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Zurich Herald, 1920-01-15, Page 3
yononnon MANY PRESS - WRING AGENCIES IN EVERY CAPITAL CITY OF THE WORLD. Number Among Their Cus-. tourers Practically Everyone in Public Life. `Fifty years ago there was not a Press -cutting agency in the world. To- day there are several hundreds. Thee are fifty or more in Great Britain and more than that in the United States. In these two countries alone some fifty thousand persons are employed in the business, while the capita] in- vested is upwards of $60,000,000. )]very capital city in the world has an agency of the kind. You find thein .a•,Y- ..�. + f....•ou0•WIontii...41.44101 a,e 1a Y.111141111.141,4 LONG FACES "Cascarets" for Liver and Bowels bring S 3 1 i back Smiles 3 i:.,e-4..Ywe•W,•Y••r••e o e •l••o..m 4 4,Yp.Y,.Y• 4 ...Y•,nY,P^i Turn the 'kill-joys out --the head- ache, biliousness, indigestion, the sick, Our stomach and misery -making gases —turn them out to -night and keep them out with Cascarets. Millions of men and women Lake a Cascaret now and then and never know the misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels. or tin upset stomach. Don't put in another.day of distress. Let Casnarels cleanse your stomach: remove the sour, fermenting food; ,take the excess bile from your liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poison in the bowels. not only in Loudon, Paris, and New Then you will feel great. York, but in Rio, ''Buenos Ayres, Mel- A Cascaret to -night straightens you bourne, Johannesburg, and Yokohama. out by morning. They work while you Their customers are numbered by sleep. tens of thousands. Practically every® C.P.R. Engineer Wonman who holds any public�.position n fa subscribes. All public companies, es- Victoria Cross.. pedally railway and•"shipping com- panies are subscribers., Every Royalty has albums full of Press -cuttings, while, naturally, actors, authors, and artists, and all those belonging to similar professions are strong support- ers of the agencies. Probably there is not one man or woman who has ever published a book or written:a signed article for a peri- odica], who has not pasted up a collec- • Germans, and ]tilled fourof the, gun orew before they could recover fres". their surprise. The remainder fled in terror, but their . iflgbt wise soon cut short when Rol,ertsone seized the abandoned gun, screwed .it around and poured a hail of bullets upon the backs of the fast disappearing enemy: Several of them roll. vie:ties to their own weapon and others were caught by our, Tions. When the remainder of the platoon arrived Robertson was still firing the captured gun it was entirely due to his heroic action that the whole line was enabled to advance and capture the final objective, Rob, ertson went forward with the first wave, taking a gun with him. He used it very, effectively to keep down the fire of German machine guns and snipers, while his platoon console stated the new position, Later in the day, when two of our snipers who ventured in front of our lines were wounded, Robertson volunteered to. bring theme in. He went into the open, although exposed to a heavy enemy fire, lifted one man on his back and carried himytlfeiy to the trench and immediately returned to the second roan; staggering hack With .his un- conscious burden while the, bullets ,whistled around him. But as if cruel fate were awaiting until the last pos- sible moment to overtake him, he was killed on the very parapet of the trench, his mission almost accomp- lished. His splendidly heroic end, like his dashing work done earlier in the day, had a most inspiring effect. It fell to the lot of a C.P.R. engineer, Pte. John Peter Robertson, to win the much coveted Victoria Cross at Pas- schendaele. Robertson enlisted at Lethbridge with the 175th and was an engineer on thtbt division. He was better known as "Pete" to his Leth- bridge friendls. He was born in Pic- tou, Nova Scotia, but lived most of his life in Medicine Hat with his - mother, Mrs. Alex. Robertson. tion ofcriticisms from the Press. Robertson was aged thirty-four, won Patronized- By Everybody. Your dramatist gets more notices than any other writer, and is naturally greedy to know what the critics think of his work, and tjie bill he pays to his agency may amount to twenty or twenty-five dollars a week, or even more. Prize-fighters and pulitieiane are equally good customers of the Press - clipper, Journalists or authors who axe work- ing an some special Subject find the Press -clippings invaluu.ble. They or- der from several