HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-01-01, Page 8To our many Customers and friends We extend the COMPLIMENTS of the SEASON Here are a few good values For Ladies Sweater Coats, gloves, knitted ecarfe and togue setts, tea ap- rots, hankerchiefe, linen towels, table ci,eths, cushion tops, dresser and table covers, etc. For Men A select lot of fancy chirts, ties in boxes, silk mufflers, heavy wool scarfs, gloves, sweater coats, or overcoats in new waist line style. Come and see them. Nippon China A large assortment of Nippon hand painted chinaware' on new decorations. We makes ec-iai efforet to setere • the best in this line of goods. Groceries New raiaens, currants., figs, later, peels, shelled A roll lime of candies, chocoiaa, cream, etc. hand in very nuts, oranges. J. Cascho & Son ANNOUNCEMENT I have taken the contract to handle Ford partb and will stock a complete line of genuine Ford repaixe. Bring your Motor car troubles to us. We specialize on any make Alt repairing guaranteed. We repair nett experiment. H. Rousseau GARAGE NAND AT T. JOHNSON' Zurich 8 FORMER �FUItNITUr.E STORS LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Thursday.) Eggs ... . 70 .Butter Dried Apples Potatoes per bush .. ... 1,50 Duiseji Setts .__ ... ... ... 6=r-7 Wheat 1,85 Oats ... 80 Barley .. ... 1.25 Buckwheat 1.25 Flour ... ... ... ... 5.58-8110 Pram .._ 45.00 Shorts . ... 50.00 Hogs.._ .16.00 66 14' FOR SALE Frame building, 25x40, and. 16 feet high, in good condition. Suit- able for straw shed or driving shed Apply to W. L. Seb'.ert, Zurich. Massey: Harris Implements WE HAVE BEEN APPOII;TED LOCAL AGENTS FOP THE CELEBRATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS IN THE LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS • 'ALSO REPAIRS FOR MACHINERY, PLOW, POINTS, ETC. - GIVE US A 'CALL, f Casper Walper Zurich - - Ont. LOCAL NEWS Municipal Nominations 1919 Council re-elected. by a<.: clamation To Our Readers lWith this issue the Herald has made a slight change in the'prop- r,etorship, It was formerly known as the Herald Printing Co. Messrs. A. P. Bess and, •C.L. mi�h proprietors. Owing to such .a large extent of office work , Mr. Hess was compelled to dispose of his interest in the business to Mr. Smith, who will continue the pub- lication of the Herald. This change, we, can .assure you will in no way curtail the newsy, -interest ing and admirable editor -alit in our columns, as Mr. Hess will devote a portion of his time to this end, which will be • greatly appreciated by both our readers and the pub- lisher. A slight change will also be made in the publication day, as t he Herald will be published on Wed- nesday afternoon, and reach the mail by Thursday morning. This will give our readers the news a( day earlier. IWe also take pleasure in asking the co-operation of our manyre- aders and correspondents to ren- der us assistance by giving us such news or happenings that wo- uld be of interest to the public and. go to make up a good live weekly. Thanking you in ad- vance for your generous supporta and wishing you .the compliments of a happy Land' prosperous New Year'. t Yours!, THE )°UBLISHER. One of the largest crowds that\. eves attended the municipal,, tonin ations of the Township- of 11 ay, puked the Townshiphall tin Mon day: It *as a good natured cr- owd and everything passed off amothly, after the hour hour had elaspea for receiving nominations, it was :found that.., the foil i.wing t. names- had been proposed rine sec onded for the respective. officeti.. , FOR REEVE • John Laporte. .Props?ted by Andrew Love, seconded: by E.; Klopp. FOR COUNCILLORS John Campbell: Proposed by Adolphus Hooper, seconded by L. IH. Red,er. W. E. Turnbull. Proposed by. Alex. Rennie, seconded by Jos. M. tiler, . • Casper Walper. Proposed by J. P. Rau; seconded by E. F..Klopp • Samuel Deitz. Proposed by Wm. Lamont, seconded by Henry (Hc,wald.' Oscar Klapp, Propo_ed by Ed- ward Deters, seconded by Henry Krueger. After the nomination had been cicsed and after the deputy ret- urning officers had declared Mr. John Laporte duly re-elected by acclamation of Hay Township for the year 1920, a public meeting was organized anis the to,‘snsip clerk, Mr, A, F. Hess, was chosen chairman. The Prince of Wales flag won iri 1 the recent Victory Loan campaign was then presented to the rate- payers by Mr. Laporte in well chosen words. Mr Laporte then proceeded with his address and first of all thanked the people . of Hay Township for shoo• ing him to fill the reeve's chair for atlotlet et year, and for the confidence put in him. He then proceeded to deal with township and county matters in his usual masterly style A short address was also given by 'Mr,. A. Surerus on the memorial question. The other nominees and a number of their proposers and seconders also gave short addres- ses The meeting was closed with singing the National Anthem. rM. O. Ktoppp resigned on Tues- day and thus the 1919 council are all elected by acclamation. 