HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-12-19, Page 5FOR SALE One good drilving mare. Ap- ply to Herbert Hey, Babylon Line FOUND found• --A men's vent, on Zur"eh Road near ,Hensall. 'Same can ob- taitn 'it at Herald Office by pays iing for this ad. a + • itrkb Fresh and Salt Meats BoicEen Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wooll CASH FOR S1CIN fi •: F•I'ES Tu 'b i.3t & mM........e.MOMMEMO.MOMM. Dr. E. S. IAreae DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESI).A Y DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFTC1 - 11EN0'I.L. ..,, 1..r........-.,, ".v..a......,,o®. Sales 1. an W thrd To Represent DHE OLD RELIABLE FONT- HIL NUSERIES The greatest demand for Nursery Stock in Years. British. and European Markets a- gain open for Canadian Fruit. .Largest list of Fruit and Ornamen- tal Stock, Seed Potatoes, In the several Polling Sub -Div - etc., grown in Canada talons of the Township as Follows; Write for Particulars Poll No.. 1, S. House No. 9, M. " Russel D.K.O., W. J. Northcott P, °®n`��91 ',`Clerk; P. No. 2, S. House No. 14, Established 1837 D. Burns d.r.o., W. D. Thompson TORONTO, ON.T, p.c.; P. No. 3, Town Hall, W. On Bison d.r.o., D. Koehler p.c.; P.No. 4, W. G. (Hess' shop, W. G. Hess, d. r.o., D Oswald, p.on P. No. 5, S. heob Mouse No. 12, H. Krueger, d.r.o., J. M. Riser p.c.; P. No 6, ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Important W. C. T, U, NQTEL A SMALL BLAS`.!' FROM OUR OWN TRUMPET The W. C, T. U. is organized and is carrying on work in over forty countr.es, United States, England, Scotland, Aus :auli,a, Canada, blew Zealand, Bulgaria, Japen, Chi:.a, Saaite Settlement, Burma, India, South Air.ca, Madagascar, France Denmark, Chili, Bahamas, ., New- foundiand, .Egypt, Made 'ra., Norway Mex co, Finland, Germany, IS.e.and Belgium Ireland, Sweden, Turkey Syra, +Ceylon, Palestine, Bermuda, British 'Honduras, Cuba, Liberia., Italy, Grce:e, Argentine Repub'ia, Wes'; Africa, Uruguay, Brazil, Ko- rea, Peru,=Sele:eted. A Canadian parson says; "Pro- hibition has seriously reduced his 'congregation." He is the chap- lain at thecounty goal.—Ex. BORN Drysdale—At Hensall, on Dec. 9•th to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale, a sten. NOMINATION PUBLIC NOTICE in hereby giv- en that a meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of the Town- ship of :Hay will be held in the %OWN HALL in the Village of .Zurich;, on MONDAY DEC., 29th, , 1919, at the hour from one to two o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for Reeve and Councillors for the Township of Hay for the year 1990, and in case a poll ils demeaned, polls will be opened on MONDAY Jan. Tha t0 y" c Iisua&= PAID-UP CAPITAL $6,00.0,000 SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS $19536,177,28 Insures your barn against dein-- age am-age by wind or tornado for 40 tents per $100 for 3 years, and your house for 30 cants per .x$100 for 3 years. No premium note and no extra assessment guaran- teed, G 1 fIt7 ; ; n Agent DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS Get the Habit of Drinking Hot Water Before Breakfast Saye we can't look or feel right with the system full of poisons. Notice To Auto Owners Wie have recently installed an up-tosedate battery charging plant, We will store your batteries till spriing and charge them for you for N.501 At thin price it will not pay you to take a. chance of getting your batteries frozen.Best of service to car owners. Cook Bros. -HENSALL BUSINESS CARDS ROu r,+}.r: P•i, 'yJL1.oRAN, k C00KE Sa.-r;•.' •^r , Solicitor!, .. Notaries, Public 6: Oiiico, on. the Squara, 2nd door fr Hamilton St. Goderieh. ' Private ::..uds bo loan at lowest rates" W. Paounvei r, K. 0. J. L. KILL0RAx$. H. J. 1). Cooxx. Mr. Cooke will be in Hensall on Friday,. and Saturday of each week. OSCAR KLOPP • Licensed Auctioneer for the Co unty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the county, Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed Address Zurich, R. R. No. 2, or phone. -Zurich. ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Com missioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance, Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co. Herald Office. Zurich. LIVE i°' o U LT RV WANTED TAKEN EVERY SATURDAY FORENOON Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cask Prices ---CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs • tHartleib's Hall, J. K. Goetz, d.r.o., V+J• O'Brien Zurich D., Ttemaln, p.c.; P. No. 7, 5. House Phone 04, • No 3 E J. Troyer d.r.o., Wm. Coq Delaware & Hudson Co. s sitt p:c.; P. No. 8, Frame Hotel St. Joseph, F. Ducharme . d.r.o., Mar - oil ;Corriveau, p.c. Said Polls will be kept open from 9• o',ngek, a, m'ti until 5 o'clock, p. ni., and no Tenger. ANDREW F. HESS, Returning Officer. Dated at iZur'lch, Dec. 13th, 1919. ----4---- POLICE VILLAGE OF ZURICii NOMINATION — PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby gi e en that a meeting of the Ele,ct- ore of the Police Village of Zur- ich will be held in the Town Hall Zuri:ch, on Monday, Dec. 29th, 1919 at the hour from 7.30 to 8.30 o'cl- ock in the evening for the purp- ose of nominating candidates for Pollee Trustees for the year 1910, and if a poll is demanded a poll will be opened on Monday, the 5th day of Jan., 1920 at the Clerk's Of- fi!ce in the Town Hall. Said poll be opelned at 9 o'clock a. m. un - i til 5 o'clock, p. ne. A. F. HESS, Returning Officer. Dated at (Zurich, this 16. day of 1 Ja'n•, 1919. Millions of folks bathe internally now instead of loading their system 'with drugs. "What's an inside bath?", you say. Well, it is guaranteed to per- form miracles if you could believe these hot water enthusiasts. There are vast numbers of men and women who, immediately upon arising in the morning, drink a glass of real , hot water with a teaspoonful of lime stone phosphate in it.- This is a very, excellent health measure. It Is in- tended to flush the stomach, liver, kid- neys and the thirty feet of intestines bf the previous day's waste, sour bile and indigestible material left over In 1 the body which if not eliminated every ! day, become food for the millions of 1 -bacteria which infest the bowels, the Quick result is poisons and toxins. which are then absorbed into the blood causing headache, bilious attacks, foul. breath, bad taste, colds, stomach trou- ble, kidney misefy, sleeplessness, im .pure blood and all sorts of ailments.®' People who feel good one day and badly the next, but who simply can not get feeling right are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store. This 'Will cost very little but is sufficient. to make anyone a a eal crank on the subject of internal sanitation. Just as soap and hot water act on the skirt, cleansing, sweetening and, freshening, so limestone phosphate and not water act on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. It is vastly more portant to bathe on the inside than because Om e1 in pores ri the outside, into the absorb i m u ritir,. • 'Il do' not , P do, • 1 pores 'do, the b el'4 e loot; whrle1. �Op A FAMILY GIFT The 'best gift for one's family, one well thought of during a who le year in a year's subscription to the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal. It costs only $1.25 i.f remitted for in December, an.l with it you get the very best por- trait of the Prince . of Wales ever taken. The portrait is 16 x 22 in- ches, It is said the Family HPr:il 1 in overwhelmed with orders this season and no wonder, for 'it' is the best value to be had. It is a great -family and farm paper. ST 11 For Infants and Children hi Use For Over 30 Ye .,1 r Always bears the Signature of — --4.----. NOTICE -` -- keep up the water drinking, and no CK ANA COAL. Also soft coal. Our terms are cash on delivery. ,CtriElen !-1 EN SALL ONT. Just received a new supply Oneida Community plate si1 eer- ware In the most popular Adam Design. W. G Hess. • DRUGS EXCITE YOUR KIDNEYS, USE SALTS If your Back is aching or Bladder bothers, drink lots of water end eat leas meat GATHERING OF CROP DATA Information Showing Haw Thorough is the Work of tho Dapnrtment of Agriculture. An outline of the organization de- veloped in the department of agricul- ture through more than half a century • of experience in crop estimating, Indi- cating the care and thoroughness with which government crop reports are prepared, is given in the annual re- port of the secretary of figriculture. For collecting original data the bu- reau of crop estimates has two main sources of information—voluntary re- porters and salaried field agents. The voluntary force comprises 33,748 town- ship reporters, one for each agricul- tural townshlh ; 