Zurich Herald, 1919-12-19, Page 3JI TER HAM THE NERVOUS OUS TREK F REFUGEES SCUOOL CHILD WHO WANDER ABOUT IN ASIA MINOR. Miserable Groups of Many. Races Whose Chief Problem is How to Live At All: Any one of a thousand groups of tui. grating people in Turkey wand, if seen in Canada, set the. nation jo, talle- ing. These nomadic peoples _survive dispersion, 'lunger, cold and ragged- ness that baffle the belief of Occident- als, With no shelter except an im- provised tent and no bed except the ground, and so little food that it would arou:'.e the humane Society ie offered to animals, they survive winter after winter -in cliuiinishing•.numbers, it is true, despite the fact that babies are born to these homeless wanderers. Now they have e)ttererl upon another win- ter, This -i1 iiot e "relief" article, says an hasterzt traveller. I ant merely chrunleling the feet that .groups of re- fugees from somewhere else may be found e.ncampet outside of most of the cities and towns in Turkeys- They are note the local poor. The ; are strangers, driven out by some 011e of several conditions ---sometimes politi- cal, adntetimes racial, sometiluea re- ligiau,-, sometimes economic. In. Mace- donia i saw Greek refugees from Tur- key; in Western Anatolia are a hun- dred thousand Turkish refugees from Macedonia. Armenians 'ave been scattered thrpughout Eastern Asia Minor, Arabia and the Caucasus: Syrians have moved up and down their own land: No people has a monopoly of misery, although the Ar- menians have bee -n the worst suffer- ers. Vagabonds of Vengeance. Usually reprisals or long smoulder- ing enmities have sent these people away from their homes into vagabon l- ege. Often the homes themselves have been destroyed e -the completest destruction that I persinially have wit- eessed was in the •Ceutcasu.s and Kurd- istan, where Syrian anti Kurdish vil- Iages were utterly wiped out. Often. as in the case of the Armenians, Inas- I y ) pp Needs Ria, Reel Mood to Regain Health and Strength. Many children start seilool in ex- cellent health, but after a Short tine 'tome work, examinations, harried Meals and crowded school roans cause their blood to become weak and thin, their nerves over wrought and their color anti spirits lost. it is a great mistake to let Matters drift when boys and girls show sympt'onls of nervous- ness or weak blood, They are a1 - meet sure to fall victims of St. Vitus dance, or drift into debility that leads to other troubles. Regular meals, out- door exercise and plenty' of sleep are necessary to combat the nervous wear of school life, But it is still. more im- portant that parents should pay strict attention to the school child's blood supply. Keep t11is rich and red by Wing Dr, Williams' Pink Pills ac- cording to directions and the boy or Study Methods of ,successful Neighbors. There is one outstanding thing about the development of Canadian, farming, which you and 1 ought to recognize and use to better advantage, and that is the fact that we are not learning as much from the:people and things right around us as we ;should lea.rn.' No individual ,is, Very original: The man who appears to be anost original Ls, for the most part, merely applying ideas which he has picked up here and there. Few of us ever originate any- thing out and out. We merely go a step farther than somethitg .we have', seen or bearcl'about. How often have you heard the expression, "and that Suggested an 'idea to mel" I have spent most of my life study- ing about farming, I have carried on line after line of experiments trying to solve important problems, and I have a few times succeeded in solving them This 'urn of the 'enter is 'earl on in this way. But I have come firmly; the ']11" :;ant; the little boy at the to the conclusion that the best way to Pagged school' treat. But somehow study farms problems ,is to study them his version oi' that line in "Kathleen on farms of the men who have worked Mavauruer-.n" jarred on the nerves of girl will 1)e sturdy and fit for school, them out in, a practical way. ' the teacher. The value of Dr.Williams' Pink Pills I have found that most of the prge- "My little man," she said kindly, in cases of this kind is shown by 'the tical problems which experimenters "why don't you put a few more aitehes statement of Mrs. Pearl G. Remington, are working their lives away trying tog .in your song?" Kingsville, Out., who says:—"I have solve have already been solved by. "turn," advised the little plan, pa - often felt that I should write you and some farmer, and that these experi- litely. "Don't you know there ain't lot you know what Dr. 'Williams' Pi)ik menters could save• a lot of time and no 'h' in nuiosie? It only goes up ter Pills did for me. At the age of thir- bother if they would go round and see G," teen I was afflicted with St. Vitus what the farmers have already found, dance. The trouble became so severe out, and publish this. There is a1 -r NOTHING TO EQUAL BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs, Alfred ltiuu ,Natagan River, !iaue., writes: ---"I do not think there le any other medicine to equal I3aby's Own 'tablets for little ones. I have used• them for my baby and would use nothing else." What Mrs. Nand says thousands of other mothers say. They have found by trial that the Tablets always do Just what is claimed for them. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus hauls') indigestion, constipation, colic, colds, etc. They are. sold by Mediate() dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Med"cdne Co„ Brockville, Ont. Putting the "1-• 1" in Music. that I had to be taken from school. I ways a large group of. farmers wllo, was given medical treatment but it would profit highly by such infornna- did not heli me, in fact I was steadily tion, --J. S. C. . growing worse. Then a friend eel- `•— ' visecl my mother to give me Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, which she did, with We have ahways depended upon the happiest results, as tile• pills conn- snow to protect the winter wheat crop. pietely cared me and I was again able from sudden weather changes. Snow to take up my studies and attend is, of course, a very efficient covering school. Again about three years ago for all winter glowing crops, include I was, attacked with nervous .prostra- ing rye, alfalfa, clovers, etc., but it tion and once more took Dr. Williams' frequently happens that when the Pink Pills, and -after using five boxes covering is most needed the snow is. was frilly restored. I cannot praise not, there. P,pogressive farmers have these pills trio highly as I believe they I d t W. t' ' 1 Straw for the Wheat. • I was cured of Rheumatic Gout by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Halifax. ANDREW KING - I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. LT. -COL. C. CREWE READ. Sussex. I was cured of Acute Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Markham, Ont. C. S. BILLING. Lakefield, Que., Oct. 9, 1907, carne ou o plat zea eapernenae will cure any case of St. Vitus dance, that a very light covering of strawy Length of Seven Rivers or restore anyone who is weak, nee- manure or straw is of the greatest • of Canada. value to these winter crops when the Mackenzie (with Peace, 1,085) 2,526 vows or run down. snow ,is off tile' ground. This straw Yon can safely give Dr. Williams' stays after the spring opens and pro miles; St. Lawrence (without Ottawa, Pink Pills to the most .delicate child, tests the plants against the excessive 685) 1,900 miles: Nelson (with South or take them yourself with equally action of freezing and thawing on the Saskatchewan, 1,205, but without good results when you need a blood root system, Neither is the time -re- North Saskatchewan, 760) 1,660 tattle. . These pills are sold by all quired for the application of the straw miles; Churchill, 1,000 )Hiles; Fraser. dealers in medicine, or will be sent by wasted since the fertilizing element 695 miles; Yukon (in Canada) 655 mail, post paid. at 50 cents a box or contained therein and the-effect'upon miles; Columbia (in Canada), 465 six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Wile the physical condition of the soil. are utiles. est as a ar. eat as if the all nacre has accompanied deportation. i',am Medicine C u Brockville, Ont had been applied to and=r other crop Orientals are gee arions. Villages isa and at a time of the year when labor T :lax_ as s lniznent Cures 4arget is Cows, old together a thousand miles away l Hindu gn iu Children Mechanics. may be moreurgently required at 'hWhen Su ga▪ r Cost $2.38, from the old home. They encamp un- .< i Ilinldu children ere rernlinl-•tble for seasonable work der the Iee of ruined buildings, or m1 then pleco.city- Many of them are tents made from scraps of rags and , skilful worktnen at an age when the Legs and Necks. ' carpets. Incredible toilsomeness alone 1 children of other nations are learning Naturalists assure us that, with a +ould create these tents, some of the alphabet, A boy of seven may be few exceptions, there is a marked . _ —'' Sugar once sold as high as $2:35 a pound, ' but this was in the earlier days of its production (from 1351 to 1400), It had fallen to 38 cents by 1800 and in the United States the c which have no single piece, of goods a skilful wood-carver, while some of equality between the lengths of the as twitch as two feet sgnate. Of house- 1 the handsomest rugs are Woven by necks and of the legs of both birds average price of relining sugar from holt' supplies they have 'usuallysumo r'hiklrett not yet in their teeizs. and quadrupeds. Whether they he 1845 to 1855 was $4.38 for 100 pounds; •or whether they be Short i" a^ sort of cooking dish; the family t'at frons a common pot. Children, unwashed and sometimesWhen Blackis White, entirely naked, rummage for food like. i Visitor. "I'd like to know why on wild animals. They discover strange earth ,von call that white )i edibles. Of facilities for washing and pig "Inkuu sanitation there are