HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-12-26, Page 5ZUrit'1411 Me
Freall and Salt Meats
iftoiogna Sausages, etc
arlagisesteCash Price for Wool
42`31.4gblut &
Dr. E. S. Hardie
Salesman Wanted
'fro lRepreeent
'The greatest, dentand for Nuxisertr.
iStiaek inNears. s
faritish and Eueopean Markets a-,
gain open for Canadian Fruit.
argesst dist of1Frait and Ornamen
tal Stoat, :Seed 'Potatoes,
etc., grown in Canada
1Vnitte 'for IPtaitticula.rs
?1r Chas. Eilber or Kiteiteeeteala
visiting at the home of his par -
cute, Mre and Mrs. C. Eilber, •
Miss Lydia Koehler,whet had
een the past few months at Weox
eter, has returned to her home
on the Gosheia
Mr and Mesea. Zimmerman and
daughter -Buleh, v,io had visited
relatives at Kitchener and Preston
the past few weeks, returned to
1Zuriels lest week.
The local branch of the Wom-
en's Institute will meet at the
home of Mrs. (Dr.) A. er. ItreeKtn-
non on January 14th. .The meet-
ing will be in hcarge of- the Masses
Lamont. All ladies ara cordially
The Government has deciled to
continue the sale of thrift stamps
and savings certificates at banks.
postoffiees and other agencies, it
is announced by the Minister Of
Finance, Sir. Henry .Drayton.
In his address to the sharehol-
ders the general manager of the
Banlc of MOilt.113:11 Said; The
inevitable decline in pricese is at
least nearer, and it is to be hoped
that the delay is not lulling, deal-
ers into the erroneous belief that
the standards of these last few
years wil! • ' continue indefini:ely.
Misconceplon On this point Wou-
ld constitute a menace alike to
borrower and banker. It seems
certain that food prices will drop
Stone & Wellington
Estalaltehed 1837
1110RONM, (ONT.
Insurance Co.
PAM -VP CAPITAL ,:e,0119,000
presently and that all commodit-
ies will decline in price.
Mrs. Brown was .at the back of
the church, waiting to have her
baby christened. Baby was get-
ting restless, so she beckoned the
'verger. "Is the sermon finished?
she whispered, "No mum," repli-
ed the verger; "another nalf-hour
of it yet. He's only , on his `lastly
"But," said Mrs. Brown, "Will
'it tialce him half an -hour to get
throughhis 'lastly,?" "No,naurit' .tte
demure reply, "but there's
the 'one word more' ;and 'I'm
done,' and the 'finally,' and the
'in conclusinn- to come yet. Don't
be impatient.
Insures your barn against dam-,
age by wind -or fornade stor 40
_ eente per 000 for 3 years, and i
your "houoe for 30 eens$100
for '3 • years. No preraturet note
alltrite extra assessment guaran-
teed, . • . 1- . t ' '
G. Holtzman
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby giv-
en that a meeting of the Electors
of the Municipality of the Town -i
tehip!.of Hay:will be held, in the
TOWN HALL in the Village'''. of
41Zuritch, on .MOND.A.S.' DEC., 29th,
1919, at the hour from. one to two
o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of
nominating candidates for Reeve
Agent Zurich And Councillors for the. Township
(af Hay for the year 1920, and in
case a poll is demanded, polls
Seys we can't help but look
better and • feel better
after an Inside bath.
To loiik one's best and feel one's best
is to enjoy an inside bath each morn-
ing to flush from the system the pre-
-sinus day's svaste, sour fermentationti
and poisonous toxins before it is ab-
sorbed/into• the blood. Juse'aii' coal,
when1Claurns, leaves behind a cer-
tain amount ot incombustible material
in the form of ashes, so the food and
drink taken each day leave in the ali-
mentary organs a certain amount of
indigestible material, which' if not
eliminated, form toxins and poisons
which are then sucked into the blood
through the very duets which are in-
tended to suck in only nourishment
to dastain the body.
