HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-01-29, Page 4THE HERALD
Issued Wednesday afternoon
from the
Terms of subscription ;51.25 per year.
In advance; $2.00 may be charged
it not so paid. TJ. S. subscripti-
one $1,75 strictly in $dvance. No
paper discontinued until all ar-
rears are paid =unless at the option
of the publisher. The date to
whieh every subscription is paid
is denoted on the label.
Effective after Jan. lst. 1923
Dittplay Advertising -Made known
len application.
Stray Animals—One insertion 50c
three insertions $1.00.
Farm or Real Estate for sale
silo. each insertion for one month
of four insertions, 25e. for each.
subsequent insertion.
Miscellaneous articles of not
snore than five lines, For Sale, To
Tient, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc.,
each insertion 25e.
Local Reading notices, ete., 10c.
per line per insertion. No notice
less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c.
Legal advertising loc. and 5c. a
Auction Sales, $1 for one inser-
tion and $1.50 for two insertions
If moderate size.
Professional Cards not exceeding
It Inch. $6 per year.
Address all communications to
Bring Back its Color and Lustre
with Grandma's Sage
Tea Recipe.
Common garden sage brewed into a
heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol
added, will turn gray, streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and lux-
uriant. Mixing the Sage Tea and SuI-
phur recipe at home, though, Le
troublesome. An easter way is to get
the ready -to -use preparation improved
by the addition of other ingredients
a large bottle, at little coat, at drug
stores, known ss "Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding a
lot of muss.
while gray, faded hair Is not sinful,
we all desire to retain our youthful
appearance and attractiveness. By
darkening your hair with Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one
can tell, because it does It so natural-
ly. so evenly. You just dampen a
sponge or soft brush with it and draw
this through your heir, taking one
small strand at a +ime; by morning
all gray hairs have disappeared. After
another application or two your hair
becomes beautifully dark. glossy, soft
and luxuriant and you appear years
younger. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound is a delightful toilet requi-
site. 'It le not Intended for the cure,
rnigitation or prevention of disease.
.At no season of the year does
it pay better to be kind to ;tnimols
than this season.
The fas' est, flight on record was
made recently by an aeroplane,
iz hich left the Montecello 'aerodr-
ome, Italy, and flew 171e miles in
an hoot;.
If you are renewing or subscr-
ibing for any of the Canadian pa-
pers, you inay do so at this office
We have always looked sifter this
for scores of our subscrillet•s and
:are still doing ::o. We can give
it to you cheaper as well as sat e
all expenses in connection, and
nowadays it costs at least eight
tents in cash be -id ss stationery,
to order a paler a'ngly.
1The •Simene .3t'former.f
Recently in to d .i'.ies it was re-
cc.r•ded that t:.t. price of "sheet
ewe's" for 192a has bean heel at
1}:95 a ton in less than carload lots
That means teat ,re Reformer
will pay for the white paper, or
rather yellow paper, upon which
its issues are printed, $95 per ton,
foes mill. In the year 1915 we
were paying fore s ery much sup-
erior grade of 1,•+,1, r, both as to
quai't� and color,'ea per Lon, f.n.
Simeoo rt't ,t,e This 's
some sharp meet? ' in price, in
'view of the fnr tt pulpwood
'lave heard,
• `V so far ,
went to war
it rner'ely t.
isrirl4. the 'nfr,;.in..
wlers may net
day the *eat,
the limbo of for
$2.09 weekly tak
'on't mention.
We merely
so tivtt resets
' i''!'d ;f so;•
• ' weekly, in'
o tentless and th
• "
.w place,
Municipal Matters
(:By A. F. II.)
Feb.lst--Last day for collectors
to return their rolls and pay pro-
Last day for railway companies
to transmit to Clerks of municip-
alities statement of railway prop-
Last day for county treasurer to
furnish clerks of local munieipalit-
ies with list of lands in arrears of
taxes for three years,
The Ontario Good Roads Assoc-
iation will holel its annual con - en -
tion in Toronto during the first
week in March. There is every
prospect that the present high-
way policy of the Province will he
enlarged by extending some mea-
sure of assistance to townships.
