HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-01-22, Page 8To our m wny Customers and friends We extend the COM 'LIMENTS ofjthe S AEON l-Iere are a few goodivalues For Ladies Sweater Coats, gloves, knitted scerfe and togue setts, tea ap- rons, hankerchiefs, linen towels, table cloths, cushion tops, dresser and table covers, etc. t ?. 1 .1..! , ,1, . , , For Men A. ,select lot of fancy charts, ties im wool scarfs, gloves, sweater coats, or style, Come and 'see them. Nippon China boxes, 'silk mufflers, heavy overcoats in new waist line A large assortment of Nippon hand painted chinaware on hand in mew decorations. We make spec-iai efforst to secure the very beast in this line of goods. Groceries New raisens, currants, figs, dates, peels, shelled nuts, oranges. A full line of candies, chocolates, creams, etc. J. Gascho & Son Massey:.1w* Implements WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCAL AGENTS FOF THE CELEBRATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS IN THE LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS ALSO REPAIRS FOR MACHINNERY, PLOW. POINTS, ETC, GIVE US A CALL, Casper Walper Zurich - - Ont. 4 4. 4 4 4 4We ANNOTJNOE 1VJEN T I have taken the contract to handle Ford parts and will stock a complete lime of genuine Ford repairs. Lr:ng your Motor car troubles" to us. We specialize an any make Al! cepa?ring guaranteed, We repair not exper'imeet, Mousseau Zurich GARAGE STAND AT T. JOHNSON'S FORMER FURNITUi;E STORE Dr R B. Catt, Veterinary Sur - goon has opened an office en Da';h ! LOCAL MARKETS wood and will be ready to 'eons -1 (Corrected every Thursday.) mence Veterinary Practi'eEgg.s 70 coning week. 1 ],utter 60 r)ried Apples Potatees per Dufch Setts . According to the 1911 censu9, the rural popula'.ion numl.e.e1 3,-� 925,670, a'nd the' urban 3,78dy961. The urban population showed the greatest increase, SOMETHING ABOUT MIL Mysteries andMar is yin it 7 Production and Lite.e. r ' • hip. How Milk ]s Secreted --Thunder Does Not Soar Milk, But Battelle Does the Business—Agalactia, ' or :iib. Bence of Milk, Occurs More Fre- gaeintly With Cows Thin In the Females of Other 'Live Stock. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agrieu1ture, Toronto.) CONDITION known ax "aga- !actla," or absence or milk fn the mammae at the 'tine of parturition, probably oc- curs more frequently in cows than in females of other classes of stock. ft may occur in a `female in any con- dition as regards general health, gen- eral care and surroundings. The causes, or conditions to which it is due, are not well understood. It occurs even though pregnancy has been apparently normal :and..,has reached full term. It is probably more frequently seen , In females which have .not bred for a long time, or in those which have produced their, first young, though themselves aged. While it may occur in an ani- mal under any conditions, there are conditions that appear to predispose an animal to the trouble. Jet' such cases there appears tobe a waat.+';;t development in. the lacteal apparatus. which may have been caused by, pre- virus or present chronic disease of the udder, a chronic lessening in bulk, called "atrophy" of the udder, exhaustion following disease, severe labor, insufficient food, eitherduring or immediately after pregnancy, nat- ural debility, emaciation, etc. The mammae is usually. small and soft, and attempts to milk produce only a few drops of a yellowish fluid, in some cases fellowtd'by a few drops of a whitish, watery fluid. Treatment is frequently unsuccessful. It con- sists in feeding liberally on easily digested milk -producing food, mas- saging the udder frequently and stripping the teats three or four times daily. Great attention should be paid to the digestive organs in order to keep them as normal as pos- sible, and the patient should be kept so that she will take considerable exercise. The writer's experience has been that the administration of drugs is non -effective. In many cases the gland becomes perfectly inactive, and remains so until after the next parturition. when, in most cases, it becomes nor - al --J. H. R., 0. A. College, ferselpb. i, 4.44+++++++. 