If you want to see the glow 'or
healthy bloom in your cheeks, to, see
your skin get clearer and clearer, you
are told to drink every morning upon
arising, a glass of hot water, with a
teaspoonful of limestone' phosphate In
it, which is a harmless means of wash -
tags waste material and toxins
from the stomach, liver, kidneys and
bowels, thus pleansingesweetening and
verifying the entire alimentary tract,'
before putting more food into theta/ate...-
Men and women with sallovr`akins;
liver spots, pimples or pallid corn -
Weldon, also these who wake up with
a coated tongue, bad taste, nasty
-breath, others who are bothered with
headaches, bilious spells, acid stomach
ortonstipation should begin this phos-
phated hot water drinking and are
.assured of very pronounced results in
one or twos
A quarter pound of limestone phos-
phate costs very little at the drug
ester° but is sufficient to demonstrate
that just as soap and hot ,water
cleansee, purifies and freshens the
.kit on the outside, so hot water and
limestone phosphate act on the inside
organs, We must always consider that
internal ganitatiOn 10 vastly more,im:
'Portant thgn outside cleanlineee,be
;cause the Akin portal do Itot ,absorb
*Purities tht4 he blood1 vigle„,th9
AMA. PONS dg."
5th, 1920.
- In the several Polling Sub-Div-
ialene of the Township as Follows;
Poll No. 1, S. House No. 2, M.
Russet D.H.O., W. J. Northcott P.
Clerk; P. No. 2, S. House No. 14,
D. Burns lar.o., W. D. Thompson
p.c.; P No. 3, Town Hal!, W. O'-
Brien deeo., D. Koehler p.c.; P.No.
a W. G. HCO3' shop, W. G. Hess, d.
r.o., D Oswald, p.c.; P. No. 5, S.
heoo 'House Na. 12, H. Krueger,
d.r.o., 5, M. Zile'. p.c.; P. No 6,
Hartleib'e Hall, 5. K. Getz,
D. Tiernan, p.c.; 1'. No. 7. S. limas.
No. 3, E. J. Troyer d.r.o,, Wm. Can
sttt p.c.; P. No. 8, Frame Hoe l S.
Joseph, F. Ducharme chno., Mar-
di Corriveau, p.c.
Said Polls will be kept open from
9 o'clock, a. mn until 5 o'clock,
p. nt., and no longer. '
Returning Officer.
Dated at Zurich, Dec. 13th, 1919.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby gie
en that a meeting of the Elect -
ore of the•Police Village of Zur-
ich will he held in the Town Hall
Zurieh, on Monday, Dec, 29th, 1919
at the hour .from 7,39 to 8.30 o'cl-
ock in the evening for the putp-
eee of nominating candidates for
Pollee Trustees for the year 1910,
and if a poll ia`deinanded a poll
will be opened on Monday, the 5th
day of San., 1920 at the Clerk's Of -
fico In the Town Hall. Said poll
be opened at 9 o'clock a at. un-
til 5 o'nlock, p. m.
Reterrning Officer.
Dated at iZurich, this 10 day of
San., 1910,
Per Infants and Children
in Use ForOver30Years
Takeiteass URA if wax 1445 hurte
• se Blade bOthen ylrao—Ditak
mare °OW. -
yetz meet hivrevosrmseat avery day,
at it, but liana year kideaee with salts
ooesaionalaa says 'Slated atabority who
tellifeur tbat-atiata'forresetrie seal waidt
lamest parmayssialie kidney, in their ea
forts to expel it from tate Mood. They
become sluggish and weaken, then yea
eater with a dual misery in the kidney
region, sheep pains In the bar* or sick
headaeha ess, your stoma& source
tongue 11 coated and whetz the weather
is bad pin have rheumatie twinges. The
urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the
channela often goat or and irritated,
obliging you to seek relief two or three
time during the eight.
To neutnaise these irritating acids, to
cleanse the kidney* and flush off the
body's urinous waste get four ounces
/ad Salto from any pharmaey here;
take a •tableepoonful in a glass of
water Were breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous *alto i. made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
labia, and him been used for generationa
to fiush. end stimulate sluggish kidneys,
also to neutralize the acids in twine
so it no longer irrita,tea, thus endii4
bladder weakness.
.Tad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in-
jure, and makes a delightful effervescent
lithisarater drink.
Notice To Auto Owners
We Lave recently installed an
up-to-date battery charging plant.
We will store your batteries till
spring and charge them for you
for $4.50. At this price it will
not pay you to take a chance of
getting your batteries froeen.Best
of service to ear owner&
Cook Bros._
The 'Monday Morning Disease"
Affecting Horses.
