HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-02-05, Page 3BUSINESS CARDS FRommour, KILLORAN, & COOKE, Barristers, Solimbors, Notaris.s Public &c, 01lice, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Cloderich, Private fiite; i loam at lowest rates W. PROlTDPOOT, K. C. J. L. Kna,osaketi 1.1..1 1). al) 0 K Mr, Cooke willl)e in liensall on Friday and Sittlirdi•,,of eauli ANDREW F. Ilitt:SS. Notary Public Corn missioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co. Herald Office. Zurich. 211 it, T Fresh e.nd Salt Meats Bol.c14-ra Saysaves, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASI Tit• SKINS' C.. 711 !:.7)15.;:wG A.N5 Delohert I'UT YOUR Wants, For Sae, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN Dr. L Hare DENTIST At ZURICH. EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN C,FFICra — IIENQ ‘LL. •Pr-,08.10:37CPUPPUIPPICP.....%11.16*PCI.CPP.PIR6=2.90*.PPOWISPO Delaware & Hudson Co.'s FOR SALE Sleigh shoe, $9.00 a set, cash, while they last, -j. J. Barry, Zurieh, NOTICE Our Accounts are ready please . . call for yours. It not called for within a short Limo, we them, LAC'WA COAL As soft coal. Our terms are cash on &livery. ENSALL ONT. 3. OASCHOS:soN NOTICE. $5.90 a day the year aroond,• send for •,1,, early contract and sem.- pie ease free. H. V. MAT -1171N, Windsor, Ont. PP•17/...P.P/OPPNIRAPPI•sYrn.*:MIPIN.P01.01•••••••••1 VE POU LTV/. WrANIE-3 LOC 1,14Es COMMUNICATION Mr, Bd. Bossenberry is on the sieI list. Mr. Editor;— Mr. Hy. Schnell of Waterloo vls- Red relatives here the past week. under the heading of WW. T. U. Mr. and Mrs. E. Weide spent the Note, you say, il 1 remember cor- m.'ek-end with friends in Stanley. wetly, that Canada would now be .A number of cases of mumps eajomg• the 010it1. atlyen.!ea Tem - have recently been reportod in pinnate Legislation, in the sewed, the village, had not 014 ['oath...loos pla,;et tts Whiskey pedlars disguised as ielec NOw Sir; 1 quite .1.,,..iti-,t- Salvatienists is the latest in rid- and that these iteme W010 :lawiod igiOUS Toronto, 1 to you for pabliaatiOa and I. Lia're • . Ada Wuten or :Do.t...1,0.1t cal.,' roii.e-e cannet hold you reees:1). oe , cal - )i4; would you please lei-. good led (11; ieliniV Vii here for a low i days thi:•:, w.eek. , enough. to try :toi get this stai,e- I The weather profits twit i mcm niore into &tuns ..ind let its icied a rand elpen winter, s'Ll;:.11-e:', ikotilii'whii;‘xa'.."1111:‘:::::tn...::7,..eo'ii.,;:liftiliii,e4-2 did no': mean us, I in connectoin with Temperanee Le - Mrs. Ileleti Campoell returned to geelatere. it is ine.;ini: of eourse, her home fri trrl Kitchener, where , ,t hat the Porititione ha ve pia,,eed she had leen for some time. I the Tmaporiince people ii s.' , not Mr. llundell, of the Hall Dont the peopl,i is a whole, ai zlie ----4NOTICE. ot- .---- GloVe C London, was a laHine3s' her intereat3 may have etrong gr- vhdtor in town this wkee. i ound for making the .ialTa.' ASit'rt- I , Oar accounts are now ready. If Ether, your ekatee along to the' ion. lut we will coneider; the peo- thP.'Y eel -Nivel on Eighty night, there Plo menti"nt'd ai ljoing '...h'":"* i."'