HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-01-22, Page 2Examizrations for Parents. i ;thole cover? What will clean oxi-
A certain amount of responsibility :lined t, mp fixtures?
- for the eueeess or failure of a, child I. Clean it with gasoline.
in Sehoel rests upon the parents; but • The word "Oxidized" siniply
there is no tribunal before which they meads a dull finish. I could not tell
can be arraigned or by which their what to use unless I knew whether
grading in efficiency ean be determine the fixtures were brass, iron or silver,
ed. Might it not be well for them Washing with warm soapy water will
Occasionally to take some means of remove surface dirt, and a good silver
'finding out how nearly they come to or brass polish should do the rest,
deserving a passing mark on their The common scouring powders,
obligations? No matter how efficient as ban ami or sapollo yids do for gun
the schools .may be, no matter how metal fixtures,
much responsibility they are willing Mrs. H. B.:—I ani asking for a re -
to lift from the shoulders of the par- eipe for making chowder with green
ants, there are certain duties that tomatoes, cabbage, onions, sugar,
must always rest upon the heads of spices and vinegar, and also one for
the household. making mince neat with meat.
It might be profitable for the The name of the relish is "French
mother, especially, to make out a list Pickle." Chop one peck of green to-
ot qutietions relating to her school matoes fine, sprinkle one cup of salt
duties to her children and, to the best over them and Iet stand over night,
of her judgment, give herself a mark In the morning drain, add two medium
upon each one, From those marks heads of cabbage, six large onions
she could learn what her standingin, chopped fine, and boil one-half hour
per cent is, as her children learn i in two quarts cider vinegar, two
what theirs is. Of course special eon-; pounds of brown sugar, and a half
dations will affect the questions some -1 tablespoon each of cloves, allspice,
what, but certain general questions i 'cinnamon, mustard, ginger and black
will serve as a guide: pepper.
1. How often have I visited my, mince Meat.—The following recipe
child's, school this year? for mince meat is the best I have ever
2. Is the school building. well vend_ I tasted, You can make as large a quan-
lated and well lighted? tity as you like. Three pounds of lean
3. DO I know the teacher person-. bee`, two pounds of suet, three quarts
ally? I of apples and three pounds of raisins,
4. What is 1all finely my child studying? neIy chopped. Two pounds of
5. Have 1 taken pains to see that! currants, three pounds citron, cut in
hts course of study is suited to his small pieces, one-half cup each of
nature and will give the right founds-' Iemon and orange peel chopped, one -
fl for C ,.
a _ cc i elf
ut,ce..,ful college o•: 1^usr- cup of lemon juice, one-foilrth
ness career? l cup of orange juice, two tablespoons
G. Do I enake it any business to; of salt, four cups of sugar—white or
know every day how he has done his brown --one cup of coffee, two cups
school work? of cider, one teaspoon each of cloves
7. How does he rank as a student and allspice, two teaspoons of cinna-
in comparison with others of his class mon, one glass of currant jelly. Boil
anti age? Itwo hours, then add one quart of fruit
S. Do I supervise his home study i juice of any desired flavor or a quart
and protect him from all interruption I of cider. Let stand one week before
during a regular time set apart fora using. If this seems too expensive
that study?
9. Do I see that he keeps i.egalar
hours, and do I insist that social mat-
ters do not interfere with his school j can replace the currant jelly, if you
work? l haven't that, but if made like the re -
10, Am I taking my share of respon- ripe it is dehriaus.
sibility in the mental and moral
growth of my child, or ant I expecting
the school to do it all?
The parent who has not visited
School at all would get zero on the
:first question. On No. 2 she would
get zero unless the general condition
of the building were well known to
her. In most cases she would get
the same mark on No. 3. • If she should
-deserve only zero on the first•three
questions, it is not probable that she
Would deserve a better rating an any
sof the others.
How many parents could honestly
grade themselves high enough to feel
satisfied in severely censoring' a child
that has failed to pass" chalk form for ;loves and is the lie f
rI quid form for ribbons. eHome Queries.
; Soon orders began to come in frond l3
header'—Can vett 1'' ?
