HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-01-01, Page 4,S . THE HERALDDASHWl7OD esued Wednesday afternoon tram. the HE HERALD PRINTING CO. Werma of subseriptiosi;`'1.„24 per yea'. n advance ; $.;1:00 may be charged if not two paid. U. S. xubseripti- ma's $1.75 strictly le zelvance, Na paper discontin'aed until all ar- rears are paid unless at the option of the publisher. •The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. ADVERTISIN a BATES ,Effective after Jan. lst. 1"2+' Display Advertising -Made known sen application. Stray Animal,—One insertion 50e three insertions $1.00. Farm or Real Estate for sale i0c, each insertion for one month of four insertions, 25c. for each subsequent insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not snore than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., each insertion 25c. Local Reading notices, etc., 1Ue. per line per insertion. No notice leas than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a 9isne. Auction Sales, $1 for one inser- tidn and 11.50 for two insertions) if moderate size. Professional Cards not exceeding t Inch, $6 per year, Address all communications to HERALD PRINTING CO. Misses Cora and Mildred Schr- oeder of London ,spent the holi- day with their parents. , Messrs. H. Rinker, Clifford Pfaff and Albert Tyler of Sarnia were ZURICH. ONTARIO. ,Hon. T. A. Cr erar, ex -Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa, addressing' thee United F rimers, warmly see' red protecti. tarrifs. visitors in town over .Xmas. Messrs. Herb Geiser and Milfred Koch of Detroit were home for the holiday., Mr Art Graupner of Port Wayne Ind„ visited at his home hem for a few clays. Mrs. 3, Cook and sore of Drum - be, visited with friends for a few days. Mr. Melvin Guenther of Kitch- ener spent a few days at his home Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith of Win- dsor spent the Xmas holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Jonas Hartleio. .Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Broughton have returned to Toronto after spending Xmas with Mr. and .hers. J. Kellerman, Mr. and Mrs. .J E. Hoffman and Mr. Chas, Guenther of Tavistock visited in town this week. Misses Alberta and Myrtle Cook of London, Alma of Detroit and Mrs. J. Dale of Wilton Grove are. this week visiting their parents. Misses E. and S. Tiernan of Lon don visited their brother over' the holiday,. Mr. Carl Graupner of Toronto, spent a few days at his home. Mr. Walter Fassold of .London spent Christmas with his parents. Miss Clara Kuntz of Stratf•ard, is speeding the vacation with her parents on the 14th con. Messrs. N. •Schatz of Detroit and the boast) of Mr. R. Allan on Chr- istmas day. Among those who spent the hol idaya their homes here, we not- ic.e l; 11:is3 Annabel McDoneld,Miss essie Tough, Miss Margaret To, ugh, a.nct lr,r, Gordon Manson. lvir, Albert Keys and sister, Miss Ruth, spent Xmas with friends in Bayfield; t NSALL. A well attended meeting of the Hensall Farmer's Club was held on Monday evening Dec. .22nd, Some of the speakers were W. B Elder, Jas. SmiIie, of Hensall; Wm Black of Seaforth, Messrs. L. Sch- ilbe and O. Kloppp of Zurich, the two latter having been delegates td, the big U. F. O. convention at Toronto recently,. In the Presbyterian Mans, lien- sall by the Rev. J. A. McConnell on Wednesday, December 24th, Miss L, Green of Grand Bend was un- ited in marriage to George Pair - bairn of Tuckersmith. • Our hockey team visited Exete last Wednesday evening and play ed a friendly game. tMr. R. F. Drysdale Left on Fri- day for Vassar, Mich,, where he will spend the winter with hi3 sis- ter, Mrs. J. Kirk. • Mrs. (Dr.) Hardie and daughter, Mrs McIntosh are vi i'ing at Toe - onto. • Mr, Wm. Buchanan of the west is visiting relatives here. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Scott of Tor onto are visiting friends and ref- atives here; Otto Schatz of Chatham spent A quiet wedding was solemniz- the holidays with friends in this ed at the Methodist Parsonage on vicinity,. i Wednesday Dec. 27th, when. Miss Mrs. Wm. Schroeder has return- Florence May Roberts and Mr. ed to her home in Detroit. John Samuel Zimmerman of Wat The Christmas entertainments ford were united in matrimony by held in both churches last week pr Rev. .A. E. Doan, an uncle' of the. Remember you must have am-' oveclsuceessfu%. .No charge was bride. • • talon to succeed, for ambition is `made in the Lutheran. About •A Watch -night service' was bee the light that leads one up the $90 was taken in et the Evangel- in; held oin the Methodist church toted peaces of life. And it dote ical.inn Dee. 31st,` i '' The Bibi' Society not thine only Like a star 3E the � 3' ceilectors have1 top, hut it brightens all the long completed their canvass and the hard ay„ i Sec.'-Treas., G. S. Howard has The timid ouI who thought the remitted the contributions amou- world Was arming to an end on nting to $22 to headquarters in — EXETER d•—!l+ • A Very quiet wedding wee, sol - December 17th, is again able to Toronto. emnized at the Main St. IYIethod- draw breath, since that date has i Quite a gathering assembled in is • parsonage, Exeter, at 8..0 eloc !sassed with out anything happen- Mclsaac's hall on Saturday even- on Wednesday morning, Dec, 24, ing. Though we are told, "Of ing to witness tb.e presentation of •wber the Rev. Dr E• Medd unite that hour and day, no roan know- momentos to our soldier boys, ed in marriage Annie Rosetta, de nth.' yet there are altrose .vise who served overseas. Adresses i tighter of Mi. and Mr Itt des' people, who can tell us all about were given by Rev. Graupner and: mere and Wm. John Ryckman,son it fan before 't dues nut ha _ Yager Princ. Howard and Dr. { of Mr and Mrs. Albert Ryeknian,_ pen. g ' p Taylor. About $300 was collec- ; The happy couple tiviil make thein• Production fo batuminous co tl is ted for the purpose. Twenty- " future home near Moose Jait;. reported to be rapidly approach one boys, who enlisted from this 'Sark.+'Kuhn and Miss Elizabeth Oeatrei- S'1'ANLk X 'X ovv.Issi'l.t9. Nominations passed oft quietly on Monday, all the old Coueeli be ing re-elected by ztcelaluation wil- t/wing are the Council; Reeve, x. RameyM, hiliott; ,CouncillorsRameya:. :Blood, Wen, Dougles and l;rue. x A Social will he held at the horns of Mr. Will ltobiuson on We••:lnes day evening Dee. 31st. under ghee auspices of Goshen Epworth Lea- gue, the chief feature or the pro- gram will be a debate. Resolv- ed that the usefulness of the Naze is greater than gasoline as a motive power. Last Sunday Rev. D. Johnston preached farewell sermons to the Varna and Blake congregations. Mr. Johnston and his family will be much missed in this community he leaves this week fop his new field of labor at Lucan. Mr, Robt Irwin of Clinton, a st udent of Victoria University,pr- eached very acceptably last Sun- day at Goshen and Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dunkin and Mrs. Margaret Armstrong of Flint, Mich., who spent their Xmas, hol- idays here have returned to Flint. Mrs. S. Johnston has returned to her home on Babylon Line af- ter spending some months in the West. Very successful entertainments were held last Friday and Mon- day evenings in Varna, muter the auspices of the Presbyterian and Methodist respectively. • On Friday afternoon last, at the closing exercises of Goshen school the teacher and pupi agave a very good entertainment. Af- ter whi _ i old Santa distributed pr eserts t•r all the children. • • Mn. 1•.11 Robinson, who has been attending Victoria University in Toronto, is home for the holidays. Ruskiii Keys, who is attending Normal School at London is holi- daying at .home. Charlie• Pratt is spending the Jiolidays with friends in London. t'REDITON. Harry Trick left for Detroit last week to take charge of one of the boats during the winter. ,,•Lorne, Brown of the Toronto University is vacating at his home here, eMr. and Mrs. Godfrey Nicholson ?rieleing at •Crosswell, Mich. Wm. Motz returned from Lamlecell, where he had -been engaged fair eeme .time;, ' • nr On Saturday last, Mr. Coad ing notmal. Throughout the Unneighborhood for service over- Our local Municipal pot is 'bur' ited States reports indicated from seas were each given a band ing and an election is id sight. 