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Zurich Herald, 1920-01-01, Page 3
NORTH SEA MINES PERM YSNIPPING 11Styles forHouse Gowns �y././W�/./'/v�-�A.M1N./'/Y.N✓��IJW'NI'.M1MWYW4.NVW..•W'."/YV M GERMANY MUST COM- PLETE SWEEPING. Great Britain and the United States Have Completely Finished Their Task. ea•• Until the Germans- complete the swedping of mina fields they laid in the. North Sea there will be consider- able danger to shipping in.waters ad- ;jaeent; to the British` Isles, say British and American naval authorities. Even after that work has encaed, which will not be before next- summer, there will be some clanger -which, they' predict,° will gradually diminish. "The ;American barrage is swept as escompletely as is humanly possible," Admiral Hai'ry..S. Knapp, of. the Am- erican Nnvy said to the Associated Prose correspondent. "After our area had been pronounced one hundred per cent clear we recently swept 860 square miles of it and found only four more mines. These were at a buoyed spot where the sweepers believed they bad mizsed some.': "The greatest menace now," said Lieutenant Commander Benson, of the International Mine Destroying Com- mittee, "is the unwept Iseianan area. T.Tntil that field has been cleared there -will be many drifting mines about, Afterward there will be some danger, but .it will rapidly diminish as• the elements destroy the effectiveness of the mines." He said the committee accounted for mines on -the, basis that five per cent. explode when laid, five per cent. are defective, ten per cent. soon become useless through leakage, and fifty per cent. of the total number laid are des- troyed by the different systems of sweeping drMployed by the British and Americans. Merchantmen Are Armed. Committee members believe that a great many of the other thirty per cent. will be carried by- the natural northward currents of the North Sea into Arctic ice packs and destroyed; others will go ashore on the Nor- wegian coast, as have many already; great number will become harmless through remaining in the water and a certain number will be destroyed by Patrols which the British navy still is maintaining. Also the British Navy has just arm- ed all merchantmen, except those call- ing at Irish ports, with high velocity rifles with which to destroy any mines sighted. So many ships calling at Trish ports have been raided for arms` that the Admira'ty, believed it inad- visable to add to this danger. '^n•• Two Irish fishing boats off Cork re- cently sighted a drifting mine. The captains mistook it for a cask of rum or wine ard,made a race for it. The wiener was the loser. His boat was sunk. The Admiralty has had several re- ports of a drifting mine about six hundred miles southeast of New 'York, which officers hope some of the newly - armed merchantmen. will destroy if it has not already been rendered harm- lees by the element. Depend on Yourself. Don't lean upon others while walk- • ing through life, You might make another man fall; Each one has his burden of sorrow and strife, The weakest will go to the wall. So if you want honor, or power, or pelf, Don't lean upon others, depend- on yourself. It's all very well to say times are so hard, . That others get more than their share, That from getting the best of things you are debarred, • Unless others some help for you spare. Away with (Dependence! 'tis but a mean elf, Don't lean upon ..others, depend on yonrself. So don't be a leaner, 'tis better by far To lend to some weaker oiie strength, To plod along bravely, 'newish Hope's • guiding star, You'll find you_have won through at length. So put all your doubts and your fate's • on the shelf, Don't lean upon others, depend on yourself. A, few well planed trees on the side of the prevailing winds will shelter the home and save coal during winter. As a matter of fact, +gees lower the temperatue in hot weather, so they are serviceable at all times, Farm- houses should have sufficient rows of trees about the house to afford ample Shelter in winter. 0232 9230 No. 9234—Ladies' geese Dress. las, wide. No. 9232—Ladies' Negligee. 25 cents. With angel sleeves, or sleeveless with overdrapery. Cut in Size 30 requires 31/4 yds: 36 or 40 ins. 3 sizes; small,' 34, 36; medium, 38, 40; wide.; contrasting, 11/4 yds: 27 ins. large, 42, 44 ins. bust measure. Small wide; trimming -bands, i/ yd. 36 inc. size requires, with overdxapery, 41 wide. Width around bottom, 24 yds. yds. 40 or 45 ins. wide; with angel Nos 9236—Ladies' and Misses' sleeves, 31/ yds. 40 ins: wide, or 3s's Breakfast Coat. Price, 20 cents. In ydd. 45 ins. wide. ankle length. Cut in 3 sizes; small, These patterns may be obtained 34, 36; medium, 38, 40; large, 42, 44 from your local McCall dealer, or ins. bust measure. • Small size requires from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.; 51/4 yds. 32 ins. wide, or 3% yds. 40 Dept. W. Price, 25 cents. Kimono sleeves; in- step length. Cut in 8 sizes, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48 ,ins. bust measure. 