HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-02-05, Page 4Clearing Sale STOCK TAKING IS OVER AND tWE HAVE NOW PREPARED fEVERAM BARGAIN TABLES FOR YOUR INSPECTION. TNTann TIMES OF HIGH PRICES: YOU SHOULD NOT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY OF PROCURING SOME OF THESE FIRST CLASS GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES,. • MERE ARE ONLY A FEW OFTHE15x;-- LA IE'S COATS 1 Only Ladies' Coat, Black .Baby Lamb Cloth Reg. 30.00 for $23.00 1 Only Ladies Coat, Black Baby Lamb Cloth Reg. 34.00 for$28.09 fl only Ladies' Coats Reg.28.50 for $21.90 A large assortment of coats, your choice at each $4,00 MEN AND BOYS WEAR A FINE LOT OF MEN'S OVERCOATS AT BARGAIN PRICE . Coats. ( $ only Boy's Suits at each $6.00 to $8.00 p only Men's Sheep Skin lined Coats Regular 515.00 for $13.50 Men's fleeced shirts and drawers only a few sizes at each 75c DRESS GOODS, ETC b pieces only Dress Goods at reduced prices. 'Extra 'About 1o0 -yds. of Gingham 40 in.wide, reg 40 and White flannelette Sheeting Regular $1.25 now tor Wool Underskirts. Regular price $1.40 now for REMNANTS Value, come and see them. 45c. now for 32c 51.00 $11.10 f3EE OUR REMNANT TABLE FOR BARGAINS IN SHORT ENDS OR DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS; FLANNELET'r , EiTC. All Sweater r oats at reduced priccet LA of toques at 25 cents each. Men's wool socks at 40c a pair. 4 dozen only, brooms at 50c. each. AND MANY MORE BARGAINS ome Early for best Choice. J. Gascho & Son ANNOUNCEMENT 1 have taken the contra t to handle Ford parts anti will stock a complete line of genuine Fora repairs. Bring your Motor car troubles to us. We specialize on any make Ali repelling guaranteed, We repair not experiment. I1. Mousseau Zurich GARAGE STAND AT T. JOHNSON rS FORMER FURNITUreE STORE ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST LATE ANDREW SARARAS There passed away at New Ham- burg, on Jan, 18th, of Mr. Andrew Sararas. He was in his usual hea- lth until Thursday, when he com- plained of a severe headache which gradually grew wor3e. Pe- eumonia set in which caused his death. (Mr, Sararas resided on a farm four miles from New Ham- burg until seven years ago,when he moved to town and had since beer, an esteemed resident of the vill ge, He reached the age of 64 years, 5 months and 9 days. He leaves to mourn their loss his wife and daughter Edna, ane bro- ther Cyrus, of New Dundee, and two sisters, blrs. W. Kline, of Wilmot, and Mrs. H. Sheard, of New Dundee.. The funeral took place oreWednesday afternoon, of last week, from his late home to Riverside cemetery, the funeral services being held in St. Peter's Lutheran church,. The late Andrew .Sararas was well known to many in Hay Town- ship, having frequently of late vis Red relatives here, and attended the funeral of the tate Michael Ka- erc•her a few weeks ago. Among those who attended the funeral from here were; Messrs. Josiah and Emanuel Sararas of the Sauble Line; Mr. Hy. Walper of town, Mr. N. Sararas of the Bronson line Simon of Hensall, and Mr. Har Taylor of Brucefield. Z. 1'. S. SCHOOL REPOR flasseptilarris Implements WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCAL AGRNT.S FOE THE CELEBRATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY. ALL YOUR WANTS IN THE LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS ALSO REPAIRS FOR MACHINERY, 'PLOW POINTS, ETC. GIVE US A CALL, Casper Walper Zurich - - Ont. + 4- 4- 4, 4+ We wish all our many Friends and Customers a Bright and Prosperous NEW YEAR + d ST'A D E PREETER BLOCK LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Thursday.) Butter ......... Eggs ............ Dried Apples .. ... Potatoes per bag .,. Dutch Setts ...... .., ., Wheat .. .._ _..._. Oats... ... ... Barley Buckwheat ...... Flour ... ... ... Bran ......... ... Shorts ......... . Hoge ......... 58 68 14 1.50 6%-7 1,95 80 1.25 1.25 $.50-61.10 45.00 50,04 18.00 Hockey News ,ZURICH 4, SE AFORTH 3 On Monday evening a game of real hockey was played on the loc- al rink when Seaforth met our boys for an exhibition game. Al- though the ice was slow and slushy, some real fine plays were made and a fairly large crowd wit nessed the game. Folio'. ing is the line-up; ZURICH Goal, Weber; L. D,., Lee Moff- man, R. D., .Clay. Hoffman; Cnt., Siebert; L. W., Davis; R. W. Cl. Hoffman; Subs. R. Preeter and L. O'Brien. ,SEAFORTH Goal, Stewart; L. D., Dick; R. D., Hulley; Centre, Hays; L. W., Hays: R. W., Consigney. •Score 4-3 in favor of Zurich. For the month of January. 