HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-01-22, Page 4THE HERALD
Issued Wednesday afternocei
trona the
iliternas of subecriptien ;1.25 per year
$D advalnee ; $2.00 may be changed
if not ao paid, U. S. atubecrioti-
Oral $1,75 strictly Sp advance. Na
paper discontinued until all ar-
rears ere paid unless at the option
of the publisher. Tee date to
which every subscription is paid
it denoted on the label.
Effective after Jan. lst. 1421
Display Advertising -Made known
Wu application.
Stray Animals—One insertion 50c
tthreo insertions $L00.
Faris or Real Estate for sale
Stic. each insertion for one month
of four insertions, 25c. for each
eub®eque.nt insertion.
%discelleneous articles of not
snore then five lines, For Sale, To
Rent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, ete.,
each insertion 25e.
Local Reading notices, etc., 10c.
per line per insertion. No notice
lees than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c.
Legal advertising 1Oc. and 5c. a
Auction Sales, $1 for one inser-
tion and $1.50 for two insertions
it moderate size.
Professional Cards not exceeding
t inch, $6 per year.
Address MI communications to
it pay better to be kind to animals
than this season.
•i'llay at $5G a ton in some parts
out West should make hay freer
eery undesirable,
s: long ae silk stockings cost up
to $15 a pair, no campaign for
anodesty : ill succead.
Five years more of inVCgtions
and birds and fish must quit their
siatulal elements or pay license.
What are the poor consumer and
producer to do when Labor ;sy its
se+£fici its say wages must remain as
high as they are at present for at
least five sears, but living costs •
must come down. Business, at
the same time, says the eu,st of
labor is so high that commodity
prices cannot come down.
Some of the newspapers are
snaking nmt'h of the fact that the
year 1820 is Leap Year. :1.ppar-
etltty this is done fror}I the force
o habit alone. They have foie
;geten• that the world is ni:1, M):
and that women hah'e now much
Ilteedum that they hardly dremt
of before With women now act-
ing as sehooi trustees, aldermen,
members of parliament, perhaps in
the pulpits, and as bank managers
how long will they wait for a man
to ask theist in marriage? Not
very long The world has res-
olved to gie e women a chance.
From being the weaker Italf,they
Will soon be the stronger half and
women will he marrying me'h be-
tc re long. The sad part of it is
it will do away with it he old eas-
tern of Leap Year unless it is re -
1 eesed and man uses it do pro-
luso to a women Wh<- not?
Use the Old-time Sage Tea and
Sulphur and Nobody
Witt know.
ferny hair. however handsome. de..
shotes advancing age. We all know
-the advantages of a eouthtut appear-
anee. Tour hair Is your charm, It
intakes or titres the face. When it
/aades, turns ivray and looks streaked,
,lust a few applications of Sage Tea
and Sulphur enhances its .appearance
Don't stay tray! Look young!
lEither prepare the recipe at home or
iget from any drug store a bottle of
ette`yeth's Sage and Sulphur Com-
pound," which is merely the old-time
rrocipe Improved by the addition of
tether ingredients. Thousands of folks
a'ecommend this ready -to -use prepara-
tion, because it d.;.rkens the hair beau-
titullyr, besides, no one can possibly.
tell, as it darker eo naturally and
tiniest eeny. "you rn• -s%onge or soft
•'t it aM,. this through
the 'hair, tat:- ° sn-ali strawd +t
.ti time uy, - the gray bait
disitepe r applesatirse
ter two ` it . is res erect
rand it •-r,: r'ry at7,1
rbnc, ah d ftars younger.
ound is a del, V.;et requisite.
It is not intend r the cure, mite
Aiiatio4 P,t 1401014.0 0, r dereasie t -
Municipal Matters
(By A, F, II.)
Hur•t.ee County Council meets at
Goderich next week for the reg-
ular January session,
The following inZurich have had
telephones installed in their homes
this wee1;,, P. Uabere.r, No. 07,
P. Kropf, No. 98, Henry Walper,
No, 83.
