HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-01-15, Page 7•
,.*ce Now Exists Between Allies and Gernena/ --Unife
States Only Power Stitt at Wan' — Cler nenceaen •Invites
Twelve-Neuti'c:.ls to Join League of Nrakions,
Paris, ,Ian, 1.1 7'he-Allies and Baton sere Lessner, head of ' the
• Ger•muuy are, at pnaca:. The world! German Peace Delegation, says Ger-
war ended formally ycstcr<lay hits..(.», manly • will go to the' utmost limit in
noon when representative.... a•1' the! fulfilliing• ail the obligations incurred.
Powers which had approved the Vela!
sallies Treaty deposited their cc:rtifi Because of the failure of the United
cafes of ratification and signed the States to ratify the Peace Treaty the
proses-verhail which -put .the Treaty status of tltc relations bet,ueen the
United States ' and Germany is not
conformity with I.he Peace ^+hanged by the ceremony of deposit
Treaty and the annex of the League
of Nations Covenant, `Premier Ci,e The American Government takes•
menceau has telegraphed, Argentina, the position that because of the failure
Chile,,, Colombia, Denmark, Spain, of the United States to ratify the•
Norway, Paraguay, Holland, Salva. • lre:at• the •Armistice signed Novem-
dor, Sweden, Switzerland and Vene-''o'er• 11, 1918, as well as the provisions.
zuela that the Treaty is now effective,' of the extension. of that agreement7,
and inviting them to nienthersi.ip in continues in fall force and effect bei
the' League of Nations.' tween the united States and Gcr,
Between 6,000 and 7,000 German many,
elite effect,
i la lee ions.
prisoners will he repatriated daily, Formal notiee to this effect has
beginning immediately on the, aririvai been given to the German Goverti-
of railway cars from Germany. anent by the United States.
Steamer Treveat Wrecked in Coal Being. Exported to Ob.
Engtit1i Channel. fain High Prices.
since Says He's Coming
DA Again in the Fall
A despatch from Calgary, Alta
says: --The Prince of Wales 15 detcz
mined to visit"lets ranch in Albert
clueing the c•onring Lall on his wa
back front India, he told :Prof. Carlyle
of Clalgaey, • •:who has just returns
from England, where he made arrange
menta for the'siiipntent. to the ranc
of thoroughbred Dartmoor ponie
which the Priuc:e is iutrodttcing int
Aborta, also thoroughbred Shorthorn
cattle and Shropshire sheep. • Th
name of the (hush has been fixed b
the Prince as the "E. P. Ranch."
Prof. Carlyle, who .is manager. o
the George Lane ranches will els
manage the Prince's ranch,
Weekly reef Report
B4eadstuffs, 1 Barrelled Meats --Pickled pork,.• 46
Toronto, Jan, 13, -Manitoba wheat; mess pork, $45.
---No. 1 Northern,•$2,8Q; No. 2 North-; - Green Meats -Out of pickle, lc' Tess
ern, $2.77; No, 3 Ncithezn, $2,7:3; in) than smoked,
Dry Salted Meats -Long clear:, in longs,
c; tons 32%e; in eases, 28c to 29c; clear Prat inciai organization; are wot
d, l bellies, 27c to 28%e; fat backs, 32c ing in all the provitic.�r,:; of Cana
rt to 3k.. with the poesihie exception of Brit
T.<t d 1'ierres, 29c to 29 c; tubs, Columbia. and even there the
20%c to. 30c; pailste293tc to,30.1ile; operative idea is taking hold of t
d. prints, 301, e to 31c, Compound lard, fx•ui .
rt tierces, 281/zei to 29c: tubs, 29e to 29%e t growers, and some day in
stare Fort William.
Manitoba oats...-No.2 C,W., 93%.
