HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-12-19, Page 1ZURIC Vot. XX HERALD ZURICH. EI -;DAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19, '1919. N0 2 ;.„2 f YOUR HARNESS NEEDS : 4- win he promptly attended to kers. See:se *boob ` 1 4 DOUSLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE -HARNESS, 1 REPAIRIN:GG OF ALL RINDS 1 Rugs, Blankets, Bells •• Pail lime of'Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, ete A Trial Solicited ,. FRED THIEL ZURICH + --4--f— 011040400000011••••••••••••••••111•001000041441000000•041000 • • •r • • • Mr. Geo. Reichert, of near Hills- green, recently visited frien•.'.s on the Blind Line. People should keep the sidewalks in front of their properties free from snow, LA. little shovelling after each anowtall soon keeps the -• • -L . ' path open and makes it very much snore pleasant for pedestrains. Mr. I. iHud,sdn of Seator'th was',Mr. Robt. Allan, of the Town L a visitor in town on Saturday. ine, near Blake, who recently gold Mr. Alt. Mel.ick has purchase3 a hiss farm to Mr. A. L. Sreenae, has aitelaw purehamed the title farm of Mr. Ford Sedan from. Cook Bross sail. 1 LeBeaui, oho the London road, near The Stores in Zurich have;' • B0 ag field, for the conaidera' len of a fine display of Chrieatmas goadtj: People who dump their coal ash - Persons need not goo or send oeites or alon the of town for gifts ab the large vete, $ public streets iety,ehow'n in the local stores oho-. m winter time should know that uld help everyone to ,buy atehoine .th:e is against the law, The tus- tom not only spoils the sleighing 7but very often causes horses to shy •• ..I.and may be the means of a enseri- sus accident. - e Mr, E. Boysenberry has reeeiv- ed•ed word of the death of Mr. Gideon • 'Bock, which took place at New Dundee on Tuesday of this week. ' The cause of death was heart fail- 'ure. The late Mr. Bock waskno- 'wn to many in IZurich,and viciri-y Said his death is regretted by all ' IN OUR STORE YOU WILL FIND THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OP CHRIS- i` We are pleased to state that the loon am Wendel Smith Go Buy Your Presents at Preeter's Hundreds of Attractive Gifts BEANS We are now open to buy Beans Mail or bringus samples, stating Quantity you have and we will quote you our best price. COOK BROS. HEIN%%AL LOOK HERE • The Beet Christmas Present you "can give is a musical Instrument. Go to H. Well, the music dealer see and hear the New Edison and hlcLagan beautiful Phonographs, (they will convince you they are l the Best and cheapest on the mar- ket Aleo singer and new Ray- mond sewing Machines. One as good as ,new. Six octive Piano NOTICE, SOLDIERS MEMORIAL The Ilensali Memorial Commit -et tee requests the relatives and fri endes of the ietizens of Hensel/ and surrounding country including Hay Township to send to the come mittee the name of any one Toast by the great war. The people will understand that the names for -the Memorial are not exclusively for members of the 181st hut for any of our boys no matter what bat - Wine they belonged to. lope to have nasnee at an early date as monument is ordered. The following is requested; Name .. Number ... Battalion . Where Killed 4 Case Organ, Regular price $50.00 Year ...... Age ,,... ,,,,, for Xmas. only $35.00, all in stock Mail particulars to A. Murdoch', at my reeide'nee. H. WELL. Secy., Hensall, Ont. TMAS GIFTS AT REASONABLE PRICES. EVERYBODY WANTS TO ECONOMIZE, BUT Line, is getting along nicely from NO ONE WISHES TO DISCONTINUE THE CHARMING OLD CUSTOM OF YUJLETIDE.the effrets of his recent acciet VIS' RS1iNI11Ni1111 NNtl111111 Ti11115111111111111111111111911111111iIIININIIRMI11111111111111111,11HIN111111111111111111111111610111N1101111110111REEMSE II1HlNllNN110111111 111 ucu� THE GRELT VARIETY OF GIFTS FROM •WHICH TO .CHOOSE AND THE REA,- An operation performed at one of rSONABLE PRICES MAKES PRESENT BUYING IN OUR STORE BOTH DELIGHTFUL AND the hospitals in London resulted PROFITABLE. SPECIALS IN XMAS GIFTS Men's Tie Racks • French 'Ivory 'Hair Brushes; ' • Brush 'and Comb Sets. French 'Ivory' Manicure gets. . 