HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-02-05, Page 2THE HERALD
Issued Wednesday afternoon
from the
.. O1 F'ICE
Warms of subscription ;%1.15 per year
Trap advanoe; $2.00 may be charged
if not su paid. •l~i, S. wnbseril)ti-
one $1.75 strictly its advance. No
paper d1-cutttinuo'd e6ntil all ar-
rears 'are.i'aid unless at the option
of the pul,lieher. The data to
which every subscription is paid
is denoted on the label.
Miss Ana Passold spent a, few
clays in London last week,
Mr. H. ,Califas of Peace River,
Alta, is visiting with relatives at
prose 1st.
.Mr. 1 e ee illert shipped a car
load of flax last week.
en C`",att, .V S, has arrived and
hes ',petted his office on Main St.
i>s. Rosa Rader left last week
fie' Detroit,
Vie :Ire pleased to report that
Tl hada Hayter is slowly im-
a1et1 within Sit days and deaths en- pi• ,vi„1.; fr.in her recent serious
se —se
!evil ettely.
Mr. ant? Mrs. G. Oestreichetr have
e later; t'1111)t i' v neI•: should send n-+'ve'.i into their new home in
Miscellaneous articles of not ler their 11121) hceusi's how ht'. ee the village,
more than five line*, For
Tt n \rSale,'. T() the -big mesh l.. on. The :lentil: Mrs. Berman Zimmer of Strat-
a t, or apt+:(. Lost. Found, etc., i„t); tr;r the salve as last year with feel visited with her parents a
each insert es n 27'a.
Local Reading notiees. €'te., 10c.
per line per insertion. No notice
less than '5e. Card of Thanks 50e.
Legal advertising 10e. and 5c. a
Auction Sale s. $1 for one. inser-
tion and $1.1') for two insertions
if moderate size.
Professional Cards not exceeding
1 inch, $':1 pc'r vtaar. l.0 on
Address all communications to
Municipal Matters
. Qf3y A. F. IL)
Illy (•unveil meets on Sidesodey,
Fete, 7711 at 1 p.•
ie. teturtlb of births, matrrlag-
r rut.': ('cath.: of Has Township nship to,
leo :nuiitit of January \\bi'l'l a”
to i eees; Birth e; deaths 5; twir-
1 i
11 sges 1. 13iltllc meet he ti ,ai-a-
the :=.(1dI(ieuai question —Motor nu f days s last week.
meet .All questions must 110 .IIS- 7.1isl, Ens. (1uenther'is able to be
v' eyed or the al)I)1,c .t,ui1 wee )0 oat ::.ftei'. being confined to iter
It'tm:meL, The application moxa Ilene with quinsey.
1)e Swel is to 1 afore a Notary Pu- ears. ,T C. Reid Spent Saturday in
hes Ce L1In1:+siellt'r, ate. le ;drone
-----e---- Fe•vc'ral from here attended the
NOTES FROM. COUNTY Te F O. Oyster Supper at Grand
et el on Friday night.
CO -t” Ns ii. MIN" IS i ES Ole. Pedersen ie putting in his
tete,(., ecee t i see 1)ly of ice for tIle creamery.
p.. 04,4. )••a,•a,•..a.,a•.a-o- ,a..o.ra-a.•a.•a..a.,,mm•
pn+�,.%ny-a:ranoe.9.•pua..b.9..a..E.e�.. •.a..a„a..a.w..a..a..a..au o..B
\ k 1 l,..pet't.t 01.
11'..11 \t'1t.C.1 �11t
1 1•:; ctrl' Ilte't:
La.•er:e: .t14.)11ati, :n .t-
10,0 11 111g lar tiC•1-
Fallowing is the report of S. S.
No. 1, Union, Hay and Stanleyerhe
report is based on the -attendance
conduct and work of the pupils.
Sr III;-Clertrude Ducharm',
965; Cecilia Laporte 863, Don' lla De
numnitr 671; Npra (Geoffrey 004.
Jr. I11;—Noel Laporte 83S, Den-
nis Corriveau 803; Marie Uenomme
59, absent
Sr II ;—Willard. (`ortive'au 58'1;
Pi Ayottt' 462, absent.; Lor-
etta Denomnl:' 385, absent: Fergus
(I1eofftey 122, absent; Annie ?)en >-
mine 60, absent. •
Jr. Ile—Willard Dueh:u'nv' 8y5,
Annabel 1)UCharme 750, Lloyde,1
Denomme 630.0
Sr, I;-- Es fictnonlme 55:3, Den-
nis Denomme 399.