No. 3 C.W., 89114; extra No. 1 fee
89%e; No, 1 feed, 84 /ec,'9n store Fo
Manitoba barley --No. 3 C.W
$1.6514; No. 4 C.W., $1,45%; rejeete
$1,31; feed, $1,341,, c, in store leo
e William.
y Ameri(.ali earn ---No. 3 yellow, $1.7
No. 4 yellowy $1.71. track Toront
f prompt-hirti.pnt
This organization of ours is very
far-reaching in its oim and influence.
The Club member „ort the back cons
cessloi}" does not realize how inappx-
tant is the institution to which he be -
a Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 96 to 99
according to freights outside.
Ontario wheat -No. 1 1•1rinter, pe
ear I. t, 32.00 to $2.01; No. 2 doe, $1,9
to $2,03; No. 0, (1o., $1.93 to $1,9
f.o.b. shipping points, according •
Ontario wheat=No. 1 Spring, $20
" to $2.02; No. 2 Spring. $1.9l to $2,05
No. 3 Spring, $1.95 to $",01, fed
shipping points, according to freight
• Peas—No. 2, $2.75.
Barley --Malting, $1.70 to $1.75, ac
cording to freights outside.
Buckwheat—$1.,38 to $1.40, accord
prints, ..^,0c to 3014a near future will see to live syste
3; Montreal Markets. working there as well •as in all tl
°; 'Montreal, Jan. 13. --Oats- • -- Extra
Must Grow Cotton
Within the Empire
A despatch from 'London says:---
Reports from America go to show tha
Lancashire cannot rely upon supplies
of raw cotton front the 'United States
The Manchester Chamber. of. Corn
merce decided, • owing to the grave
danger of a future shortage of Ameri-
can cotton with which the industry is
menaced to urge the Government to
take steps without delay to advance
by every means in its power the grow-
ing of cotton within the Empire.
Sir William Barton suggested that
Mesopotamia might be utilized iu that
Na..1 :reed, $1.09. !(Torn•-•-•Man,,Jnew ` Of cauree, we try to make it clear
5 -
per ton, (allots, $25 to $21,, Cheese-- moat far this, as well as all other or -
c, standard grade, $13.25 to $1:;,55. Roll- that the big reason for joining a Clu
ed oats --Bag, 90 lbs., $1'z to 85.15, Bran is not personal or class aggrandis
7 $45,25, ijhortii, $52.25. Hay -No, 2, went, The people who have dor
4, Finest ea terns, 2.5c to •28c, Butter- ;anizations, iz t
to Choicest creamery, FISC to 69e• do more cone
re those who are far
a clued about putting per -
seconds, 62c to 63c. Ef. ^'s ---Fresh, ,cJ0e sonality, thought. time, money, into
Q2 to 95c; , de'. selectggcl, 65c; Bio. 1v"'o. 1 the movement c:batt about, ening it
stook. 57c ;. do,, l'io, 2 sta: k a3c t0 tr g
• 55c, Potatoes --Per bag. caI•is�ts, $".60. lack.
s. to $2,75, "Nothing tram nothing Ieaves noth-
_ Live Stook Markets. ing" is true absolutely, It is also true
Toronto• Jan, 13, --Choice
- heavy that if honest, earnest, practicaI effort
eters, $14.50 to $15.00; good heavy is put into a nioventent, profit,
steers, $1.3.00 to $14,00; butchers' cat -
glees, power will he derivedfrom it
tie choice, $12,25 to $13.00; do., good.; Just now there is being perfected a
511.50 to $12.00;. do., mediti h, $10 2"o � scheme far an educational campaign,
to $11;00; do., common, $7,50 to $8.50; nation-wide, Our delegates from On-
- bulls. choice, $11.00 to $11.50; do,, • tario and the Enat are meeting with
medium, $10.50 to $11,50; doe, rough, delegates of the Western provinces in
37.00 to $7.25; butcher cows, choice, convention at Brandon. and Mrs.
$9.50 to $10.00; do., good, $9,75 to Brodie is to add: eta that great gather-
ing to freights outside.