different bureaux at once everything that may be appear - leg in the World's Press on this par- ticular subject, and so obtain informa- tion which could not he obtained in tiny other way. Some agencies make a specialty of We, sort of thing—that is, supplying iuformation; • others go in for per- onal matters, others again for critl- eism, Some include all kinds of work. The papers which get most heavily dipped are thu Society journals. Society wont :are greedy to collect every paragraph in which their names ;tepee', and, more particularly, photo- grui-ells and pictures reproducing their features. There is one agency which confines iteelf to scientific and medical jour- nals. Its clients are mainly doctors and scientists, and some of them are uncommonly good customers. The late King Edward not only sub- scribed to two Press -cutting agencies, but sometimes himself clipped pic- tures ofJhls royal features appearing in the public prints. His sense of humor protected -him against annoy- ance, and caricatures of himself mere- ly made ham laugh. It it interesting to note that the or- clered cuttings from American as well as British sources. his 'distinction in connection with operations at Passehendaele, Novem- ber 6, 1917.. Details came through authoritative channels that during his battalion's attack Robertson's platoon was held up by anent wire two hun- dred yards from the final objective. Our guns were still busy cutting a way through the wire when a German ma- chine gun opened fire and inflicted very heavy losses on the Canadians, Robertson., without waiting for orders and entirely on his own initiative, rushed towards the German gun, defy- ing the tnacitine gun's withering fire. Moreover, our artillery barrage was so intense that death seemed almost certain. Working his way to the flank, he eventually found an opening in the wire, got through and crawled until the end ot the emplacement was reached. Rising suddenly to his feet he charged down on the astonished Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, --Last winter I received great benefit from the use of MIN- ARD'S LINIMIi:N-7.' in a severe attack of LaGrippe, and I have frequently proved it to he very effective in cases of Inflammation. Yours, W. A. HUTCHINSON. MATS This is just the season when rheumatism with 1te grinding pain and stiffening of Joints gets hold of you: Fight 1t with Ternpleton's Rheumatic Capsules Templeton's Rheumatic Cap- sules bring immediate relief and permanent results. They are re- commended by doctors, and sold by reliable druggists everywhere for $1.04 a box, or write to • TEMPLETON'S 142 King St, West - 'Toronto Mailed anywhere for $.1,04. a.R rempieton's RAZ -MAIL, Capsules are guaranteed to relieve ASTIIMMMA, don't suffer another day. Write Templeton's, 142 King Si. W., Toronto, for free sample. Reliable druggists sell them at $1,04 a box. L iyp,pq,..YY,OR asozu „suvtam'ai New Italian Tractor, A tractor designed by Italian en- gineers 10 give maximum traction with minimum road damage is featured by a number of fiat steel pads held against the rim by individual coil springs from the hub. Minard's Liniment Cu es Garget in Cows, Explained by Pat. "Why, Pat," said a visitor to one of Ireland's beauty spots, "there used to be two windmills hers:" "Pedad," was the reply, "they took 'sae down to lave more wind for the other." The Bridle Path. "1 suppose," remarked the facetious 1 stranger, watching a workman lay down a carpet from the church door to the curb, "that is the high road to heaven?" "No," promptly replied the man, "merely a bridal path." The Russian Empire embraces one- i sixth of the land surface of the world.; It .is more than fifty times larger than Japan, and has a total area of 8,650,-i 000 square miles. - • i 't arra! t How's This Broken At Last. They skated togethar, but little they said, for they'd just been made known to each other. Fiat Ito: wished, as across the bright surface they sped, that through life they might. thus go together. A crash! They were through! "Oh, how awkward!" cried site. " "j'i.sn't deep, but has anyone seen us?" „Never mind. Let me tell you I love you," 'said be, "since the. ice Is now broken between us." Mivard'e nini'ment Cures Distem%ar, Electricity's Gift. Electric power has permitted the ex- ploitation of Chilton copper deposits that may prove the richest in the world. Cincinnati authority says corns dry up and lift out , with fingers. For Official Use. The best of royal patrons of the Press -cutters was not, as might be supposed, the ex -Kaiser, but the