HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-01-15, Page 2A King's Under study. The Duke of Aosta, who, it has izeen suggested, might, in certain circum stances, succeed the King of. Italy, is known in l3rit.:lin as the Kluge under, study. . lie ltc+s earned this name because it has been his lot to- represent Italy's King on all the great historic mica - alone in England. After little Prince Tluntiaert, the , •Girls• Who Make Mischief. are .snapshot, of the house and the Duke is neat in succession to the can't make•:out*hat I've done towell and the road, and of some of the Throne, and both he ana the Duchess • l are great favorites in London society. offend Jim Dawson," my ehum Doris trees we loved best; and t toe are confided to me one day. "He seemed ,Blackia, the.ehorse we rode, and Villa, The Duke's love of Britain is very pro- ' so interested, and now I really think our dog, It will, be a eery interesting pounced. largely due to the fact; that hee." book to look at:years from now; and it was in England that hefirst irst stet. goes out of Inchis way to avoid y the charming T a ic:ess Holmes of Or - We are both in the same office, and I think, too; that it will helptl>T a 1°014,cl:n.gllter of the exiled. Comte Jim is one a£ the nicest looking men keep up the tradition. .and tit .1 de Paris, who bet!ame iris wife. She there, and 1 had hoped that the inter- our old home. • est he evinced for Doris might, one was, living at'Tivickenbam With her latices, Cheri •.aiu( a refill love romance day develop into something more seri-, Insects an Rouse Plants. followed the nzeet:izig; i ons. Plants grown in the house in win- As a soldier, the. Duke has enjoyed "What about Mabel ?" I suggested. ter do not have the vigor they have immense popularity. It a was the vier "I know you will never listen to me in the summer or as the days get tor in the battle of Gorizia in 1016, anti when I try to tell you she's not a true longer in the early spring, and they is known in the army as the "Gunner friend, but I • think` you'll find that are much more subject to insect at- puke." As the name implies, he is a she's at the xoot g ;-the trouble," tacks, or rather they are tnueh easier specialist in ertillery, and heaves;one i And what I said turned out to be injured by them. Insects are always of the first to realize the. important j true. I found out afterwards' that present in most eolloctions and it as part to he played in modern 11*acture wt Mabel, who was very keen on Jim her- the constant attention, given • their by the heavy guns. f --- SIM, renewal as practised in Europe accounts for the very high, yield Per acre et tained. in European farms, and soil renewal simply snaps restoring plant food and humus. This is done by apply- —." ing ordinary stable manure and commercial fertilizers. Harab-Davies Fertilizer is a scienti- fic compound which contains Nit- rogen orAmmonia, Phosphoric Acid and Potash in readily soluble form. Experience absolutely proves that it is more profitable to work 50 sores with a good fertilizer than 100 acres without it. Fertilizing moans nor only I:ai:c;t;.tr crpps,• brat better and stronger crops. It is strictly a quality article, Pound for pound it is positi-aelythc cheapest as well as the best fertilizer offered. Write for our booklet, "Fertilizer Results by Satisfied Users" ---sent free on request, Read what farmers in all parts of Canada have accomplished with I-Iarab-Davies Fertilizer. OTA ,IO FERTILIZERS LII ITER self, had, with..sugaacoated cattiness, plants by some growers that keeps chaffed him about Doris, and the ef- them healthy, rather than the leek of feet on Jim, who ,was only beginning ihsects. They keep the insects reduc- to be attracted, had been to frighten ed to the minimum by preventive him off. measures. I wonder how many romances.: are Rot soapsuds is the handiest insec- < spoilt in the early stages because girls tieide which most of us have to work of one's acquaintance, under the guise with, and if we will give the plants of light-hearted banter, are delibera that permit it a good washing every ately spiteful, and tease a man out of wash day we will not be bothered his fondness for another girl by mak- much by any of the common pests. ing him feel awkward and shy? As this is a busy day many will prefer There are so many ways in which to make a suds just for the purpose, a girl can easily make mischief if and for such I would suggest the use Probably at no time more than dur- ing the disnstrour, earthquake atMes- sina were the Duke and Duchess more popular, by reason of their indefatig- able work amongst; the stricken people in relieving distress. The Duchess has taken a bis; share in philanthropic work, and before the war spent -a great. deal of time moving about in- cognita amongst the poor and learning of their trials and struggles. In one district, indeed, she became