Rye -No. 3, $1,70 to $1.7b accord
ing to freights outside.
Manitoba flour -Government stan
(lard, $13.25 Toronto.
Ontario flour -Government 'sten
dards $9.50 to $9.70, Montreal and To
ionto, in jute bags, Prompt shipment
direction. Millfeed -Car lots - DeItvere
te. Montreal freights bags included -
d $10:25; do., medium, $8.75 to $9.25 do,, Pi
LL,...l'erina7tYerit tg. .. Bran, per ton, $45• shorts per ton
» i i ion $52; good feed flour, $3,75:
Weymouth, England, Jan. 11. - A despatch from London says:-- For Imperial Conference Ha , p , $ ,
Thirty-five inemberss. of the crew of $�3'-No. 1 er ton 26.50• mixed
of the British t ,f 1 Shortage of household coal which • per ton $25 track Toronto.
42 s earner revea approaches famine propbrtions is re- . A despatch from London says:- 'Straw -Car lots, per ton; $14,50 t
were drowned when the big vessel ported in m<nye,of the thick! r $1.5•5°,track Toronto,
was wrecked on Kinxmer Edge Rock, �+ 3'-popu- Rork on the biggest Empire TradeCuntry produce -Wholesale.
near Allan's Head, dur,a lated districts throughout Great Bri- exhibition ever seen in this country,
fain, and is resulting' in protests to to be held next year under the patron -
violent to No. 1, bel to 61c; new laid
violent storm in the Channel •Satur- the Coal Controller from numerous age of the King, will shortly begin. 90e to $1.00; selects, 65c to 67C
day, places in Lancashire South Wale's Premier Lloyd George is President of c titter Creamery prints, 68e to 70c
The Tceveal, bound fronx Calcutta dist London districts and also from the'Council, which will include An- choice dai�yrprits,prints, 59c to 0e to 53c('bakers ordin
to. Dundee with cargo, Struck the (cele Ireland, drew Bonar .Law, Walter Hume Lange, 45c to 50e• oleomargarine (best r,)
common., 37,00 to 37.50; stockers, 37.50 nig•
to $10.00; feeders, $10.00 to •$11.50; P111114'are being forte:Mated there 1
canners and cutters, $5.25 to $6.50; make it pussible,to acquaint the ran
milkers, good to choice, 3110 to 3170; and file of the citizens of the country
do., cont. and med. $65 to $75; spring- with affairs as they really are. The
. r
0 ers, 390 to $175; light ewes, $7,00 to immigration laws, and how they ar
38.50; yearlings, 39,00 to $10,50; carried out; the system of
spring lambs,protection
p g per cwt,, $18 to $19; and bow it works out in the daily lif
calves, good to choice, 318 to $`21.•
hogs, fed and watered, 318.50; do., of the people its bearing on the high
c• weighed oft cars, 318.75; do., reset., ass of living, eta... will be discussed
$17.50; do., do., to farmers, 317.25, and the discussion and its results be
Montreal, 1,',. -Butcher's' steers made available to the people.