0234 Price, T;ti`ig t<iola Srtends in the The finest feature of irrigated lands is that they can he trusted to produce at least good average crops every year, and indeed, so far from the quality of the land deteriorating, its tendency is to become mord produe- ti.ve as the farmer learns by study and observation what quantities of water to use, and the best system of crop rotation. HER FADED, SHABBY ' APPAREL DYED NEW West. The ye(ir 1919 stands out in the agri- cultural history of Alberta and Sas- katchewan as having proved beyond all doubt the enormous benefits to be derived from farm irrigation, for in the drought which affected nearly the whole of these provinces, the south country within the irrigation belt not only produced excellent. crops, but in many localities yields were harvested well in excess of the average cf what are called good years. On 145,500 acres in the Lethbridge District, 66,200 tons of fodder crops and 3,775,000 bushels of grain -have been grown to the total value of about $6,790,000. ' Wheat was the largest crop produced, there being well over two million bushels. Other crops har- vested included more than a million bushels of oats, nearly 400,000 of bar- ley, 26,000 of flax, and 66,00.0 tons of alfalfa. In addition vegetables were grown and sold from this area, As another .example of what phe- nomenal yields may be taken from ir- rigated land, the case of a farmer at Brooks may be cited who on his farm produced a $9,000 harvest of alfalfa seed. The yield was 14 bushele to the. acre, which sold in the neighborhood at SOc. per lb. and netted him a return of $740 per acre. , In the large irrigation block of the Canadian Pacific Railway east of Cal- gary there are approximately 623,500 acres of irrigable land, and the amount in the Lethbridge district ap- proximates. 110,000 acres, making a total of 733,500 acres. Of this less than 20 per cent. was in crop this year. On the basis of this year's average production on irrigated land this total area is capable of producing, crops to the value of between thirCy and thirty- five million dollars yearly with an average of over $40 per year for each acre of irrigated land. • With suck examples as these of the fruits of irrigation it is little wonder that the fanners of the dry belts of Alberta and Saskatchewan are clam= oring for extensions to the existing systems of irrigation or the installa- tion of new projects; or that the au- thorities should be devoting more time and att''@ntion to the furthering of the schemes •of irrigation. A new project is already under way in the south area of Alberta which will take in the land in the Raymond, Stel- ling and Magrath districts, and the Commissioner of Irrigation, with head- quarters in Calgary, has recently re- turned from a reoonuaisance trip in. the Buffalo Lake country, where he has been gathering information as to the feasibility of another projected scheme. This provides for the diver- sion of the flood waters of the North Saskatchewan River to irrigate the lands lying to the east and south of Buffalo Lake, all the way to the area between Youngstown and Saskatoon. The scheme, in outline, is to tap the North Saskatchewan River, at, or near, Rocky Mountain House, and by means .of canals and ditches carry the water to lakes and depressions lying to the east, utilizing Buffalo Lake as the main reservoir. The Alberta Provincial Government is also considering the establishment of an irrigation experimental farm at a point on the Saskatchewan River two miles north of Medicyne Hat, cov- ering a distance of twelve miles along the river adjoining the city. There are approximately 35,000 acresofland which can be brought under irrigation tinder this plan. "Diamond Dyes" Freshen Up Old, Discarded Garments. Don't worry about perfec '"'results. Use "Diamond Dyes," guarani 'ed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabrib, wliether it ba .v aoT pt?•k, lissti" n,' cotton or mixed goods, — dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers, draperies, coverings, everything. • The Direction ]look with each pack- age tolls how to diamond dye over any color. To match any material, have dealer show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. • Most Beautiful Women. In the opinion of many travelers, the most beautiful women in the world are the Indian women of the Tehuan- tepec district of Mexico. No, we do not know what tate car- fare is to Tehuantepec. TAKE NOTICE. We publish simple, straight testi- monials, not press agents' interviews, from well-known people. From all over America they testify to the merits of MINARD'S LINI- MENT, the best of Household Reme- dies. MINARD'S LINIMENT CO., LTD. It often costs more to do without an implement that is really needed on the farm than the implement itself would cost, One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness' of warning. 