•11P- not called 401 by Fele lst, ' wil; k- ekating till 11 p.m , eranee p. opt,. Mr. Andrew 711 14 of Ye w Ham- ' r ' '-"' - ''''' -0 ' - ' St) -t'-inn. f r en'aeio, itnd iny burg was a visitor at Vat, hinne ,r'''''''"' - ' ' . '-' ' -d•-, would neteralle Inel byre of "Mr. Thom:is Johnson ; htt iiit :Inuit! help to e,..n. the week.. last' , umber more clearly before the re- ----- °utter sleigh shoes ;$7.00 a sot, . ... - wt, art, ,,:.„.,1,,ry to rvport that Air:. ftc.ler of •your progresiee wipe,. -; Ettiguo,jer, 11th eon., is sev- • 1l 11 in your eetigre.':-ii Ye Vil- shoes $2.50 a pair and all other sari , , , ., iously ill at l'I''FOLli.. We hope for ,. .. . • . . • • Isere, whoee effare :;:t l't.' POtnlacLed ..e at - general black-smithing repel': a 41t'( ('\ !vow. ery. . oy 1,4 ogre ;', -1'41, trast"Oi., ,P., 44 , go reaticeti oriM,s WIli1 it liist,i. L!ixt 9.aturday moening was 441 44 beet: to Sir. le, 4111 441 ilearetZe, 1.,•‘. - Louis Pr.ang„ Zurich. babl‘ the eoltiest ve, have had for d.j, (,..; sirajLt,,,,j,r, clo4t, -- v• -•.',- el mnent on that monioraiili, 1 6 Al 4 .-- ---4. — — — — FOR. SALE' • thiti f.ir;,..,(1I1 V. htin-1 the; meecury i)r- hee le lerete•ro„ ile, it e,-ee eaceteire, •• ---- tipped to 16 helow wro., . and sei,I that. v:he'n t'a•• •.-.11. ..,--.•_ A. qua-ntitv of corrugated roof- ..Jest arrived a earrel shipment of e.,vet a vile would le, taieee to in lett revei from the Brucef.toed (14 11(,44i ,,;,,,,i 4,;„,.-,•tion'i,,vprios, .' if thy o should remain cee•ge,i. Tice e 14. 1a• pee eld 1load pair with Voi.f. Wati taken: the bars ar , el - shed, for sale. In your news items J tn. Vini. will he sent through the mai . . L. SVurm. FOR SALE S. Dietz, ZuricIL new ones at 90 cents a pan% osed;—Wc.t.":::• tho Polititions 2.al• the Jewell-f.?r.. h, ->it,'.• donbI. th:,y tel. 411' IMenno Steckle, of thoBron powttr tl.ti;•.- would son Litai, Stanie,v, recently par- thi."'shipriity; in" as we now cail chneed a fat pig from his neigh -1 it, but. they had'nt. 114 a 'PrOViat'....1 and .18 hor, Mr. NV. J. Tough, that tipped Government has no powee Pram:, building, 25x40, coadition. bait- the seeiee sit pounds. !stop the free interchange of com-i hicinglsi,trianwgsohoedd or driving she!! ,tire • nv,dits 11.0111 0ne provirie to Th:• man who said that 140 - FOR SALE Apply to Vir. L. Sebiert, Zurich, 7; OR SALE nevei saw a January without se 01 thaw. and has seen thohiands of: them,' we are sorry to sa.v, does II' not ex,ist these times. . The Womens' institute will hold b ler ; eiter on the Dominien .4:).,-ceen-, nt by Order -in -Council, ns a I r measure, did. sun, this traf:ie, A li,rgc.. photo of the popu a..... exit. 40 tii..•. Throne for all t as it was a war mea.sure it ; 0114. ... ing of 6; am:es of land, gootc)cno'llie'llte their February meeting at the In ,Zmich, my property e•euld Indy be good, 4)1' only st°1) , The Family Herald and Weekly Star oi Montreal have se u0.1 ti,e ex- foetable hOuse 'and new stable. AU home of the ATisses Lamont )fl ths tiaffie until the war ,.;:eleod. 1 way cees‘41, tine 'iraffie has; of the olusive. rights For all Canada tor. a reel gokyl pho:e. ,.:.!'': .neees, Pr'nee ot 'Wales. - it is le- V:,nDyke, the i cei r,,; e . e• 4e:ewe in 4- i condition.- At a bargain wednesday. Feb, lit h, at 2.3) 4),- T. I ' foi, quick. tittle., .k. Mittlehoitz, clock, P M, ; 3...,!'