late Czar of Russia. He had a row of volumes of cljppiugs in all European languages, A secretary was kept al- ways busy pasting these up. Mr, W. T. Stead, the late editor of "Review of Reviews," is believed to have possessed more Press -cuttings than any other man in England. They are said to have suggested to him the plan of "Review of Reviews." Even Government departments do not despise the Press -cuttings: There is at Whitehall a gigantic collection of such cuttings relating to the late war, while the official history of the Spanish-American War was largely compiled from current newspapers. Any of the first-class agencies em- ploy from fifty to a hundred clerks, and send 'out from fifty to one hundred thousand cuttings weekly. The aver- age price is five dollars' a hundred clippings, and to their credit it should be mentioned that Press -clipping agen- cies halr,e.not turned profiteers or in- creased' their prices so greatly as have most other businesses. r, ( His Oversight. "Why, Johnnie, you've got a lump on your head!" cried moher sharply. "Have yen been fighting again?" ' "Fighting?" exclaimed the small bey, in indignant surprise, "Not met" f' "but somebody struck pouf' - "Nobody struck me. I wasn't fight., ing at all. It was an. accident." "An accident?" "Yes. I was sitting on Tominy rown's head, and I forgot to -hold his et!" Styles for Children S216 5224 No. 9216. price, 20 cents. Kimono sleeves with or without straight trimming -band. Cut in 6 sizes, 4r-6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8 requir- es, without trimming -bands, 2% yds. 82 ins. wide, Or 1% yds. 40 ins. wide; with trimming -'bands, 21/4 yds. 32 ins. wade, or yds. 40 ins. wide. N'o. 9224—Girl's Dress. Price, 20 cents. Straight gathered side sec- tions. Cut in 6 sizes, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8 requires 21 yds. 36 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 48 inns. wiide. No. 9076 --Girl's Coat. Price, 20 MONEY 'ORDERS. Itis always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents. Remarkably Successful Treatment. "And shall I be able to play the piano when my hands heal?" asked the wounded soldier. "Certainly you will," said the doc- tor. "Gee, that's great!" I never could before." Order incubators l.nd brooders at once. Later in the season serious de- lays are likely to occur. Hospital records show that every time you cut a corn you Invite lock. jaw or blood poison, which is needless, sayu a Cincinnati authority, who tells you that a quarter ounce of a drug called freezc;ue can be obtained at 1it• tle cost from the drug store but is suf. fieient to rid one's feet ot every hard or soft corn or callus, You simply apply a few drops ot £reezone on a tender, aching corn and soreness is instantly relieved. Short• if tate entire corn can be lifted out, - root and all, without pain. This drug is sticky but dries at once and is claimed to just shrivel up any corn without inflaming or even frrl. Wing the surrounding tissue or skin. If your wife wears high heels she will be glad to' know of this. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE 5078' 5048. cents. Cut in 6 sizes, 4, 6, 8, 10. 12, and 14 years. Size 8 requires 2% yds. 42 ins. wide, or 11/4 yds. 54 ins. wide: lining, 21 yds. 36 ins wide. No. 9048—Bay's Double -Breasted Overcoat. Price, 24 cents. In two lengths. Cut in 6 sizes, 4 to 14 yrs. Size 8, with belt, longer length, 2111 yds. 48 ins. wide, or 2 yds. 54 ins. wide; without belt, shorter length, 1%s yds. 48 ins. wide, or 1%s yds. 54 ins. wade. These patterns may be Obtained from yonr local McCall dealer, or from the McCall 'Co., 70 Bond St,, Toronto', Dept. W. 71: supplies what many breakfast cereals' lack -- solid nourishment including, the vital mineral salt5 5o , necessary to encourage normal growth in children. A body-building food that taste real good 'Ter.5r a Reason" " WHEN YOU O F . FROM RHEUMATISM Almost any man w ill tell you that Sloan's Liniment means relief For practically every man has used it who has suffered from rheumatic aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness of joints, the results of weather ex- posure. Women, too, by the hundreds of thousands, use it for relieving neur- itis, lame backs, neuralgia, sick head- ache. Clean, refreshing, soothing, economical, quickly effective. Say "Sloan's Liniment" to your druggist Made, in. Canada. •_Get it today. fi5C, 70c, $1.40. Classified Advertise ,its. O13;1'IiATT AG4N'T'S WASe`r GD good prints and Anishes--lowest pprices on frames— aelt for catalogue. l.Thited S.rt Co., 4 Brunswick Ave., Te'+ ronto. ' 700, 041,>Gl6 EWSPAPJax1, WEEKLY, IN J3RUCI2 ,l l County. Splendid opportunity, Write Box T. Wilson Publishing Co., Limited.' 