HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-01-22, Page 1ZUR 'Vol. XX No 29 11 4 Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc ERA LD ZURICH, THU A MORNING„ JANUARY 22, 1920... YOUR HARNESS NEEDS Will be promptly attended to here. See:us about DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING OF ALL RINDS Rugs, Blankets, Bells A Trial Solicited I FRED THIEL ZURICH 'ef• +4+++++-4 4 1• • . Mi S, S. E. Faust of Waterloo visiting at his home here. Of course spring is stili a long way off, but then February is a a short month, Git up, Jan uary, , • You will miss the biggest 'e von.= .ing's fun of the season if you do is not attend the earn val at the rink to -night, Thursday eve,. ,pital for Consumptives and the Sick Children's Hospital, Tor- onto. -(fift1000..000000.000001901111010.00041100000111410400000000411100000000 0000111000000•000111000000111001 Dr. R. B. Catt, Veterinary Sur - Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1,25 a Year In Advance • Everybody is to -night, Thurs. e"c'e., at the skating rink, at the (Carnival. Air may be free, but it crysts considerable to keep it in aotom- ohile tire*. The Baron Block at Forest has been purchased by the U., 1'1% 0. for a store,. Mr. Jacob Schnell of Ayto 'visiting at the home of his bro- ther, Mr. John H. Schnell, at pre- sent. Mr. Wm. .Callfas, stage driver, has installed a telephone in his house, this will add greatly to the public's convenience. The Zurich P. S. pupils donated $16.25 for the Muskoka Free Hos- eon has opened an office in paah ,ab ' 4,, wood and will be ready to elm- :rnence Veterinary Practice 0111 # . • coming week, ,..- 1- ... Miss Maida HoutIedge left on 0. Tuesday morning for Torono, Where. she has taken a position in a whcle-sale Millinery department 'le assume ber inillieery business in 2 , Miss Routledge will however, ;1- '0 • gain be back in the Spring and -g--.-:: . 6 YOU ..2 WO AII;SLHING $ : town. . KE4 . - 0- A very sudden death °calve 1 on • 0 - . Tuesday when Mr. A. G. E1ine•3 of :• h IstTillag olc‘irtanclewas.,dIrlitnnirCiiteedniat..11 Vi :,,baVe no information as to whtin IIIC the funeral will be. .A. full deta- ailed account will appear in next e weeles Herald. • Z •••••••.10•11VOMIIMI.., . lAb we go to wake up the col-!Fi t. twins of the Herald this week, welc---- • rtIsii /tilt we were never so enalsarra.s-'5. We are busy Stocktaking , . ....•..... .• ,. I , „ 'te I , ferL.7:. 4' t ,..(:. ki:141) know „what JO put Inas 1 ri 2,ieze.gair-zt4. local. news. One of our .77-; subsetibers% said "We are not look -I-..„-,•:,';'4 • ins for netaviii;',iiiisi usualerweather" but ttale spate 1 .-.------L:i 1 Toll smi: atklely it look someth-Z5 'ilce a 0 • local, home paper. traffic, _has 0 O been practically stopped on Fac - O ount of the storms that have reg- • ed from Friday till Monday. 1•4c, a 2 0 1 • • • 4 0 4 .2 x!) 0 0 0 •0 k • 0 0 40 t 1 • 11 • • ,e +®y 0 Town HaU, Zurich, on Tuesday, Jan. 271h Moving Pictures THE PRINCE IN HIS TOUR Colonel Henn., a Liar. $1,000 Reward -,----- Eobby Bumps as Chef, Starts at 8.15 Children 20e. Adults War tax extra, 35c. en ers Wanted CORPORATION OF THE TOWN., SHIP OF HAY Sealed tenders will be receiVedt by the Council of the Township o.t Hay for the position of Manager of the Central Office of thelLay. Township Telephone System in Zurich Tenders must state sal- ary expected All tenders must be in the hands of the undersigned on w: before 2 o'clock, Saturday, Feb. 7th, 192,.. For particulars pPly to A.. P .Hess, Township Cledt... Dated at. ,Zurich, Jan. 19th, 192:11). ti.'.'filiii111111,111111014111111111111111111111011.13.110111111110A'.1110111101011111111111111111!1110111Ti1110111ii:iii1111.140,00i11111111111111111111M1111inlin190111111111111101B101N11000pitim at h this Space Next Week Phone 59 asit*Knantexcessaventsmen PREETER • there are no in or out visitoN or • • business callers, but we hope con- : ditions will soon change that the • Herald can again appear in ics • usual newsy way. ANNU.A.L MEETING OF ZURICH AGR. SOCTR'PY. The annual meeting of the mem- . bers of the Zurich Agricultural Sa• - e. ciety was held on Tuesday. Owing 4all' to the stormy weather the amin- e e dance was not large but the en- thusiasm was not lacking. The • financial. report for the year 1.919 : shows a balance On, hnad of $91.9,3, 0 • and 77 members Peid up for 1.920 • Three departmental judges will a ▪ gain be,secured this year. One 0, for 'horses, one for cattle and the : other for poultry. 0 The Society will likely again en- p• teeti • rtitholILStanding Field Crop Com- o' The election of officers result- *, • ed as follows.; - Fres.. E. F. Klapp; 1st. Vi20- 2 2 Pres. Casper Walper; 2nd Vice - Pres., J. Decher Jr.; Direetara; P. Ran, H. Krueger, 0. Klopp, Wm. Decher, e. Steinbach, H. H. • Neeb, A. Reichert, 3. A. Smith, • • and T. L. Wurm. Mr': A.. Hess was re -appointed'. Secy.-Tkeas, of the Society Per an- other year. 2 • • • • 0. 0 • *. e1 0, 41 • 0 0 4, 0' Produce Wanted 1 -1,tt$ oiselootlso***t* ***lit liatilli41/4414:4",itosW410460,414004,49,0***6006g0stutoite‘446 14( '71ONS g./.. Int .i•plicated 1855 CAN/ and RESERVE C 10, 000 0 ? 20 Branches Opo : :batt.s Those Upne toGrasp It Start a Savings account today, The ,Molsons Bank, a rondy for opportun t,' when 'it Comes 0 W ''0LLES Manager Zurich Brairkeb lbappv anb Prosperous new Vear. R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 97 BLAKE 151.iic.:i!iii,....zinT0:!1!!:1:-;i•:!1:r.,,t.,iii:E:ovikimiginiiamosivoiRarrmisont0010,,.:kionionpppromr01000001000001mmatiii iffinifeet001111.400**114.4100/0.+4100***4 11110.4. tils000t.,4600014 • Hockey Shoes 1 ••• 0 1 .6111•10.1111•••••••••••••••• NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF ZURICH WAS SKATING SUCH «A NOVELTY AS THIS SEASON!. • , I3E SURE YOU HAVE THE Best Hockey Shoes WE HAVE THEM ALL SIZES, AND TO WIT YOUR 1 1 pr.sma BUTTER AND 5:iGS WANTED C. FRITZ The Shoeman 31: • flirt .010MIC I +0001114 +4000 Of it *0194114 .404101114.16000411*.40.114411100.04 —......___ For zilknerome Gift All models and styles in Ladies and Gents with aluminum tops, , Prices range from $1.90 to $7.00. Buy COMMUNITY PLATE C51.1drib111111LIIIIi:li: 411111111111111,k1T,,. *.” 1:9 , . , • 14" Silverware for Xmas Gifts See our display Hess the Jeweller Plicale 67