HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-01-22, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS PROUDFOOT, E.11.1., MAN,- & COOKE, Barriers, Solicitors, Nori Public tt&c. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from lioniiton St Goilerich, Private funds to loan at loxest rates W. Pitounvootr, R. a J. L. liaioa. H. J. D. Coosn, M. Cooke will be in tiensallon Friday and Saturday of each week. ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Com missioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co, Herald Office. Zurich. 41444.44••••4444.44...40.•••••re.4.44.4.rommoyarominrommoos. Zurich Meet MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES Tangblut & Deic'hert 17T YOUle Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN FOR. SALE Sleigh shoes $8.00 a. set, eash, w h ile they last. J. J. Barry, Zurich. • Dr. E. S. Hardie DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY IDA.SHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICE - EALL Delaware & Hudson Co.'s WANTED Room and board for lady, near Hall Dent, factory, apply to Her- ald Office. NOTICE. Our accounts are now relidy. If not called for by Feb. 1st, they will be sent through the mail. T. L. Wurm. LACKWANA COAL Also soft coal. Our terms are cash on delivery D. A. Cantelon H EN SALL ONT L I VE POU LT RY WANTED FOR SALE . A quantity of corrugated roof- ing left over from the Bracefield shed, for sale. S. Dietz, Zurich!. FOR SALE A good Second-hand 8 -inch burr Mapl- Leaf grain grinder for sale at a bargain. -L. Prang. LOCAL NEWS Dr Campbell spent Wednesday at London, Mr Alex Foster left for Kit- chener on Tuesday morning. Dominion Parliament will meet again on Feb, 26th for businese. Mr. and Mrs, Morris Weber vi ited friends at London for a few days recently. The town of Parkhill is to have Hydro lightning in a week or two, Mrs C. Price left for London on Tuesday where she will undergo an eperation. W. G Hess, jeweller, has instal- led an up-to-date Hydro electric Barker outfit for hollow grinding skates. Dd., R. B. •Catt, Veterinary Sur- geon ha -s opened an office in Dash wood and wilt tse ready to colt - menet; Veterinary Practice this coming week. Influenza is spreading threngh- cut Japan! at an alarming. rate. There are 1,000 Olu cases reoprted. Of those stricken 12,000 are hot- diers There were no services eondu- cted in the Lutheran church on Sun day on account of the severe wea- ther, while the attendance at the' Evangelical was very small. Quarterly .Communion ser ;ic- es will be conducted in the Esean- velical church on Sunday, and pre paratroy services this Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. On account of the un-favorablei. ,A.. F. HESS, - Zurich v.eather conditions, our losal hog buyers did not ship last week, and it is doubtful as yet if they will be able to make shipments this Next Monday, Jan. 26th the an- nual meeting of the Hay Town- ship Fire Insurance Co. will meet in the Town Hall, Zurich at 1 o'- clock, p.ni. to recei ve , directors', auditors', nad treasurers' reports, election of directors, etc. Owing to the high price of paper conditions some of our neighboi.ing weeklies are reducing their size and we notice some FOR SALE coming out with only four pages, and are doing away with the ready Berkshire Pigs, Dorset sheep, print supplies. This latter met'n- Registered by Toronto and Lon -loci may have to be adopted by the Ms, six months pigs; sheep both 1or a good night's sport, beat mets on charges of dialoyalty, must can Brotherhood, arrested last sum - don prize stock; suckers, four mon ;.Herald in the near future. lambs al side. Apply to ening, • sontinne, lac story of the Irish In - Will the Zurich.rink this Thursday ev- sexes, various ages, some . with Pearce, Hensall, Lot 24, con 2.Hay • ° ternes, as they have come to be call - Mr, Roy W. Faust, son of the , ed, disalo,sed at the recent trial, was late Adam Faust, who lived in full a 'stgnificance and instruction this village for a number of years,1 as to the true status of several dlf- Ladie Dunham of Stratford'. Mr. ferent agencies which have invariably was Married on January 1st to IVIiss Faust is well-known in Zurich, been found acting together where having been employed by Mr. C. open disloyalty in Ireland, as against Great Britain:has been the issue in- Hartleib for a number of years. volved. At the beginning of last year. FOR RENT A house and barn on Babyloe Line, Hay, after March 1st, For particulars apply to J. Hey, Jr. Zurich 26-31 TAKEN EVERY SATURDAY FOREINOON . Do not feed fowl same naorning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices —CASH FOR--- Cr'eam and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich The HOME Insurance Co FOR SALE Frame: building, 25x40, and 16 feet high, in good condition. Suit- able for -straw shed or driving shed Apply to W. L. Sehaert, Zurich. STRAYED Unto Mr. H. Truenner's