HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-12-26, Page 8Gifts for Christmas OUR STORE IS NOTED FOR ITS FINE ARRAY OF CHRIST- MAS GIFTS FOR YOUNG AND OLD. WE WOULD BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU LOOK THROUGH _OUR MANY LINES, AND SUG- GEST THAJT YOU CHOOSE GIFTS OF BEAUTY, VALUE AND TEAROUND 116EFULNIRSa4 For Ladies Sweater Coats, gloves, knitted scarfe and togue setts, tea ap- rons, hankerchiefs, linen towels, table cloths, cushion tops, dresser and table covers, etc. For Men A select lot of fancy chirts, ties in boxes, silk mufflers, heavy wool scarfs, gloves, sweater coats, or overcoats in new waist line style. Come and see thein. For Boys and Girls A lot of toys, dolls, books, games, hand hags and purses, beads also gloves, mmmitts, hankerchiefs, etc. Nippon China A large assortment of Nippon hand painted chinaware on handin new decorations. We make spec-ial efforst to secure the very best in this line of goods, Groceries New raisens, currants, figs, dates, peels, shelled nuts, oranges. A full line,of, candies, chocolates, creams, etc. J. Gascho Son a AN U OUNCENIENT I have taken :) _' contract to handle Ford parts and will stock complete line es. genuine Ford repairs. Bring . your Me Sea ear troubles to us. We specialize on any make All repairing guaranteed. We repair net experiment. x.1Vitfasseau GARAGE STAN1:• AT T. JOHNSON'S FORMER FURNITUi*.E STORE LOCAL !^a IRKETS Z. P. S. SCHOOL ac;c:PORT `Corrected every Thursday.) Report for Room IV Eggs Butter Dried Apples _-r ... ............ 14 Potatoes per bush Duleh Setts ._. .._ -- Wheat ... ... ... ... . Oats... ... ... Barley ._. _..... _.. 1:25 Buckwheat Flour ... .._ ... •. Bram __. ... ..._ _.. Shorts, Hogs... ... ... ... . 70 Following are the averages ob- 60 tained by the pupils in the test and work dune during the Fall term, Sr. IV ;—Meda Snrerus 6377; Russell Preeter 68, Bruoe Klopp i30 Dorothy Campbell 59.5, Iva Kalbfleisch 57, Ivan Kalbfleisch 53. Jr, V;—Rennie Weber 70, Gor- don Walper 68, Bert Siebert 64, Whitney Brokenshire 61, Inez Yungblut 56, Lennie O'Brien 53, Euloine Geiger 53, Hilda Neusch- wanger 46*, Dorothy Fritz 45. .-_ 8'¢-7 1.95. $0 Masseyz Harris Implements WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCAL AGENTS FOE THE CELEBRATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS IN. THE .LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS ALSO REPAIRS FOR MAOHINiERY, PLOW POINTS, ETC. GIVE US A CALL, • Casper Walper Zurich - - Ont. 1.25 x.50—tii,10 45.00 50.00 16.00 FOR .SALE Frame building, 25x40, and 16 feet high, in good condition: Suit- able for straw shed or driving shed Apply to W. L. Seb:ert, Zurich. LOCAL NEWS Miss Hazel Fritz of London is the gust of her cousin, Mi s Dor- othy Fritz, Mr, Eldon Schnell of Detroit, Mich., is visiting at the home of his parents here. Miss Erna Fricz, teacher of S.S. No. 12, 14th coir. is spending the vacation at her home in London. Master Leonard Hudson, of Sea - forth, is spending the week. with his friend Willie Blackwell, Parr Line. Watch Night will be observed inthe Evangdlieai church on New Year's eve. Dec. 31st Thepro- gram, which is under the auspices of the local branch of the WOG' T. U., promises to he an interest- ing one, as all the different organ izations of the church will take part in rendering selections, Sr. IV ;—Veola Prang 72, Mab- el Preeter 69, Muriel Howald 64, -Mary Mittleholtz 61*. (*) absent for one or mote tests " Pupils who faded to obtain an average of 60 are not doing sat- isfactory work largely due to the Jack of studying at home all the lessons assigned for the following day. '"• •Veola Prang was awarded the Nelson Shield. N. E. Dahms, Principal. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. .5. .1. 4 dr .5. dr 4. 4. 4. 4' To those who take pleasure in gift giving. Come and let us make Gift buying an equalpleasure With the assurance `t° that the article given will be appreciated,.• 3" Our lines of goods are first in quality, first in variety, first in price. 4 • 4. is We have just received a large shipment of Christmas Gifts Silver , re, Cutlery Cut Glass, 'seer Casseroles Brass Jardineers, Etc. •1• `Me also have a complete stock of • Skies, Hockey Sticks, Pucks, Sleighs. •1• We carry a full lime of heavy and ;s'helf Hardware, genuine Saskatchewan Robes, blankets, bells, chimes, trunks, club bags and suit eases, a STADE 4. .z. "+1• d• 4k HYDRO Power Shortage The capacity of the generating plants at Niagara Falls, available to the Commission for supplying the power and lighting demands in the Niagara district, has reached its limit, which necessitated the Commission limiting the amounts of power that can be supplied to the Municipalities in the Niagara district. The power shortage during the winter months is greatly increas- ed by the overlapping of lighting and power loads, by the extens- N'9rve use of electric heaters, and HAY FINANCIAL STATEMENr'"' also at limes on account 'of the Mr, J. Prey er,, Treasurer o£ blocking by ice the water supply Hay Township, has received from to the generating plants. the printers the eoppyies of the1 The :Commission are asking the 'annual financial statement of the 1 co-operation of every Hydro user, Township for the year ending Dec whether. domestic or industrial, to 15th, 1919. The following partic-1 desist them in conserving power ulars are gleaned therefrom. Total receipts, $21938.68. Total expenditures *52705.24; 'leaving a balance on hand of $5233.35. The uncollected tuxes amount to and the drainage advances $830.66, making the total assets $6386.44. The ii tb'li les amount -to $35.4,68, so the statement shows a neat bal- ance on 'hand. Considerable nec- essary new construction work was done: in connection with the tel- ei>hone system and the balance on hand in this department is not so large. The schools are the biggest item ie the expenditures, - the amount being paid out for this purpose being $16,451,65. 4_.. EXAMINATIONh IN JUNE School examinations in future are to be held =.n June, according to an announcement made the other week by Hon. R. H. Grant Minister ofEducation, It is provided that senior high school entrance and senior public school gradual ion diploma exam- inations, and the examinations for entrance into the Model Schools shall begin on June 8. The day following the. lower school exam- ination for eniv Ince into no Nor- mal schools and into the l+a...ult ies of Fducati+'n, as well :is the upper school rxnmination for en- trance .into the Faculties of Edo- cali',n and pas, honor nad scolar- ship matriculation examinations, will begirt Oe Rune 16 the Normal Schoel final examination, Group II., will begin. On June 18 the middle school examination for entrance to the Normal Schools will begin. English -French entrance examin- ations will begin on June 23, jun-- for public school graduation clip- lona examinations will begins on Tune 21, and junior high school entrance examinations will begin June 2q Thus it will be seen lizat ell examinations will be soma plated, before July. WEIDO •H PPEE'T"ER BLOCK , * ZURICH +i• '+++ s•+++•id+'t'+ +++++++' +• ' ,+..