good, 311 to 312; medium, $9,50 to 311; People are thinking, and Canadian
common, $8 to 39.50; butcher heifers, people at least are thinking seriously
good, 39 to $1.0; medium, $9 to 310; not only to seek a remedy to allay th
common, $6.50 to $8.75; butcher cows unrest, but to apply this remedy con
good; $9 to •'Q110; medium $6.50 to •
ate Friday night. The vessel im-
mediately Despite the fact that official re- Sir Auckland Geddes, and the Pre! 33c to 37c. Cheese -New, large, 31'/se
wired for assistance, but turns show a constantly increasing miers + of the dominions. The exhibi- to 32c, Maple Syrup -Per 5 -gal. tin,
awing to the severity of the storm and output of coal for several months,tion is lanned to last six months, but $4per o
p gallon; do. one -gal, tin, $4._5
the dense dart ness the to *1 1 t it will possibly be extended over a Hoixey-White-6O s, 25c to �6 10's
,excepting during the Christmas and
' out from. Weymouth was unable to l New Year's holidays, poorer citizens,
find her. Later her position was have found, it .virtualiy impossible to
established by wireless and early
Saturday a tug and.a Weymouth life-
'thecGov rnnrent small'
nnounedsupplies `reduce
• boat went to the assistance of the tion -of ten shiIlitzgs on each ton, af-
fecting household eoal. The. distress,
The Treveal was tight an the rock; therefore le acuts'in the present cold
and unable to get elear, because ba1hl spell,
wind ands sea were against her. The; In some places the' municipal au -
lifeboat tried several times to reach tliorities have decided to close the
the doomed sten°
$3,50; cannere, $:e.2o to $5,50; tatters, stittttionally. It can be done if we all
year or two, with eventual develop- 26c to 27c; 5's, 27c to 28c; Buckwheat $6 to $6.50; botcher bulls, common, shoulder aur responsibility and use
ment into a permanent exhibition for -60's, 19c toi 20e. $6.50 to $7,50; light veal calves, 316 to the constitutional means we have for
linlrerittt Commerce, Provisions -Wholesale, 317; goad veal, 315 to $17; medium the betterment of conditions. But if
e, Smoked Meats -Rolls, 20c to 31c, $12 to $15; grass, 37.50• Best lambs, the refuse to accept our re :oozxsibili•
, hams, medium, 35c to 36c; heavy,, 33c 316.25: sheep, $9; ewes. $8: to 1$9; ties, no one can tell what the outcome
13 Powers Saw to 34c, cooked hams, 48c to 50e; backs,
Iambs, _, good., $16 to $16,25; connnorr, will be.
the Germans Sign plain, 49c to 50e; backs, boneless 51e $1,4 to $1ti.5,0. Hogs off car weights, We cannot stifle thought. • but if
to cottage rolbreakfast bacon, 42c to •461;, s eets, $20; lights. 318 to 320: sows, can be directed iuto right channels. •
$15.50 to 316. Upon the press of the land and upon
The ratification of the Versailles all those whose ability has placed
.net, but v, as beaten Treaty took place Saturday, Jan, 10,, vides a system of grading and inspec- th.eut in positions of leadershi a very
I grade schools because they lac!: fuel Seed Oats Situation. p,
bac'. by the storm. It was iinpossibl� l mate which" to heat the =buildings. at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, in the _ flan, SO that shippers its either West- ; serious responsibility rests. Avoid it
for -„lie coast guard to shoot a line to Swansea in Wales ie one instance hall of the Ministry of Foreign Attars- in those districts where the oat crop lFeb- ; we cannot, shirk It ere dare not, for `
ern so Canadahaof the liaritime
the ship Incense of her dist:an^e from • where this con*lition prevail when the letter modifying the amount Was a- partial or total failure last sea- f vinces 'may make delivery of seed in- the cansegaenc:es of action, tie inac-
�� 1
son, farmers are becoming somewhat : spection certificates with their bills tion, of foolish wavering of purpose,
anxious as to the available supply of j of lading. Purehasers of seed oats tri 1 or; resolute. facing ai: duty. will each
seed oats. There is a general t�.audency any Pare of Canada may now buy oa ! bring ctiife,'ent resuite. 'but sure re -
on the part of fanners who have seed ; the basis at grade, No. 1 seed, No. 2 : suite, The individual c_•anadlan citi-.
tvva boats, vvluch V, re itnnieciiai.011, fcr the owners, 1ho refuse to allow tied the treaty were represented --1 oats for sale to Withhold them until Iseed' "t.s., and:subjeet to size delivery :ten roust :,.ceei,t itis tadivirluit1 )er-
a,i nped iu the a t� .ng sea. While! the coal to• be. solei in Great Britain Creat I3ritain, France, Italy, Japan, later in the winter. 'Phe niorezlieut of f of seed iuspe(tion ce.rtilicates.--- Go. 1•I, , sonar share of reseoneibilit'• withlall
the coast #„•i.:tzrd z. itched, povverles for l.ouseliolcl 1,elgiutn, ,P,olivia. Brazil, Guatemala, seed oats is d.el1 'i ileo I •au- Claris. Seim ColtiiniSsiarxer`. that that euiaiis.