pasture land, near Dixie, a yearling heif- er. Owner can aecare same by proving property and paying ex- penses. Apply to Dominion 'House, Zurich. CIO 8 Lit ". Of $7,000 General merchandise. Having bough: the stock of Me s- srs Horner & Ings, we are giong to put it on sale commencing Tues- day Jan. 27th., for four weeks. The stock consiets of Dry Goods Shoes, Rtibbers, Underwear, Swe- aters, Mitts, Etc. Al:. goods marked at Sale price. No Goods on approval. TERMS; Strictly Cash. E. A. McAsh&Son: VARNA Phone 13 on 622 Clinton c. senemootram *b. Victory Bonds Bought and Sold Any Is3ue. Par and accured interest. .1111•11•1110••••••••••••• Irish Rebels Interned Trying to Make Trouble Among the Australians OsIeeeNe'setesssasese-XseeasIneeeeses14{-:-esst• HERE can be little doubt that the Federal Govern- ment of Australia has been guided wisely in coming to the decision that the detention of the seven members of the Irish Repubii- PAID-UP CAPITAL $6,000,000 SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS $19536,177.25 Insures your barn against dam- age by wind or tornado for 40 cents. per $100 for 3 years, and your house for 30 cents per $100 for 3 years. No premium note and noextra assessment guaran teed, Agent NOTICE. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the corporation of the County of Huronwill meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, He has a fine position in Chicago while his home is in Bernyn Ills. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of The Herald joins in extending Best Tuesday, the 27th day of January, 1920 All accounts against the • County must be in the hands of WI,. C T. U. NOTES the Clerk not later than Monday The greates ireform mmoent of preceding the meeting of Council. the Christian era will be midnight Goderich, Jan. 10th 1920 March 16th when prohibition bec- Geo. Holman, Co. Clerk. omes part of the Constitutional of the United States. • • We had hoped that Canada wo- uld lead in temperance lines and for years she did occupy first pl- ace, but our politicians played us false. Never has Canadian pub- lic opinion upon the prohibition issue been really faidly Pxpre Children Cry if r Fletcher's 0 Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. 4 voir What is CASTO R IA? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. it contain neither Opium, Morphine'nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA rALWAYS Bears the Signature of I • In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY NOTICE. OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW Notice is hereby given that a By-law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of, Hay on the 1st day o • comber, 1919, providing for the M our law. issue of debentures to the amount! of $1500.00 for the purpose of pay --1 oss oF sAus ing gild cost of telephone estens- ion, and that such .By-law was re- gistered in the Registry Office of the •County of Huron at Goderich on the lith day December, 1919, as number 42. Any Motion to quash or set as - t ide the same or any pat must be made within three mon- ths after the fl •sI publication :if sthis notice, and cannot be snade thereafter se muric fr Dated this 19th day of January, • 1920. DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS e'ia F. Hess, Clerk of Hay. • FARA" FOR SALE' Consisting of 100• acres, Lot 15, ecu. 12, Stanley, 31/s miles north of Blake Good cement wall bank barn 56x.52, with cement iloor, rod ded,. Good 134 story, 8 roomed brick house with summer kitchen and woodshed rodded. Hard water well, also cistern. Five ac- res orchard,. Nearly all fenced with woven wire, A. spring- cre- ek supplies water all the year roend. Eight acres fall wheat and 40 acres plowed, Half mile from school. Daily R. R. Mail find rural telephone •connection. Po+ - session can be given April 1st,1920 Reasonable terms, Apply to Sas. S. Delgaty, R. R. No, 3, Bayfie t Ont. Phone 11 on 78, Hensall cen- tral. 44044.4,4444MMI4.440141.1• Salesman Wanted To Represent THE OLD RELIABLE FONT - HIL NUSERIES 'The greatest demand for Nursery Stock in Years. British, and European Markets a- gate open for Canadian Fruit. Largest: rat of Fruit and Ornamen- tal ,Stock, Seed POtatOeg, etc,, grown in Canada Write for Particulars Stone & 'Wellington Established 1837 WQAONTO, 01a, YOUR KIDNEYS HURT ••••••M•••••••••••••,...... $It lees moatif yon feel Baokaohy or have Bladder trouble—dalte fine for Kidneys. .....••••••.