known as the "Mysterious Madonna" until her identity was revealed by accident. • she wishes to,of whale oil soap, or fix tree oil soap, She may put into her friend's mouth as they have special value as insecti- words Doris would never have dream- rides. Fir tree oil hos the same qual- AN MEAL TONIC ed of saying. Silly little intimate things that have been told her by an "over -confiding Doris and exaggerated tenfold. She may say something in the moste of aphis, red spider, scale, and any subtly innocent way possible which; other insect that will be likely to at- j[?I• Williams' Pink Pills Act Di - subtly to him the idea that the girl tack house plants. For scale or mealy redly On the Blood and bragging whom he is interested has been bug some extra care. is needed in ap- bragging about his attentions. She; plying it to make it penetrate the Nerves. may hint that she is already "booked,"; coioering that protects the real insects. or may leave the impression in his A stiff brush works well here, mind that he is being made fun of. : Begonias are not much bothered by There is nothing the average man j insects and in a dry atmosphere they hates more than being laughed at, and' will not stand having their leaves wet. the natural effect of this is to make For keeping them clean a soft camel hi 1 ff. ' hair bush is best nicely bug does ities, and is somewhat easier to handle than the soap, as it mixes with water by the simple process of pouring it into the vessel. These will rid plants FOR WEAKPEOPLE Food is as important tp the sick per- son as medicine, more to • in most eases. A badly chosen diet may re- tard recovery. In stealth the natural aapetite is the best guide to follow;• in sickness the appetite is often tickle Dept. w L WEST TORONTO, ONT. iii4e$ <fl <eiclev444+0' 44104E41lor Health if You Cannot Sleep. lltotit i!isomnia is curable, And it is curable by meatal and hygenic means, rather than by drugs. Indeed, the best rule to adopt is: Never take drugs i c!r insomnia, • In most eases (shrunk insomnia is due to a mental .tate of tension, Worry is perhaps its most. common came, and chiet'ly Worry about one's inability ft; sleep. Conquer this partieuiar form of worry by cultivating a habit of not fretting over the absence of sleep,, and the. chances ;+f falling asleep . promptly and regularly are increased a thousandfold. Always the insomniac, sheuid try to ` get himself into a relaxed state, men- tally and physicially. Let hitt lie quietly in bed, his muscles relaxed, Inc mind occupied with pleasing fan- cies. If he turns and twists and • fumes he will remain wakeful until completely exhausted. A softly tiekisig clock, in the bed- • room, or a metrono.ine, often assists greatly in producing a state of men- tal relaxation. Be sure to have the bedroom well ventilated. Lack of ventilation is a not uncommon' cause of wakefulness. So is too mutate bed covering or too little. Internal physical causes mast also be reckoned with: Coldness of the Peet, due to cir;e!xlatory troubles, makes for wakefulness, In such eases a warm foot -bath or the use of a • hot-water bottle will be found help- ful. Too heavy an evening meal dis- turbs the sleep of scme people. On the other hand, some' insomnia, par- ticularly early morning wakefulness, is due to hunger. Insomniacs of this type are recommended to take a lit- tle food shortly before retiring. . Alcohol, tea, and coffee have the effect of causing certain people to suffer from insomnia. When this oc- curs, reduction of use or total absten- tion is indicated. All insomniacs"bill find it helpful to avoid severe mental exertion for half an hour er an hour before go- ing to bed. If necessary, they should so arrange matters that their entire evenings will be free from mental ex- citement of any sort.. And, while regular daily physical exercise is an undoubted aid in the A bowl of quicklime put into a moist conquest of insomnia, over -exercise closet will absorb the moisture. A peck must be avoided. There 'is such a . of fre-h lime in an open box placed on thing as beir:g "too tired to sleep" n damp cellar will give the same re- Finally, if insomuia becomes lt• chronic, it is allvays -well to have a FARMERS' CLUBS 1N EPE W11 T PALE S We . are Buyers of Ontario Grains and Sellers of Western Feeding Oats and Barley. �!.L'2' SUR PR.PCr+.'!'S TSLCPNDNS• ROYAL BANK SOUSING" AOELAIOE 'i6�',a area ¢ =a 6. Get All Out of Life That You Can. ginaily the ofM]ee of diaster Vintner was a rich appointment north $10,000 a year. 