HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-01-29, Page 1ZURICH Vol. XX No 30 HERALD ZURICH, THU la\ Y .1p FRED THIEL ZURICH YOUR HARNESS NEEDS Will be promptly attended to hers. See:us about DOME TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS Rugs, Blankets, Bells Full lime of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, ete A Trial Solicited MORNINO. JANUARY 29, 1920. NW. 0/80.1.1110MmuMMOMO.W.M......404WISIMMI•atrast.m............4.1. Cheater L. Smitlis Publisher $1.25 i1 Year In Vitivaitce 1• The world owes every man a living who honestly earn a it. The U. F. 0. Club shipped a carload of cattle and hogs on Tu- esday. Rev Schantz, of Baden conduct- ed services in the Mennonite church on Sunday. .1111•1111•11•111•111110 0110041000••••••••••••0110000011141.0000•41•••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 We are busy Stocktaking Watch this Space • Next Week 4o • • • • • • • 0 3 • • 0 .4, Phone 59 C4 ,11.1***VIOMT40441/: '„ iAt4.**Or*C1100•41 J. PREETER Produce Wanted Volill4p*•• —7..1%-„v..4.44;zp030,414”10 1 Mr. Barney Mittleholtz of Sask- atchewan is Visiting relative ; here. Mr. j Laporte is attendiee the Meeting of Huron County Council at Goderich this 'week. .Thire is no law agaiesi. !Lakin; good reSolations on other days than January lst. If it is true that "G.00d comes out of evil," what a good world this will be by-and-by. Me. GI C. Petty, reeve of Hen- sel!, war elected Warden of Ifueon cotiety at the county council meet - Rev; G. Litt, of Kitchener, conducted Quarterly communion crevices in the Evangelical chluch ore Sunday evening. '1VIr. Orville Ehnes of Calgary, Alta, attended the funeral oi! his lute father on Sunday, and wit' re- niairi here for a week or so. Mra. L'. ,Teffrey, who had been attending her daughter at Cheth- ane who has been ill the past six weeks, returned to her home last Thursday. Wher. a Toronto man reaeleei Montreal his sleeve ei .searchel for • 17-e! vaccination mark. When a Mon- •-• treal.man reaches Toronto his lo- cket_ ia searched for whiskey bot - Ale, • Truly the Edison Am.berola is the World's Universal Musical In- strument. Come see and hear them and judge for yourself. Also Edison Blue Amberol rec- ords in stock. .i'vlso Singer Sewing machines in stock and agent for Pianos. Of- fice at my residence. E. WELL, - Zurich. Tenders Wanted ---- CORPORATION OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF HAY Sealed tenders will be received by the Council of the Township et Hay for the position of Manager of the Central Office of theHay Township Telephone System in Zurich Tenders must state sal- ary expected All tendere must be in the hands of the undersigned on or before 2 o'clock., Saturday, Feb. 7t1a, 1ae0. For particulars apply to A.. F. Hess, Township Clerk. Dated at ;Zurich, ,Tan. lgth, Mee 11.111tiV111121iiiiii1111111i11111111H1111111111.114111111M11[11111fMMI111111$11111111!!!In!MR1111111E114111111111111!11111111a111111111011111111111111P1M11111110INJIHR181111111101 Mr. Fred Turner of Stanley re- cently shot a fine specimen Of red fox which measured 4e, feat long. It was shot. at the lake and Mr. Turner realized $30.00 for he pelt. NOTICE. A. meeting will be held in the Town Hall, on Friday evening, Jan. 30th, at 8 p.m., for the pur- ee pPrmeeel organizing the Zurich Ach- :c-,,eleteti. Association. As this organ- ide.out ee make Zurich,ore Of, the, ,last *clean ar.oit vil1Age3 in .11?. i•--0 • cothity. Everyone interes el sbo- : old be present to show it h it the WISHING YOU ALL Li2t FappQ anb • 77! whole village and community is ee bebind the move. Keep the date N. DOUGLAS anti hour in mind. Attend. By Order. HAY TOWNSHIP FARMERS' Li11;11111;1111111111111illtilifill11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MBINIIIi lig11111111111114111141111 • • • • • 3 • • • • • 3 • • • 3 • • • • • 3 • • 0 • • • 00 • • • • 00 0 0• • • ' 0 rOePer011e View Dear. PHONE 11 on 97 BLAKE MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting fo the inem- hers of the above company was held in the Town Hall, Zurieh, on Monday and was fairly well atten- ded. The financial statement of the Company was presented from which the following particulars are taken. The year 1919 closed with 2070 policies in force and a total am- ount at risk of $6,247,505.00. Losses paid during the year were The total receipts were $16136.53,1 4. total payments $8843,86, leaving cash on hand $7,292.67. The res- idue is $2,33,707.01, and 1919 asses- sment unpaid $33.96, making the total assets of the Company $241,- 033.64, Messrs. John Sparrow, F. Willert and Stephen Webb were re-elected directors for another IP ' MOM illogo.040414.1160400.141040404.41a*Ottft****M11104t4.0104*.f40040. , Hockey Shoes NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF ZURICH WAS SKATING SUCH A NOVELTY AS THIS SEASON!, . • 33E SURE YOU HAVE THE I Best Hockey Shoes WE HAVE THEM ALL SIZES, AND TO SUIT YOUR P?JR$,El. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED C. FRITZ term and Messrs., W. H. ?file and A. F Hess auditors for the year. At the meeting of the directors held after the annual meeting Mr. 4.44/00.4110016H40.0114.0**0*.fes**1114.10114.011041111.411144411Thilsesafit ,AT P. Eau was elected President, etairoftemmeumnsmamommon. and Mr. 0. Klopp Vice -President, .12,1 it. h E 0 i BA NK Anon Incorporated 185: CAPITAL, and 11ESE, $9,000,000 Over 120 Branches Oportunity Shuns Thos, .fi:.nprepur d toGrasp • Start t Savings accoun today, in Tho lefolsons Bank, and be re-aly opportunity when it Comes along. W. B. COLI.E.,S Manager Zurich Brand, The Shoeman Fora lirxierome Gift Buy COMMUNITY COMMUNITY PLATE All models and styles In Ladies and Gents with aluminum tops. Prices range from $1.90 to $7.00. • lzIo• ............ ••! . ........ 000000 • • •^•.^7.*Eavreuloo , -41"-->e• / : • • • .. , Silverware for Xmas Gifts See our display ss ;.;ie Jeweller Pholoe 67