Hydro municipalities are rapid-
ly increasing in number. In Dec-
ember, 1919., there • were 231.
This number will be increased as
the result of voting on by-laws
submitted at the municipal elect-
Only one secretary -treasurer of
school sections in Hay Township
ha sreported to the Clerk, the
the names of the members of the
trustee board for 1920 and in what
capacity they should act. Every
trusete board in the Township sh-
ould report to the clerk, giving the
name of the chairman, and the sec
rotary -treasurers.
A las ge gathering of the T.T. F.
0. Club met in the Town Hall, on
January 10th. Arrangements were
being made for shipping a car-
load of cattle, receiving a carload
of flour and stock food and many
members contracted for their
supplies at reasonable prices.
Messrs. Norm Cook and cantle
Bates are attending the nuto show
in New York.
Mr and Mrs. Gilbert Grigg of
Moose Jaw, Sask., are visiting z e-
latives here
Mr. 'H H. Little is greatly impro-
ving the interior of Mr. Atchesorea
Arthur Coxwurth purchased the
100 -acre farm of Mr. C. Stanlake,
south of the village and gets p.is-
eeseion on March lst.
Geo. Hawkins sold his 100 -acre
farm on the London Road to .1,n -
thew Dougall for $S,000.
Magistrate Petty last .Tuesday
fined Albert Davis, a JeW, $25.00
and costs for peddling in the Co-
unty without a license.
Everyone should drink hot water
with phosphate In It,
beforo breakfast.
To feel as fine as the proverbia.
fiddle, we must keep the liver washed
clean, almost every morning, to pre-
vent its sponge -like pores from clog-
ging with indigestible material, dour
bile and poisonous toxins, says a noted
If you get headaches, it's your liver.
If you- catch cold easily, it's your liver.
If you wake up with a bad taste, furred
tongue, nasty breath or stomach be-
comes rancid, it's your liver. Sallow
skin, muddy complexion, watery eyes
all denote liver uncleanliness. Your
liver -is the most important, also the
must abused and neglected organ of
the body. Few know its function or
how to release the dammed -up body
waste, bile and toxins. Most folks
resort to violent calomel, which is a
dangerous, salivating chemical which
can only be used occasionally because
it accumulates in the tissues, also
attacks the bones.
Every man and woman, 'sick or
well, should drink each morning be-
fore breakfast, a. glass of hot water
with a teaspoonful of limestone phos-
phate in it, to wash from the liver and
bowels the previous day's indigestible
material, the poisons, sour bile and
toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening
and freshening the entire alimentary
canal beforo putting more food into
the stomach.
Limestone phosphate does not re-
strict calomel because it
atr c the diet lie bee s
can not salivate, for it is harmless and
you can eat anything afterwards, It
is inexpensive and almost tasteless, and
any pharmacist will self yon a tlnarter
pound, which is sufficient for a dem-
onstration of how hot water and lime-
stone phosphate cleans, stimulates and
freshens the liver, keeping you feelle
fit day in and day out.
Quite a number from this vic-
hits attended the Carnival at.
Zurich on Thursday evening.
Mr. Roy MLBride and esistor,
Pearl, accompanied by ldiss Mar-
garet McBride, returned after a
pieafanl: visit with friends »ear
The 11Iis es Clara and EVa Zapfe
spent Sunday with friends pear.
Hillsgreer. .
Mr. Wnr.. Dougalas of Bresefi••
eld and Mr. Geo. Douglas o1 Uen-
Sall, accompanied by Mr. Alex.•
sparks called on friends in the vil-
lage on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manson en-
tertained a number of friends,. on
Friday evening.