A ;—Rol.lehen Dellolalnl'tt
Lydia 1)ucharme 133; Ervin 1)011,101
me ;'55 Lydia Geoffrey 225. absent:
'Juliette l)enonitne 158. Ibsen.
13;.—Antionette Laporte 210, Nel-
son Tlush'Irm:' 110, HIaz+ 1 I)ur:harm^
1.40, Lorne Denomre,, Frieda Den-
oinnie, Milferd Ayotte, Annie Geo-
ffrey all absent.
L K. Guenther, teaeh+'r,
A SL ell 1 Oisl.
it, lc.'\ ing memory of Fred Genii- Mr. nee Eili; r, hwe has IN,"rl
111 \Litt: lewleIleltia, t reCev .isle
�, W110 riled one year age 40- , *' Lon -
•posh. 6th, 1019. Aelm Ails. elltl _,lcholsun r
1'..-1 se, elltt;llee and Si[ie aoct W"''' not • as d dolt spent. a few teat's at her home
i):, lc t lc us if we mi,is rim;
bele list wt,.
'11)}n.,l,t,'ti to St! -tri('• the bt.:i1".1_:1� i (,fit l:i :much a 1aC£Lrli place.
Eittrvoy Fl(1aver has bough'_ thect,.., uttt. s. t ; c 1n fancy 11t hear his loots ep i.
The repose e ('1 the striking coin- 1 ;, see farm of J. W. Lawson,tlrun.., t+')
1 g we st 1 his smiling fact
'L'.'.•:..; �• tr @r re lOn�, i taut: possession in the spring.
levee w -an Prost -tacit elle 1. le ha' gone to bright g
l+ 1• as follows; j ;sou- 11'eni every grief and care;
Seseeing t-.J.t1, lel' the Yea:. ', ;+ ,hope to meet again 111 Ilea✓en,
"'L "Li"' t'7'ni,—Alt . ': t'i). J .end there'll be no parting there,
:'40 •t smell llnc'.c':, of r,,, 111,,,1};' M'-:-\.1,, t,, \\•. 17.1='-'11, 1)1•. ('1::171-:, '1 , ,:;(ls.guard you darling father,
1, 7tl.rtl, 1 Olay your hart, ring loud and
special (.7)111.—.';. W. 'l'r(=;1ttrtil:l}
11, elicit, Jo Hackett, J. Laporte,e "1lning notes of love behind you
.1 itritt\e. i':, the ones who've 1oeed you
Finance Cease—J. Cutts Da ;id dear,
\\•t'i,i,. T. Thompson, J. E1.ehardstut ;:.Idly missed by his wife and
M Amrstrong, S. T. Plum. I ;;•,l+ly.
Education Cum. --M. '1liolt, J. -----'S A Ar TOWNSHIP
x,t'.,. 'ri 1'11 1'. McQuaid, J.
A. Tipling. .\ 131neue was held at warn
C .1'uraon.
Road and l;i (igc.' t:nil,;— s'.'rti 111 1 11 evening in the intere�
Young. .1• d Eie ge P. l'. Jai r, I;'1" Forwar.i Movement of the
I.-. y. 'lake a
•ta ,lt )<'nfei , : IL- II. poi' a cup of
1oeie • it1. 1.' . it, pour through a
11 .. t,. :1r, fell a an•.
tree 1i+.:1•iI1,4," ere t ore 1.,'i 'sing.
li „ th•• nt+ , 1:lv •;yty to break a
tied cone ere), , it t,i..ons the.
pores ni' tile' : •Id1 , : in <•r,11gest loll.
.Also loosens the i : rah, tiles driller a
old 1' u1 t't y= t rut.
Try 11 tltt t, et time you. .it i't'r front
a cold of t1,. rip, 1i 1; inexpensive
and rliti ,t ':,l,lc•, therofo•e safe
iGllE t•
LJW8� MO1T 2U1
"'dub Pain and Stiffness -away with
a small bottle of old honest
St, Jacobs Liniment
When your back i t eorci and lame or
'lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism 11a.,
you stiffened up, don't suffer! (let a
S(3 cent bottle of old, honest t "SI.