'Tis a very good rule -as rules may The Prince Consort: affected to be go— some judge of wines, and against the Of value to boy and tp man, advice of Lord Pelham, who was at To set the days by,the star of faith, the time the Royal Vintner, laid in a 'And get all out of life that you can, huge stock of atrocious Gelman wines. These lingered in. the Royal cellars The coffers of hope hold infinite stores, for years. And you may supply then at w•ilI; Queen Victoria to the last believed You may heap them with treasure that that she drank nothing but "good. never shall fade, wholesome German wine," but. a ]ittIe With wonderful beauty may till. legerdemain carried out by Piing Ed- ward es, get out of life ail you can every ward and the Master Vintner in the day, Royal cellars deceived her. His late But stop and reflect oti"the rneaniug: Majest.y made a clean sweep of the Should you wrest from the weak be - to of the 'stuff when he caiiie m coo o atr r to the Throne. And there is nothing annoys the girl; attack them, and then they must be and depraved. cause you are strong who is beginning •co fall in love withi treated with the fir tree oil suds, but Proper food and a good tonic will Each tiring that of value is seeming? ''' someone more than to feel that herd do it carefully, and then rinse the keep most people in goon Or• ' Some tJSS ® �>t>tr=e•• e'- attitude is being watched. She: leaves with clear water and be tare- Williams' Pink "Pills ale -7 t7 5t�; 'rid the feel that. posses ions ora even- riches alone. feels self-conscious and shy, and the' ful to get all surplus. water sponged popular tonic :medicine in the world, ; result of being "chipped" is that she off. If they are dried in a stili, cool harmless andcertain in their action, And insist: that you lead in the van? In fulfilling Cala• rule that you hold for will be cold and frigid in her manner place it will be best for theme. I have which is to build up the blood apex re- ti rut-doll-n sYs { yonr days, and a misunderstanding may arrive washed my begonias over apd over stole the \ztal.ty which will never be cleared up. without trouble, but I have ;seen and 1 It isnot only girl friends who make had the leaves badly burned when not thin and pale, far pule. tired w10111011, There are tliu:,c who dr this, but you'll cure the worst case .of • colic in Aril - mischief. In many, many cases sisters careful enough about it. - and for old people who fail in strength i not, I know, dreg. Given in lar„i er (luso: it will are behind a broken romance. It is when scale gets a start oh ferns or Dr. Williams” Pink, Pills ei'e • an ideal t For you hold that the secret of liv- cure colic in h t lit. so easy for a sister to find the weak- palms it is hard to get rid of, es- tonic. Thousands of people ltave ing A. scollar, or .any frequented place, armour,and if she 1 on the feints as everyscale testified to the health•giving qu.altties Of beautiful ctayc full or infinite will be kept free` from c'at's if sprinkled est spot in a girl's peetal y = + 1 , unci in ' doesn't approve -of her, use her knowl- nisi be dislodged for positive effects. of Dr. Williams' 1?inl,. Pin , ! charm= ' cften•with ehlcride of lime: edge for all. she is worth.' Still keeping it up.eren Without pluck nanny hoinee they are the only Medi- i Lies only in loving, end giail!t;. Equal parts of airslai.eci Bute and If she is really eat to end things, brushing ~vitt finally get thein all. cine used. Among 1110. hnines to 1 she can with the helpof a mother • Some may be secure each time, but at which the beneet of this medicine bee l To get. otlt `or life yutl mtust poi •into tobacco dust applied to melon, squash a ,- been proved is that of :els. a E1. ttn- I life : and cucumber vines when the dew is and fess relations make things so un- some time they will lim. that the derwood, Kingston, Out:, who says:- A11 gene.l'011', courage:, all sweeent rys; ' 0n. will rid the plants of the' striped' pleasant that, in shite . of a dawning oil will penetrate +++ them.uns. rman the girl is •oral D k Pips Dei tlmughtiel for rat}ler be courteous fondness for .theg 111:!113 used �'. Williams'i l:i.n1 a Y Red spider is probably the most to ie 1 1'o get all 0:;1 of life: that you earn? su tem. For grolciity, girth who became iA t2usioonful of Mate -water Mill+thorough bodily examination made by Ile with the nmet benei}eial results. T1s i and Mud, Air -slit -lied lime is one of the beet h Inc people, , ntueli 11111 down, su,i. my appetite was ness. So, girls, don't be catty'. You may are so hardly infested that they afe eery pout. 1 got a supl,ir of the pills' try to appease your conscience with almost past saving. When the leave' vers 1 used lc:�gnl:leu far some e.pili:, I And thus will the days 21 they glide excuse that on -r� e only joking, begin to look rusty and yellow, and into years y Y with the vestal that they restored me . never really meant anything, but you to drop, then they have about finished . to my old time. strength. They also •Hold their riche:, for boy and for proved a bossing to my slaughter, -¢leo t•man, was in a very anaemic condition, and \\ lid follows this rule in its tnea.uiug who seemed not to get more than sublime, temporary relief from any medicine To get all