Mr. Menno Steckley spent : the
past week under the parental
wet. Peter Gingerich returned
home after spending a few weeks
at Kitchener,
•Mr. Gerber of Zurich, has related
Mrs. Peter Douglas• house and has
moved in. We welcome Mr. Ger-
ber to our village.
Tuesday morning; of last meals
about one hundred feet of :the
tasterly side of the big enclosed
cement horse shed metallic roof if
Melville church, Brussels, sagged,
owing to the great weight of sn-
ow and will require attention es.
scent as weather will permit.
'While working in the woods, on.
his farm on Monday last, Mr. T.
J. Managhan, of Clinton, met with
an accident which might have pro-
ved es en more serious than it did.
He was up in a tree trimming off
limbs and on coming down slipped
in some way nad falling a few feet
frit or his axe, which inflicted a
r,^.esty gash in the fleshy part of
his leg.
Prin Wailes, of Huron College,
London, preached in Trivitt Mem.
church last Sunday on the For-
ward movement.
Mr. Wm Fraser, of Sask., and
ens Alvina M. Vance, daughter of
the late Wm. Vance, of Usborne,
wcre married on Wednesday last,;
by Rev. Dr. Medd.
The different churches of townc.
held a meeting in the Town half.
this Wednesday evening in tl
interests of the forward move
Mr Wm. Stewart has lefty for.
Kitchener, ,where he has a position -
as salesman fur motor trucks.
Notice To Auto Owners
We have recently installed an
up-to-date battery charging plant.
We will store your batteries till
spring and charge them for you
for $2.50. At this price it will
'not pay you to take a chance of
1 getting your. batteries fr•ozen.Best
of :service to car owners.
Cook Bros.
Bat lees meat and take Salts for Beek.
i ache or Bladder trouble—
Neutralizes acids
Vrie aid in meat excites the !thin s,
they become overworked; get sluggish,
ache, and feel like lumps of lead. The
urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is irri-
tated, and you may be obliged to seek re-
lief two or three times during the night.
When the kidneys clog you must help
them flush off the body's urinous waste
or you'll be a real sick person shortly.
At first you feel a dull misery in the kid-
ney region, you suffer from backache,
sick hes.daclie, dizziness, stomach gets
sour, tongue coated and you feel chew
matie twinges when the weather is bad.
Eat less meat, drink lots of water;
Also get from any pharmacist four ounces
of Sad Salta; take a tablespoonful
in a glass of water before breakfast.
for a sew days and your kidneys will
then act fine. This famous salts is made
froze the acid of grapes and lemon juice,
combined with lithia, and has been used
for generations to clean clogged kidneys
and stimulate them to normal activity,
alsoto neutralize the acids in urine
it no longer is a source of irritation,
thus ending bladder weakness,
Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in-
jure; makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drink which everyone should
take now and then to keep the kidneys
clean and active. Druggists here say
they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who
believe in overcoming kidney; trouble
while it is only trouble.
S. H. Agro Society Meets
At Hensall
The annual meeting of the South
Huron ,Agricultural Society was
held in the Commercial Hotel, Hen
sall, on Friday Jan, 16th, in the
afternoon, and despite very unfav-
orable weather, was fairly atten-
ded. The tsatement of the tre-
asurer shoeved that the Society
had a very successful year, there
being a substantial balance in the
treasury after all accounts again-
st the Society had been paid. It
was decided to again hold a S:eta
Fair and •Sprixtg Show, the day set
for the former being Friday, Feb.
27th, when a liberal premium list
will be offered. This is the only
seed fair in the county and offers
an excellent opportunity for far--
mers and growers to locate the
cboisest selection of seed. In ad-
dition to ,this the Government
Sedge who 'makes the awards, al-
ways gives a most interesting and
and instructive talk during theaf-
ternoon, which in itself is a draw-
ing card to many. The date sel-
ected for the Spring show wat
the first Tuesday in April. The
prize list offered for the Hensall
SpringShow has become the most
liberal in the county, and this ye-
ar will be no exception. The fol
lowing officers were elected for
the year; Pres. R. D. Bell; 1st. Vice
Pres., R. McLaren, 2nd • Vice -Pres.,
John Woods. Directors, W.