40 Room IV. ' +', Sr. V; :Subjects, Writing, Liter- ature, Bookkeeping, and Aritllw met Russel: Preeter 67.5%, Meda Surerus 60.5; Ivan KKalbfleisch 57, Bruce Klopp 54, Dorothy Camp- bell 52, Ivan Kalbfleisch 43.5. Jr. V, Same subjects— Gordo; \Yelper 81%, Euloine Geiger 71, Lea - nis O'Brien 70, Hilda Neuschwar,,- ger 61, Albert Siebert 60, Rennie Weber 58, Whitney Brokenshire; 54.5, Dorothy Fritz 49. Sr. IV; subjects, writing, Liter- ature and arithmetic—Mabel Pre- eter 71, Veola Prang 70.5, Muriel Howald 67.5, Mary Mittelholtz -.57.5 , 1N. E. Dahms, principal. J.--4 0 ROOM III. Report of January, based on test exams held during the month. Jr. IV;—, 345 marks, 00°h. Luella Decher .435, Newell Gei- ger 406, Milton Hey 381, Edmund Be dard 378, Eleanor Ducharme 37$, — Frances Mittleholtz 376, Marguer- ite Prang 357, Ethel Deitrich 355, Ortha Mellick, 349, Theo Deichert Lloyd Walper 330, Gerald Bedard '297. Sr. III;—May Schwalm 422, John Kochems 417, Lillian Rader 413, Austin Schwalm 412, Frieda Dei - chert 411, Edwin Gascho 397, Liz- zie Leibold 378*, Ivan Yungblut'776` Lulu Albrecht 366, Ruth Brenner 4} 332, *Elda Callfas 326, III; --Garnet Walper 394, *Idella Howald 341, Ethel Hess 334, Raytn and Fisher- 303, Gilbert Ducharme 299, Irene Deeher 290, *Gordon . Schwalm 061, **Fred Davidson 252. F. M. Kalbfleisch Teacher. +—+ ROOM II Jr. III;—Claude Meidinger 84; Leonard Wagner 82, Anna Mittle holtz 31, Leonard Prang 81, Doro thy Brenner 80, Mildred Geiger 80., Luella Reichert 70, Wes. Callfas 62, Kenneth Koehler 61, Eveline Du- charme 514 Austin Hey 44, Elmore Leibold 42, Vernon Davidson 40, 4. Mein Gascho 33. Sr. Th—Helen Foster 8,5 Beulah }, Koehler 81, MarthaHeideman 83, . Agnes Dietrich 70, Gladys Mellick 75, Angela Mittleholtz 67, Victoria Dicchert 62, 'Hazel Bedard 53,Mer- E I vyr, Schwalm 55, Frances Dietrich ; 5`0, Arson Keller° 40. Jr. II; --Stella Callfas 82, Willie _ Neeb 75, Dorothy Zettle 70, Ed- _ Brenner 60, Russell Ducharme „+ 55, Goldie Uttley 45, Alice Deitz 44'. ' r O. O'Brien, Teacher . ' CARNIVAL Will be held ou Friday, Feb. 6th Or. the (Zurich Skating Arena. Commencing at 8 p. m. Trizes will be awarded for the fol lowing; -- Ladies Best Comic Costume Gents Pt Girls under 15 Boys :, Ladies Best Fancy Costume Gents Girls Boys 1st and 2nd prizes will be award 1 ed to the person making the most�l Fun on the Ice, Also prize for the cidest skater in Costume 1 -'rises will be ion exhibition in one of the windows. Everybody come and enjoy a Gird Evening's Sport. Skating afterwards until 11.00 p. m., don't forget. Admission' Adults 250. Children 15 f++++++++++++++++++++++++++.3.++++++++++++++++++++++++ under 15 „ STOCK TAKING ., TIME We are taking Stock, which will take approximately 2vveeks In the mean time, your ac- counts are ready, and we would ask you to give themyour pro- mpt attention. As we cannot carry any accounts over to our I920 Ledger. (Accounts mailed after Feb. 15th.) Watch this space for Bar- gains in two weeks. Zurich's Busy Store elick + ra . , PHONE 63 A. FEW BARGAINS We are offering in Wiaterwoax, before: our Spring Stock arrives. In the mean time your accounts are ready for 1919. Call for same. DENOMY EROS. - ZURIOH Produce taken in eschaugd for Goods GRANDMA NER 1E6 HER HAIR GET GRAY She Kept Her Leeks Dark and Glossy, with Sage Tea and Sulphur. When you darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur. no one can tell,•because it's done no naturally, so evenly. Preparing this mixture, though, at haute is mussy:and trouble- some. At little coat you can buy at any drug store the ready -to -use prep- aration, improved by the addition of other• ingredients called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." You just. darhpen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time.. By morning all gray hair disappears, and, atter another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark- ened,• glossy and luxuriant. Gray, faded hair, though no dis- grace, is a Sign of old age, and as we an desire a youthful and attractive appearance, get 'buffy at once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound and look years younger. This ready to -use preparation is a delightful toi- let requ1st te and not 'a medicine It is not intended for the cure, =Woe Hon or prevention of disease. We heartily extend to our numer- ouscustom ers and friends A HappyProsperousand ew Year; CALL, FOR ONE OF OUR NE 1920 CALENDE1Rg. Butterick Patterns For Sale Phone line 0