•i,'i+++++++4'•i'++++++ 44* +a'++++ and light in every possible way in order that an uninterrupted ser- vice may be maintained, until a further supply of` power is ob- tained for this system. Hydro -Electric Power Commission of On`'c rio G iris F anted To start in on Jan, 2nd, 1920. Good wages to beginners. Apply to forelady. Hall Dent Limited, ,Zurich. HALL DE,�4 LTD. +A^1:k][ED Unto Mr. II Truemner's pasture • land, ne .'r Dixie, a yearling heif- • er, Owner can secure sante by I proving -,ronerty and resins! ex- • ncnses Antsly to Dominion T+ Ise ti ZURICH .....•0••M•.••t••11-t«4. t••b•Mrs.•W0•+:.,4,a� DRINK HOT TEA FOR A Lt " D COLD Get a small paelcaes e Hamburg Breast Tea at any phc:rr:.•. x• Take a tablespoonful of the tn a cup of boiling water upon it, through a sieve and drink a tea es, sell at any time during the day o: ••e retiring. It is the most effective sees !o break a cold and cure grip, • epees the pores of the shin, rein eseisingestion. Also loosens the bowel :,r..• driving a cold from the system • Try it the next tial" s,•ffer from a cold or the grip. rs ,i,enpensive and entirely vegetable r:ere safe and harmless. Rab BAOKI%CH LUfl1BA l I OUT ;►.►1►5lllllllll�rlillil►r 111. E •. } ► �i�c�i�ccl :, °;.i ii1 'UU !li! veli l Xmas Gifts Now is the time to select your Gifts for Xmas. OUR LINE CONSISTS OF Pyrex Ware A good assortment to choose from. That clean, tastly looking glass, eooking and Baking ware that w:11 stand oven heat and not break. Aluminum Ware A splendid line to choose from. These make choice gifts for the wife. If it is for service and long life, choose aluminum. • Silverware Knives and Forks, Spoons, Etc. ce Skates & Hockey Sticks That boy or girl would enjoy a good pair of skates. We have them•. Automobile and Star, also several cheaper brands to choose from. FULL STOCK OF FURNITURE Zurich's Busy Store Melick & Braun PHONE 63 Rub Pain and Stif n .i+; -ay with a small bottle of ;.on_est T St. Jacobs .l.tl. ' •`:.t When your back is s, ,oust lame or lumbago, ecialica, or r'tisrn has you stiffened up, don't .e.-1 Get a 30 cent bottle of o: ?::.:ucst "St. Jacobs Liniment" at ;+clog store, meet rub it by the • 'ensu and pour a, little in your 1 right into the pain or s • time you count fifty, t ' lameness ib gone. Don't stay crippled 1 s soothing, penetrating oil nese e • r od only once. It flakes the eel isiin.right out of your hack and 'es inisery. tt is ren,;ieat, yet -ibr tai.nless •irtd dc,rw•n't burn rue ���{' 1hiy�itg e..l,',s`'e .. stote4 relents I Lir lagt4 i4e4 miser:,, "t. i ;. '.r•,•a.P14 WISHING YOU A MERRY CHRISTM AS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. BIG REDUCTION on all our Overcoats Bros. DenomY Zurich Do Your Xmas Sh,pppkg Now. Only 2 weeks to `Christmas OUR STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE IN•'ALL LINES. BELOW ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR XMAS GIFTS. SWEATER COATS X 1 LADIES' WAISTS Ladies' sweater coats, all prices Ladies' crepe de ehene waistsiztz and colors. white, pink, peach, etc. 0 FANCY NIPPON Cif lNA Such as spoon trays, celery dishes, cakes plates, bon -boss, Sat-. ads, nut bowls, etc. TOYS! TOYS! I OVS! Our Stock of Toys is big "'and better than ever. MEN'S NEW SHIRTS, CAPS, HATS, SCARFS, MUi;'FLRRS, Mee OVES, MITTS, ETC. NOTHING MORE A.CCEPTA.i3Lx, THAN ANY OF THE ABOVE FOR XMAS. Candies, Nuts, Oranges, Rai,si'ns, etc. A. good supply and fresh stock. els, DR. HESS' NOCKl=s.. I%n pails and packages, Makes hens lay and keeps stock healthy Every Package guaranteed. CALL FOR ONE OF OUR NEW 1920 CALENDBRiS, Butterxck Patterns For n ale Phone 78 Til: L WORM Plufile