Dougall, M. Love., H. Soldan, R.
Thompson, D. McDonald, E. Klopp,
Ales. Munn, R. Traquar, Hon
Directors; Ji. tiood, John Laport
G. C Petty, Alex. Mustard, Alex.
Neeb, Robert Msleay, O. Geiger,
A. (Hicks, M. P.P.; John Morgan.
Auditors, H. Arnold and C. A. Mc.
Donell, Secretary-treas, Keith Mc-
Try to have as much patience
with your neighbor's faults- as you
have with your own.
Smith—At Zurich, on Jan. 26th, to
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith, a
daughter, 11V1'ay Ingold.�
Stephen Macey died at Port Ar
chug, Ont aged 102 years and five
Months. die came from Eng-
land forty years ago.
With Hon. MacKenzie King and
others touring the West in the in-
terests of the Liberal policy, the
Us F. O. conducting a series of
public gatherings and the Conser-
vatives sending out their Sarnp-
sons as well, there should be some
lively times in the political camps
for the next few months. .Parli-
amentary affairs are never again
going to be run as they have be-
en and you may bet any party in
power will have to walk straight
and keep moving or short terms
of office will be the history. Can-
ada wants men who will transact
her affairs in a manner that will
prove the country's interests are
ahead of party or their pocket.
Victory onds
Bought and Sold Any Issue. Par
and accured interest,
A,. F. HESS, - Zurich
Of $7,000 General merchandise.
Having bought th stock of Mes-
srs Horner & Ings we are giong
to put it on sale commencing Tues-
day Jan. 27th., 'for four weeks.
The stock consists of Dry Goods
Shoes, Rubbers, Underwear, Swe-
aters, Mitts, Etc.
Al:. goods marked at Sale price.
No Goods on at p: oval.
ERMr ttic
auclthe Co
I :slow
are farmers' best friends. When the old wind-
mill fails to "water the cos'wbe prepared with
a UNITED to pump water. And for scores of
other jobs your UNITED will save you hund-
reds of dollars. Run the washing machine, the
cream separator, churn, grindstone and many
other machines with
this Handy, Reliable
Power Plant.
United I% 11. P. Specifications
are Unequaled
3%4 in. Bore. 5 in. Stroke. 18 in. Fly Wheels
weigh 40 lbs. each. Total approximate weight
950 pounds. "Air Valve" fuel -saver carbur•
dtor. Quick Speed Changing Device.
Ask Us for Prices on All Size Engines
.0.1)11/seseelle e • • 111 1. "":',:?...
mato g1.0111114.
F. C. KaIbfleish, Zurich..
1919 - 1920'
Zurich Athletic Association
Good every evening from 8 to 10 and Wednesday and Saturday •
.afternoons from 2.30 to 5.. Hockey matches and special attract-
ions will be charged extra.
,Above is . a copy of rhe Sea son ticket which entitles the Bol-
der to enjoy the ads-antages of the Zurich skating rink. Help
the good work along. Buy a tic ket.
Do you carry enough insurance?
Material used in constructing buildings as well as furniture
clothing, etc., has greatly advanced in price. Therefore
you should be insured higher to protect yourself against
Serious Loss.
A. F. Hess = Zurich
E.'' AS►`"CaRIA
C :
' on ,
I`or Infants and Children.
Phone 13 on 622 Ci.aton 0.
hi Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears ,,.,
Signature of „
111✓ ; rh: �#�y4 s
al" z.t. . �.. ai.�.:::ra1i :3TC• , '21
i.. °.IomCstuc dy`
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•,;,y r is .._ !110YC Ceti 1-
,1? t to •heriilstitu-
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