HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-01-15, Page 1Vol. XX No 28 an••••••••• HERALD ZURICH, THU ISO/AY MORNING, JANUARY 15, 1920. ••••• 4 4-4-4--4 4-* 4 4-4 4 4-4 4-4-0 0-4-4-4.--,4 1 •; 4 YOUR HARNESS NEEDS e I 1 WIN be promptly attended to hon. SeeNe about 1 • . + ,1 DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, fl REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS . I iRugs, Blankets, Bells 1 t I . 1 Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Carry Combs, ete • i • * 4. A Trial Solicittd . . 4 t FRED THIEL ZURICH 2 • ............-+-.............-f-o 4-4-4-4-4-4•-4,--4-4-4-4.- Mr. and Mrs..Tohn Miller of Sask. are visiting relatives here at pre- en, Mr. Mr. Wm. Beaver of Hensall -re- new acquaint laces in the Village -en Tuesday, Mr. J. Cook,. who had been vis- iting at the home of Mr, Hy, Wea eloh, returned to his home in Mich., on Monday. 1 • • e • • • • • 4 • • • -01 • 2 Phone 59 seeeee•seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesseeeeeeieeeeeeeeeoeeeeeee 004110900•041004004100111•000 We are busy Stocktaking Watch this Space Next Week 1 , • • 1 Clete r Smith', PubIlahe0 01.25 Or Year rn fAkIvayeei14 Mra. T. L. Wurm was a vi itor to Landon on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wurm spent Tuesday at Londonl, Miss V. Siebert spent a few days at London last week. Mr. John Eckstein of Welt., is visiting relatives here at pr.;sent. Mr. Jos. Eisenhoffer of 33 asaels waa a visitor in town over Surei- day. Mr. and Mrs. P. Haberer spent Sunday with friends in Dash- wood. Mr. Alvin Surerus returne I to Oakville last week, where ha is a teacher of languages. Just received a shipment of Tel '1 A ePttone batteries. Call and re- place your old dead ones. W. G. Hes, the Jeweller. Mr. ,Wm Callfas, the new stage driver between here and 31.2nsall, wiahes to inform the travelling pub liethat' during the cold winter months he has at his residence a nicely warmed room for their .ic- comodation in the morn:ng. Mr. Valentine Gerber, Sr., has sold his dwelling property ;n Zurich to Mr. John Wiedo, of the iZurich road. Possession will be gier in February. Mr. Gerinr intends moving to Blake. We . are sorry to lose them as citizens OD our Village. On another page of this week's issue of the Herald our readers will notice articles pertaining to Municipal affairs under the title .of I,"Municipal Matters, .by A. F. 1I." .These interesting articles .are con- . tributed by the Township Clerk, Mr. A. F. Hess, who has recently severed his interests of the. Herald and they should be read very carefully by all, as some very 1101:t.ttke.tive information occurs . 7,]'theibiliJ"from time to' time. Any- body interested in the gcneral wel • fare of the community can aot. do • without reading these editor all. • • • 1 • • e • • •1 J. PREETER 1 • • • • • o e • 4, 4* • 0 0 Produce Wanted • 10044210**0100 30' -",10• 1111~0e20011*040.4008400”.114401)11011)V0VMMAiteeeet4eqo Zurich Library The annual meeting of the Zu r- ich Library Association was held id the Town :Hall, on Jan. 12th. Af- ter the reports of the treasurer a .and the librarian were given, the election of officers was held which resultec1 as follows; President, A. F. Hess, Secy.-Treas.; W. B. Colles; Executive ,Committee, the president and secretary treasu:e: and Dr. L.. X. MacKinnon. Board 'of Management, Mrs. 0. Fritz, Mrs. W. L. Siebert, Dr. A. Campbell, N. B. Dahms, Rev. E. B. Meyer, Preeter and the executive committee. Book com- mittee, Dr, B. A. Campbell, N. E. Dahms, Rev. F. B. Meyer. Mem- bership committee, Mrs. W. L. Siebert, Mrs. C. Fritz, Misses O'- Brien, Mayme Lamont, F. Kalbil- 'eisch and Miss Ida Routledge. The report of the libraria.. Miss L. Faust, follows; - Religious, Moral and Philosophy books 16; History 21; Fiction 165; Poetry 10; Biography 13, Books fo!.. boys 33; Travel and adverture .Science 7; Romance 3; Miscellean ous 11. Total 300. 977 books were borrowed for home reading from Apr. 1919 to Jan. 1920. Membership 68. Additional .111?in- hers 10. Total 78. ft•••••101190111•MINE••••••• 11-113 MOLSONS BANK incorporated 1855 CAPITAL and RESERVE $9,000,000 Over 120 Branches 0:peramity Shuns Those ‘nared toGrasp It Star l a Savings account today, in The Molsons Bank, and be ready for opportunity when it Cones along. W.13. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch The S. II, Board of Agricultural will hold meetings on Wednesday, Jan, 21st. at Varna; on Thursday, Jan. 22nd, at Hensel!, and on Fri- day, Jan. 23rd at Grand Bend, when topics in the interests of ag- riculture will be discussed by Mrs. James Patterson of Gadshill, Mr. A. R. G. Smith of New Hamburg and Mr. J. N. Allen, B.S.A., ot Dunville. •••••••••••..f• gi...•Immeam.••••••• Th a annual S. School report of the Evangelical church was given last Sunday which is as follows; Number on roll 288, largest atten- dance for one Sunday during the year 204, smallest 83, largest offer- ing $169.91; smarest offering $3.37. The total collections for the year was $676,81 of which $348.81 is Missionary money. There were 43 new members added on the roll during the year. COUNTER CHECK 1300M11 2144 let your supply of Cog* star Cheek Books run too lov. We eel! A.ppleforcl's check hooka* tit -elms in every respect. Lot lee hese your order. HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMLSSION OF ciNr. TO THE CITIZENS OF zunrea . Hydro is at your door. You are using it on your street. Why not use it in your house, barn er garage? At your service 24 hours daily. arry G. :Hess, the electrical contractor, is ready to give yea an estimate on the cost of inst- alling the hydro in your home. complete. Get a guaranteed es, timate free of charge. , Advertise in the Herald an notice the results. 1}11q11!1:1;!!!1:011111111111111111111111111M1111111HIIIIIMINE 1111111E1111151111111111111111411dRillIMININIIIIIIIIIIITIIIHRINIRIMIIIIIIIIRM11111011111111111110N21111$81111Nalt "Ar5 EE WISHING YOU ALL A lbappy anb Prosperous 'Pew Vet-tr. R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 97 .„.,, 111100100iiiiii1111111111110114111111t111111411X111111101111MINI11113 IINIIIIMININZIAZINIORMIINIPIIIIIii41111411U11110M BLAKE 0•••••••en itassellosese41•0001111.100014.01,01011 fetaleeeltemereeiHereee411101.1114 I 1Hockey. Shoes . ..... NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF ZURICH WAS SKATING SUCH A NOVELTY AS THIS SEAISONI. ) 1 ; BE SURE YOU HAVE THE .i. 1 •fileefieeeseillreeel4t0O0414.1101004.1111000114.1111000.1000011•Nelellt Best Hockey Shoes WE HAVE THEM ALL SIZES, AND TO SUIT YOUR ?TIMM BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED C. FRITZ The Shoeman For a HEnerome Gift All models and styles in Ladies and Gents with aluminum tops. Prices range from $1.90 to $7.00. Buy COMMUNITY PLATE • -0111111101 440,. • gg==e....." Silverware for Xmas Gifts. See our display Hess the Jeweller Flhcre 67