Hareibcors, Solicitors, Notaries.
Public ac. Office, on the Squareetaid.
door from Hamilton St. Godericb •
Private funds to loan at lowest rates
W. Paounroor, K. C. J. L. KILLORAN,
H. J. D. Cocain. ' "
Sir. Cooke will be in Hensall on Friday
and Saturday of each week,
ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public
Com missloner, Conveyancing,
Fire and Life Insurance. Agent
Corporation and Canada Trust
Co. Herald Office, Zurich.
Do not feed fowl same morning
when brought in.
Highest Cash Prices
C ream and Eggs
W. O'Brien
Phone 94. Zurich
Delaware & Hudson Co.'s
Also soft coal.
Our terms are cash on
D.A.Cane o n
m. • •
Says Cream Applied in Nostrils
Relieves Head -Colds at Once.
•• 6.0.4 I ••••••••••• ..1)••
If your testate are clogged and your
head ia stuffed and you. can't breathe
freely because of a cold or eatarah. just
get a small bottle of Ely's Cream halm
at any drug store. Apply a little. of
this fragrant, antiseptic cream into
your nostrils and let it penetrate
through every air passage of your Ilona
soothing and beeline the inflamed-, swol-
len mucous membrane and you get it
stant relief.
Ali! how good ib feels. Your me-
tals , are open, your bead is dote-, no
mora hawking, snuiliiiig, blowing; no
ram headaahe, drynem or struggling
Always bears foebreath. Bly'a Cream Balm is just
Whet suiferera from head colds ea.
the leztu tinb wed:,
,Signature of
Symptoms Dela:Abed, and a' C0ny'se
0( Treatment Suggested for Alley -
:biting and Curing
Rhubarb' Reds.
Working Over Asparagus and
the Trouble-
4Contributed by ()Marto Veybrtment ot
Ol(riebbtare. Toronto.)
YMPHANGITIS, c o m ni o n 1 y
called weed, a shof of grease
or Monday morning disease,
is a common aliment in
horses. Some horses are predisposed
to the trouble and suffer after being
exposed to alight exciting causes.
It occurs in homes that are accus-
tomed to regular work and high feed-
ing, .when such are given a refit for
a day or longer and in the ineantime
receive their regular ration of grain,
hence the. name "Monday morning
disease," it frequently being noticed
on Monday morning in work horses
that have stood idle and been well
fedsince the Saturday even pre-
It consists in indent -Madan of the
lymphat glands, usually those of the
hind limb or limbs, but it is not un-
common for the fore- limbs to be
the seat.
Symptoros.—The first symptoms
usually are rigors (shivering) fol-
lowed by well marked increae of tem-
perature; but as those symptoms us-
ually occur at night they are not
often noticed. The first symptoms
usually noticed are well marked sore-
ness and lameness, usually of a hind
limb. From reasons not understood
the right hand limb is more fre-
quently involyed than the near one.
Pressure upon the inner surface of
the limb from the sheath or mammal
downwards reveals well marked sore-
ness, and at first a beaded condition
to the touch. lf a fore leg is the seat
this condition will exist on the inner
surface of the fore arm. There is
usually well marked inorease in tem-
perature, a full, rapid pulse and often
more or less well marked labored
breathing. Appetite more or lees ime
paired, and in some cases colicky
pains are noticed. The swelling of the
parts usually increase rapidly and
the beaded condition disappears, and
there is usually a decrease in sore -
mess and lemences. Exercise reduces
She swelling arid, larneneacie but they
reappear during the night; aad as
each time alias occurs there is a ten -
!lacy to organixation of some or .the
exudate whieh may reatilt. In a
acrostic big leg, heave it is not wise
eaerviatet work until the acute
lameness as disappeared.
