ad« v:me9i))eat f., sz.q • f;t• inestadY trat.ling, not. Jot: •••;i:),..! with Fom• • omapa. am. 0 Illefei We have r:ere Certi- tle4 -.rantt thao has tte,n, %elpecl hundrms „o..•)s secaro Ol paving nel:..,i0n5. on ',lei ya• ..aternati mat Torotto • NOTICE am -offering my propertyfor sale in Zurich, my residence on Mill St. that I am now occupying, and what is known as Geiger's Confeetery, pro- perty- For particulars applp to D., Koehler. SHORT COURSES IN JLTD— GING HEAVY HORSES AND BEEF CATTLE The South Huron Board riculture will hold short coursel jedging as follows ;— Crurliton, Monday, Feb. 16th. Zmich, Tuesday, Feb. 17th. Turntr's church she 1, Tuckenm:t1t4 Veb. 1.8th, Thureday, Feb. 20th, Judging in charge of J. :let. Mc-. Callum of Shakespeare and S. 33,, Strothers, Agr, Role, Judging at 2 p. m. Evening me rtins at 8 Nal. las. T. Keys, President, A, IL Douier, Secntary. , . • !!!