-411.11c.`,'-1.—.).a,'';'thing 1.11 41' ht‘rt-17, . i Eneehand photographer, taken eit the eve of the Flee.... i- deeleietee . ;1:tirg is conducting singing- school'It- _More. than this, at the ,ae,t, 7ieStiali for Canada ehe Dominion Parliament, in; The Herald has .made arrangements with the Famile Ilei.a.,d and Zuxich. Mr. Hunshergez. of New Thm- tee, Children • •• \ ry for Fletchers , 71' VA • ,e4.; • Castoria Is Zen, tse specially 17 T. oreec.;1, 171 e...ren mere eesfeeziel pelieetleLt•e for gro7rn-ups arc: not • it 0i 111d o rem. edy for ay.1 that brollght Castcri.,a 1)e.fcire -1.11:Czlic after years and. no claim hcs :t its u.sf., civer 30 ye:ars has not -e'reeve;:e.„, , 441 4:•! 14o, rt ro 'L ca,,:ori„ is a hata13.3s,...: .lrops and D.vt7...rr; p7eeeee,.....,ei:„ 6..;:e...iteins zeither Opiurn, Morph:me n -.•.,r narce.;:ic sahe'eane,a. Its ag.e is its felernntee reeee than feeIrty yeree7e, 4. has een. in. constrent 1ELne Ceti2ti"-eatiree, riee'.1•11;•?e7-'-'-71-1, Wind Colic and Diarrh!::ea; :V! .4, F., (...tri.; artl. 1,nd aids' assfr:railation of ant natural Tao Et EAU ENE: : • • Aq't :JD 7 111 4.? Th CLAI l'AUR 7,.1 CLTY teeelle,e'e <eiP he Prune .zLir Heiaid e00,1- Priace"e TAKEN EVERY SATTJRDAY ur.., Brea 11-irt--',1.:k."'Snit'EtE6DY neetings in the Mennonite church • along this line should Make it a. attend these mentinge. 1HORSE ' - 14141 444410.41 put it st,t....1111)1 idon .them asking for a Paoaie-• ation whereby a Provinee (Nan ret-, We now make the following ,)iVr, good only until Drceml er 31E4919 The Z't,ir7oft Herald one Year, i;1.25. Weekly Star whereby. we are permitted to include the The Famly Herald and 1,Veekiv Stew o0e. year, ens!. FORENOON' horn Cattle, Entire. herd of .1? I t shipping in inniffie. - NS ()Hee both papers for one vele teaoh, and an outograi111011 ,.!opy 02 when brought .111. • , Cc nsisting, of 1 fem. ales, 2 nriles are gUe the annual matinee held by wtition eurely be passed and Do not feed fowl ,samo morning , The. SimcOe Reformer, in speak- t ir Provincial House tho Prince of Wales porivait. S17.0 18x22 inches, all $e,35. Highest Cash ces pme • , ped aboNe nun ieeesimet. , • et •ri the Canadian Herd•10_ hi by sptcd merchants of sitnt on to Ottawa. Scotch, and 3 Scotch • boned •• to that town at New Years, iaVS; t egandum will doubtless be held ee- All orders to be sent to this offiee. Then a ref- Pri --CAST1 FOR-- Crearil and Egg... view Of the fact t hat the traftic! was to be resumed, passed legiel- FOR SALE I this week; Everybody interested photo in a Plubbing offer. • W. 09 "Tien Phone 94. • Zurich • 114 h rt.1 P.A1V-UP CAPITAL $6,000,000 • SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS W153(3,177.25 HERALD Printong Co. Zurioh. Book' For particulars ‘ 1 1 , ; "Trainer NN'aleh's entry,. a p•rac' fore many months and will earr,,,, .14 Paeer named Teny, easily defeated ancl the ;bathe stoppete—Areetliii4 Dashwood, R R. 3° . Hal•the other fast , false. holo—:. , WAY:NINO—This offer is reood on1v until 15th ei:e.e. when It is anti- „ Or' phone 7-8keZurich Central ,.....,......—.....--.....0,-.........-......--- i (MOS. .Iii., iti a handsome and per.