' Treatzneut.—If colicky pains be
well marked, give a cello drench,
aa one oz. each of laadanum, sweet
spirits of nitre and tineture of belle-
donaa in a pint of water. Follow up
with a brisk purgative of 7 to 10
drams aloes (according to size of pa-
tient) and two drams ginger. Give
the purgative at filet If colicky pains
are not well marked. Follow up with
four drams nitrate of potansum twice
daily tor two days. Keep the patient
in comfortable stall excluded from
drafts and bathe the affected leg fre-
quently with bot water and after
bathing rub well with a stimulant
linament, as one made of 2 oz. oil
of turpentine, 1 oz. tincture of iodine,
Ms oz. gum samphor, 6 oc. alcohol,
and water to make a pint. Feed bran
only until purgatibn commences, then
feed reasonable quantities of hay, but
no grain. Continue treatment until
the acute soreness and lameness have
passed, then give regular work or
exercise. The swelling will reappear
at night for a few days. Prevention
consists in either materially reducing
the grain ration on days that the
horse is not working, or seeing that
he gets exercise in some way.
Repeated attacks usually result in
a chronic big leg, called elephantites,
which is incurable.—JaH. R.,
Agricultural College, Guelph.
Working Over Asparagus and
Rhubarb Beds.
The handling of asparagus and
rhubarb beds in the spring of the
year Ls largely dependent on the sit-
uation of them and the time that the
owner •has at his disposal both In
the fall and spring.
Where properly handled i.he as-
parague, beds in the fall of the year
should hate had all tops removed
and burned and the soil ploughed
over the top of the row so that a
furrow would be left to remove the
In the spring of the year the as-
paragus bed, if ploughed in the fall,
should, be ploughed back ana, then
given a thoretigh disking so that the
soil would warm up quickly, eepe-
chilly around the crown of the plant.
After this cultivation should be prac-
ticed until the let 01 July when cut-
ting should cease and the bed re-
ceive ae heavy coating or good ma-
nure and a considerable quantity of
commercial fertilizer.
Rhubarb beds in the fall of the
year should be manured heavily with
well -rotted manure after the tops
have been removed.
Rhubarb beds in the spring of the
year are generally given a cultivation
and nmeh of the rougher manure car-
ried from the roots of the plants
and the crown. This permits the
wanuing up of the soli and cense-
eudist early growth.—A. H. MeLen-
nan, Vegeta bist gpental i ate -
Ta -r
Children Ciry for Fletcher's
. tfird
OW NVER.11.,0101.1,1••16Nra ,
Fletcher's Castoria is sfrietly a remedy for Infants and Children.
Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine
is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared
for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of
a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children
that brought Castoria before the public after years of research,
and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30
years has not proven.
What is CASTOR IA?
Castoria is a- harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. it contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend.
Ir Bears the Signature of
1 ,
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Prince of Wales
A Mtge photo of the popu'ar eeir to the Throne for all Herald eead•-
The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal have se tned thew -
elusive rights for all Canada tor a real good photo, 16x22 Inches,
of the Prance of Wales. It is by VanDyke, the celebrated London,
England photographer, taken on the eve of the Prince's departure
for Canada,
Tho Herald has made arrangements with the It'amily- Herald annus
Weekly Star whereby we are permitted to include the PrinCels
photo in a (dubbing offer.
We now make the fol'owing offer, good only until December 31st,191.0
The Family Herald and Weekly Star one year, cost $1.25.
The ,ZurSCh Herald one year, $1.23.
We offer both papers for one yearesch, and an outographed copy of
the Prince of Wales portrait, size 16x22 inches, all for $2.35.
Ali orders to be sent to this office,
HERALD Printong Co. Zurich.
W.ARNING.—This offer is good only until 31st 1019, when it is ann.
ounced the price of The Family Herald will be $1.50 a year.
The Herald's
Clubbing List
Herald and Daily Globe
Herald and Weekly Globe
Herald and Daily Mail and Empire
!Herald and Weekly Mail and Emnire
Herald and Daily Star
Herald and Weekly Star .
Herald and Daily News •
Herald and Free Press, evening edition
Free Press morning edition ... 5.00
Advertiser, morning edition 5.00
Advertiser, evening edition 5.00
Farmers. Advocate 2.75
Farm and Dairy 2.00
Weekly Sun 2.25
Family Herald and Weekly Star ... 2.35
Herald and Canadian Coun .lryman 2.00
Herald and Weekly Witness'
Herald and
Herald and
Herald and
Herald and
Herald and
Herald and
Herald and
Htrald and Fermer'e Magazine...............................250
Hin-tic! and Youth's Companion ... ........ ........3.60
Renew your papers with ueand save money
111131116111111111111111111111111111111111 11110111111111111111111111111114111111111nliii1.1111111111111111111i