0 0 It Works! Try It e e Tells how to loosen a sore, tP tender corn so it lifts cut without pain. O Good news spreads rapidly and drug• gists here are kept busy dispensing freezone, the ether discovery of a Cin• clnnati man, which Is said to loosen any corn so it lifts out with the fingers. Ask at any pharmacy for a quarter ounce of freezone, which will cost very little, but is said to be suiiicient to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. Yon apply just a few drops on the tender, aching corn and instantly the soreness is relieved, and soon the eorn is so shriveled that it,..iifts out with- out pain. it is a sticky substance which dries when applied and never toiletries or even irritates the adjoin• tug tissue, This discovery will prevent thou- sands of deaths annually from tock. jaw and infection heretofore resulting from the suicidal habit of cutting corns. Si• ngular Funerals. � t If"•1....-96I-d A 1 ....&°:.-„.....-,..-eb.. An Abyssinian funeral is a very singular affair. When a new-born infant dies it is almost immediately buried under the floor, After the de- mise of an adult, the body is washed in Water, sweetened with honey, wrap- ped in a shroud, sewed up in a mat of braided straw, and laid upon a litter made of boughs cut from trees. The "lamentations of the relatives resound among the cliffs and the news •is rapidly communicated to all the people of the neighborhood, who at once set out to condole with the mourners, As soon as they catch sight of the funeral procession, they begin to weep and cry aloud. When they join it, the men range themselves on one side of the bier, the women en the other, and chant. When the religious ceremony is over, the corpse is buried in the churchyard. MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or stolen you get your money back. Untrained. The doorbell was ringing. Virginia's mother (who was dress- ing) peeked out and saw a stranger at the door. Virginia, aged five, was told to answer the door and sa"p her mother was "not at home.” Following instructions, Virginia was stumped when the stranger asked, ".when will she return?" Without leaving the door, she cal- led: "Oh, mama, he wants to know when you 3 are coming back? What shall I say?" llttinards Liniment Cures Distemper, Putting An Egg in a Bottle. Au egg may be put 'into a bottle which has a mouth much smaller than the egg, says Popular Mechanics. First soak the egg in vinegar until the shell becomes soft and pliable. It will then be easy to force the egg into the bot- tle. Pour cold water into the bottle and allow It to remain until the shell becomes hard again'. The bottle can then be shown to friends, who are cer- tain to be greatly mystified by" the Sight of an egg in such a bottle. ONy A GRAY'; $YI2UI rnib sPR «Gid -+ws� ,csn r Q. For Coughs, Colds,. and the relief of in. flammatory conditions of the throat arising from Bronchial, Asth- matic affections and derangements of the Respiratory Organs. Prepared from Spruce Gum and other media cinal agents. Success- fully used for 60 years. Always buy MI LPr,j. Stzo rn SINCE g I870 0 30g1.814COUGHS A Cure for Pimples "You don't need n'rer%ury, potaals tis any other strong• mineral to cure pimples caused by p r blood. Take Extract of Roo+ druggist calls it "Mother Seigel's R, Curative Syrup—and your akin will clear up as fresh as a looby',. fitwill sweeten your stomach and regulate your bowels." Get the genuine. SOc. and $1.00Bottles. C�At drug stores. DON'T NEGLECT A RHEUMATIC PIN Go after it with Sloan's Liniment before it gets dangerous Apply a little, don't rub, let it ene.- trate, and—good-by twinge' Same for external aches, pains strains, stiffness of joints or muscles, lameness, bruises. Instant relief without mussiness or soiled clothing. Reliable ---the biggest selling liniment year after year. Eco- nomical by reason of enormous sales. Keep a big bottle ready at all times. Made in Canada, Ask your druggist for Sloan's Liniment. t16c, 70c, $1.40. • ED. 7, ISSUE No. 1--'20 ",SKIN THE CAi" But if you won't exercise vigorously you must take "Cascarets," -f-a.P•.f..P•.por•.r.+n.w !Y+ror..r••s.,r.•W.p..P r P°+P••tlaPn¢.