-: ' Now NI'ho PlitYod fal"e?7renticed the price of The Family Her, 4111 w'ill be ,i4.5.! a year. feetly gaited pacer and has „Teed polititione or tho iemperance 1ie'll;-: . ' • ______._.;.------e ” NOTICE. I IA- pie - You ese Mr. Editor, to linen." Tony is enwed ; t Al. Ed, Wurm ,1f Zurich, anti is the Go•vernnient of S.e NVilliera ...... .,, ,.,.17,,,,,-,,,e1,:eilill,,,e11;e411:,•-prillrgl,leeei,';',,"! ''';".".''' ,•.e•e'' - '; . OF REGISTR,ATICe; 1 .. 1 reeo. Welsh, the well known traN'ini•-• Hearst Ltnd eir roa,eri: ll,,,J,,,,.„ oe. •.,,...e„,,,,,;,,,,,e,1,,,,lee ..,,, iebi,,, ; it present in the steble of • OF BY-LAW f'4' or Sinicoe, who will taandle him for 1.110 cnuse Of teirperance, 'eee,.• --e, started the traffic'; (1414.4111111.. 14 • - .' Notice is hereby given that a, By•-ltiett 4.4. 1.41 passed by the (loaned nt el evap,tm _Simeon Reform", ; closed the 1411 and tlie o'zh,,,,, ,,, - ,• 17 of the (.4)11)1)1 4t114 of asp*OP.M04., wow* rgtiiteeit1•t‘5aea't3h—. 1xi )‘‘-r,.' : t10Z:,•;Le'I"... S1,O..r..,I„.,..„,a.•s,—.„ NAW,IEaIe.S.D.(I)eNN:ITe;E'Rwh,ielc.i"e, a s:. ;.„ • m;iald.a dit eieee,tssei-blee fori.e,tog?b.. .,...:a 41. 1ly:1ntlielst.la3oi lt,leii[>14)441)41 41)41 w 4 i1..i,;1pNicungt0rtI101tprett,NIratngx‘a:ei:aNt,u.:ri\1,14iis:1,spv,rira i&1al ilhentureA to the mot.t 1'.i-8t.Iirs,urolHrsgave tiwomen hr of $10.0j for the PlrP0( II Pa—i)1Ni,iio011‘Il,i,ee, ,,vt,)e(ttiniilliriat:it111!1 111” inc()st1 telephoneetens-,41,4trit.krrsstinistti10ecaritl.in.l.N.0,; 100 444(1 tht such By-law",vae-.i.ititi Mrphine Iic- tvmperancpasa;1(111,141 red in thRegistry Offic(41f it0thIlth mnTIae, 4.4.1 iis!thman whogav4.11111 hVuty Huron at (oil )(4 lrlito. 1ntairlde—ii,vote nd thirewho 111 - Insures your barn against dam- . •,..‘; .,' ,,, ..• ', •. .• . :• cyats n:utm• beAer,.—, 4279_ " p,T..ei; r,l'lo,: r..iG'n.RedA bEy' Yfep,AsV.R D M'i!a' heH o. i eamn•r'eisl ewldl'tihntl.v'totrinng, crian•n. e-f.a cloerp ipol age by wind or tornado. for on the llth da, a I,1lqi,41,,non, entper 100 for 3 erd s 414.: 41 4.1, nccongriitulations wereewen(1,14n1 4.41 41 f .4 ,eie1n1 our Mouse fo30 cents per Hdthsame or n*prt threof1tnt1co 1144. 14 crple leftt°r;P,,,twh1 iviii Ow tem,401i-e ?e 4 for 3 VearsNo premium note niust h 01 4414 Within three mon1. 4.1)011 t11!)i0Lcl1()ii and a-acectlUe ilOthalnd thle- end no extea l5141Asinniuaehiter thirst pulication i t',ol1iontheil.1ct1r?' 1pSeer %h 14 1)1 thiaet ths noticeand cannot be'44.111 r('('4'i((. on Liegloom,b tarell nown thereafter. t he SeubleLine, Eflt, TownshpTow 1;elitor v111 was 3 Dsted this 11llaof Jonunry,and lulVe the bt wishes f , e Polititions to the eolr t1920host of friends thePeopltothPolitione FIeasClerk of HayTil closingit hvuredto het some folka may have leen!;,'i.L:':,'r_..,-,-7.7'•-, EC1I00L TIMES" "•'e-.! -': ••,. atti Zurich .. FARtyi FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acrLot 15, . A: (11 14(4.11(1 all forsaken, Ontatio Temperance Act. 'rliee 1,;:,,,', voted in favor of it, hut Inuit Beside the village sehooll3 found es, 'Many people lie beneath tiro 1n41\4.that this Act never did. ctn. 12, -Stanley, 3;,', mileallorth of ground. nor NI,,q:4 it ever intended to stop That F1104ildn't by forgottien tbe shipping into ate rovi pnee. !