out of life that you can. until she tools Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, 't She took the pills for about three int Royalty fat. months, end is now enjoying the best of health. For these reasons 1 can Considerable changes are taking K1'0110.17 recommend Dr. Williams'. place among the staff at. Buckingham Pink Pills." At the first sign that the blood is out of order take Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills, and note the speedy improve- • ment they shake in the appetite, health and spirits. You can got these pilin` through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or. six are,* department. boxes 101'12.50 frons '3 he Dr. \\cilliams' Both Queen Victoria. -and King 3' d - ward had vigorous appetites, and real - Medicine Co., Brockville, Onix, For Tanning Any Kind to see the last of }rim and structtve Louse ln5ezt. as !t. is so ntrn- the result of herd work 1 was very!' And then will tire: grow to complete. things ,known to Seatter about in the ate it is *.lever no until the plants , i ss hen -house, over the walls, roosts and too glad, • krloly quite well that e ou did. Even if you are jealous, try to re- member thet by deliberately interfer- ing in a budding' iomance and- separ- the plant. Because of this ,it is best to give the plants a thorough clean- ing every week or two. ating the lovers by "chaff," eitherE lin II1H RA�.4 • spiteful or otherwise, you are taking 1 1J $ S 4 a great responsibility on yourself. And there is the law of retribution to The baby of to -day is the man or reckon with, One day you may be the woman of to -morrow. Thus the suc- victim of "fun" just ns innocently cess of the future man or woman de- meant-•-a,s your own. pends upon the baby's present wel- fare. If the baby is sickly and 111 A Family Scrapbook. nourished it is not to be expected that We are a large family, and we have he will grow into 0 strong, active man had good times together, writes a who will hold his own in the business subscriber, but it will not be long world a few years Ilenee. Mothers, it now until we separate; so we are mak- is a ditty you owe the future to keep ing a scrapbook to help us remember your little ones well now. This can what our parents have told us about be, easily done if. Baby's Own Tablets the family and what we want to keep atie'kept In the house. The Tablets fresh :in mind' of our own days in the Mare:'' a mild but • thorough laxative old home. We are using a spring which regulate the bowels and sweet- , cover and loose leaven, so that at any en, the stomach; and 'thus make baby time any one of us can take out ter- healthy and strong. Concerning them tain pages without interfering with Mrs. W. Orser, . Elginburg, the important part, which we intend to keep together. writes: -"I have a fine healthy boy three years and have used Baby's Own In the front are 1 -he genealogy and Tablets for hint ever since he was a copies of our grandfathers' and grand- small baby. I certainly think them a mothers' and great-granclfathers' and splendid medicine." The Tablets are great-grandmothers' pictures. Then sold 1iY medicine. _dealers :or by mail there is a brief, typewritten history, at 25 0.ents a box from The Dr. Wil- ed the few family relics --grand- linins' Medicine Co., rocltville, t `rat. father's hunting knife and Great- ea Aunt Fditha'•s beads, and the test. Cheated! Next come the pictures of father and Mrs.• Newbride--"John, dear, 1 think mother, and the printed accounts of that horrid butcher Cheated pie." their wedding and of other important events in their live;. Theft come our own pages, on which all of our photo- graphs are kept, so that here and there are groups of snapshots of each of us: John when he was a curly- A live -stock breeder -is riot devel- headed baby, and :Toseph riding the oped in a day or a week; a lifetime cultivator, and Clarkson iBirds are the farmers' Friends, Ile- iti alt linitr% in his new is all too shot. 'Cake tip file -work emormons changes have taken place, uniform. There are our graduating where others have left off; and carry member this winter and see, that'tco, in the matter of the stone of' programmes, and the poems we wrote your 0.h•+:`en breed on toward per'fee- crumbs or suet are placed -where :the • yi�lner+ kept hi t11i= Royal palarts. Ori in college and laugh over naw? There tdoli. birds can get them, . Hubby "Why. my love? Mrs. Newbride "Because he, sold rale a, turkey that diele't have. a blessed bit of stuffing in it." : floor, and in the nests, as a dasinfee- tent. It keeps fowls in good health. It is also excellent to use in fighting roup' and w mites.' Lime holds a prouiinent part in num- erous spray mixtures and is very es- sential as one of their ingredients. The 'linter- ulphur mixture is an excel- lent fungicide .and inseetieide; the best preparation that -can be used for des- tebying all scale insects; such as Salt Jose scale;'ete. It also acts effectual- ly in the correction of peach leaf cut•1, Palace. brown: rot, 'etc: This is partly owing to :tonin of the The most serious enemies in potato• servants returning from active ser- Culture are flea beetles. Colora.dc pot), vice. and also because simplicity is lie- to beetles, early and late blight, rot, coming more and more the keynote scab and powdered mildew. Most, if of palace service. Nowhere is this not all of these, can be controlled or more strikingly 5een'thnn iit_ta..