, g the tic a.W of a erne ed easily and .from mother:: who mal;
forte» ".11 !% has ' ? its er; .1 I,y, Melte a few ribbon:: do long eertit.'c' fo
fnca anti lei,: e, S ,.,Y?ant rtia.illing tits their little girls. They are still Com
you can omit the candied citron and
peel and. add an equal amount of
raisins and apples. Any tart jelly
The Half -Price Lady.
A girl who was anxious to earn
necessary money for a few litt that she needed or greatly d
sired, after thinking the matter ov
for a while, hung a modest sign in
window of her hone. The sign ref
in black lettering on plain white:
The Half -Price Lady.
Why pay ten cents for having you
gloves cleaned, when you can have
it done for five cents? Children's
ribbons also made Tike new,
In renovating her own wardrobe sh
had discovered a simple mixture tha
cleaned perfectly. She used it in th
—and one smell onion Melt two
tableapoanfuls of butter in a eluding
dish or frying pan and add the chop-
ped onion and pepper, the rice, the
codfish and one half can of tomatoes,
Let the mixture simmer, but stir It
frequently, from fifteen minutes to
half an hour, If you use a chafing
dish, do away with the water pan;
otherwise the :fish will not be done.
���t�, RUN
DON? �1)iij
_N r, ,
In This Condition Only a Tonle
Medicine an Renew Your
The condition of being "run dor
is one that doctors do not recogni
as a disease. The physician of to -da
who gets his training in a hospit
where only severe disorders are
countered knows little about it. 13
those who are run down in heal
know that it Is not a fancied afflictio expression "run down" applie
to health, means a condition in whi
all the bodily functions are enfeeble
Appetite fails, the digestion is f
paired, the nerves are ilupoverishe
the complexion becomes pale or waxy
there is no animation, but rathe and mental depression. Fatigu
is a constant synrptomn. No particula
organ being affected, you must loo
for relief to the blood. As it circulate
through every part of the body, an
improvement in the condition of- th
blood is quickly felt throughout th
entire system. As a restorer of th
blood and builder of weak nerves Dr
Williarus' Pink Pills stand at the' Ilea
of all tonic nnein:eines, livery dose o
these pills helps to enrich the blood
and strengthen the nerves, and thus
the various organs regain their ton
and the body recovers its full vigor
Ample proof of this is given in' the
statement of Mr. William Devine, Ger-
rard Street East, Toronto, who says:
"Two years ago while employed as a
conductor on the Toronto Street Rail-
way, I became much run down. I
consulted a doctor who gave me medi-
cine, but it proved fruitless, as I was
constantly growing weaker. My an -
petite completely failed and I fell
away in weight uutil I only weighed
125 pounds. I was Sometimes taken
with fainting spells, and finally
compelled tip resign my pc
tried what T thotillit was ligh e , or ,
but with no better results. I was
growing weaker and weaker. One day
a chum urged nae to try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, but by this time I was
the heartily tilted of medicine, as nothing
e I had taken did ine any good. .Finally
e- he bought are a box of the pills; °and I
er 'could no longer refuse to try them.
the After a time T felt they were helping
d, me and then I gladly continued their
use, with the result that I was finally
enabled to go back to my old position
r fully restored to health. I owe this
splendid condition to I)r. Williams'
Pink Pills, and can strongly recani-
mend there to anyone Buffering as 1
e, Dr. Williams' fink Pills can be ob-
t'tainol hough any medicine dealer,
of lee; b ! had by moll, post Bald, at
viola.: a box t),• _, boxes for $2.ci0
eat alis! 1)r, 1? i:R,a.,. ,,tedielue Co„
�(. me a_ any people who heel Iin�•ltt gloves tb�a.t soil- 1
tt,t•k1ille. ont.
?Pam the Night Force
swim, s w tu'e not Ina 1 ,i tte:i ,ie1 the
oe•cupied area of ileranuty, Lieut.