•'e.71. Blake Good' cement wall bank barn Vern, with cement floor, rod Over graves, the lilacs grow, This wine slopped for a time but 1,1 de -4,, Good 1% stoey., 8 roomed 1 by the Dominion Government and Here •and, there the daffottilsblow was 1"1"d' as "la "11"r''' 44'2'1 And. all around the ivy cre'eps, sailentan Wait biick house with Summer kitchen . A' In wind o'er thor1. sweeps, and Woodshed .roddekl.. Hard there Was no law to stop it. It te! Water well, also cistern, Five ac- AIn that graveyard lie leanly • will now take another vote yes orchard, Nearly •all fenced ston thin. ae was well )).4(l( 141 e,e Who have started our villago, - with woven wire, A spring ere- et eleeVon time by thesis who fo'!• ee; hey' canie here.without a Penny ek supplies • Water all the year T.Apd lived in huts built so poorly keyed the matter in round. Eight acres fall 114' 4.1 „ ,, .. olia 1)4)54. thew g,raves are all neg— . Tt vele be that writing the a, , and- 40 acres plowed, Half mile '-•• .beve 1 love surmised tho :lot ill ...:J leeted' • .. . And their deeds are all forteot, e... , .°4 gr5t . your statement in vow' 14ci,•1 froio school. Daily R. R. Mail and . '1'hey are not ennaa, h ipspect.cei edit ion end Ieen on tle"vree 0. o... runt] telephone nonnection. Pee,- seseiee can be given April let, 1923 1,Ze:isonablo: termi. Apply to as. By a publie pupil. S. Delgetty„. R. It No, 3, Bayfinid, DIED velar itom 'have referred to e ?* ee,- t4\) 11 I.,fis Angles, Cale thirie7 ieel-e.'le /11"ferte4t ---, will eie Ont. Phone 11 on 7a, IIensall cell,. tied, on dee144. he the wiser rireet Nre'''!T. Jan 19th, Mary Waiper, 11010imti T thark you for the spaoy: • wife or . Tfnonry .Well, formerly of ' - Yours : • tit. SUBSCRIBER, • teed. Agent DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS PPSISPOPPOPPPAPPM16, "PPPAPPC.OrnelP.SPIrnt0=1POP To Represent TIM OLD RELIABLE PONT- nu, NITSFAROIS The greatest demand for Nursery Stock in Years. • British and Europea.n Markets a- gain open ter Canadian Pruft, lairen•st rat of Fruit and Ornamen- tal Stock, Seed Potatoes. etc,, grown in Canada Write for Particulars Stone 81 ellington •-Established 1837 AdVertise in the $lerald 'TORONTO, OM. =Oleo the results; • , For the work they've dom., fortis', slue., 141id ,10 anyease. fever • - VV.; 1.1.4 114) -no ',malt': 1 and Hay ToWnship, Bronson Line, , Age 53 years 1 ‘7i..0.!14 r9 •:,:i ' az-, '1U, CP. Herald and Daily ''.:11obo' Herald and Weekly , Herald and Daily Mail and Panpiro ...... r,.(0 Herald and Weekly and Empire teee Herald and Daily Star :Herald and Weekly Star '2.00 Herald and Daily Ness ti Herald and Free Pr.ns1 . evening, edition Herald and Free Press 411:4nning edition ...... 5.00 Herald and Advertiser. morning edition 5,00 Ileraid and Advertisor, evering edition Herald and- Farmer; %,(1vo.eate; Herald and Farm and Dairy. 2,40 Herald and Weekly Sun Herald and Family Ileralci and Weekly Star eeee, :Herald and Canadian Conn Hyman ...... Tierald and Weekly Witneeo Herald and Farmer's Magaeine Herald and Youth's Compenion Renew your -papers with us!and save money INSEIBUIONI11111111 14 •ela . P. i.e. PAL .N•tx ‘. Pi zurich Tee -;,•.•.741 NOIRINOSSIiiliellilliiiletall111111111111111511111111iilliffillinT,11111121figill11111111111111111ra