••••••.0.0. The Prince of Wales Mo. A loge photo of the popu'ar heir to tho Throne for all Herald reazi- ers. The -Family Herald and Weekly Star of 'Montreal have se u_ed theem- elusive rights for all Canada tor a real good photo, 18x22 inches, of the Prince of Wales. It is by VanDyke, the celebrated London, England photographer, taken oil tho eve of the Prince's departure for Canada. The Herald has made arrangements with the Family Herald and Weekly Star whereby we are permitted to include the Prince's photo in a clubbing offer. We now make the fol'owing offer,goocl only until December 318g1919 The Fainly Herald and Weekly Star one year, cost $1.25. The Zurich Herald one year, $1.25. We offer both papers for one veiroach, and an outographed copy of the Prince of Wales portrait, size 16x22 inches, all for $2.35. Al'. orders to be sent to this office, the Defence Department of Amara- lia first learned that branches of the Irish Republican Brotherhood hat] been formed in New South Wales a,nd Victoria. In the June of last year, Mr. W. A. Watt, the acting Prime Minister, announced that the Government had determined to take decisive measures in regard to this society which had come seriously un- der suspicion, and had simultaneous. ly arrested seven of the ringleaders and interned them. For several weeks after this internment, the authorities were collecting evidence, and then, early in September, the trial began. The strange story which was un- folded in the course of the prosecu- tion traveled far afield, from Aus- tralia to America, from Ameriea to Ireland, and front Ireland to Ger- many; whilst across the stage there passed several familiar figures, and groups of people, some playing a very distinctive part, others barely on the stage before they were off again; but all linked together with that curious indefinable fitness which is at once recognized and is not dial - cult to explain. There was Maurice. Dalton, the Fenian, signing himself in a letter to Dr. Mannix, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Melbourne, as "an old campaigner of '65 and '67"; John Doran, the organizer of Meat forma uric acid 'whicii exeltel and overworks the kidneys in their efforts to Alter it.from the system. Regular eat- ers of. Meat must flush the kidneys mesa sionally. You must relieve them like you relieve your .bovreels; removing all the wase and poison, else you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, eharp pouts in the back or sick headache, diz- ziness. your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the 'weather is bad you have rhoutiatio twinges. The urine is cloudy, lull of sediment; the channels Often get lrritated, obliging you to get up two 4R. three times during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids and flut4h tiff the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salta fromany pharmacy; take a table- spoonful in a glass of water before break- fast for a fsw days and your kidneys will then act rine and bladder disorders dis- appear. famous salts is minis from the acir t egapes and lemon juice, eom- bined lehiss end has been used for generat!. se clean and. stimulate slug- gish kid.. r,,,11 stop bladder irritation. Jad Sa'4, iaexpensive; harmless and Transplanting igarly Crops From the Hotbeds. Two thinguare very necessary in this work; offe, that the plants get as much air as possible and kept as cool as possible in this way getting thein used to night temperature so that when set in the field they will be able to withstand a considerable degree of cold. The other is that of, withholding water as much as pos- sible; this has two direct effects on the plant. One that of enlarging the finer root system, the other that of stiffening the wall cells of the plant, making them more suited to with- stand outside conditions. On many occasions it has been proved that a plant, which has only had tho water required for its actual growth, the fa r m er cam e through a rather severe cold spell in good shape while the softer, more frequently watered spe- cimen, froze, In threshing and prepa,ring grain for market, and especially for seed makes i; eetful effervescent labia - water whirl raillions of men and purposes, remember that a good fan- weinen nee neer and then, thus avoiding fling mill should be used to the best eerious kldeey and bladder diseeee adVantage. HERALD Printong Co. Zurich'. WARNING -This offer is good only until 15th 1920, when it s ann- ounced the price of The Family Herald will be $1.50 a year. The 1 Club Herald and Daily Globe eras 20 Ing List $5.00 Herald and Weekly Glob. , . 2.60 5.00 2.60 $4.00 2.60 $4.00 Herald and Free .Press, evening edition 5.00 Herald and Free Press morning edition 5.00 Herald and Advertiser, morning edition 5.00 Herald and Advertiser, evening edition „: 5.00 Herald and Farmers AdVecate 2.75 Herald and Farm and Dairy 2.00 Herald and Weekly Sun 2.75 Herald and Family Herald and Weekly Star ... 2.35 Herald and Canadian Cour tryman 2.00 Herald' and Weekly Witness 2.60 Herald and Farmer's Magazine 2.50 Blierald and Youth's Companion 3.50 Herald and Daily Mail and Empire . Herald and Weekly Mail and Empire Herald and Daily Star Herald and Weekly Sar Herald and Daily News Renew your papers with usland save money The ALD Z rich iiillosommonimmummummosuommemsemummullsoummuni a IllIllIiIIijlllliIlllllllHllI