140 to 95 per cent of the miners at ring and a medal suitably engea- The death oceured in Toronto on work are ready to enter the min-' ped. The boys eajrressed their Thursday of last week• of • Janet thanks in reply, es as soon as they are put :a shape for operation. Of the large pro- ducing fields. Indiana appeared to he closest to normal in the mat ter of coal mined, althiough re- ports from Illinois, Ohio, Pennsyl- 'Fania and West Virginia, showed that production was rapidly on the increase, eneenteesseeneseetenterinereenteinsen Clear, Peachy Skin Awaits Anyone Who Drinks Hot Water Says ai ;nettle bath, before break- fast helps us look and feel cleah, sweet, fresh. Sparkling and vivacious --merry, bright, alert --a good, clear shin and a natural, rosy, healthy complexion are assured only by pure blood. If only every man and woman could be' induced to adopt the morning inside bath, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, anaernicdooking men, women and girls, with pasty or muddy Complexions; instead. of the multi- tudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns," "`brain fags" and pessimists we should see a virile optimistic throng +et rosy-oheeked people everywhere. .An inside bath is bad by drinking each morning, before breakfast, a 'glass of real hot water with a tear spoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from) the stomach, liver, kid- neys and ten yards of bowels the pre- vious day's indigestible waste, sour 'fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, sweetenfne and freshening the entire alimentary canal before eputting more food into the stomach. Those subject to stek headache, bil- iousness, iliousness, nasty breath, rheuntat#soy, colds; and particulary those who have s, pallid, sallow complexion and who are constipated very often, are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store which will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remark- able emarkable change in both health and appear- ance, awaiting those who practice in- ternal sanitation. We mist remain ber that inside dteanliness is more itte portant than outside, 'because the skirl. doer not absorb fttnattrities to eon. •teminate the blood tvlrtle the Voreil, poreA t''t It or lrowent dos. BLAKE A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas on Tuesday, December, 23rd when their only daughter, Mayne, became the hap- py bride -•-of Mr. Thomas Dinsmore of Hay Township. They will re- side on the groom's fin? farm, and Hogarth,' Wife of Mr. Wm. Heide- man, formerly of Exeter•, at the age of 24 years. Her demise wes due to diabetes.. t, Mr. Ed. Down of the west is visiting relatives here. • Mr. Earl Shapton underwent en operation recently for nasal Iron uble. • A. hockey league has been.;for- died in Exeter with four teams lin their many friends join in extend ed 11114:4p. 0. F., Clerks, High ing best wishes, School, and Bankers. A schedule The Christmas tree entertain- is being arranged in which each. team plays each of the other team three games. Two games will be played each Wednesday right. ment which was held in the Blake Presbyterian church, on Tuesday everting of last week, was a dec- ided success. The programme consisted of ehourses, reading, dia- loguee Y.1lt1 liD%etke+le by the Me - Bride Orchestra etc., was well re- ndered and much enjoyed after which Santa Claus appeared • on the scene and distributed gifts from the tree ,which delighted the south of Exeter, had a very pain- children. Much credit is due to fol experience qn Wednesday of those who trained the cl'i`dren 'and lass week. While her parents were at the barn in the morning the little lass got out of bed min was given by the children the last started for the barn in her bare day of school was much enjoyed feet. She got about half way by a large number of the parents and then returned to the house. and friends: The children took The weather was extremely cold their parts splendidly which ref- and the child's feet were frozen leets much credit on the teacher + GUENTHER—HOOP.ER Mr Hoffman, who had the child- A quiet but pretty wedding took red so well trained. 