Harry A. Franck writes in li: rpor's
91a1;,.,ztue, but one il,i rung a ':orgeant
telephoned to the lieutenant of t3ligi-
tlee 1, , v I 0 waa'.c 111 (:lata,, o t=ai' roars re -
it rs ;cul atvi,liils, to „ay that the
night force had stt';u'k,
.Sf'i is?'' cried. tie' 13U11e'.liant,
aha., ,tet the i'ud,leity. "t'll be out at
..r.•ivcd at the tu,aa 11 nestion, lle
stepped tc. request 1bot ctfitld of mili-
tary polies follow hien without delay
,and hutri,'cl on to the mill, lingering
his pistol,
"Order that night Force to fail it
pert: ae once:" he commanded, indi
cating an imaginary nue along which;
the offending company could be, dress
"Yes, sir," saluted the sergeant, and
disappeared into the building.
The lieutenant waited, nursing his
rage. A small boy, blue with cold
edged forward to' see •what was going
,on, Two others, a bit older, thin and
spindle -.Ranked, their throats and
chins shuffled in soiled and ragged
scarfs, their gray faces testifying to
long malnutrition, idled into view with
that yellow -dog curiosity of hook-
worm victims. But the night -force
gave no evidence of existence. At
length the sergeant reappeared.
'‘Vell,“ snapped the lieutenant,
"what about it? Where is that night .
"rill present, sir," replied the ser-
geant:, pointing at the three shivering
urchins. "Last night at midnight 1
ordered them to start a net. pile of
lumber, and tile mixt I : or thele
they Was cit aching, Amyl the
—it was a cold night. ---and when 1 or-
dered thein back to work they said
they hadn't had tny'tlriiig to eat for
two days but some war bread. You,
know there's beim some holdup in the
pay vouchers , . , '
A small banquet at the neighboring
Gastiwf ended that particular strike
without the intervention " of armed
When Man Improves on
Nature does not reason, she has n
moral consciousness, she does no
economize her resources, she is no
fficlent, she is wasteful and dilatory
,ends with one hand what she
saves with the other, says the noted
naturalist, John Burroughs, She is
blind; her method is the bit -and-
mise method of a man who fights in
the dark. She bait;i her nark, not be-
cause she aims at it, but bemuse sI)t,
shoots ill all directions, She nils the
air with her bullets. She wante to
plant in yonder mareh her eat -tail flag,
or her purple loosestrife, and she
trusts her seed to every wind that
blows, and to the foot of every bird
that visits her marshes, no matter
which way they =are going. And in
time her marsh gets planted. But
behold hew she ha! , endowed men to
improve upon all hes lock :ll:•1 mond-
about methods! i,}it ouabls him to
cheat, and misie• d, :tntl e irediary cart
hes', Ile of ti " her eeeret he t:! res
tS1.'.'8Y 7=4111=10.14,:G'r=1:7006 ''r7rSi6w .EMMECTTEZ
13d IJ Te. F ii YeapI
If deposited at3% will amount to $027.7re ;v'' eateeeeete a:rlaaeeeeea'aet
If invested at 4%, interest com-
pounded quarterly, wile,
amount to $744.26
But, if invested in our 5f�%
!)obenturrs will :a_, ee t totaS90.t^A
ett rite for Booklet,
The Great vert Ri l'In'tarns
.rE i$Ea Co" : ?cwry.
Toronto Office 2'J King St.West
:Japan inelndee neariy four thousand
Poultry, New Laid Eggs
Dairy Butter, 3eans,
Bolling Peas, etc,
Write for our Weekly Price List
and advise what you have to offer.
Speciai Prices for Fancy Quality
Gunn, Langlois, & Co., Ltd.
(Kept, W.)
Montreal, - - Quo.
Up-to-date Methods Pay
Mr. Fanner!
trot nosy with that. Maple (a)•ovp of
y,'n:s on sensible Baas:
Cut our th.,y 11a' :„Ful 1,c,iliu>
pot and 111st:iit n, ,',,mons u(i1it i't-
.s,” i>iv ' :I e.(i.+r0:1v— .: 61i4, built for
/earl returns,. lads is ' f,u+,;na
money- for van and one hundred
cents on the do11a to boot.
ate make it in i.,i different sizes
suitable ft -r ev,:ry ::tan:? grave,
Write now t'r,r ._,u: 1^i�,: Laool;ltt.