78 Adelaide St. W„ Toronto, ipiT ELL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPHit and job printing plant in Eastern i Ontario:" insurance carried $1.600. Will 4 go for $1,200 on quick sale. ]lox 62. Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd., Toronto. IISOix.1.4427B0111 NS 1,VANTLD alive 18 ;mittsa J. ENS a pound, any size f.o.b. your sta- tion if within 200 miles of Toronto. Ship C.O.D. in orates or boxes. Albert Lewis, C06 Dundas West, Toronto. eillOI(08 SILVER BLACK BREEDING aes Foxes. Also, we are buyers of Raw Furs, What have you—what price? Reid Bros., Bothwell, Ont, • (IOFFIN STOCK WANTED. IF YOU !.l are able to supply, advise us, as we will pay the highest prices, dry or green ' from the saw. Keenan Bros, Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. t'{ANCIR, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC., '. internal and external, cured without , pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Col]ingwood, Ont. ! HOW kk PaNify the rdo3d 0 "Fifteen ea thirty .:rope of cl i Extre.ct of Roots, commonly ar, called Mother Seige'l's Curative Syrup, may be taken eta water 'with meals and at bedtime, for do the cure of indigestion, consti- pation and bad blood. Persist- se ence in this treatment: will effect ® a cure in nearly every case." if 2t Get the genuine at druggists. Look at tongue! Remove poi -4 ��®®©ems® sons from little stomach, �_... __._�_ _ ___. _ liver and bowels SINCE 1670 $'AOiS ° T,rs ,.,.asica's Pioneer Dog nemedice Sivoh on • DOG Eld5ERS1., Accept "California" Syrup of Pigs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You const say "California," tesq881AVISAMISTAModa 'ties, Cold Ail Gone— Not A Bit of Cough Left: Feel great this morning. As soots as 1 felt it coming on yesterday I used Gray's Syrup and nipped it in the bud. just couldn't miss an hour at the office, we are so busy and shorthanded. Gray's Syrup is a habit in our family, the folks have used it for sixty years. 1 AiwOys bur the a•ereo Rize 06 ISSUE No. 3—'20. and now to 1'ewd 'b'a;lerl Free to unY Ad. dt u -v a v *ho v:. 11. 03ay Glover Cl Yina. 1 115 West 3t t ti? New York, U b DH ! EACH DAY A LITTLE MORE Hurry! Let "Danderine" save your bair and double its beauty To stop failing hair 01 once and rid the scalp of every particle of ,dand- ruff, get a small bottle of delightful "Danderine" at any drug or toilet 1 counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually stops coming out and you can't :1 find any dandruff. Help your hair grow long, thick and strong and come soft, glossy and abundant. 8tJTCU BABYS 'S ED UNRWO On Heads Cross and Fretful. Hair Fell Out. "When my baby was three months old her head broke out in little red pimples and thea in a week it broke out in ringworms. The ringworms were very large and `here were several on her head, and her scalp would bleed. She was very cross and fretful at times, and her hair was falling out. "I used Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment, and after I had used one cake of Celtic -era Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment she was healed." (Signed) Mrs. Lelah Sargent, Nam- pa, Idaho, Feb. 24, 1919. Use: Cuticura Soap, Ointment end Talcum for all toilet purposes. Soap 25c, Ointment25 and 50c Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepob L ane. Lir••1ted, St. Paul St.,“Montreal. Cuticura Soap shmvoe without mum. mnagalmemnolonnanownan �.�. ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Crosi" GSI Por Colds. main, Lumbago. 'tiff -1 pault.ai;e vahich 0_atsil15 complete dt' nese, 'hbeunuttism, Sciatica, Neuritis, actions. ,Then you are getting real nud for Headaelei Neuralgia, '"ootb-' esepirin--•the genuine. Aspirin pre - masa l tenebe, take Aspirin marked! :tailed by physteua.ne for over rime - with the name 'Bayer' or yott are' teen years. Now made in Canada. not taking Aspirin at all. Ila ndy tin boxes containing 12 tab- Aceept only "Bayer Tablets of lets east but a few cents l)rttggistt Aspirin" in an unbroken "Bayer"! also eel' larger "Bayer" pau'kat es. There Is misty ono Aspirin- e"13mayesaaalroU. must say ' oyer" A.si+irin is ,tto irS,i." n1Ark (ragisttrcd in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of. Mon accttracldeeter of yh,•,:1lraai,l. While it Is won known that Aspirin means Bay' manufacture, stamped whitithcirpsCnei'e!. treat: mark,itha "BayerbCroab payor Caml>a .