444444'F1l+.4.1 ++++44441+++44444444444*4444.44'1+44'i"i'4443a In ax• a .r.. 4. Frena Customers .T� a Bright and Prosperous y a 4 N YEAR . , . • s TA �&WEID ..... DO ..... + ,.., $ PREETER ;l;,;a QCK go 1' — ZURICH= 443 14+4++4444 teleeieeeeeeee4•: 44 4444+3+4'II�441F+444 444444�,'r44+� Bow Milk is Secreted. No one knows exactly how the cow secretes milk. Various theories have been put forth explaining the process, but none of these are en tirely satisfactory. About all we know is that milk is a true secretion of the mammary glands Iodated in what is known as the :udder, more commonly called the "bag" of .the cow. It is made from blood. ' In order that the cow may home plenty of blood, out of which she ma, manufacture milk. She must be in n healthy condition, be supplied with plenty of pure air, and water, and have an abundance of the right kind of feed. Some cows are unable to make milk abundantly even though the owner does all he can be expected to clo ,for his cows. It these cases, it is the fault of the cows --they have not the power within themselves of making milk from their feed. They seem to change their feed into blood which is used as a basis for manu- facturing beef, •instead of milk, In addition, there are cows which ap- parently do little or nothing with their feed—they neither give milk in paying quantity, nor do they become fat. Thceo are classed as "boarder" cows, and are very unprofitable for a farmer to keep. The only way to know for certain whether or not a cow is able to se- rreto milk in paying quantity, is to see , rnil�c from each cow for at least three days In each month. Also test the milk for fat at least twice during each lactation period. In this way, the owner may select the good from the poor cows, and thus build upa Wheat Oats Barley 1.1 bag ... ._ 1.50 6`le —7 1.95 80 1.25 Buckwheat ...' ...... ............... 1.25 Flour ... ... 500-61.10 Bra2r ... ... ... ... 45.00 Shorts ......... ..... 50.00 Fogs..,. _... _ 16.00 _.' GRAND Carnival To - Night Thursday, Jan. 22 feet 8 p. m. Prizes will be awarded for the fol- lowing;— •'' ' Ladier' hest Comic costume Gents Ladies' fancy costume Gents' " Mr, end, Mrs. Jiggs Mutt and Jeff Happy Hooligan 'Race for Boys <tinder 14 years. Married men's game of hockey, Charlie Fritz and Wm. O'Brien cap tains. (Skating afterwards until 10.30. Adults 25e. Children 15c. Hockey News That revenge game between Zur- ich nad Seaforth last Thursday ev- ening had to be called off on acc- ount of the storm. Evidently the storm had its revenge:. How about that ladies' hockey team?. It's very (peel these days, perhaps gone off snow -shoeing. Everybody has a .certain am- ount of snow to shovel these days -but on the rink "huts" does it a11,. That hockey match this even- ing, Thursday eve, at the Carnival, 1t ill certainly be the sensational game: of the season. A very fast game of hockey was played on. the local rink last Fri- day. evening when the Cubs def- eated the Tigers by the score of Monday- evening witnessed the fasters game of the season on the local rink when the Cubs won over the un -defeated B. Cats. The game throughout was what they called the "Blood Game".Phe score was 4-2. 1-1 at half timer. FOLLOWI`G ARE THE LINE- UP OF ,ZURICH TOWN LEAGUE BEAR CAT'S;--- • Goal T. L. Wurm, r.w., CI.' l of- fman a 1..w. H. G. Hese; c. 0. Davis .E Oesch ; 1.d. G. Koehler; TIGERS ; •— ele,nl, P. Aikenlread.; r.w. Lee ton O'Brien; Lee W. Johnstore; c. A. l,d Siebert, r.d, E. Weido; Lee Hofsman, CUPS Goal lei, Weber; 1.w. Rau; c. L, C'a,lfas; rev. R. Procter; lel. W. Prom; led. Clay. Hoffman. Won Lost ,(leer Cats e 1 profita a herd fol' dairy (Cubs 2 1 li tllreses —Prof. le. R. hear. Ontario Tigers p • t eeelte.sal Censer. Cluclelle ernr-R FT r iiii114111411111i11111111 We. exten d tour many patrons A Happy New Ye r These Lines are well worth looking over Pyrex Ware A good assortment to choose from. That clean, Lastly looking glass, cook'hng and Baking ware that w:11 stand oven heat and mot breiik. Aluminum Ware A splendid Iine to choose from. These make choice gifts for the 'wile, •If it is for service and long life, choose aluminum. ,Silverware hives and rdrkele, .spoons, Etc,, Ice Skates at i40.9koey Stic Cs That boy or girl would enjoy a good pair of skates. We have them;.. Automobile and Star, also •several cheaper brands to choose from!. FULL STOCK OF FURNITURE Zurich's Busy Store Melia Braun PHONE 63 Clearance Sale Of Men's Overcoats, Sweater Coats, Winter Underwear, Gloves and Mitts Denomy Bros. Zurich We heartily extend . ct our numer. ous customers K:i vi friends A Happy and CALL FOR ONE OF OUR NEW 1920 CALENDEB19, Butterick Patterns For Sale Phone 70 T Phone 7$