The Glrisnm Menuffzeturiog Company
58 Wellington el
..irr t
ou C
S' S ., Yyiuntrewl,
Increase Vickie of
Do You Breathe?
Are you one of the many persons
wh.i, with:)nt hemp really All, are
Iracier quite well? Do you grow tired
very ,fasily? Te your sleep often
b ckee and your digestion imperfect?
When you give your hand to a friend
title:; he soleetimcs r! -ay, "Oh, how cold
toe heed .is?" Do you constantly
wen..ler why y',,ur skin and hair do not
seem to be in a perfectly healthy and
vit�eeeme a ondition?
?'aurae there are many possible
causes for ail the.sa things, but before
yon ?:sake up your mind that you are
a predestined semieinvalid ask your-
self one question: Do you breathe?,
You must certainly breathe enough;
to keep yourself going, because there,
you are; but what a pity it is, that
when nature has given you a good set'
of lungs, and all the oxygen you need,
you should not use a little more of it,
and see whether the phyeical draw-
backs that are co annoying (lo not dia.
appear. We must all economize some-
where, but wo ought not to begin
with o.ygen, when it is a free gift
_-ours for the taking.,
The trouble is that we are too in.
dolent, i,?e read a paper about pro
per to o atI ng, or we listen to a lee
terse en the yttbjeet, and it all sound
i iripie and so easy that we deter
mine at once to breathe (seep an
au•n the :seep breather's reward. Al
hat day we breathe, and that nigh
ve even do samo of the suggeste
t. t ni,:nnc1 our lungs; the
next day or the dray niter w -o forget
he exercise.., habit gripe her slave
gain, and we go back to live a life
of .,elf -imposed starvation in: • the
nidst of plenty,
F � t
r, .
nv1, •'+t
.'li.,t.r.i t, o,.lt1
give their lungs a fair chance to show
-hat they earn do, they would find
to gains not only physical, but moral
nci mental" Much dull-lnindodness
• and irritability is caused by the poison
that poor breathers accumulate in
their systems—Poisons that they
could literally blow away by deep,
slow breathing. Do you feel depress-
ed and bine for no particular reason?
oes the house "get on your nerves?"
Then go out and breathe fresh life in -
yourself ,in the open. If that is
possible at the moment, stand in
an open window and do your breath-
g exercises for five minutes only.
You will find the world a different
ace and yourself a different person,
t' and Improve Quality
From fertilizing, the Ohio Sta• im
tion reports an increase of 19
bushels per acre. Minnesota
reports improvement of 8.5% in in
her very lig/linings,t10 1n}, 1 lter
feeding quality. 1
Last year twenty-eight far'mer's p
'aetuRlly measured their results 1
from fertilizing oats, They re-
port yields from fertilized oats
of. h' to 70 bushels per acre of
Firet Grade Oats, Their average
was Got, bnshols per acre,
Make Your Oat Yields Count th
White Prices Are High. w1
Write for I3ulletln, "slow to
/ Increase Canadian Yields." , Vol
, lie
Smugglers' gglers' Tricks,
The extent to which smugglers of
rater days in 'England would go to
eumpileh their ends is indicated by
e extraordinary contrivances to
lieh they resorted in order to se -
ate their cargo and escape the re -
me cutters. They form an interest -
chapter 1n human ingenuity,
metintos, says Mr, O. F. Mowbray
the Windsor � ndsar 14Tagazine, the sugars
I spars were made of painted tin
cI contained fine old cognac brandy.
