HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-01-01, Page 1ZURICH Vol. XX No26 HERALD ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1920. Chester L. Smith, Puhfisher $1,25 a Year In Advance .,.•+►-•b-+--''i''-,i,-..;,-+--+--+- +--+--�A--�--�i -^+- ►--,+ .}--, +-+ +i + 1 I 1 + + 1 4 1 1- --•!-+ F-+-•+- —+-+- i�-•F--i--#-4-+-#-�l-�Y-�- .1 1 FRED THIEL ZURICH YOUR HARNESS NEEDS Wi}t be promptly attended to sere. Sea;uo about DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HAIOTESS, REPAIEING' Or ALL 'KINDS Rugs, Blankets, Belts Full line of Whips, -Sweat Pads, Carry Comb, etc A Trial- Solicited 1 Mr. Ferd fIowald, of the "Wat erloo Seminary, is visiting relati- ves here. Mr. Lindsay Wurm of Detroit itt visiting relativeshere over the holidays, , rM. Ferd. Ilrfaberer of Kitchener, is spending the holidays at hie' home here. Happy New Year. Ir. Sam Gascho spent the we- e? -end at Goderich. Mr. Ed. Axt of London is visit- ing at his home here. We are prepared to •hcl'ow g i xI skates. L. Prang, Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. D. Koehler spent Christmas day at Exeter. M vis - 'ss Maude cBride was a noir to London last 'wick. Miss Jean 'Campbell of London, ,s, visiting at her home here. - Kanter Leonard Hudson of Sea- icrrth is enjoying the week with his friends here. • �SIr. McCuteheon of London, sp- ent a few days at the home of Rev. R M. Geiger of Woodst- e" deek spent Xmas at the home of •NN••N•N••••i•••q••N •M••• ••••••••••••••••••••••N * ;parents, M. and Mrs. M. Geiger. Ira. S. Rennie this week. • •• i +• eso Buy Your Presents at Preeter's Hundreds of Attractive Gifts IN OUR STORE YOU WILL FIND THE MOST COMPLETE 'STOCK OF CHRIS- TMAS GIFTS AT REASONABLE PRICES. EVERYBODY WANTS TO ECONOMIZE, BUT NO ONE WISHES TO -DISCONTINUE THE CHARMING OLD CUSTOM OF YULETIDE. THE GREAT VARIETY OF GIFTS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE AND THE REA- SONABLE PRICES MAKES PRESENT BUYING IN OUR STORE BOTH DELIGHTFUL AND PROFITABLE. ssi .. SPECIALS IN XMAS GIFTS Memo's Tie Racks French Ivory Hair Brushes. Brush and Comb Sets. • French Ivory -Manicure seta. Womens' and children's knitted mitts in grey, red white and Navy FIance center pieces Embroidered Pillow eases. Lilnen, Table Cloths. Litne'n Table Napkins Fancy Bath Towels, Fancy bordered huck towels Moan's Mocha lined gloves Toys of all kind's. XMAS STATIONERY Fancy boxes of writing paper, very nice for Xmas gifts. CHINAWARE Hand painted chinaware of bea- . utiful designs. Also 10 piece tot-.• let sets, berry sets, water - sets and separate fruit dishes with gold de- signs.. • CLO eHING We are showing a splendid rang of men's and young men's overco- ats in 'all the newest cloths and styles, waist seani4, and etc. See our $25.00 line. These coats- at this prilee are less than "to -day cost price. Also a fine rai,ge of suits in the latest style+ a.t moderate pri- ces. It will qua • you to see our stock before but• -ng elseeehe.re. GRANULATED SUGAR • Hating receett ' put in stock a large shipment le: Sugar, we would advise puttingeie your supply at present 'prices as it is very scarce and prices have edvanced consider erable since we bought and likely to go higher sten. GROCERIES dwell assorted stock of ' fresh groceries always on hand. 'Also candies, nuts, oranges, new rais- ins, currants, peels, etc. iiiiiiiisainteineweeetesetese 110 • • Phone 9 �e itioisfivero • 3 1 1 • • • 1 0 • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • 1 GIFT EI:ANKERC[IILIr S Lad.tee' fancy boxed handkerchi- efs, hemstitched edges, embroider- ed, comes to white nad dainty col- ors'. Ladies' embrodered linen hanker-. chiefs, scalloped edge and pretty embroidered corners, Children's fancy hankerchiefs with nursery design and animal Patterns. Menlo tine linen hankerchiefs. LADIES; MISSES AND CHIL- DREN'iS SCARF SETS Ladies' and Misses and children euesshed wool scarf sets in all the leading shades, also separate lie - .arra and tongues. SWEATERS ETC. AA niece range of men's and boy's pure wool aweatcr coats, all colors and sizes. Men's silk and wool meek scarf ell. DRESS GOODS SPECIAL Garbarditnes, broadcloths, velo- urs, Berges, poplins and all other fashionable weaves of the super- ior dress goods found here. HAND PURSES Ladies' silver hand purses spec- ially for Xmas trade Prices from $1,75 to $5.50. SHIRTS AND TIES The Xmas tires and shirts have arrived We have made an ex- tra effort all along the line in Xmas furnishings. Come in and look them over. See our fancy ties, one in a box, with splendid patterns, prices from. $1 to $2. J. PREETER Produce Wanted ereseeresteltseseelleleC Mr. Arthur Truemncr and sister cilli s Dorothy, nurse, of Toronto, are ' visiting under the parental i•"oof. 1.MissLottie Galster, who had been the last season at Shakes - pear, as milliner, returned to her • ,:home here. - • „Mlle trains on the L. 