4.+44+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4444.14.44.1-44 + 11. + + Seasonable Gifts To those who take pleasure in gift giving, Come and let us make Gift buying an equalplee►eure With the assurance that the article given will be appreciated. Our lines of goods are first in quality. first in variety, first in price, t We have just received a large shipment of Silverware, Cutlery Cut Glass, !pyrex Casseroles Brass Jar°dineers, Etc. We also have a cornet,:: e stock of Skates, Hockey S s, Pucks, Sleighs. We carry a full line Saskatchewan Robes, •and suit eases. +• 4. eve + + + + r + + + + + .,x heavy and shelf Hardware, genuine e.l.tukets, bells, chimes, trunks, club bags + + *PREETER BLOCK- ZURICH I 444+144++++++0444-t-444-144444+4++++++++++++44++++++++ Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT Fallowing is the Repbrt of room II for_ the month6 of Nov. and Dec., ill;— Mildred Geiger . 86, Anna Mittleholtz 75, Leonard Pra- ng 78, Claide Meidinger 711„ Doro- thy Brenper V, Kenneth Koehler ' 7.2, Vernon' Davidson '7Q, Leonard Wagner 69, Wes.' Callfas 70, Evel- yn Ducharme 64. Luella Reich - err 60, Austin liey 60, Elmore Lie-, bold 45, .Alvin Gaecho 38. . Sr. II;—Helen Foster 84, Beuh la Koehler 80, Martha Heideman .77,, Agnes Dietrich 74, Gladys Mellick 69, Angela.. Mittelholtz- 69, Mervyn Schwalm 63, Vice Diechert 55,, Fr- ancis Dietrich 54, Hazel Bedard 40 Arson Keller 44.. !Sr.• 11;—Stella Callfas 86, Doro- th�= Zettel 85, Willie Neeb 75, Rus- sel Ducharme 74, Edward Brenn- er 74, Goldie Uttley 66, Alice Dietz 5 h Ir'EIW VILLAGE FATHERS The nomination for Police Trus- tees was held on Monday evening The following gentleman were nominated;—IL F. Weseloh, Hy. iHowald, A. F. Hess; .T. J. Smith, h. C 'Kalbfleisch, A'fred Melick an fWm. Lamont. Alt resigned exc- ept Messrs. fly. llowald, Wm. La- mont and F. C. Kalbfleisch, who will be the 'Pollee Trustees tor, 1920. O. M. O'Brien, Teacher. HYDRO Power . Shortage 1111141j1iilllilll lil 1 •,t • 11'01!eaqftwif We extend to our many patrons A Happy New Year These Lines are well worth looking over Pyrex Ware A good assortment to choose from,. That clean, tastly looking glass, cooking and Bakkimg.ware that will stand oxen 'heat and net break. Aluminum Ware:. cA splendid line to choose from. The ee make• choiele' gifts for the wife. If it is for serviice• and long; life), choose aluminum. Silverware Knives and Forks, Spoons, Etc. Ice Skates & Hockey Sticks That boy or girl would enjoy a good pair of akkatera. We have. them.. Automobile and Star, alto, several cheaper brands to choose from. 'FULL STOCK OF FURNITURE Zurich's Busy Store Melick III Braun PHONE 63 s WISHING YOU A MERRY CHRISTM AS AND A HAPPY NEW 'YEAR • BIG REDUCTION on all sour . Overcoats Denomy Bros. Zurich The capacity of the generating plants at Niagara Falls, available heartily extend to our nuavailable to the Commission for supplying the power and lighting demands in the Niagara district, has reached its limit, which necessitated the . Commission limiting the amounts of power that can be supplied to the Municipalities in the Niagara district. The power shortage during the winter months is greatly increas- ed by the overlapping of lighting and power loads, by the extens- I sive use of electric heaters, and A Happy and Prosperous ontf the blocking by ice the water supply' to the generating plants. • t The Commission are asking the; co -opera' inn of every Hydro user, whether domestic or industrial, to , assist them in conserving power and light in every possible way in order that an uninterrupted ser- vice may be maintained, `until a further sepply of power is oh 5 tamed for this system. H ydro-Electric Power Commission, of Ontario • ous customers and' friends G iris Wanted: To start in on An. 2nd, 1920, Good wages to beginners. Apply Zurich. to ,forelady. Hall Dent Limited, HALL DENT LTD. Phone CALt., ew ear FOE ONE OF OUR 1'E W 1920 CALENDERSS. Bu.tterick eatterns For Sale 78 To rM' WORM one 7 1:. t ..