1 place at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Bechler, of Mich., accorup•-+; A-• Hooper, Lake rd., on Wednes- anied by his cousins, the misses day Der., 17th, when their young- Wideman, spent. the ho'idays with est daughter Clarise E. was ten friend;, in this vicinity. } ited iii marriage to Mr,. Earl R. The Misses Lydia and Mary Cxiri- Guenther, eldest son of Mrs. H. fe z+r]clr are visiting friends at Bach.;Guenther, of Dashwood. The en.. ' ceremony was performed in the Mr. ,lakes Cries erieh leassold I preeenecr of the immediate faitlil- • g . fes, by the Rev. Dr. Medd, of Ex - his property in the village to Mrs . .COUNTY NEWS. A Dorothy, the little five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Luker, of the London Road, young g P e oPle. The school entertainment, wh'c'i Clarke of Bayfield. We welcome step Mos.. Clark back to ow, ;•illage. + The Queen's hotel, Blyth was 1I r. (#ingcrirsh ,end family have • raided by .constables Pellow and moved into Mr. Is, Brennerm'u's I Welsh. last Saturday night and a hc,trse, i small amount of liquor was seized Mr. and hips. ;dam Hey and Earn •Capt, .Rey. Joseph Elliott of y spent Xmas. day with Merida in who was overseas as ch- in ;Zurich,aplain during the war, and where Miss Pearl McBride entertained health failed, died in St, Andre a number of her girl friends on ow's Military Hospital 'Toronto L on Sunday' He was born near Monday afternoon. Pito/Held and was a Presbyterian m A family re -union wets held at whetter a trex fat. seal• -.e 'cher were married by Rev. S. M. Haugh, and will reside in Crediton A quiet wedding' was solemniz- ed at the Methodist parsonage, on Wednesday night last when _lli.s 'Matilda Brown, daughter of Mr. Barney Brown, was united in mar t riage to Mr, Joe Kernick, of Ex- eter. Joseph Heist, who recently un- derwent a serious operation at "Victoria Hospital London, has re- turned home and is improving in health. A program was rendered in the public school last Friday after- noon, and the first publication of "The Maple Leaf News," a bimon- thly paper published by the pup- ils of the Intermediate room, made its appearance. Our --village is making rapid str- ides towards installing Hydro. Mr. Doerr, the manager at Exeter, has canvassed the Village and forty-four consumers have signe:i up, as well as over 100 -horse -pow' er was asked for. are farmers' best friends. When the old wind- mill fails to "water the cows" be prepared with a UNITEDtopump water. And for scores of other jobs your UNITED will save you hund- reds of dollars. Run the washing machine. the cream separator, churn, grindstone and many other machines with this Handy, Reliable Power Plant. United 13/a H. P. Specifications are Unequaled 3�/a in. Bore, 5 in. Stroke. 18 in. Fly Wheels weigh 40 lbs. each. Total approximate weight 350 pounds. "Air Valve' fuel -saver carbur- 8tor. Quick Speed Changing Device. Ask Us for Prices as All Size Engines L. PRANG, Sole Agent ZURICH WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR ALL KINDS OF SAW LOGS HIGHEST CASH PRICES F. C. Kalbfieish, Zurioh NAME SEASON TICKET 1919 - 1926 Zurich Athletic Association Good every evening from S to 10 and Wednesday and Saturday .afternoons from 2.30 to 5. Hoc key matches and special attract— ions will be charged extra. NOT THAN SFERABLE Above is a copy of the Season ticket which entitles the hol- der to enjoy the advantages of the Zurich skating rink. Help the gond work along. Buy a tic ket. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres, Lut 15, 'con. 12, Stanley, 3', 'miles north of Blake, ilo,osi cement wall bank barn 56x52, with cement floor, tail Idee. Good Ile story, 8 roomed brick houses with summer kiteh- 1 en and woodshed rodded. Barri waterwell, also cistern. Five acres orchard; Nearly all fenc- ed with wot en wire. A spring creek supplies water all the year round. Eight acres fall plowed. Half mile from school. Daily R. R. mail and rural telephone eonnec tion, Possession can be given April 1st, 1950. Reasonable terms tA. lr to Jas . S. Delgaty, , 1�t p�R. R. g y. Not 3, Bayfield, Ont. Phone 11 on -78, Hensall central Melt. , STEPHENUOCNCIL The nominations on Monday at Crediton resulted as follows; Pot Reeve; John Love, Alex Neeb, V. D. Sanders. For Dep -Reeve; David Webb, W. eYarly, For Councillors; M. Finkbeiner, .3 Hayes, G. Penhale, W. Sweitz'r. 4l--. HEAD STUFFED FROM !CATARRH OR A COLD Says Cream Applied in Nostrils Opens Air Passages Eight Vp. 44.304.+444444444. Instant, rel'ici--no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, -snuf- fling, blowing, headache, / ryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Gel a small bottle of Ely's Cream land, 11P-11.Uixu', ft yoarling - Dalin from your /druggist now. Apply er. Owner can secure 4nntehelfby FOR SALE Berkshire Pigis, Dorset sheep, Registered by Toronto and Lon- don prize stock; suek•.rs, four mon ths, six months pigs; sheep both sexes, various ages, some with lambs at gide. Apply to Will Pearce, Hensall, Lot 21, con 2.Ray FOR RENT A house and barn on Babylon Line, Hay, after March 1st, For partieutars apply to J. Hey, Jr. Zurich 26-3t STRAYED Tonto inr, H. Trne.-nn^t•`s l,aa'u,•e a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, peeving T>rope/ty and paying, healing cream in your nostrils• n 1t pen- pt nsr�q, �lrle.1 to Dominion pen- etrate through every oar passage of the Ie 0M' 7,uAclr, bead, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes in' stantiy. , It's just fine. Tion t stay stuffed e With a cold or nasty eatarth, Advertise its the Ilcra'.d. •HERB IS A. NEW ONE A Westinghouse electric Iron will be given FRET; to anyone in.. stalling the hydro berme the 15 of •r'elrrhxary. LOOK HERE - The Be.s: Chr:stmas Preae,•ttt yota can give is a musical Instrument.. Go to 1..[. Well, the nrnsic dealer see and hear the New Edison and McLogen beautiful Phonographs, they will convince you they -are• the Best and cheapest on the mar— ket .Also singer and new Ray— mond sewing Machines. One as good as new. All in stock at my • residence. II. Well, Zurich, If HAIR 15 TURNING CRAY, USE AGE TEA i%ere's Grandmother's Recipe to: Darker) and Beautify Faded Hair. That beautiful,, even shade of dark,. )flossy hair can only be bad . by brew= ing a mixture of Sago Tea and Sul- phur. Tour hair Is your charm. It makes or mare the face. When tt tides, turns gray or streaked, just an application or two of Sage and Sul. phut enhances itsappearance a hues* dredfold. Don't bother to prepare the in!x-; tura; you can get this famous old recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients at a small cost, all ready for use. est ie called W'yet•h's Sato and Sulphur Compound. This cast always be depended upon to bring' back the nateral color and lustre et your hair. Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage era Sulphur Compound now because it; darkens so naturally and evenly that: nobody cart tell it has been applied. 'y'on dimply dampen a sponge or Batt: brush with it and draw this through the hair, taktng,one small strand at a. time; by morning the gray ham foul disappeared, and after another appll= cation it become beautifully dark and. appears glossy and lustrous, This ready -to -use preparation le a delight. tui toilet requisite for those Who doi. sire dant hair and a youthful appearr ante. It is not intended'tor the curpl pattigatiorl or prtavontUQA At Alnaitt.w