:lacobs Liniment" at any drug store,
iiiour a little in your hand and rub it
tight into the pain or ache, and by the
time you count fit the soreness and
lameness is gone.
i)on't stay crippled! This soothing",
penetrating" oil neees to be -used. only
etnce. It takes the fiche and pain right
out of your back and rr,i ihc' misery. -olcl �-•e reached with Lampton co- only wash these poisons from your sys-
3t is magical, yet 7.11:•r•liltcly 1111.1 lesl unty tit,' ()Mario Railway 111.1 :Alun nechical School.
tend doesn't horn the akin. iii )al E•c:•arci have 1.esn called in t<) Stanley council held their regu- tem and cure you' of headache but will
Nothin., else: 4 tr it inbao sciatica 1 cleanse, purify .and freshen the entire
j '.ar meeting: on I4Tond•ty' alimentary
and lame back misery , so promptly! decide t 11' matter.-',.- ��
Ask your ph
g . list ehin.ih. Supper
\\', 17`. Beavers, J. Douglas.
County Property Com.—J. Do+lg '-:t by the ladies of the W. J
las, E. Merner, W. J. Currie, W. H. <; : -•1 which a splendid pr(
.1nd addresses -was g
l4ar. .'August Hili ,w•11d for quite
alun,i)2I' of uyears Hilo conducted
one 0: the best hotels in Western
Oilt..l: ), has disposed e: his ho?'el
0 145 Jack Mullett Of London,\\'e
re v''.•\' pleased to vasty Mr. Hill
s stir' `( reside in ;t ht' village as
1e 11 -eel be sorry to lose him:Ind
his fa oily as citizens of the sil-
la.,t Rot Water for
.n is Tells why everyone should drink
hot water with phosphate
Ile Sick Headaches
err -1
S1lottun, Thos R. Wallis, o, inu:7rc .
IJui'nt: Co Rome—Dr. Clark, N Quarterly sacramental service . • in it before breakfast.
W. Trewartha, J. Moffatt, l)e. \' re held in Velma last Stealth ,*" , ¢�
' s at Cxos11e:1
;•, iuently the services Headache of any kind, is caused by
Grieve. end Ki 'n 1v ere withdrawn, autointoxication—which means self-
\\'alden', C'rm,—B. Vv • P. heav igi poisoning. Liver and bowel poisons
re.- A. Alitclrclt„ Dr. Clark, Jnv est•, Biten IlleKinley spent the
3Z1Nabi,, Jac . Lapc.)rte. ' . ('k -end in London the guest o. called - toxins, sucked into the blood,
his Uncle, Rev. Geo. McKinley: through the lymph ducts, excite the
l heart which pumps the blood so fast
that it contests is the smaller arteries
and veins of the head producing vio-
lent, throbbing pain and distress, called
11`)(+ headache. You become nervous, de-
t"bual grantsit' 3,
made ^ tU ag-n�.
riculttu'al soraet'se3, schr)ei fcti_ 7'1n I ' c.nair; another year, for which h .' your mealsl sour andh and almostmnau nauseate
I,ul ti( ii' eats ,s. 1.. artily thanked the .Board., but you. Then you resort to acetanilids,
iff,—* owing to his ill -health, he tonsil- aspirin or the bromides which tempor-
T10 "aliin;' hedge at Grand Bend ',red it was not to the best interest arily relieve but do not rid the blood of
was -again a matter of discussion id the circuit to accept. these glass of hot oxwater with a teaspoon-
es llt� Satie.fACi�)Ty settlement CO- -
teaspoon -
Rotel t F.Clarke of Goderich,
and i). F. itl! trre'gor, of Tucker-
slliith, \\ else a;,a")tnled county aud-
itors for 1....
• At the official meeting of tilt
1,-..rns0 circuit Held on Mondal. the
estor, Rev: R. L. Wilson, was
• iven an unanimous invitation to
Mr Charlie Pratt has gone to
London ti, take a course in a Tee -
NV, ,i11940 VP
1$it 711,
matte ,,.• •,��. {�9 rq ••,,p��
qui y r
i�h ln,Y
fu1 of limestone phosphate in it, drank
before breakfast for awhile, will not
pharmacist for a quarter
number of roads were : d•.1'i. Sett Morrison from Kalifornia, i pound of limestone phosphate. Itis in-
to :t
to t11c' l}coil Reedslast WCCk renL'ititlg' expensive, harmless as sugar, and al -
are farmers best friends. When the old wind-
mill fails to `water the cows" be prepared with
a UNITED to purllp•water. And for scores of
other jobs your UNITED will save you hunt'»
reds of dollars. Run the washing machine, the
cream separator, churn, grindstone end rnr.ny
other machines with
this Handy, Reliable
Power Plant.
