HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-12-26, Page 1DAY MORNING. DECEMBER 26, 1919. Is' weat Pads, Curry Combs, etc A Trial Solicited 1 FRED THIEL ZURICH --+—+- +—�F—+-+—+--+— +--+—+-+--+- 3'—+ --+—+--+—+- Last Sunday was the shortest day of the year. Mr. Lloyd Kalbfleisch, of the Waterloo Seminary is home for the holidays. Miss Hilton, forelady with the Hall Dent, Limited, is spending; Christmas and New Years at her home in Toronto. The factory will re -open on J'an, 2nd. ••••••••••••••e•••••••••••••••N00•••••••••0••••0••• ••••••••N0000••e0•INO• • BuyPreeter's iYour Presents at t _ • • Hundreds of Attractive Gifts • 3 •. • • IN OUR STORE YOU WILL FIND THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF CHRIS- 0. • TMAS GIFTS Air REASONABLE PRICES. EVERYBODY WANTS T ECONOMIZE, BUT • NO ONE WISHES TO DISCONTINUE THE CHARMING OLD CUSTOM OF YULETIDE. • TBE GREAT VARIETY OF GIFTS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE AND THE 6ONABLE PRICES 1VI .KES PRESENT BUYING IN OUR STORE BOTH DELIGHTFUL AND PROFITABLE. es • • • • Alk • • -• 41 • • „• • • • • .• • • • .• .0 • 4*0 +sa Phone 5 w '0 toi oes SPECIALS IN XMAS GIFTS Men's Tie Racks • French Ivory Hair Brushes. Brush and Comb Sets. French. Ivory Manicure sets. Womens' and children's knitted mitts in grey, red white and Navy eland center pieces Embroidered Pillow cases. Liineu Table Clothe: 'Linea. Table Napkins Fancy Bath Towels Fancy bordered huck towels Men's Mocha lined gloves Toys of all kiinda. XMAS STATIONERY Fancy boxes of writing paper, 'eery nice for Xmas gifts. CHIN A.WAR E Hand painted chinaware of bea- utiful designs. Also 10 piece toi- let sets, berry sets, water sets and separate fruit dishes with gold de- signs.. iCLOTHING We are showing a splendid rang of men's and young men's overco- ats iln all the newest cloths and styles, waist seam,, and etc. See our $25,00 lune. These coats at this prilce are less than to -day cost price, 'Also a fine range of suits in the latest styles at moderate pre - Ices. It will pay you tp see our stack before buying elsewhere. GRANULATED SUGAR Having recently put in stock a • Targe shipment of Sugar, we would advise putting in your supply at !present prices as it is very scarce and prices have advanced consider erable since we bought and likely to go higher soon. GROCERIES 'A well assorted stock of fresh groceries always on hand. Also candies, nuts, oranges, new rais- ins, currants, peels, etc. 1 • ,11 • • • • • • • • • z • • • • • • s • • • s • • 0 • • • • • • • • 0 • • 0 • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • O • • • • • • 0 • • • z GIFT HANKEECHIL•'P S Ladies' fancy boxed handkerchi- efs, hemstitched edges, embroider- ed, comes in white nad dainty col- ors. Ladies' embrodered linen hanker- ehiefs, scalloped edge and pretty embroidered corners. Children's fancy hankerchiefs with nursery design and 'animal patterns. Mends the linen hankerchiefs. LADIES; MISSES AND CHIL- DREN'ES SCARF SErS Ladies' and Misses and children brushed wool scarf sets in all the leaching shades, also separate sc- arfs and tongues. 