Ilowe(t-gut banes were filled with
noun and cleeed up again. ThainutY
hand on .' 1111t1c1r'tl a. el a,oii ti;:` thin»
her ,ii )s, he levels her h ll he ab i
iterete he lrnreltes, he „): l,.•,a her
t°P:.t _ ing
DOUBLE BEAUTY ��Y The average number of gloves re
calved on week days, except Saturda
OF �� OUR ,t ",°s i is -.fifteen pairs, and on Saturday
many as sbctyepairs. As the materia
used costs. this girl only two cents for
a -pair, she clears more than four ricin
Tars a week on gloves alone. The rib
bons coarse in at the average rate of
ten yards a day, and sometimes at
much as seventy-five yards on Satur-
day, The -cost of cleaning a yard of
ribbon is one and a half cents and the
charge .is five cents, so that that
branch of the -work brings in four dol-
lars and thirty-five cents a week .She
"Dannejine" creates mass
of thick, gleamy waves
111 a few moments you ball trans-
tjorne your plain, dull, fiat hair. You
elan have it abundant, soft, glossy and
gull of life. Just get at any drug ornilet counter a szuallbottle of "Dan-
erine" for a few cents. Then moisten
soft cloth with the "Dancierine" end
firaw this through your hair, taking
gine small strand at a time. Instantly,
es, immediately, you have doubled
Pe , beauty of your heir. It will be a
Pass, so soft, lustrous tied so easy to
o up. All dust, dirt and excessive oil
r Let Danderine put more life, color,
Igor, and brlg'htness it your hair.
Itis stimulating tonic will freshen
trr scalp, check dandruff and falling
air end help your hair to grow long,
leis. strong end beautiful,
"p . deserts binout t'a the rose: he in:)-- ,
eters her tittle; and It-, .,it1c'ye and
weighs In orbs, he ends out her
ways in tsar. larks, 110 firsts cul her' i
ways in the I (,av)1,. IJn tlJcc,svt3t's
the masa. t', nt:•ietoly hiritlen thing in
the riplver:+e, the eth: r, :dad he Tari
learned how to use it for his own pat ie II lit
pose; his wireless tele rephc mine 1
it into a news highway; above theseas, ever the mountains and across I
1t, 1,,, ted Up t ,o ii.
1. ;.ittp with tit I. »l alit, ;window
-101.M. le ml. bedrimi;1 all the year
y; r'o111)rl,
plenty of 10)011, 'Mist It'011ie
I s. Never allow- you crli' to become
lnnore tired by atayfng 1111 lata after at
hard day: ziialtR up far it b;• going, to
bed early.
If you are in good health, if your
resisting power is good, the genas of
disease are les» likely to Irui'm you,
Nothing helps to bullet up the resist-
ing power so Much 101 proper food,
pienty of sleep, and pure, fresh air,
clears altogether about eight dollars ��%
and forty-two cents a week. :- WELL L L SR rI a .. WITH
One advantage of that kind of wort. °b3�� R
is that the worker can systematize Iter D A?
labors in such a way as to leave the T�;
afternoons and evenings free. The
pressing and cleaning is not easy, but
a girl who undertakes.‘the work can
stop for rest and recreation when she
is tired,
Many other girls could tulle the plan
to account, for the number of ribbons
and gloves that need cleaning and
freshening is remarkable, and after
all the venture requires; no capital ex-
cept industry and patience,
A Hirst For a Savory ,upper,
On cold winter evenings, after a day
spent in the frosty out of doors, a
supper party is always welcome. Isere
is the recipe for a deliefous meal that
can be cooked either on a stove or in
a chafing dish, and that will satisfy
appetites made keen by the icy air:
Ii lake one and one half cupfuls of
salt codfish and soak it ane hour,
Boil one cupful of rice. Chop to-
gether two tablespoonfuls of green
pepper ---or more if the pepper is mild
Mrs. A. Bernard, La Presentation,
Que., writes: --`'I have ,.used Baby's
Own Tablets for my baby and am well
satisile(1 with 'them, l have recom-
mended them to several of my friends
who have also used them with bene.
ficial results," The Tablets are a
ttniid but thorough laxative which re-
gulate the stomach and bowels and
thus prove of benefit in eases of indi-
gestion, constipation, colic, colds, etc
They are sold by medioine dealers or
by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., iarockvitle,
Ont. -
Adams Wrist Watch"
With an alarm wrist watch is sup-
plied an electric battery to awaken
a sleeper at a designated time by send.