According to the report upturn
births, marriages and deaths for
the year 1918 issued by the Leg-
islative Assembly the population
of Ontario for the year 1918 was
2,798,970 divided as follows; Cities
1.080,430 or 35.7 per cent; towns,
149,02e or ^.3 per cent. nad rural
municipalities, 1,50,520 or 56 per
cent. The estimated increase for
the year is 29;120 or 1.04 per cent.
A special meeting of Ray Coun-
cil watt held on Jan. 15th. All
the members were present.
The resignation of Mr. W. G,
•Hess, as manager of Zurich Tele-
phone central was accepted and
the clerk was instructed to adver-
tise for tenders for the positi:)n
• The towtlship clerk was also ap-
pointed collector of local and long
distance tolls and renter's fees in
Zurich and vicinity.
The form in which a suitable
memorial to the fallen heroea of
Hay Township should take was
also discussed. A few accounts
were passed. The council then ad
A. P. Hess, Clerk.
The follott'ing are the Reeves
'who will compose the County Co-
uncil for 1920. Where the sec-
ond name appears it is the Dep-
uty Reeve.
Ashfield --Jus, Hackett and T. J.
Colborne ---Gordon Young.
Goderich Tp.—N. W. Trewartha,
Stanley—M. Elliott.
Hay -John Laporte'.
Stephen—X. Neeb, D. Web.
Irsborne—A_ Mitchell
Tuck ersmith--•H. Crich
Huilett-3f. Armstrong
Grey—J. McNabb.
Morris—Wm, Bison.
E. Wawancsh—W. J. Currie.
W. Wawanosh—.l. G. Purdon.
Turnberry—Jas. Moffatt,
How•ick—Dr. Armstrong and F.
Clinton—Jas. Miller.
Goderich—T`, F$ Wallis and Dr.
geaicrth-3olrn Grieve.
W ir•gham—A. Tipling.
Exeter—B. W. F. Beavers.
Blyth—Jas Cutt.
Biusselt—S. T. Plum
HensaIl—G C. Petty
Wroxister—John Douglas.
Payfield—E, F. named.
Say* glass of hot water with
phosphate before breakfast
washes out poison*.
eat eseeese
tee • airless
If you wake up will a bad taste, bad
breath and tongue is coated; it your
head is dull or aehtng; if what you eat
sours and forms gas and aeld hi 'stow
ach, or you are bilious, eonsjip,sted
nervous, sallow and eau't get feeling
just right, begin inside bathing. Drink
before breakfast, a glass of real bot
water with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate in it. This will flush the
poisons and tames from stomach, liver
kidneys and bowels and cleanse
sweeten and purify the entire elitism,
tary tract, Do your inside bathing intmediately upon arising in the morning
to wash out of the system all the pre -
Hous day's poisonous waste, gases and
sour bile befo- - putting more Rood into
the stomach.
To feel like; young folks feel; like
you felt before your blood, nerves and
muscles became loaded with body ini-
purities, get from your pharmacist a
quarter pound of litnestone phosphate
which is inexpensive and ahnost taste
less, except for a sourish twinge which
is not unpleasant.
Just as soap and hot water set on
tee skin, cleansing, Sweetening and
e-esbening, so hot water and limestone
ecs;sbate act on the stomach, liver,
;.i:h.eys end bowels. Men and women
tli:4 are usually constipated, bilious,
te acre or have any stomach det-
er' : ' e eitonld begin this inside bathing
teteris breakfast. "They' are assure'l.
tray will 7 �breeome tle real cranks on. the
Li iSili. iWOQD
Dr It, B. •Cate, Veterinary Sur-
geon bas opened an office in Dash
wend and will ee i esety to com-
mence Veterinary Practice this
coming week,.
A new industry, a Cremery, 'has
located here and will soon be in
operation A sp,endid bei.ding !or
the purposee has been purchased
and the necessary apparatus, in-
cluding a churn of 1,000 pounds cap
aci y. is being installed and will be
run by hydro power.
The man in charge s an old
hand alt he business having oper-
ated such a factory at Hespeler
for many years and should do well
here as he has a large territory to
to draw from. He also intends•to
supply ice cream wholesale BO
that the surrounding villages may
,obtain their supply here.