1 (SWEATERS ETC. tA. nice range of men's and boy's pure wool :sweater coats, all colors and sizes. Men's silk and wool neck scarfs DRESS GOODS SPECIAL Garbardifnes, broadcloths, velo- urs, Berges, poplins and all other fashionable weaves of the super- ior dress goods found here. i1t.ND PURSES Lades' silver hand purses spec- ially for Xmas trade .Prices from $1.75 to $5,50. ,SHIRTS AND TIES The Xmas ties and shirts have arrived. We have made an ex- • tra effort all along the line in • X.tnas furnishings. Come in and s�e look them over, gee our fancy •• lice, oinc in a box, with splendid patterns, prices from $1 to f2. A PREETE Produce Wanted marnoilessommossiseene :Gies et.;V * 6t110111006666. +g11100,100 s»sa 6tO,G4 1"Oft Na ? Mr. H, Bloch of Kitchen 1r is visiting; hie home here, Mr. Ward Fritz of Kitehe :er, is holidaying at his home here. N1r. S. E. Faust of W-ate.laii is spending the week with his fam- i fy here, eels, Alvin Surerus of Oak t:leis visiting at his home on the Bron- sees Line, -t yes Flora Hess, public school her, of Centralia, is halide. ing at her borne here. -1VIr. Jacob. Haberer, Jr„ of St. ratford, is spending the holidays at his home here. 'xessrs, H. Kraft aid E. Ruby of Kitchener are visit;ng the i ' re- spective homes here. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz and clau- glzter Dorothy, visited friends at Telishwood on 'Sunday, r, George Hess, of Detroit, i ., is visiting relatives and fri- es s here at present. r. and. Mrs. N. E. Daltnts are si ending the holidays at the lat- ter's home in Hanover, A number of our hockey t tai:e1 Ssaforth on ,Tuesday ing for a friendly game. 1�Iessrs. E. F. Klopp and S 6ilbe attended the big U. c(wveetion held at Toronto week. fans e\e.i Leuis F. 0. last' BEANS We are now open to buy Beans Mail or bring us samples, stating Quantity you have and we will quote you our best price: COOK BROS, I BN1SAL LOOK HERE The Best Christmas Present you can give is a musical Instrument. Go to H. Well, the music dealer :see and hear the New Edison and ideLagan beautiful Phonographs, they will convince you they are the Best and cheapest on the mar- ket Mao singer and new Ray- mond sewing Machines. One as good as new. All in stock at m The Men's Adult Bible t lace et the 3vangelical, churjeh helttil erzt�a annual election of officers on Su. day which resulted as follows; Pres., C. L. Smith, Vice -Pres., Greb, Sec., W. F. :Braun, Assiate, See, C. 'Hoffman; Organist, MiesL. Siebert, HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ON. TO THE CITIZENS OF ZURIC/1 Hydro is at; your door,, Tom are tieing it on your street. Why, not use it in your house, barn oa. garage? At your service 24 hours daily* Harry G, Hess, the electrical cortraetor, is ready to give youan estimate on the Bost of bast - ailing the hydro in your home complete, Get. a guaranteed ers, timate free of charge. ,HERE IS A. NEW ONE y Harry G,. Hess, Electrical Co±r.w residence. H. Well, Zurich. tractor. l� +1111IG;ieil iull111111411111111illlllllllllillllllllllililllilil1lill lIt11111111ililell111p11111111113111111111111M1111ffililli 1,1 llffi11111111111I1I1I1111D+IiilLli,11 GIII11111MI1111Pell11711Cieillil11#illi School closed last Friday for E. the Christmas and New Year's holidays They will re -open on =_ Jan. 5th. bliss Lillian and Mr. Fred Wes- eloh of Stratford are spending the holidays at the home of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Wese:oh. AWestinghouse electric Iron will be given FREE, to anyone in- stalling the hydro before the 15 of;, February, . H. G. HESS. q s enald Mathews, of Grand i'.end =• eir known es 4iPatsy,":.;ins;.sd, • away the other day. He h h'e.1 in Mr. Ecclestone's park un.il last • fall. • • Miss Margaret Lamont, wh is • taking a business course at the • Westervelt School, London, is • spending her holidays at her 1.o Ise here. a, A number of citizens attended • the entertainment given in ;h: • ,Zurich Public School last Friday, afternoon. and enjoyed a well re,- dered program by the pupils. • • Word was received on Tue;da- • by Dr. A. J MacKinnon, of the • death 'of his aunt, Mrs. Vanwi. k-, • who died in Detroit, The fun- eral was held on Christmas Day a interment being made in Peele Co., Oi near Toronto. The Doctor a.t- • tended the funeral. • • The 1920 auto license for Ont- A FULL LI NE• 01'' WINTER WEAR DRESS GOODS OF ALL KINDS, MEN'S AND 130YS' SWEATER COATS, GLOVES MITTS, BEAVY RUBBERS ETC. ETC. Also.l adios' and Children's underwear, caps, scarfs, mitts and gloves: XMAS GOODS A nice assortment of Toys of all kinds, D oils, Dishes, Xmas. booklets, cards, etc, FRESH ' GROCER-1ES" A LW A.ys ON HAND POULTRY TAKEN EVERY WEDNESDAY' FORENOON' R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 97 BLAKE '!11111!IW�iI!I!IIVllllllllfihill8>ill}IlllliiNlllillllltlllllllflllllNliHlDlNilllllllsilil+.illi,iVudil:!1!uI11111011!!!IllllflllJllllJlllillIIIIiNIIIINIIIIIN&iiHlllli!'liiCstflllililllilflliiMi1NIHIIIiIiII�INN(Ilgllll�INilk4 • INTER H#I0 MIIMI N item*4 ireitalel',11;‘00)* ♦ f•rmMitf iSsesi►ieemigali4tflia0ss l s,,,, • 1 • i • • • • • ario are to be combination of blue and white colors. The letters and iiguies ars to be imprinted on' a field of white. This was the °* decision of the re-election Dt' a - p 1 the plates t of Public Highways beenyB andrSpecial `Values in Rubbers, Socks, Etc, S the plates have likely Desi r + ( C e her night doe's woriW'ti BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED Buy Useful Xmas Gifts Nothing nicer or more appreciated than a pair of comfortable felt house slip pers or felt shoes. We have a fine asso.t,nent.for the holiday trade, ed' already. Thof = I the flock fo sheep owned by Mr. • 0 • 0 0 0 • • • 0 to • • • • • • • • • • 0 m • • • • • • • • • 0 0 0. • • •• �'l+zed Haberer, Blind Line, �.t, h �. the result that lour were killed The Shoemar, .s. C. FRIT and eight badly injured. Ths owner of the dogs could not be found out. The' Township will have a bill of $1x,2.00 to pay fos the;• loss to Mr. Haberer. Next Monday, Dec.' 29th, the municipal non'nalions wilt 1 e- hr`ld in the Town Hall. It seems That an election will likely be necess- ary as it is reported that a esu m- iser of prominent men are seek- ing ntnnieipnl honors, Mr. J. Laporte, reeve, will present she honor .flag of the Prince of W, s es Won by the Township of TTg,,; in the recent Victory Loan ean- paign at the public meeting to :,c, held after the nomination closes, The open air skating rink will be opened on ,Christmas i)n' l; work has been completed ;.ural a tine sheet of ice has been prep- ared, Mitch credit is duce to the efforts of the boys who had the undertaking, in hand in brie -sees the rink te its present finhhed •e'hap+e, Fifteen 100 -volt electric nights Teske the enclosure as br ght as day at nights. 5 " . nn tickets are now -on sale and ran be 'soctired from 'the Seeretsryor. eseese. else :':CTA i'ii,rse 4 6 14 44 +&404**i4 48 44 @t'15m0We For E r. c -s )me Gift Buy COMMUNITY PLATE r a,nmmm � 0m111 t(yl All models and styles in ladies anti Gents with alurnin,nn tops. Prices range from $1.90 to $7.00. Silverware for Xmas Gifts. See our display Hess the Jeweller Pao 67