}e cltltn' prevented by frequent and thorough appl.icatiotis of a combination of lime and copper -sulphate with water, which is nothing else but the great fungicide ly enjoyed their food. King George is ' Boreeeee ntixt:tlre. - almost indifferent to the efforts of his .......—.....a.,___ chef. .__._...a.,-....--•-- chef, and sadly wounded the al'tiel i+' late Al.Poultry C111110t drink ice, Beep Clic culln.ary genius of the Placer -to • £rani freezin- of Furs. 1.1 Here are two recipes and both have fier by his listless interest in the been tiled with much success. These menu. -: � �! areprinted upon the lequest of man But, of course, Itis present Majesty , , r q has nota strong digestion, and it is a II v c st o ' `I' money stibscribeirs: I, Tack the skin tightly on;a board; palace "open secret" thee Queen Mary off the loose fat and work., in. severely edits the daily culinary pro- scrapecha1k, rubbing it in well. When chalk begins to powder and fall off remove, the skin from the board and tab in plenty of powdered alum. Wrap ur closely and keep in a dry place for a few days. This makes the hide pli- able, It will retain its hair. , 2, Mix two parts saltpetre and one of alum. Sprinkle on theflesh side of the skin; roll it up and lay it in a cool place. After a few days spread out to dry. Scilape off the fat and rub until the hide is pliable. - gramme submitted by the head chef. -Her Majesty prefers plain food pre- i The Great West Permanent pared in an obviously English fashion, ; Loan Company. so that French cookery iris almost dis- Yoronto Offtoe 20 King St, West 5%z%u DEBENTURES Interest payable half yearly. 'appeared front Royal menus. alteaseminamenassmemmmegeramsomme.vaawm Queen Victoria's dinners. ,as pre- pared by M.- Joseph, co/tinned nine• teen courses and lasted three hours, while every dish WAS "offered" to Rev i4iajesty, an genera y rete g attention. King Bdwerd cut it down to twelve couases, with a time limit. of two hours. Te -day a Royal dinner consists of five (ourses, and Is finished ANT! d lI 1ve d ood ' Poultryt New Laid Eggs Dairy Butter, Deans, q o it i tt m..Poas, etc. Write for for our Weekly Frio° List cttd advise what you nave to offer. Special Prices for Fancy Quality Gunn, Langlois, & Co.. Ltd, (Dept. tiWW.) ;E�cotsareat, - - Quo. a competent physiciati. Sometimes,. though comparatively seldom, insomnia is a. symptom of •a beginning organie disease. In that case the disease itkeif must be treat- ed if the insomnia is to be cured. When, however. no organic disease is present self -cure is nearly always possible by 'acting .i accordance with the hints given above. , And, meet of all, bear in mind that worry of any sort is one of insom- nia's strongest allies, 'whereas calm- ness of mind is one of its most paw. errul roes. The Plum Pudding Carne Back. Alt unusual plum pudding was served at the house of E. A. Bellamy, late a prisoner of war in Germany, at his home in Taunton, England, says a despatch. It was from a parcel which his wife had sent to him when hs teas in the hands as the Germans at Rhule..' ben in September, 1918, and, after travelling about 2,000 miles, it. was re. turned to iter just before the day her huslianc't came• home front demobilisa- tion. The parcel Mrs. Bellamy had packed with loving care contained a box of tobacco, some tnatc•ltes, a plum pud- ding, a large currant cake, 0 pot. of jam and a letter written in the sorawi- ing hand of their little girl, From Taunton the parcel went to London, from there to The Hague, via.Harwich. then to Berlin. Frain the Red Cross centra in Berlin it Iva; 110111. to Karls- ruhe. 13cllcinzy, not being there, the parcel then traveled to ithttlebeu, but again missed the addressee, In the mean- time, the armistice hail been signed and prisoners were being sent back to their homes, so the parcel came back to England. by way of 'Hamburg,. Hall and Loudon. The parcel was in just as good condition. as when sent. fo Promote Legibility. - In the interest at legibility-sotixe English schools are teaching penman- ship pupils a tnodcarn form of the print writing uses} in the fifteenth century. Mexico's Population. By a census of 1910 the population or Mexico was 15,160,80, of whom 15,010,068 were Mexicans, 24,212 Spent- alas. 19,668 Americans, 12,769 Ghineee, 1,02u lapaneee. anti the remaindee weltering. - r