A veterinary, Dr. Celt, will op-
en an office here next week. The
Dr, is a returned soldier from
Thedford, and comes highly rec-
ommended. This is a splendid lo-
cation for a V. Se as there is a
large surrounding district in which
to practice. •
Our public school has been
closed owing to an outbreak of
scarlet fever.
Miss Ena Guenther is on the
sicl, list. We hope for a spe-
edy recovery.
Mr. E G Kraft has removed the
fest layer of ice from his dam and
has supplied a few of hisd cust-
omers. A second iaycr will soon
be ready. A large supply will be
needed to fill the new ice house
bring now built at the butter
The annual meeting of the Luth-
eran congregation was held in the
church on Monday afternoon and
was largely attended.
The rush of logs to the local
null has started and soon the
histle will be blowing again.
The funeral of the late Mrs.
Mintz was held on Tuesday. The
rt mains were interred in the Luth-
ei an cemetery. •
Quite a battalion of snow-sho-
rr's are parading our streets work-.
ing off their super -abundant en,.
ergy climbing the mountains of
snow, .
Our mail men had a couple o£�'
lay offs this week owing to irreg
alar train service, es tin ideate, anti from there, they
' dill • ger on to Toronto to prule:n
The residences of Messrs. • Oro g
The Council of the Township of
•SSteealase convened in the Town
Hall, Crediton, on Monday, Jan -
nary lath at 11 o'clock. Present;
Reeve, Neeb; Dep, -Reeve, Webb;
and Councillors Hays and Pen -
After each had subscribed to his
Declarations of office and prop-
erty qualification, the minutes of
the previous meeting were read
and adopted.
The action of Brown vs. Stephen
Tp, tht' judgment was referred to
the Township Solicitor with power
to act in the question as he may
consider advisable,
By-law No. 251 to appoint Mun-
icipal officers having bean read
three times was passed.
The council granted $10.00 to
the Hospital for Sick Children,
The council conveys to Mr. Wm.
Sweitzer the sympathy of the 13o -
and for the usdden bereavement
tibat has fallen upon him in the
loss of his wife and that a copy
of this resolution be sent to him.
A number of accounts. were then
The meeting adjourned to meet
again in the Town Hall, Cre.iiton,
on Monday, March lst. at 1 p.m.
Henry Eilber, Clerk.
The unveiling of the Memorial
Monument was held last Friday
afternoon and a large crowd was
present The principal speakers -
were; Capt. T. F. Best of Hamil-
ton, :Reeve Beavers, Dr. Colin '
Pletcher, Ret'. D. Meed.
The U, P. 0. are taking over the
busireete of R. G. Soldon, such as
grain, ccal, cement, lime etc.
A qt est but pretty wedding was
solemn i ted at the Trivitt Memorial
Church rectory on Wednesdayaf-
ternocn, Jan. 14th, when Miss
Muriel' Elizabeth Willert, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Louis 5. Willert of
Stephen was united in marriage to
Mr. Frank Triebner, of Stephen.
The young couple were unatt .nd
ed. The ceremony over, Mr. and
14Irse -Triebner took the south bo
train for London to spend a
their,, honeymoon. On their re -
tuns they will take charge of the
farm occupied by the groom's fa-
ther in Stephen.
treicher and Klumpp which have
Leen undergoing repairs velli -semi
hay ready to move into. Both are
now heatea by hot water and have
all modern conveniences.
Several new dwellings will be
retied in the spring to supply the
growing demand.
Little Theda Hayter still con-
tinues to be in a critical cond-
The family of Mr. T. Klumpp is
also on the sick list. 0 'We hope
for a speedy recovery.
The remains of Mrs. Wm. Sw•eit-
zer were laid to rest in the e.etn-
etery here on Tuesday, San. 13th,
The circumstances surrounding
her death are indeed sad. Be-
sides the sorrowing widow she
leaves four small children, the
youngest of whom is only two we-
eks old.
Rev Kanamouri, the '-Moody of
Japan" addressed a union serv-
ice: in the Evangelical church on
Sunday evening,
Mr. L. E. Chesney of the Bank
staff was called to his home in Se
afortit on account of the serious
illness of his father.
Percy Pickard, who some time
ago purchased the grist mill, has
arrived and will take possession
Mrs. D Geromette, who recent -
Ir underwent an operat;on in Lon-
don, returned home recently tziuch
unproved in health.