United 1% H. P. Specifications
are Unequaled •
331' in. Bore, 5 in. Stroke. 15 in. Fly Wheals
weigh 40 lbs, each. Total approximate weight
350 pounds, "Air Valve" fuel -saver carbur-
etor. Quick Speed Changing Device,
11 .1` Us for Prices on All Size Engines
�p,+,��pp� kiwi „ Jdr tr,. - ^•'r^y�-.�.':� (I„, •���
L PRANG, r Sok Agent
s� i (':11• was in town as most tasteless, except for a sourish
�•--` old acquaintances' twinge which - is not unpleasant.
the month of January. Names The matter of forming .r new , Two carloads of cattle and twotwingeyou aren't feeling your best, if
in order U1 Irme1'11. school inspectorate of Portions of of hogs were shipped last Saturday' tongue is'coatedeor you wake up with
.Rupert of S. N t.6, Haw, 101'
T 'd'ty
Sr. I`1 ;—Lyle 11, Martin, I)i;t:ala La;'..11)ton. Huron ,rn.l bliddt se+s co' tend one car of hogs on u( ,,
Smith, Oscal t 1 ;.), Mit also brought n1) :tg un. by the t,, F. O.
Jr, T\ ,—C'l..,,.ete Farwell. 1 The platter is still undecided.
IIl;— Anthoe 11.egie1, Luella Far
Mr. Wes. Simmons and daughter
1nnie, a• Fillmore, Sask., who have
v.F:ll, 1)o) clla 1 t,yt' 1 Bruce rose.
fir. 11, L.'1 t \v i11nell. Edith titch,i Me tUlte.• i.
Arthurl,1•iast)l, L(,011rd •1)ahn...i, aS \lame
fs M ssrs. 3IcDonell ir,oved last
KMNE I) 1A w into their new garage in the
old Opera house. .
Case is confined to the
Take tablespoonful of Salta If Ba(ti house through illness.
Mr, (leo
f •'y `'; a been visiting friends near T3ensall
� left last Wednesday for their
L<.tw1(•1,Ce Regier. '.Etdgat• .'eau's.
Jr. 1.1;—Orvile, Wilmer, i_reorg-. •,
Ina Foster. ,
Pt Ji;—An., t it 1r• It Farwell, Al-
1,henst. .Dabus
Pt. I;--Iia1 old Masse, 13e a..1 ecu hurts or Bladder bothers—Mink A. large U. F. O. meeting Was h
'arwoil, Aielisev Foster. ktlts of water, held herr 011 Ott• evening of Jan.
Among many things was the tttk
ing up of shipping hogs. Then
a large quantity of binder.twtne
ttsred,ten and Exeter played a be eonstnntly on b and against kidney was erdere.d. A car of flour,
last game of hockey at Exeter trouble. . shorts and bran had arrived on
one evening 1:::,t w 'ek, which re.- - The kidneys do their utmost to fres 1 the same day and was distributued
stilted in laver of. I.xet.('r by 9-2, .the blood of this .irritating aoid, but Arrangements are being made tel
Miss Jesse( .lair anti John Keil become weak from the overwork; they I g
U ' •, •Ti''c1 ton the Thames get sluggish; the eliminatige tissues clog purchase a car of sugar, two
xticl. ,1 r r. n,,.1 and thus the Waste tis retained m the cars. coal alstos01(1 Ind cern ,,,
Road last \\ ed„t (l,ty, The, will blood to poison the enixtre system. '"'" ""'`-`
a•t•:::idc on th1:' groom's farm in lis- When.your kidneys ache -and feel like
borne.. lumps of lead, and you have stinging
Mise Ella Link is the ue,t of pains in the back or the urine is cloudy,
full of sediment, or the bladder is irri.