'II. & B. :^ which were n account of epai shortage, cut wereoff orestored th�� beginning of this week. An ex- .l tratrain was run on Wednesday mad on Friday of last week. eliss Anna Hess, returnee last E. Week from St, Joseph's . Hospital London, where she underwent a X serious operation on her eyes. She is improving as welt as can be ex-' r_ peeted'. BEANS We are now open to buy Beans Mail or bring us samples, stating Quantity you have and we will quote you our best price. COOK BROS. HENiSAL es+++++++++ -•.s-+ + OUR OWN SEASONS GIFT. •a Ottawa, Dee. 19. -The price of + newsprint paper in Canada is 1. +to be raised to $80 per ton f.o.b • I mills on Jan. lst, 1920, accord-+ ing to an .announcement made e. + to -day by paper Controller >. + Pringle The price now + being paid by Canadian news- papers is $69 per ton. +-1+-+ + . ° + + + + COUNTER CHECK BOOKS Do not let your supply of Con. nter Check Books run too loam We sell Appleford's check books, first -els . in every respect. Lit as have your ordor. HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONT. TO THE CITIZENS OF ZURICI Hydro is at your doors You are using it on your street. :Why not use it in your house, bares or garage? .At your service 24 hours daily. Harry G. Hess, the electrieal contractor, is ready to give yore an estimate on the cost of inst- alling the hydro in your home complete. Get a guaranteed ea -i timate free of charge. Advertise in the Herald and notice the results. iF�IfU111Gllil{UNIIfIiUilill4lplpll"Rl)lNl1W�i16llgPi IMIIIIIIIINIIIiNlliIIIIIllllfllg1111411Nf111111!l 1111llllllliilllllllUll!111111111111!Pil 1111lllllll!tl!li1111111B11111111' CIIIIH Christmas Day passed of very - quietly in the village. however, as it was the opening day of the icreat skating rink, considerebl, in- .t creat was shown, especially. when h � f ne old - time ute7rtDs, hat rr .."+e.'en6ated' for years, SFi;034d theirabeety in doing many of the fine-ttieits of the art.. `a'he falls ri were nu'meeour and the tumbles nutny, and' much injury was done Ito the ice by coming in contact -_ with things other than skates. Last Friday evening a number' of. our hockey fans journeyed to Goderich to see an excelledt exhi- bition of fast hockey played be- tween Goderich and Seaforth, • which resulteed in a victory for • Seaforth, by the' score of 9-e. • • This large score in Seaforth's fav - a or is undoubtedly flue to Messrs Clayton and .Clarence. Hoffman oS. the village' assisting them. As the saying goes, that most of the scores were put in the net at the hands of these two veterans. One of the most successful enter tainments ever held in the Evan- gelical church was celebrated on Christmas night, Dee. 25th. The church was filled to its. capacity long before the time of the pro- gram began, and many were un- able to find seating accomodation The program was one of the best ever rendered and some sp- . lendid singing was enjoyed l)y those present, especially by the selected choir for the. occasion, which. numbered some thirty members. Some very interesting dialogues were given by the jun- • for members of the School. Rev. R. M. Geiger gave a very approp- riate address. The proceeds, which were a considerate fac`or, amounted to nearly $110.06. 1 • • • • i t • r 0 • • • • • S • • • • • • 0 • 0 0 0 • • w • • • v w • w 0 • • • NOIMelassosOMMMISMINMOMPINORIIMSURVIMIONSMOIS THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 Over 100 Branches Oportunity Shuns Those Upnprep:gyred toGr.'sp It Start a Savings account today, in The '.4lolsons Bank, and be ready for c pgsortunity when it Cremes along: • • • W. B. CG LLES Manager Zurich Branch • WISHING YOU ALL A 1appv anb Prosperous 'Flew Veer.• R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 On 97 BLAKE nig4fG111101111IN1@UlltllHlliCllNllIMUl gflC IShil141il11214111411110l51111111PIittIlHII111kN1HIII1U114 ANgNIINhilliM1N181E111211Eligli L •p tilar8#0M!!t•MNs••t 4811 0, 001.0.0 t*Yl.t Bu Useful i0° 'lit 1 1 I s T 1 4. ie. tilt rfbdllle...r�Gifts -'u,,.,.. 't smomml Nothing nicer or more appreciated than a pair of Comfortable felt house slip pers or felt shoes. We have a fine assoetment,fog the holiday trade. Special Values in Rubbers, Socks, Etc. -BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED C. FRITZ The Shoeman ootarMNii ••isposo ii•r*!•i• ••i ii ••• • 1 For a 1Hr.n%rome Gift All models and styles in Ladies aind Gents with aluminum tops. Prices range from $1.90 to $7.00, Buy COMMUNITY PLATE : ( niIIgIIPIIII��. JTZ, '- :h3ir..r �iiwf Silverware for Xmas Gifts. See our display Hess the Jeweller nape 67