HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-12-26, Page 4THE HERALD leaned Thule dgy afternoons tram the "HE HERALD PRINTING CO. *erase a of anb eription,14125 per year la advance ; $2,00 may be charged it not so paid, U. S. aubscriuti- emni $1.75 ntxictty in tdvance.No paper discontinued until all ar- rears are paid unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every sub.criptlon is paid is denoted on the label. ADVERTIS.IN'3 RATES effective after Jan let, 1919, Display Advertieeing-Made known i1►u application. Stray Azrimals—One three insertions $1,00, Vann or Real Estate for sale Sic. each insertion for one month nit four insertions, 25c. for each subsequent insertion. Miscellaneous articles- of not More than five linea, For Sale, Te IOW, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., *such insertion 25ct. Local Reading notices, etc„ 10c. s;'erline per insertion. No notice *em than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal a dIvertising 10c. Met Auction Sales, $1 for ilidn and $1.50 for two tit moderate size, Profeenional Cards t t'ne11, 98 per year. liddress all communications to HERALD PRINTING CO. insertion 50e and 5c. a one inser- insertions not exceeding ZURICH. ONTARIO. On a recent shipment of cattle to Buffalo, N. 1'., made by Messrs. Weir nad Wei:, of St. Marys, they received about $200 as a premium on twenty head of cattle. This was due to the difference in ex- change, Americal money being at a .premium of 6 per cent. The present rate of exchange benefits the slippers approximately $10 a head. DASH P. QOD ilame Mr, and Mrs, L. Bader and fam- ily 'visited at Mr, Faasold's on Sunday, Mr. C. Fritz and family of Zur- ich called on J. Kellerman's on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. G, S. Howard and .Evelyn spent Christmas with friends at Blake. Mr. J W. Ortwein of Ilensall was in town on Monday. Messrs. John and Milton Oes- tricher of Naperville College are spending the holidays at their home here, The former occup- ied the pulpit on sabbath even- ing. Great preparations are in or- der for the Christmas entertain- ment to be held Friday evening —Come and bring your friends. Mr. and Mrs. Doerr and family of Laird, Sask. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook. SCHOOL REPORT Report of Room III. The fcllowing shows the stan- ding of the classes for Decem- ber lased on weekly tests and daily marking on regularity, pun- ctuality nad conduct; Sr. V;, Science, Geometry, Lit- erature and Reading;—L. Hartleib 82n, Ii. Ireland 76, V, Fassold 72, L. Graupner 65*. Jr. V, Science, Read., Memory Liter;—M, Jennison 84, E. How- ard 31, M, Tiernan 75, C. Slteinha- gen 66. Sr. IV, Spelling, Writing, Mem- ory, Reading;—A. Hoffman 85, F, Hartleib 82, IT, Zimeaier 78, P. Kleinstiver 75, J. Guenther 63*, E. Guenther 56**, (*) No. of Exams missed. G. S. Howard, Principal. Room II. Total marks 655. Sr. III;—Minnie Rinker 493, Laura Reid 466, Gertrude Fischer 428, Sollie Bettschen 385, Adolph Guenther 346, Elmer Zimmer 217, Verde Baker 230, Oscar Miller 121, Jr. III, total 640;— Enema Gra- upner 495, •Harold Kellerman 483, TO EVERYDODY. BE MERRY. N?iME SEASON TICKET 1919 - 1920 Zurich Athletic Association 'Good every evening from 8 to 10 and Wednesday and Satnr•day .afternoons from 2.30 to 5. Hoc key matches and special attract- ions wilt be charged extra.. Nor :iR AN SFERABLE Above is a copy of the Season ticket which entitles the liol- tler to enjoy the advantages of t he Zurich skating rink. Help the gond work along. Buy a tic ket. Financial Statement of Zurich Police Village Taken from Treasurer's Report of Township of -Hay for the year ending Dec. 15th, 1919. RECEIPTS Bel on hand from 1913 Village rate - Dog taxes "Township grant Water sold PAYMENTS 132,11 1355.18 20,00 212.55 1.25 $1721.60 Feb,4 A, l+'. Hess elect ex1,t'n 5 00 8,T. Deichert rep. Trump "(P 10Street lights for Jan 190,00 100.00 3.90 100.00 3.00 100.00 .'10.00 5,10 1) Fob . TS Prang rep puma, eftpr.5 Street lights foe Mar HO rt Apr. Con, Keller, work May 3 -Street lights for May Jail.5 rr June C. Keller elft weeds! Clara Bender 477, Mable Schede 464, Verna .Birk 419; Clarence Pis, cl,e.• 411, Al\iu Kellerman 404, Lam- bert Warner ern, Loreen Baker 208, Harry elartleib Lot, ,Sr. II, total 595;—Alice Willert 480, Arnetta Steinhagen 472, Weal- thy Senroeder 461, ateaee Guenth- er 45s, Cowitney Burmeister 419, Almeda Miler 400, A,ice Urigg'a21, Victor 'Tyler 297, Eddie Hamacher 293, Elgin Merrier 263, Edna Wilds a62, Walter Stire 115. C;. Edmeston, Teacher, Room I Jr 1I;—Theada Hayter 94, Flo- rence Guenther 87, Gordon Bender 79, Ivan Lipperd 79, Margaret Merrier 75, Louis Zimmer 74, Edna Schaus '31*, Milferd Stire *. .Sr. Pt, II;—Willie Eveland 91, Pearl Bender 79, Floyd Wein 66, Louis Staubus 64, Jr. Pt, II;—Nelda Fassold 95, Martha Graupner 94, Adam Stine 88, Selma Genttner 76, Early Pit - mer 50°. Sr. Pt. I;—Ernest Rinker 95,. Elda Kraft 92, Helen Nadiger 92, Margaret Willert 89, Lloyd Stire*, Oliver Staubus*; Garnet Burmeis- ter 68, Leonard Bender*. Jr. Pt. I;—Wallace Wein 83, Era in Guenther 80, Eddie Dearing 78*, Rud. Vincent 74, Class I;—Pearl Schade 84, Vic-;, tor Kraft 83, Arthur Mor•entz 8q, Sophia Stire 72. Class 2;- 'Hugh O'Connor, J, O'Connor, Herb. Sclalundt. Pupils marked (4e missed marks, through absence. P. Tiernan, Teacher. Aug.2 &reel lights for Jul 09.0i Sept,9 " Aug, Sep .180.0:) A. Zeltle cln well 1.5.0 L. Prang rep pump 24.10 Nov.10 Street lights, Oct. :i0 00 Dec.5 E. Wenn spr;nk:e s1 s. 1.1 2 i 6 C. Smith wrk, crt'kr f hall 1211 Library grant 50,00 Herald account 3,5,); Street. lights 180 0 I Insurance on fireball. 4.0'i' 8 Meli;ck&Brautn acct. 1 s i W. (1, Ross, attending <.io, k 5 'I t Stade&°Weido acct 2.73' A Price, labor 6.5) 12W, E, I'.Catf, the 20 n, 15E. '6i-urne teans.ng gravel 75.35 Geo Thiel learning tile 4.00 D. Oswald g' avel ti 09 Int. on Advances 21,50 $ift7.l0 Batlike- all >FiYrill'ti 04.5gi1 ; 14:9 $1104.1i; HENSALL. Joe Hudson and Robt.. Caldwell have Tented the skating rink for the season. Miss Lexy Murdoch will enter t. the Brantford General Hospital-: alter New Years to train for a • nurse. Mr, Jr. H. Durand of Grand, Rapids, Mich., is visiting relatives near Drysdale. Mr W. Reynolds, one of our pi= oneer residents, passed away On Dee 11th, aged 77 years. It is reported that the second train on the G. T. R. is being put, back into service. - Mr, and Mrs. T. Palmer, Sr.,are, t'i: iting relatives in London .tor a� me,nth, .. EXETER Mr. 'Wm. Northcott of Hay,wheri stabling his cattle last week,' had five of then- go wild, and one got on the L. H. & B. track, and was killed by the train. Mr_ R. E. Pickard has returned home from the west. At the Huron County Council meeting in Goderich a claim was presented by Mr. F, W. Gladman of town for $455 for damages in ec'nneetion with an auto accident on the Lake Road, The Road and Bridge Committee reported that they had met at the bridge west of Exeter and after examin- hug the scene of the accident and bearing evidence with respet t to the condition of the road where the accident occured, de::ided to accept liability .for damages to car and pay it, and if a properly cer- tified statement of claim tor :lam - ages for loss of use of car and damage to occupants be given to consider them. SAGE TEA OAIIKENS HAIR TO ANY SHADE Don't Stay Gray 1 Here's an Old-time Recipe that Any- body caw Apply. ' The use of•ettese and Sulphur for re- storing faded, gray hair to its natural color dates back to grandmother's time. She used It to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and attrac- tive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect: But brewing at home is mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a bottle of " 97yeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound,°' you will get this famous old preparation, improved by the addition of other in - gradients, 'which can be depended up- on to restore natural color land beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has bean applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking ono strand at a time, 13y morning the gray hair disappeara, and after an- other application or two, it becomoie beautifully dark and glossy-. Vi yeth's Sage and Sulphur Corn. pound is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youthful appearance. It le not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. STEPHEN COUNCIL The council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 15th of December 1919 at 10 a. m. All members were present, , The minutes of the prevoius meeting were read and adopted. Alon,.o' Hodgins, Tax Collector, was authorized to continue the levy and collection of taxes in the manner and with the power pro- vided for by the law for the gen- _e - levy and collection of taxes. A petition signed by 22 rate- payers asking that a plebi:.cite be taken or1 what is known as the -Cow-tag by-law, was received and ordered to be filed. Orders to the amount of `,;2135 22 were paid, A detained state- enentewill be printed in the Tress- ' nrer's annual report. The Council adjourned seni die. Nominations for Reeve, Deputy 'Reeve and Councilmen for the ye- ar 1920 will take place in the Town 'Hall, Crediton, on Monday Dee. 29th at 1 p.m. (Henry Eilber, CLERK. ---,-4,- -- ...sea-sea; eh% Mr. Moses Foist and Miss Mary tteeszier were united in marriage ac tree rlvangelicai parsonage last .auesday, Dec. 9th. '1'ney are now comfortably settled in their home on rN1ain Street and haven! the hearty congratulations and best wishes of their many friends, Rev. S M. Hauch was in Chicago last we:k on business. The t yster supper given in the Town r.iall last Wednesday night under tee auspices of the Womens' Instil'., was well attended, The 'proceed, .will be used to equip a commu. ity reading room. .Harry Trick has returned from sailing en the lakes this summer. vtiUve t 1 , ♦vc.l,. a. Mr.. G. J. Dow, of Exeter, who had a tearer o1 horses, at the Guelph Show last week, got sec - end with "Dick" in a class of 17 geldings or mares fo.ile.i pre; iou3, He also got third for Tris team while Alex. Sinclair of Kipuen got second. W. 11. Es - see , got third for junior steer; alf :in grades, D. .r?otheringham of; J3rucefield got second for Can- adian bred draught team in harne ess, A & J, Broadfoot of Sea - forth got second for Cai:aei•in brd Clydesdale mare foaled in 1916.T,! J. McMichaeI of Seaforth got thi-'I ;"d for ,Canadian bred staliion fo- ;tleci, in 1916, and second :and third for three gets two years andun- der from Canadian bred Clyclesd- 'ale stallion. Richard Oliver, a Grand Bend 'boy was instantly killed at Belm- ont, the other day, when he was run down by a freight car. Young Oliver a carpenter was working `on a new plant of -the Canadian 'Milk Products, Limited. } Mr, John Leary, of Stella, whose barn was recently destroy- ed by fire has purchased the farm 'of Mr Fred Kerslake, near Staf- ':fu. -- BRONSON LINE i—# GRAND SCHOOL CONCERT The annual Christmas concert given by the puliils of S. S. No.4 and the young people of the sec- tion last +Friday evening, proved .to he a success. It w as well attended by the peo ple of the section and the neigh bouring vicinity, The ac bool was packed to the doors, even with part of a portition remoeed 'which furnished considerable more ;room. , The school was prettily decor - tried with cedar branches and Ch- ristmas paper decorations. The Christmas Airco was a pleasing sight decorated with candies and numerous gifts for pupils and teacher, The concert •consisted of chor- uses solos, duets, dialogues, drilla, recitations, etc. The children re- sponded well to their numbers showing the exceptionally good talent the shcool section has. Mr. Elmore Elopp See,-Trea.s. of the section acted as ehairman.'flis a)i'ity in this rapacity added gre- edy to the interest of the pr: gr- am. The proceeds which we're about $20 will go towardi a fund of buying an organ ler the Bicho- 11"Iiss Elizabeth Rasa, 26 years old of inter -national fame claims to he the :smallest perfectly forinei wo- man in the world. She weighed only fifteen onnees when born and now weighs twerty- even ioandt and enesteeleee r32 Lucite* iii a eareiniNi Wi uii Low areldrsbj KITED ENGINES are farmers' best friends. When the old wind- mill fails to "water the cows" be prepared with a UNITED to pump water. And for scores of' other jobs your UNITED will save you hund- reds of dollars. Run the washing machine, the cream separator, churn, grindstone and many other machines with this Handy, Reliable Power Plant. United 1'/4 H. P. Specification art Unequaled 33/4 in. Bore. 5 in, Stroke. 18 in. Fly Wheels weigh 40 lbs. each. Total approximate weight 350 pounds. "Air Valve" fuel -saver *wimp, etas. Quick Speed Changing Derive. Ara Us for Prices es All Size EragIsss 0•••r•••• o•• IIs L. PRANG, Sole Agent • ZURICH WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR ALL KINDS OF SAW LOGS HIGHEST CASH PRICES F. C. Kalbileish, Zurick Now for an Old -Time Merry Christmas WE ARE OFFERING AN EX-' CEPT.IONALLY FINE LINE OF GOODS THIS YEAR. TO APP- RECIATE THE YOU NUST SEE THEM. AND AT PRICES THAT • WILL APPEAL TO YOU AND I OUR CHRISTMAS PURSE - STATIONERY A dainty line, and a splendid as- ,sortmont of linen paper in hinged, lid, plain and fancy boxes at pop- ular price's. Many styles of pads and envelopes to choose from. Fountain Pens. DECORATIONS 'issue, Crepe and !Serpintine paper, fancy Napkins, le ells, Tin- sel, tree Ornaments, Ribbonzene, Cord, Candles, Candle Holders Etc, BOOKLETS & CARDS Christmas Booklets, Cards, Pol- ders, Tags, Seals, Gift Cards, 1920 Calendar Pads, Buy here and you'll get variety, originality of design and good value for your money. 0 TOYS Mechanical and other toys, dolls Games and Novelties. Really a splendid assortment to select frons, FREE A gift Card free with every 25c. purchase and a 1920 Calendar Pad free with every box of writing' paper at 50c and up. THE ABOVE ARE ONLY' A FEW 01+' THE MANY A.RTICLI:IS WHICH WE CARRY IN STOCK. COME IN AND INSPECT OUR CHRISTMAS GOODS. ZURICH BOOK ROOM Open ea enings Phone 89x'15 1