Ing A. current through and, ?awning e
strip of metal on hie arni.
lKiitl(rd'a tiz►intaent Olr es Ciarget la COWL
Soil and Crop
Improvement ea• cent $ ureau
t7f the Canadian I`ertillzer Assn,
1111 Temple Bldg., Toronto, Ont.
-- ! lc.pes wet ; n)arle of tobacco iyaeheat
with rum to give thein a henipen ap.
continents, it carries his messages. In
man nature has evolved the human
from the inhuman, 311e has evolved 1
justice and mercy from rapine and
cruelty, she has evolved the civie
from the domestic, the stute from the
tribe. She has evolved the Briton
and the Frenchman from rude prehis-
toric man, e She has not yet got rid 'bf
the Hun in the German, but site is
fast getting rid of the German in her
overseas Germanic stock. The bleach-
ing process goes on apace.
Staunch to the Eight Hours.
Reilly --"You'll be sorry to hear that.
Pat Donovan was drowned yester-
Dooley—"But I thought he was a
good swinmer," Reilly ---"Yes, but he was a staunch
union man. He swain for eight hours,
then gave it up ---on principle',"
1 : �y i� .r 'a (t t'ti iii�l arsf
}`,ill,. , t
11c@ • L> ;Idrasfctli�dil'.,,?daj
a sick horse will be on the road
to r'ec'(ivery after treatment with
his is the most effeetive Blood Puri.
er and Cleanser for horses, cattle.
eee anti swim'. cures coughs, cold»,
ben iioest1en, heaves, ?stocked 1PK»,
greased ased heels, etc. 'No matter who
ra" Iguen treating Sour horse without
success, try Dr. A. C. Daniel's Reno-
vator Powders, which will nearly t+.l-
ways succeed when all other remedies
fail. Arid these powders to the feed
and it makes the finest stook food on
earth. It will show its effect on the
kidney:; in one day and in two days a
"big improvement in the animal's con.
:Mimi will be noticeable. Many timer
it will add 5 to 10 pounds to ala
animal': weight inside one month.
PRICE 60c.
]aitt JlNY117L r, rttBDxCAL 13Oort int=
Lnw'wa '•'ic..,a,S�'t1, an: i 0i4 i 14141yr1 ev14q?.Ft t110.,'l4rK.�
We are Buyers of Ontario Grains and
Sellers of Western Feeding Cats and Barley.
p�q� oz..? OY�rl�pR P1, t�,ti4 A'S CO.ifte e,aha • w C IMI .87. +E� CP CO
ao°"t"'A,a"� G�93
ROYAL PLANK I U11..�i/l<3
'zta tuh'tf s7, wevama ' w,, SFC..,
pt a ante, itatis of dozens of tinkers
of spirits wo'k'e brought over and souk,
with .. cork or a feather to mark their
i it ht r( ;borate so that they could be -
31 0,10a :4,1 0000.010n aarved. The very
ilour planks were hollowed out to re-
eeleefee leec1, and smugglers carried pads
l of tee hidden is their clothing,. There
wore false bnil:Ineads, false keels and
false bows. The Plough of Hastings
had a false, how in athlete some darty
kegs could be hidden, and similar
craft hailed from itye and Bexhill.
The following item appeared in a
newspaper of the year 1817:
"A curious seizure was made ou'Fri-
day the 12111, at Stonehouse, soon of
ter the arrival of atvessel from Guerin
soy. A porter, carrying a bedstead
from a shore boat, was islet on the
beach by 41, customhouse ofllcer, who,
slaving asked the porter to whom it
belonged, and having recelvecl. rather.
an uusatisfactory reply, thought tt
right to 'examine the bedstead. On
doing so, he found that the posts were
hollowed out and contained several
hundred pounds' worth of lace /ngen,
ously concealed under slides."
How to Do It
The ounce boy came into tie office,
hat on head, and slamming the door
behind him, said abruptly, "Oen 1 'a,tre
the 'alf day oil to go to a football
snatch, guv'nor?"
"That's not the way to conte in,"
said the boss. "Now, you take My
seat, and I'll show yott the way you
should enter,"
The boss went outside, and on auto-
ing In again closed the door quietly,
and In a meek voice, said, "Please,
sir, may 1 have the afternoon oft in
order to go and see a football watch?"
"Yes," retorted the boy, "and heret's
a quarter to spend."
Apples cored and baked with raisins
in the cores are delieloua,