purposes at th Gov- - +r '`
to lend aid, the ailors fought foe ernment's price, sportatiutt itis been neecieri for --- --.e.---- 1 `Phe ship of stat ,)'snot drift into
their lives, but only seven reached! and ilrngttav `a safe harbor. it meet be piloted there
,F�,nother Iaomanxce I and the sea is rough and the rocks
A despatch from London says:-
ays:- g s, 33c to 34c.
"its i Officials of the miners' federation.
Finally, the captain signalled to• allege the shortage of coal is clue to
the tug - that he was going to abut the' fact. that ibe bulk of the supply
don .:ni ship. The crew fat off .i n: is being sent ahroa 1 t 1 f'
of tonnage ariginaIly demanded from
Germany; was handed to Baron Burt
von Lamer, head of the German de-
legation, The powees that have ratt-
shore The captain wasamong those/
I At Rideau Hall ! are many, and everyone must be at
Shortly after the crew abandoned , - Even if Accused is Absent his post. The work of the U,F.0. --
t:he Tteveal the vessel broke in two, f A despatch from Ottawa says: -The ! C,F w.o, le chiefly to impress Alien -
The 7.raveai vests of. 4,010 tons ro :. •f engagement is announced of Captain our farm people their duty as Cana-
g 1 • Manchester, Eng., Jan. 11.- The lexxco Gity, Jau. small nadian Uaveltm�ant Seed Harold Macmillan, Grenadier Guards, dian citizens, The t '
She vv is 'wilt ire 1904 tr.d beloixgedi Manchester Guardian yesterday child is said to be the only survivor Purchasing Commission already has A,D,O.. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs,org. nization also
+ a 8
Maurice eitteneillan, and the Lady ! with all other orgauizaLions whose
,drowned. 1 Mlles Wili Try Ex Kaiser
Pero, Poland, Siam, C'zecho-Slovakia trap
• coal, feed and live stock.
4'•i Possibly 400.000 bushel; of seed
Small Child Only Survived ' oats may be required in Ontario and
in the Village of Santito Quebec, and a much larger quantity
in Southern Alberta and Saskatche-
ib 11.-Onewan. ' The Ca
to he Iia.n Steamship Company• i lnnted t+hat a solution of the difficul- of all the inhabitants of the village substantial supplies, in store in the In-
KOL l �" ` ARMY,y poisonous gases. 1early-halethen 1✓�cullenctes the Goveri
seeks to eo ogerate as far as possible
ty with regard to the trial of the of Santito, State of Puebla, which terror Terminal Elevators. and Targe Dorothy Cavendish, third slaughter of l aims are similarorg'" rz v y w
i !'.caner (aermau Emperor 1]11 be was ovei•whehned b quantities; of good -quality +a gel,
Reds Continue to Gain n
South Russia.
London, Jan 12.—According to The,
Daily Mail's Harbin correspondent:
under date of January 9, the Japan -
'"The \ex -Kaiser will be sunnnoned
to trial before an • Allied commission
and if he does not answer—it is pos-
sible he may not—he will be tried in
his absence," the newspaper says.
"By this course his full guilt will
be made manifest to the world by the
ese Military Intelligence Department; testimony of witnesses, including
says that Irkutsk is wholly occupied Germans, his correspondence and
by the Social Revolutionists, anfl Ad-' other documents. • 'Sentence will beiniral Rolchak's army has been com-! pionouneed, and if .it cannot be exe-
pietely dispersed. The •Japanese euted, it will, at any rate, be on re-.