2,752 county reporters, who report monthly or oftener on County -wide conditions, basing their estimates on personal observation, in- quiry and written reports of aids, of whom there are about 5,500; 19 special lists of co-operators, aggregating 137,- 000 names, who report on particular products, such -.as live stock, cotton, wool, rice, tobacco, potatoes, apples, peanuts, beans and the like; and 20,- .160 field aids, including the best in- formed men in each state, who report directly to the salaried field agents of the bureau. The total voluntary ,staff, therefore, numbers approximately 200,- 000, an average of about 66 for each county and 4 for each township. The reporters, as a rule, are farmers. They serve without compensation, and are selected and retained on the lists be- cause of their knowledge of local con- ditions, their public spirit; and their interest in the work. All except coun- ty and field aids report directly to the bureau, and each class of reports is itabulated and averaged separately for each group and state. When your kidneys hurt and your back feels sore, don't get eeared and proceed to leen your atomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels cleans, by hushing them with a mild, harmless salts which removes the body's urinous Waste and stimulates them to their nor- mal activity. The function of the kid- neys is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from it 1500 grains of acid and waste, so we can readily understand the vital importance of keeping the kid- neys active. Drink lots of water you can't drink too much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning for a few days and your kidneys will act fine, This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for genera. tions to clean and stimulate clogged kid. Heys; also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer is a source of irri- tation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salta is inexpensive; cannot in- jure; makes a delightful effervescent lithie,-water drink which everyone should takenow and then to steep their kid- neys clean and active. Try this, also Subecri.bers of Atte Hay Toleph- one System toasts do tveil to rem- embe.' thtt when a noneenbseri.bee uses their' telephone a charge of ton j^cuts n message is Made at the central office against such subscriber's phone: H. G. ':HESS, Manager Zurich Central doubt you will wonder what became of your kidney trouble and backache. COUNTER CHECK BOOKS Do not let your supply of Cnu rater Cheek J3oolcs run too low. We sell Appleforcl's chock books. first-class in every respect. Let as have your order. Girt Farmers. South Bethlehem, Pa., probably had one of the most active organizations of the woman's land army in the entire United States during the summer just ended. Farmers in that locality In many instances reaped the largest crops in history, and they praise the conscientious and efficient work of the girls and young women who assisted thein as among the best help they ever had. PItching bay is really a man's job, but the girls on the farms near Beth- lehem were ready to try any kind of farm work, and made a fine record in harvesting the hay crop. The work for which they showed themselves best adapted, however, was horticul- eural, They were invaluable in the truck gardens, weeding onion patches, picking berries, bunching asparagus and doing the various other odd jobs that must be done to keep gardens productive and neat. Saturday night meant a time of rest for the girls, and they celebrated with "sings" ordinarily. They also gave oe- `casionai vaudeville and minstrel shows and dinner parties. Many of them are college girls and- have gone back to school, but others are engaging in oth- er forms of work during the fall and winter season. Almanach De Gotha. We pity the colleague who at pres- ent has to edit the Almanach de Gotha, the directory of all courts. The next edition, which, by the way, had almost been ready for the printer when the greet tumbling of thrones happened and, therefore will have to be radically revised and will look very different. We cannot imagine that the good people who used to place the bible of aris- tocracy and the court directory on the most conspicuous shelf of their book- case will ever again have the desire to' inquire "who is who?" No fewer than 278 names belonging to former reigning princes will be missed. And those are of the ruling families of Germany exclusively; not to ,mention the Turks, the Greeks, the Bulgarians, etc. The new Almanach, which no longer will have to speak in cringing humility of the Hohenzollern, the Wittelshachs of Bavaria, the Zaeh- ringers of Baden, the Coburgs and the Schaumberg -Lipper is n list of war gains. Of course, it does not compen- sate entirely for all the sacrifices which hundreds of thousands of better men had to suffer before these 273 highnesses of divine right were per- mitted to become ordinary mortals, but it is. nevertheless, one fruit of our victory. And the house-cleaning still goes on. --German Democracy Bulle- tin. New Members. Little Albert's mother Ind always insisted that he wear his hair hi long curls. The other boys bad their heir cut but not Albert 'though he longed and longed for that ceremony. Finally an uncle came to visit at the home and he soon decided to make Albert Mtn a teal boy. ;o to a barber's shop ho hied his nephew anti his loci::: like Slimy •son's wore shorn. Thou uncle and .?l beta went home. After mother's in;: . had spent It self Alhor•t wont to tile nriri':n• to sur- vey himself. Ile stood ate] Inohod at hie image for a I A" i,,int i . Alla then be rushed back to ih f r til;•. "OIL I've got oars, too," is " 1 ..',,� � ' "ic "cl. "1 have got ears!" �... , .. k .M x ,r„w Children Cry for F et tier's Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Tnf. nts and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby.- Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has. been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. What is C L R ? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE ,CAST • IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of n Use For Over 30 Ye rs TH6 CKNTAUR COMPANY NEW YORK CITY 'OW The Prince of :.ley, ales A lerge photo of the popu'ar noir to the Throne for all Herald read- ers. • The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal have se u_ei th_eex- clusive rights for all Canada for a real good photo, -16x22 inches, of the Prance of Wales. It is by VanDyke, the celebrated London, England photographer, takea on the eve of the _Prince's departure for Canada, Tho Herald has made arrangements with the Family Herald and Weekly Star whereby we are permitted to include the Prince's photo in a clubbing offer. We now make the.fol'owing offer, good only until December 31s`,1919 The Fani ly Herald and Weekly Star one year, cost $1.25. Tse .Zur.ch Herald one year, i;1 25. We offer both papers for one weir each, and an autographed copy of the Prince of Wales portrait, size 16x22 inches, all for $2.35. All orders to be sent to this office, HERALD Pentanes Co. Zurich. WARNING—This offer is good only until 31st 1919, when it is ann- ounced the price of The Family Herald wall he $1.59 a year. IIIH!llllllllli!18!II!!Illlf1811!(III!II!IIIIIIHIIIII811111111811111!!Illlllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII!CIIIIIIIIHHIII'HI!181L'lll ILJIIIIIIIIII!IH!!HII!i1i111!8H!II!1!!HII1HfHi;HI;!!IIH;!181Hi1!llil':IIIHI! �illiill!1!"IIIIHHIIIIIH • —74 e : ra c. Herald Harald Herald Herald Herald Herald Herald Herald Herald Herald Herald Herald Herald Herald Neral d Herald .Heruldl Herald Herald and Daily '.lobe and Weekly Globe $5.00 2.60 and Daily Mail and Empire ... ..•.. 5.00 and Weekly Mail and Empire ... ... 2.60 and Daily Star ............ ...... $4.00 and Weekly Star 2.60 and Daily News $4.00 and Free Press, evening edition .._ _.. 5.00 and Free Press morning edition ... ... 5.00 and Advertiser, morning edition ... ... 5.00 5.00 an d and and and and Weekly Witness ...... and Farmer's Magazine... and Youth's ,Companion Advertiser, evening edition ... .. Farmers Advocate .. ... ... ...... .........9,75 Farm and Dairy .. 2.00 Weekly Sun ...... ... ... ... ...... ..2.25 Family Herald and Weekly Star .. 2.:i5 Canadian Countryman 2.00 2.60 2.50 3 50 Renew your papers with us'and save Money ' r • . -w t+ .E-� +fir• t ser P tr ,a • ilia1111B61111811110IIf 141111111MNIi111N111i11111111111111 1 i, ui i „ I I I I ! ,, 1 1 t H I I, r .E 1,11181Hi818111 (I�liillil,11!i!!HI!il!d,l!il;l!!1.!Y,I,!1 ,l; i!ill!ItI !,„ IlIlL9,llll!i ml.il'!a,ll,i!I IIHI itJl , t!•.1 IIi!llldlu! i II• i1R..L 1.....,11. Ilii ttiwl,..,,ll Il q,,.11 . i.l Ill I