none, and tate Farmer ---"Because he's always ru- camps I have visited have been in an zling from the pen." indescribable mess. 1 tiiinara's Liniment Cures Distemper. Repairs as Well as Repatriation. impoverished as it is, the Near East faces aehuge task of reparation and re- habilitation. It is not enough to send people back to their borne:; the homes roust be built anew for the people. This means not only house* and furnishings, but also looms n.nd farming utensils and live stock. The Annerclan relief workers have done nliiu'.lt in this respect: but the tusk is herculean. In the matter of transportation the 13ri'tisll and French officials have been diligent and efficient. Any day along the Bagdad Railway one niay see car- loads or trainloads of orphans and re- fugees being carried baek to their oke homes. Throughout Syria the devastation of war is still apparent. It will take Millions of dollars to replace the rail. way stations and round houses and re- pair shops that have been destroyed by British airplanes during the flight of the Turks. Practically every sta- tion from Damascus to Aleppo is d" wreck. In this war-torn region much of the machinery of civili2atien will have to be repaired. No Smyrna Figs This Year. Unknown to the outside world, be- cause of the strict censorship, condi- tions in and around Smyrna have been so unsettled that many of the ordinary activities of the population have..been suspended. Tho famous Smyrna fig crop was negleeted last smuttier, be- enuse of the fighting, and there will be no figs for export his year. In this'S>rlyrna region there hes been especial distress among the Turkish refugees. They lied from the Greeks in Macedonia; • now they and the villagers also have had to flee egain from' Greek troops, this time westward toward Constantinople and trot ea, The interallied eoutinission eras dealt with the situation, cid is re- Moving the difficulty. Women property owners in Italy now number in excess of 1,000,000. termined, it seems, chiefly by the mane. ner in which the animal feeds. Crocodiles. lizards and fish have virtually no necks,' Fowls that feed in the water also offer an example of this correspondence between the members, with the exception of swans and geese, Two Fashionable Models 9214 Transfer 1,••:s,g•, No OG1 No. 9237 ---Ladies Overblouse. ''rice, 25 cents. To be worn over a skirt; with er 'without four -piece tunic and trimming -straps. Cut in 8 size,:, 34, 36, 88, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48 fills. bust measure. Size 30 requires, with tunic, 2% yds. 40 ins, wide, or Zit yds. 54 ins, wide; 'without tunic, 1n/ti yds. 40 ins. wide, or 1 .yd. 54 ins. wide. No. 9138--11adies' Two -Piece Skirt, Price, 20 cents. High waistline; 39 or 37 -inch length. Cut in 9 sizes, 22 to 38 ins. waist measure. Size. 20 re- quires, 39 -inch length, 2% yds. 30 ins. wide or 1% yds, 54 ins. wide; 97 -inch 9237 9138 length, ? s yds. 3(1 ins, wide, or lee yds, 54 ins. wide. Width around bot- , tom 1% a yds. No. 9216—Girl's Dress. Price, 20 cents. Kimono aleevea; with or with - cut straight trirnming-band, Cui; in' e ,,zses, 4, t;, 8, 10, 12 and 1.4 years. Size 8 requires, without trimming - hands, 'r yds. 32 ins. wide, or i.if'i' yds, 40 ins, wide; with trimming - hands, 2% yda. 32 his. wide, of 1% yds. 40 ins. wide. Theses patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St, Toronto, Dept. W, on February 21, 1895, it sold for $4.93 for 100 pounds and the refilled sold for 4 cents a pound. Time and tide wait for no man, but time and care applied to farm tasks pay any man. HEY do '�t1...... fear coughs, colds and allied st; complaints. For .20 over60 years they have relied on Rabbits Supply Fur. Rabbits, though a great agricultural misfortune to Attstrella and New Zea- land, fetch to those commonwealths a very considerable annual revenue from the sale oi' their pelts, The lat- ter furnish the bulk of the comrnerolal material for felt 'rats, and are largely used for fashionable furs. There is hardly any fur in the mar- ket that is not imitated by the skillful preparation of rabbit skins, the art ]raving attained so high a perfeetxun that they are made to connters'eii even seal, otter and ermine, MONEY ORDERS. Wlien ordering goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. al sued Advertisements.. Potatoes cooked in dry heat.as bak- ing, roasting and steaming in their jackets should be served as soon as they ars done to prevent them from becoming soggy. •1f they must st•rn:l' a while, prick the. skins when the po- tatoes are done. "RAND' R NE". PUTS BEAUTY IN HA1I? ; ?Siris! 'A mass of lon& thick, gleamy, tresses s, Let "Dandertne" save your hair and double its beauty, You can have lots of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair. Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, sera,ggiy Or fading. Bring back its color, vigor and vitality. • (let a 33 -cent bottle of delightful "Danderirle" at any drug or toilet counter to freshen your scalp; check dandruff acid falling hair. Your hair needs this stimulating tonic: then its life, color, brightness and abundance will return—Hurry• '. DARTING, PIERCING SCIATIC PAWS Give way before the pene- trating effects of Sloan's Liniment So do those rltelunatic twinges and the loin -aches of lumbago, the nerve - inflammation of neuritis, the wry neck, the joint wrench, the ligament sprain, the muscle strain, and the throbbing bruise. The ease of applying, the quickness of relief, the positive results, the •cleanliness, and the economy of Sloan's Liniment make it universally preferred. Made in Canada, 25c, 70e, $1.40. AG11J.4!1lfl W,4.1 TED, OItTRA'l'.i' AGENTS WANTINtk �l good points and n9)hlshes---lowest prices on frames --ask Por catalogue. 17nited Art Co., 4 Brunswick Ave,, Pc- rnto. lerISCeeXasaemouse D- ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS,ETC.. Internal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write u• Co before,Limited, too lateCo, lliI)nftwoodr, I3e,ilnOnnant ted1eal �EWEiI'A1'IOI1, 1 IdEI4Ly, 1N 13iUt:i5 �I County. Splendid opportunity. Write )301 T. Wilson Publishing CO., Limited. 13 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, VET ELT, EQCiIPPED SdEWSPAP1'Sf•t V T and job printing plant In Eastern; Ontario. insurance carried $1,500. Will an for 31,200 on quick sale. Box 02, vcileon Publishing Co.. Ltd., Toronto, r America's Pic+iaer. Dog nen/adios Boob on DOG DISEASES and D:orr to Bead Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. Z. Clay Glover Oe., ant. 118 West 8lst Street New York, U.S.ta- rs irlilfi :.YE AND RED riENED FaceWas Badly Disfigured. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed. "S roll red pimples and black- heads began on my face and my face was badly disfigured. Some of the pimples fes- tered while others scaled over and there were places where the pimples ware In blotches. They used to i sb. and burn terribly. "1 saw an advertise- ment for Cuticura and I tried them. They, stopped the itching and burn- ing and I used four cakes of Soap and three boxes of Ointment which healed me." (Signed) Miss V A. Hayne, Stormont, N. S., Dec. 20,'13, Seco 28c, Ointxment 2S and SOe. Sold throughouttheDoniinioe. CanadianDepot: Iffmans. limited. St. Paul St.. Montreal. rCuticura Soap ahavas without:one. "SYRUP OFG'S" CHILD'S MAME gook at tong'el Remove pot - sons . front little stomach, liver .and bowels 1,1 for prompt results. With the lowered - strength and vitality of age they realize more than ever before the importance of, having Gray's Syrup on hand for immediate use. Gs Thoy always buy Oho Largo Slan Montreal D.WATSON CSC CO., .New York " � Ott . - =.7146 "' SINCE 1870 Accept "California" Syrup of Figs nil, — i'.)ok for the name California on the n I )cage, then you are sure your s bill is hiving the best and most gseeP.,t'l1'atoi,c'as '< •ative or physic for the II,f. , ' lit tee stomach, liver and bowels. Children Iove its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose DON'T WHIP! Stop Lashing Your Bowels with Harsh Cathartics but • take "Cascarets. " Everyone must occasionally give to the bowels some regular help or else suffer from constipation, bilious at- tacks, stomach disorders, and side headache. But do not whip the bowels into activity witit harsh cathartics. What the liver and bowels need is a gentle and natural tonic, ono that can constantly be used without harm. The gentlest liver and bowel tonic is "Cascarets." They put the liver to work and cleanse the colon and bowels of all waste, toxins and pois- ons, without gripleg, -- they never 51011011 or intceeve rience yon Ilial 'Calo- reel, Salts, 011, or Purgatives. Twenty-five nnillion boxes of Caeca - vets are :gold ouch year. They work while you sleep. c ,,s earcts cost so little too. ED, 7. ISSUE No. 51---'19. esS`' 1 on each bottle, Give it without fear. �L??2C};,®rosrlr •q 1 Mother" Von must ssy "California.'" ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BMW ARE ASP RR4 Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" The name "Bay-er" on Aspirin is 1 of 'Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" 'which like 14 Rarat on geld. It positively 1 contains proper directions for Cold,. identifies the only i enuine Aspirin, -1, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu - the Aspirin .pres,rribed by physicians ist , s 1 ral in Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuri- for over nineteen years and now tis, Joint Pains, and. Pain generally. Canada. Tin boxes of 12 tablets dost blrli Wade in C Always buy an unbroken package , a few cents. Larger "Bayer" packages. Thexo is only one Aspirin- "`Rayer" --"Blom must say r"Ra rs s ,Aspirin is the trado mark (registered in. Canada) of Barer Manufacture of Aron acotieacldester of sallcylieaetd. While It Is 'veil known that .Aspirin means )1 p manufacture, to assist the public gralnet Imitation*, the Tablets of Sayer Cof , trill be stampod with they general trade mark. ties "Bayer Cross."