•civilians have been evacuated from.' card. One possibility is that on evi-
Irkutsk, ciente available from Germany and
Other reliable sources indicate that Holland the ex -Kaiser' Will be proved
the Czecho-Slovaks and Japanese have a criminal 'lunatic."
reached an understanding with the -• - -- ;� - _
Social Revolutionists not to interfere -
with each other. 300 -German Criminals
It is officially stated that all the
American troops have' been ordered
to evacuate Manchuria by March 1.. A despatch from London' says:---
The successes of the Reds in South The list of war criminals to be de -
Russia continue. After heavy fight- mended by the allies for trial has
ing they have captured Rostoff-on- been considerably revised and re -
the -Doli, which, until a few days ago, ducecl from the originally*proposed
was General Denikilte's administra- 1,200 to about 300, according to The
'Live headquarters. 1,,, Daily Mali,
A plan is on foot for the formation "It was thought better," .the news-
ofa Federation of Finland, Esthonia paper adds, "to demand a few against
and Latvia and probably Lithuania,whoa. specific serious charges have
London, Jain. 1L -Admiral I olcl. k been lodged than along list, including
!head of the All -Russian Government many persons charged with light of -
in Siberia, has been arrested at Irkutsk fences.
by Col, Popeliayev, according to -a y "Tho • German Crown Prince . and
Moscow wireless despatch dated Fri- Crown Prince Rupprecht at Bavaria
day., Col, Pepeliayev ordered his pris-
remain in• the list.»
over to hand over control of all af-
fairs, it is added.
Will Be Demanded
Prohibition. Fails
In New Zealand
.4. despatch from London says; ._
4. despatch NomWellington, New
Itealand, says that on the referendum
:fecouut prohiiiition has failed: to se-
wereth.e necessary absolute majority,
'e present system will therefore con..:
Fifteen Feet of Snow
Falls in Newfoundland
A. despatch from ieorth`lwyclney, N.S.,
says:-_ Travellers from Newfoundland
arriving here tell of unusually severe
weather auditions its the Ancient
Colony. They state that last week
witnessed the worst snowstorm hi the
history of Newfoundland. Fifteen feet
of snow fell, demoralizing the colony's
sole system of railway transportatiee,
vested oats are still to come t'orwiarci,tor• aliire s-_�.���
Indian refugees arriving at Huatusc'0 al and the Duchess of Devonshire. 1
from the San Miguel region are an- Alberta and Saskatchewan require- Captain Macmillan is on the Rideau Give Shantung
able to give any details regarding the inents will be given first consideration Hall staff, His father is one of the
loss of lives th•e, but say hundreds from the seed oats produced in these ads of the British publishing house a Back 1.0 China
of persons were killed. Six hundred provinces. of that name.
met death at Barraca Grande. Gov- The shortage in Ontario and Quebec ' 1 San Francisco, Jan. 11. -•--Japan and
clay quite easily'�°- "" `
ernment 'despatches, which were filed be met from the
large and excellent oat crops in Prince
Edward Island and Eastern Nova
Scotia. No. 1 quality island Banner
seed oats are now being delivered as • '
far west as Toronto at u price corn-
parable with 'Western seed oats of the
SIMS grade. The price of No 1I
after the confusion had ended, give
estimates of 2,000 dead.
Grain Growers
Take New Name
.A despatch from Brandon says:. -
Having commenced at 2 o'clock on
Wednesday of last week as the
Manitoba Grain Growers' Associa-
tion, the same organizatiou adjourned
three Hours later as the United Farm-
ers of Manitoba. She change was
made almost anani ncnsly and with
the 'purpose that there should not be
any misunderstanding as 1:o our rela-
tion to the general farm movement
throughout Canada, in the words. of
W. 11, Wood., Secretary.
Hopes Treaty Day
Dawn of New Era
l.undvn, Jan, 1.i. -Replying to a
loyal message from the citizens of
London on the occasion of the rratifi-
cation of peace, the Ring tele-
graphed the Lord Mayor of ..Landon
on Saturday as follows:
"With all my heart I reciprocate
their hopes and fervently pray that,
please God, thin day may be the dawn
of a new era, in which the people of
the British Empire may forever live
at peace with itselfant] with .ill filen.,,
. ssi an Losses
"Total 35,000,000
Waes'u, .tan. :11 .._Rassia's losses
clueing the war in killed and wounded
aggregate 35,000,0(]0, aecording to
st t:tis or the llelehek Governinel.t.