The annual meeting of the Pres-
byterian church was held last
Tuesday and the congregation re-
solved to .raise $2,000 for the Por -
ward Movement.
F. C McDonald, a former well-
known resident • of Hensall, passed
Notice To Auto Owners
'-We have recently installed an
up -ea -date battery charging plant.
We wilt. store your batteries till
eeri g and charge them to you
ler $2.50. At this price it will
snot pay you to take a chance of
getting your batteries frozen.'Best
of service to car owners.
Cook Bros,
Get a small package o' iian.hurg
Breast Tea at any pharrnacee ke a
tablespoonful of the tea, put it . p of
boiling water upon it, pour en n -h a
sieve and drink a teacup f:. s .lily
t'inne during the day or befo- r,.: .hg,
It is the most effective way e,. r:r, .k a
cold and cure grip, as it o a the
pores of the skin, relieving <-, I a, ion.
Also loosens the bowels, tht,.. til iv' g a
cold- from the system.
Try it the next time you sneer 'am
a cold or the grip. It is ins F.., ;ive
and entirely vegetable, therefore efe
and harmless.
away in Detroit last Tuesday. He Rub Pails and Stiffness away •c ith
was known by massy, haveing eon- a small bottle of old honest
ducted a jewellery business here a St. Iambs Liniment:
some six years ago. Y I When your back is sore aha, tee. or
A grand 11lasquerade Carnival • lumbago, sciatica or chem:,aa s-;uu has.
was held in the locat rink llastPri-' you stiffened up, don't suet : c.., t a
day evening, which was a fine 60 cent bottle of old, h=,x.. '5t,
The G. W. V A. have leered a
department and are fitting it up
intcx three rooms for n pool tabic
and reading rooms.
Minoan Mr.Danald ae'ed t years
diad in London " Ienspital last
Shindav morning.. after an iliness
of ht. -el tears. Ile was horn in
;;nn':Is'Y{1 nnrl 'i"tori on e farm near
Hensel' for hh'tnv years.
Jacobs Tiniment" at any c' ,
pour a. little in ,your hand
right into the pain or ache,
time you count fifty, the <;•,
lutneness is gone.
• Don't stay crippled l Tx '
penetrating oil nerds to 1 ,
) it
once. It takes the ache enc .
out of your back and end,: -
71 is magical, yet abso]lat,
and doesn't burn the skin.
eTotbhhng else Idajhs Ihnnb< 4ea
and lane hack miser; so 'v
.ate t Winclislour
are farmers' best friends. When the old wind-
mill fails to "water the cows" be prepared with
a UNITED to pump water. And for'scores of
other jobs your UNITED'will save you hund-
reds of dollars, Run the washing machine, the
cream separator, churn, grindstone and many
other machines with
this Handy, Reliable
Power Plant.
United PA 11. P. Spedfifcations
are Unequaled
3'/a in. Bore. 5 in. Stroke: 1S in, Fly Wheels
weigh 40 ib. each. Total approximate weight
950 pounds "Air Valve" fuel -saver carbur-
ettor. Quick Speed Changing Device.
Ask Us for Prices os All Size &lieu
•0.0110s.. ••.. a•
Kalbfleish,, Zuricir
1919 - 1920'
Zurich Athletic Association
Good every evening from
,afternoons- from 2.30 to 5.
ions wilt be charged•extre.
8 to 10 and Wednesday and Saturday
Hockey matches and special :attract -
Above is a copy of the Sea son ticket: which entitles the hol-
der to enjoy the advantages of the Zurich skating rink. Help
the good work along, Buy a tic kit,
Img4 ll i;; ..:
Do you carry enough insurance?
Material used in constructing buildings as well as furniture
clothing, etc,, has greatly advanced in price. Therefore
you should be insured higher to protect yourself against
Serious Loss.
A. F. Hess
For Wants and Children
Otic Use For Over 30 Yea
?dv,'ay,a 1.)L'21m
Sigaatete of.
M[• 1
•i:i, r,,c ,[-
°f ar. ,. taxa,•
i ;'4s ,:ecurez
a.ai .• , •, .36:1 Toronto