laer uncle and, Mr. and Mrs, Wm.' table, obliging you to seek relief during
Kuntz the night; when you have severe head-
Mr • T A Powell, 1\ ho retioncty orches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleepless,
13c.ki the Ward'farm in tlsborne Tp, toss, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad
dos purr.hasr. 1 the l,rtcix hobsae of weather, get from your pharnlaeist about
four ounces of Jed Salts; take .al,
W. J. 3e(r, anti occupie:l bylhl . tablespoonful in a glass of water before
'.i' Elliott. breakfast each morning and in a few
Yr Rr1)est Py:.1 met with a n41 4 days your kidneys will set fine, This
liar) Tuesday .evening. While dr- famous salts ie mado from the acid nt
i'c'ing to tonr tel•' cut:tee ;31 w•Ilich grapes and lemon juice, 'combined with
X13' \4'a9 riding, was upset 111 tl'l1' llthi.a, and has been used for generations
to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys,
ditch and he . al•. thrown tilt to ,neutralise the acids in urine so it is
Tip Lail t'le mi''r'1•-tll•1'' to have ow, no longer a source of irritation, thin
Of his front wt 'e", t•rnIte 1 off .•n•1 ending urinary and bladder disorders,
his face cut in a couple of places. Jed Stilts is ineepensive and cannot.
The horse did not Met away '151d injure; makes a delightful effervescenii
nthialtater mistake by tttkittgnd a, ladedy oat occasionally k
cutter was only slightly darn~ to kev the kidneys ejeb2 anti active. fr�md, s I�
1) 1 1' iw l'c . reacher.
We fire t notion of meat eaters and
Our blood is tiled with urns acid, says a
__.. well-known authority, who warns us to
bad taste; foul breath or have colds,
indigestion,'. biliousness, constipation
or sour, acid stomach, begin the phos-
phated hot water cure to rid your
system of toxins and poisons.
Results axes quick and it is claimed
that those wllo continue to flush out
the stomach, liver and bowels every
morning never have any headache or
hesewa miserable moment.
Notice To Auto Owners
We have recently installed an
up-to-date battery charging plant.
We will store your batteries till
e rii'nr and charge than for you
for $2.50, itt this pri'0 it will
not pay you to take a. chance cif
getting your Initie'tori frozen.l3ee;: MCA n
of wery;,e.e to car owners. t y ,
Le �.)�
Ccipk Bros.
1 -fl NBALL
LI t
T A G P.10 ES
eish., 4
..!_ .
1919 a 192 0°
Zurich Athletic Association
Good every evening from 8 to 10 and 'Wednesday and Saturdays
,afternoons front 2.30 to 5. Hockey _matches and special :attract-
ions will be charged extra.
Above is a copy of. the Sea son ticket which entitles
der to enjoy the advantages of t he Zurich skating rink.
the good work along, Buy a tie ket.
the ]101 -
O; $7,000 Generai merchandl,.:'.
Erving i:ought ilii stock of 11e
era Horner Ings, \V0;Aril move.
to put it on sale commencing 'Tues-
day. ran. 27th., for four weeks.
The stock consists or Dry Goods
Shops, Rubbers, 'Underwear, Swe-
aters, Mi'tyt•i, Etc.
Al' ;sods marked et Sale Frit'.
No :ier:d'; 011 :rpprov;•l.
3 1'1R V1; ; Ste ice 1
s,, a
Phone 13 on 622 Clinton e.
Do you carry enough ins l ran.ce?
Material used in constructing buildings as well ae5 furniture
clothing, etc., has greatly advanced in price. Therefore
you should be insured higher to' protect yourself against
Serious Lose.
A. F. Hess
— Zurich
,ease. e, c w eee- .ee,—e ,,....,. .,.,oee„ a,e,eea. a,•tee•.:::- .,sarn,..eeeee.e , , s--
?or Infants and Children
irk Use For Over 3 Y r s
Always bears
Signature of
it151 ;to-
tel„ ,,, '11otnt ••b /
trt .iS .Jt 11 rt-'t't• y, r 1:1,' -.,711 .a-
tio 1 1,-'ic' t froo, M'e nwrt ( 0i'
fled 'i.hd,' , ,'t)it)li.^.1174 t l 11, .1y ruler1n4111 -
tient We have lido d hntldr., is of ohm's sctrrt
good paving ,p1nsitiona IV, can
Inter:iational,A, cntuttants Siwiety, Lrox3e2 trorontm'