Borden for Cuba
With Lord Jellicoe
A despatch from Key West, Fla.,
says: --Admiral Viscount Jellicoe,. Cor-, !
mer First Sea Lord of the British Ail•
sees 'ninalty, who is making a tout of the
oats delivered in bull; car lots at any world, embarked on his flagship, New
point. in Ontario and Quebec should Zealand, here, on Thursday, for Ha-
not exceed the current Fort William vane.
cash price for No. 2 Canada Western It was understood here that he
oats by more than 25 cents per bushel. ' would go to South Africa from Cuba.
Registered and other select stocks 1 Prerx fer Sir Robert. Borden, who is
true to va:riely may be higher in price, on his way to cube, accompanied the
The Dominion Seed Branch pro• Admiral,
China have started negotiations on
the question of the restoration of
Shantung to China, according to a
cable received yesterday by the New
World, a Japanese newspaper here,
tram Tokio.
I Complete List of
German Criminals
A dee peteh from Paris says: Ger-
Imam accused of violations of the, laws
of war in France and Belgium during
the world conflict have been assigned
for trial teethe different allied military
courts, according to The Petit Paris -
len. The list is c3ai4 to have gem) e0m-
RUSSIA, WIPING OUT a + L!Hundred "Waacs, ° Arrive
To Settle in Canada
Reds Capture Krasnoyarsk With Thousands of Prisoners j A despatch 21'1,111 3t, Joint, N 13,
and Enormous Quantifies of Booty—Remnants of says: -Among those tt i i lug here on
ythe steamer Meta4Onr ti etre 100 Mills
Kolchats s Three Armies Surrender. I front 18 to 20 yeazs of age. all natives
o (3re_a' Britain and former inemhere
A despatch from London says: ---A Another communication front Moe- of the \''ontn's Auxiliary Arms- roips.
Bolshevist wireless message reports cow says the booty captured by the
that Red troops have chptured Tires Reds on the southern front in Russia
noyarsk; which is more than half way
from Omsk to .Irkutsk, and that the
remnants of Kolchales fi
in the present• .offensive` includes 400 MR'S. Lloyd Geor=ge
guns, 1,000 machine guns, 11,000' A tt;
rifles, .18 armored trains, 200 Regime -
levee, 10,000 wagons and large stores
and third armies have surrendered. of food and munitions and 35;000
Sixty thousand prisoners have already prisoners,
been counted. TCrasnoyar k is situated on the
A despatch from C'areatwo it, Wal
says: Mrs. Davisi Lloyd -George, wife
of the Prime itliniistea•, took her seat
on. Thursday in the etita'ter Session
Red troops in southern R.ussts have Trans-P•ber!an Railway, about 300 ss the that \n'elsh we men N gi irate,
captured Novo-Tchef•kask, Capital of miles east of Tomsk. Lying on the
the Don. Cossacks, in their ).resent, plain, and open to the play of the bit-
offensive against Denikin , The ter wind', traffic with the town by The l;isliup of Loudon ce hair.,.+
1 .d a
Bolshevists state they have taken caravans is almost impossible in ilea team of wouuded soldiei5 which de -
25;000 prisoners and eriorinot.is quan•, winter. The town is situated 0t) t'ae' foaled Major W. (rauttzanr.'e teals; in
'titles of booty, left bank of the Veniseisk River. a football match at Clia_le;, tiussex.