{ There is nothing like bending exec cises, taking long walks, or choppiri, wood to keep the liver and bowels active, but most folks take their exer- clse In an easy chair. Such folks need Cascarets, else they suffer from sick headache, sour, acid stomach, indiges- tion, colds and are miserable. But don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel splendid always by taking Cascarets occasionally. They act without grip- ing or inconvenience. They never sicken you like Caleei, Salts, Oil,�or I nasty, harsh Pills. They cost so little too—Cascarets work while you sleep I1- dtarlaM5 w'43.11x:a i. f QRTItA11 AGENTS WANT1'k*'3 good prints and flnishes-._Io•aest prices on r acnes• -ask for cata;Lgue. United Art Co., 4 Brunswic.lr Ave., To- r'on t,,. sEXxrlcnx.zAlxr.onrrs, tANC.Ett. TUMORS. L,VriPIS, JSTC;, internal and external cured without Pain by aur home treatment. Write ua kei'ur. too trs•imn.i'-Lllesi I (',n Lirntta,ila. e. 'iellinir.wnrkui,ellOnt.an I To' nWS.PA. 'art. WEEKLY_ IN 11141:1;11 Ztil t 'unty. Splendid opportunity. Write 1 box T. Wilson Publishing Co., Limited, ii Ar.ihiriide St, W.. Tc,rcnto, I'll- EQUIPPED NEW141'Ai.11.1R 1 Ontario. Insurance carrie�dr $in 600.asWill g for £1.2tit1 on quick sale. Boa 01. v.'71enn Puhilshina ('n.. Ltd.. Toronto. r lliOtC'le SILVER BLACK BREEDING Foxes. Also, we are buyeis of Raw Furs. What have you—what wive? e? Reid Bros.. Bothwell, Ortt. i ( OFFlic STOCK WANTEU. IF 'YOU ILI are able to supply, advise us. as we will pay the highest prices, dry or green frothe saw. TC.c•epttn 2.roa., Limited. Own Sound, Ont. Real Dwarf Trees. After , growing for ten years, the Japanese cypress, ane of the smallest specimens of the horticultural world, reaches the size of a golf ball. As if exhausted with this tremendous effort, the nen:t ten years see it increase only by a fraction, when it practically stops growing altogether. lSsinarws Liniment Cues Garget in Cows, A light, evenly spread covering of straw placed en wheat. in winter pre- vents baking of the soil in spring and improves the chances of the clover seeding. DAD! YOUR HAIR IS FALLING FAST "Danderine" will check that ' ugly dandruff and stop hair, corning out To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Soon every hair on your scalp shows new life, vigor, bright- ness, thickness and more color. nterleS.'s .Pioneer nog nar.iedifiD :t3oek on Q08 SEAS ES a.atl n'ow to 7."ettl Mailed 2 -res to any Ad- dre't b. 'the het" 1 or. x7.. may Mover Co. vnno, 118 West o"lst 8tr•aet new. Voris, i:..S.: Stew fruit in oven while roasting meat or baking. This will save feel. Fruit cooked in the oven is more de- licious than when cooked on top of the stove. 'SYRUP OF FG CHILD' LAX xI E Look at tongue! Remove poi. sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste: Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." 4 i1 �' � F7 � �` •i F Uiffl �P td F71r-,h.aa L ITCHY • In RshOnpFc g i b $ O nil.f6c 'G.:i aHeals. e'$ had troubledwitheeeerm on my face which tookthe forrrn of rn rash. Later it broke out: on my limbs and they itched very much, calming rle to scratch them until they were bleeding. The rash would cf:_n litwp are awake at nicht. " 1 tried acme remedies, which failed, and then thought 1 would try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. It vras,,,r_nt long till the rash began to d.3 t, pea;, and 1 used three cakes of Soap and four boxes of Ointment, which heeled me." (Signed) W. W. 13ymars, Paris, Ont., Sept. 12, 10%g, Ct:ilc era Soap to cleanse, Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal. Soap 25c, © r ce l 25 and SOa. Solas terougil-ettheDorninion. Cana ryian)erott j.amr, s,L7 nitoc], St. C'acl St., avaontre:.i. : as .Cutieuxa Nosh cleaves without mum. ONLY TABLETS MARKED "AYR" ARE AS PI R I N Not Aspirin at Ali without the "Bayer Cross", 1\ t Por Colds, Pain, Headache, Neural- i ;i. exug9 which contains complete -di. gia, Toothache, Earache, and rc,r lee or^.. Then you are getting real Rheumatism, Lunebitg't, Sciatica, Neu- A.,p ,--the genuine Aspirin pre* ritis, take Aspirin harked with the sr ,•ed by physicians for over nine - name "Payer" or you are not taking i.'en years.. Now inside in Canada. .Aspirin at all. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab - Accept only "Breyer 'tablets of lets coat but a• few cents. Druggists Aspirin" in act .unbroken e'Bayer " . also sell larger "Thayer" packages. There is only one Aspir•:in—"Bayes"—Yon must say "Bayer" Aspirin is the trade mart, (registered in Canada) of Raver btanufnctare of brant', acottcaeklester"ot salicylic/10d. 1,Vh11a it is wen known that aspirin means Layer. manufacture, to assist tlio nubile against imitations, tete Tablets of Bayer Cozzi/ma ? tVIII be stamped witia their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross."