HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-12-26, Page 2iiifltcd (NO PERSONAL LIABILITY) .T' General Offices: Sterling Trust Building, Toronto, Cana Capital Authorized, $5,000,000. • Divided into 5,000,000 Shares of par value, $1.00 each. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: THOMAS MITCHELL of Denton, Mitchell & Duncan, Wholesale Dry Goods, Toronto ADAM ANDERSON Importers &. Manufacturers' Agent, Toronto BYRON GEORGE COHEN Wilson & Cohen Importers and Manufacturers Toronto SOLICITORS— Starr, Spence, Cooper & Fraser, 120 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada: Cormack & Mackie, Edmonton, Alberta. BANKERS—=Canadian Bank cf Commerce, Head 'Office, Toronto, Canada — Branches throughout Canada. TRANSFER AGENTS—The Trusts & Guarantee Co,, Ltd., Say Street, Toronto, Canade. FINANCIAL AGENTS—W. 0. Gof'att & Co., 10-12 King Street East, Toronto. The Charter of Incorporation gives this Company power to control oil lands and operate oil wells—build pipe lines erect auti oper- ate refineries—own and operate tank cars, railways and steamboats--t.o produce natural gas—operate and supply n°unieipalttios with light, heat and power, also to manufacture gasoline from natural gas. (Gasoline manufactured from the wet gas that comes front the wells at Peace River should becometan enormous revenue-producing asset to Peace River Petroleums, Limited). The Company also has power to operate and develop coal, iron and other valuable mineral deposits. The Company controls over 48,000 acres of what are considered to be the choicest and richest oil lands in the Peace The companies whose lands have been taken over and the amount of land they controlled are as follows: The Consolidated Oil -fields of Peace River, Ltd, 13,000 acres The Smoky River Oil Company, Ltd.. 10,000 " The Peace River Syndicate 25,000 " These lands have been paid for in the capital stock of Peace River Petroleums Limited. One share of stock in the uew coinpaue has been paid for each share or its equivalent in the former organizations, no cash whatever being paid. The purpose of the present offering is to raise the funds necessary for development of the company's immense holdings. It is esti- mated that the proceeds of this issue will be sufficient to carry on development -work for over two years: The ns.mes of the directors, listed abdve, are alone a guarantee that development wort: will be age ess'vely carried on and that tete funds will be wisely spent, President: JOHN HALLAM President, John Hallam, Ltd. .•urs, Hides and Wool, Toronto WM. BRADSHAW cf A. Bradshaw & Son, Ltd. Wholesale Dry Goods, Toronto CECIL H. THOMPSON Vele-President, Anglo-American Lumber Company, Toronto • SYDNEY 0, t3RASiER of Wagner, Brasier & Co. Wtolesale Fur Merchants, Toronto THOMAS A, CAiN Gene `1 Manager, Reo Safes, Ltd. Toronto LLAN McPHERSON Presi nt Quincy Adams Lumber Co., :d., Longford Mills, Ontario River district An Opportunity for the Srn; dl Investor` The Oil Fields of Texas and Okla- homa have possibly enriched more people than any other discovery of modern times. Opportunities were offered the public who were not in a position to make large investments , but many of whom have since become independently rich from the profits of their original small investments. To the Canadian Public -.r FORTUNES IN OIL The fabulous wealth returned from small investments in other oil fields reads like a fairy tale. $100 invested in Pinal Oil Co. paid $ 10,300.00 100 " " Lucile Oil Co. paid 16,000.00 100 " " Horne Oil Co. paid :40,000,00 100 " " Paraffin Oil Co. (in 10 years) paid 492,000.00 175 " " Coline Oil Co. paid 80,000.00 while each $100 invested in the Fortuna Oil Co., Texas, returned a quarter of a million ($250;000.00). During the four years i spent in the Peace River country I watched the oil development in all its stages. Eight wells have already been drilled in and near Peace River Town. Every well has brought in- oil—not one well has been drilled dry. • Pay oil has been discovered in at least five of the wells drilled, a record seldom attained in any now oil field on this continent. That oil would be discovered in Peace River was predicted by George Dawson, Canada's most eminent geologist, over thirty years ago. During the past five years a score of the world's best known geologists and oil experts have visited Peace River, and in every instance these men of science endorsed the prophecy of Sir George Dawson of long ago. • A valuable by-product of the oil fields of Peace River is wet gas, froth which, by simple prodess, gasoline is extracted, From three to five million feet of wet gas belches from the wells already drilled into the gas stratum. Every Man who has visited the wells at Pease River knows that oil is there, becauso he has seen it; but the wealth of the earth, be it gold, silver 'or oil, is of no value unless money is efficiently spent for its development. I believed the geologists and oil experts of this continent when they said that by drilling deeper into the oil sands at Peace River the BIG OIL POOL would be disccrared. Because of this belief and my personal knowledge of the actual discovery of oil in the wells drilled at Peace River I feel I am acting in the best interests of Canada when I recommend the Canadian ",people to join with Peace River Petroleums, Limited, and help to secure the big production of oil for our industries. No Bonus or Promotion Shares There have been and will be no bonus or promotion shares issued by the for their shares; every dollar received for shares by the company goes work and legitimate expenses, ,We own and offer shares in Peace River. Petroleums, Limited, at and non-assessable—par value $1.00 each. • We reserve the right to withdraw this issue or raise the price of 35c. a Share This is a genuine oppor. tunny which looks as cif it could not fail to return big profits in the near future, $ 35.00 Buys 100 Shares $ 70,00 Buys 200 Shares $ 175.00 Buys 500 Shares $ 350,00 Buys 1000 Shares $1,750.00 Buys 5000 Shares Peace River Petroleums, Ltd. Ali the directors have paid cash into the treasury and will be used for drilling and development the low price of thirty-five cents (85c.) per share, fully paid up shares without notice. SEND FOR FREE PROSPECTUS AND MAP Fill in and mail this application form to -day. To—W, C. GOFFATT & CO. 10-12 King Street East, Toronto. Please enter my application for leums, Limited, at Thirty-five cents a ..shares of the Capital Stock of Peace River Petro- share (35c), fully paid up and non -assessable, Herewith I send amount in full. Have shares issued for: you $ being the Name Address Town , , . , ' ... - w, Province Make oherlues, drafts, money order, etc., payable to W. C. Goffatt & Co, e ei `rear,a,?JVeetedJiV1e+ ?vreeta 1 cppD i' one fag rho I+ Som tti 'watch the flash swering our Forela to -day both nations loom gree councils of the world, the lights i mind us that at one time they were both conquered by the might of Rome. In Dover Castle the lower part • of the Roman pha"es still stands. For the first crude lights which shone from Boulogne and Dover were those erect- ed by the Roman legions. The French call a lighthouse "uu phare," the word being derived from the most famous of the eaely lights, that erected in 270 B.C., on the small island of Pharos in the Bay of Alexandria. The tower was one of "the Seven Wonder; of the World, its rays being visible at about forty miles, and the I cost estimated at $1,000,000. It was I overthrown by an earthquake in about i.220. 1 `fete firbst 3ritiesrii ltigChtihotuseise1e0m00s C-7, i.tToeaLvoeweesteonftb1ai„itaavr-ats.ltaenr'enrected. Aland a ztan named +'robieber built a � ilht at Ravensuur, having to pay the King 441.25 eternally. Navigation would be almc:.,t impos- sible without their aid, anal coas,e- guentl - their value to tho nation is e)e well-nigh incalculable: so it is as- toniicing to find that most. of Wee I lights were originated by Private en- terpri::e. On War. Footing. • During the war Britain manufac- tured 28,000 gnns and 200,000 machine guns. Towards the end of the war aeroplanes were manufactured at the rate of 4,000 h month, and poison -gas at the rate of thousands of tons a month. - Ti test whether poultry or, game is thoroughly cooked through, gently Ipull the leg from the body, anti if it yields at once, the bird is done. ;; Ten Years- 500 tears500 Dollars If deposited at3;o will amount to $697.75 If invested at 4%, interest com- pounded quarterly, will amount to $744,26 But if invested in our 6ta% Debentures will amount to , . $860.20 Write for Booklet. The G. z at West Permanent Loan Company. Toronto Office 20 King St, West ss[ighest Prices Paid For RAW FURS & GINSENG Write for price lists rind shipping tags Years of Reliable Trading Reference—Union Bank of Canaria. N. SILVER ego St. Paail St. W., Montreal, P.O. • CURE MK" CALL ' IOU ran overcome any harness Or saddle gall in a few days With Dr. A. C. Daniels' ry...t A L 11.+V C U i "—Contains no poison. You can work the horse or not while the remedy is doing its work. Largest box and best cure for all sores. (lures seratehe.s on horses. Stops itching on swine. Sheep ointment for sore heads. Will retain its goodness for rears, and remember titls'1' your money will be refunded if it fails. Beep a box in your stable always it costs little and may be necessary any day. PRICE 35e, and 00e. yea cerebro spinal psis, typhoid fever, etc• Yorreerly sanitarians regarded the environment as the main source of in- fection. Lure- now know that water, air, soil and food may be the medium by 'which the disease germs of. conn-- municrble diseases are spread but that •most of the germs causing the -com- municable diseases of man are frail, and quickly die when exposed to the air, water o soil, fortunately for us. Most of thein are unable. to grow and multiply outside of the human body. From the lower animals it is pos- sible to contract a number cf diseases. For instance, v: c got rabies ;tom flogs; plague from rats; anthrax i_d• tuber- culcris freta cattle, gl• ..ers from - horses, and Sara-typhr id. : ea' f om• the flch of cattle and swine. `?phare are, however, particularly in Cana,la, n urh less import: nt then the ela,c, conte fisted from pian. Hove , to Keller) Fit ., . '�c• E o1'ty,,'it' i iTc. .. -y• Big Animal Medical Book Sent Free. R. A. C. DANIELS COMrANY1L orf» 0.11.111103A, zxas ts'rigia f KN'OWLTON • • QUE;l3i C Drink wit:hoot eating and eat with- out drin1;iii . Five gla :as of water -a day, none with in'eais, will make yen free of the doctors. Warm feet and a cool head need no physician. - A bath, cold if you please, hot if you_ r mustight, r:ith a good rub, starts the day . If you will save your smoke till after ltmehecn, you'll never have smoker's heart. m " Wearing the sae weight under clothing the year around will save you a lot of colds. Dress cool when you walk and warm when you ride. :v Your nose, not your mouth, as given you to breathe through. Clean skin, clean socks, clean under- wear every day. Don't sit still with wet feet. Walk until you have a chance to change. Never let a day pass without cover- ing four miles on foot. See how high you can hold your head and how deeply you can breathe] whenever you are out of doors. Hot water quick is the best thing for -a sprain.. Short shoes and shoes that don't fit cost a lot in the long run. Getting mad makes black marks on the health. Envy, jealousy, and wrath will ruin any digestion. You'll never get the gout from walking. Sleep woos thb physically..tired man; she flouts the mentally exhausted. Nature never punished a man for getting his legs tired. She has pun- ,ished many for getting their nerves exhausted. Two hours of outdoor exercise by the master never yet made him over- critical of the cook. Don't ask the heart to pump extra blood to the brain all day and then to an overloaded stomach all night. Tight shoes have sent many a ratan to bed with a cold. Leg weariness never yet produced brain fag. Loose clothes, loose gloves, easy shoes spell comfort and health No wise athlete stands still after exercise without putting something over hint. Open windows don't make half as many colds as closed ones do. Blood pressure does not come to the men who walk a lot out of doors; instead it looks for those who sit and -eat a lot indoors. Many a man finds too late that bis motor car has cost him more in h::alth and legs than it has in tires and gasoline, A four or five -mile walk daily makes your -credit at the bank of health mount up . steadily. Nature won't stand for overdrafts any more than your bank. You never saw a dog fill his Mouth with food and the take a drink to wash it down. No pros ieetive breeder should as- sume that the work is easy if he' ex. peeci, ct.1 to master the details and •sac- ce 41 r,.