'Woniens' and children's knitted anitts in grey, red White aind.Navy.._ Malloy 'center pieces Embroidered Pillow cases, Littneez; Table Clatshh: Linen Table Napkins Fancy Bath Towele . Fancy bordered huck towels Men's Mocha lined gloves Toys of all kinds. XMAS STATIONERY Fahey boxes of writing paper, 'Very nice' for Xmas gifts. • CHINAWARE., • Hand. painted chinaware of bea- ,.utiful designs. Also 10 piece toi- let sets, berry• sets, water sets and separate fruit ^dishes with gold de- •eig'ns,. CLOTIHING We are ,showing a splendid rang of Drees and young men's overco- ats 'In all the newest clothe and,-,. styles, Waist seam, and eta, Sez our $25 OO'liine. These' Coate at`thir price are less thlan to -day ed t ,p27K.'bl. .. ,A1Xot. a :lime range of suite ill . the latest 'styles at moderate pri.- Vele ;x$,, will pay you to see our ataek , before. buying elsewhere. .GRANULATED SUGAR Hawing ving recently put in sloe . t 'large ski pp ent of Sugar, we Would • ;adviee,•pu.ttting ie. your supply , at. ;pre,sent- prj,ces.es it is very sea.rce .c)ict: priceseliave advanced consider er iblt ,,sinee we. bought ixl likely.: •go higher, 'soeItl ' GROC:ER:IES'. '" A w elk •assorted'• stock of freji1 groeeries'always on hand. Als candies, nuts; oranges, news - ins, currant's, peels, etc, 4.1:4 Phone 1 • • • • • • • • • • GIFT HANIi:.ERCHIlF T3 Ladies' fancy boxed handkerchi- efs, hemstitched edges, ,embroider ed, comes in white nad dainty sol - ars. Ladies' embrodered.lin, n hanker chiefs, scalloped edge. and pretty • emhroidered corners.. Children's fancy • hankerchiefs with .mursery design and animal patterns. ..Ment, fine linen hankerchiefs. LADIES; MISSES AND' CHIL- DREN}S SCARF SETS .Ladies' aind"Misses and children' brushed wool scarf sets in 'all the leading shades, also separate sc- arfs and tongued. 1 , (SWEATERS ETC. A nice range of men's and boy's pure wool sweater coats, all colors and sizes. • Men's silk and wool neck ecarta'. DRESS GOODS SPECIAL Garbardilnes, broadcloths, velo- urs, sergea, poptims and all other fashionable weaves of the super- ior dress,goods found here. (HAND PURSES Lades' silver hand purses spec- ially for Xmas trade Prices from 'SL75 to $5.50. • 'SHIRTS 'AND TIES. The Xnaas ties and shirts have arrived. We hate made an ex- • .tra effort all.,along_; the line in .Xmas furnishings. Come in and ..look: 'them over.' See ''our i'ancy tics, 'one in a box, with 'Splendid patterns, prices from $1 to $2. • J. ��EETER- •yr,.' .. . INEMUMMENNIMMINMRIMM Produce Wanted in the removal of the gun pow- der from his eyes and a full r e covery is looked for. 'Property in Waterloo is still on the rise. Mr. C. Hartleib, form- erly of GZurieh, who bought a res- idence on .21 Meno St., six months .ago for $4,000. considered at that time a. big figure, re -sold it •t,lie other day to Mr. John Sehu`tzc orf ;year .;Neve Dundee for "$5,09 • 2tr'�Sehultze•"gets possession•''ix�.tire spring. ' The eourae in Home Nursing and First Aid, in connection ei`h the • local bralnch of the Womens' In- stitute will likely be held the lat- ter part of January or the begin- ning of March. Word was re eeiived that it was not possible to 0 send , a nurse before that time. Definite announcement 'will be made later. The annual Christmas entertain- ment of the Evangelical church will be held on the.. evening of 'Dee ceneber 25th.. A good..mixed .pro - grant is being .prepared consist -r k g: of.dialogues, drills, recitations, • gongs and chourses. Special e,f- •forts• are being taken to make this • the best program 'ever rendered • for the occasion. •Everybohywel come. Admission 85c, children 20c. Q 1 • `• • •i • • • • •` so"• • • 1 • • to • • 3 1 1 Ten thousand men and women, public school teachers of the pro- vince of Olntario, are to become organized shortly, 0 They are to be .formed into federations of male and, female taechers of 'Ontario, respectively, but will co-operate whenever their mutual interests be come affected. }Ieadquarters for the ti.mie being have been establ- ished in Peterboro. Mr. Ferdinand M. Hese recently completed a grandfathers clte:k for hie own use which is a fine speeiznen of workmanship. It . is constructed of walnut and polished and stands about ten feet in hei- ght. The dial is also of walnut with- gold (numbers The body• party; bane and top are:' neatly pa - e" nelled with Mouldings as :a . l'ia.ish.. 'The, w}iole. pr puts a very -plea s- • iliig applrearani and is •a credit • to Mr. Hess. wThe annual election of. officers; • of the S. School of the Evangel- * ical church was held last Suede.), • evening after the regular cherc<i • service and resulted, as follows; eo s5upt .:T.:Preeter , 'Assist. Supt.,. J. Gascho; Sec., L. 5 ere -t; Asst.- Sec., I. Routledge; Trees A.. Mel - ick; Chorister, W. F. Brown; _Asst • chox'ster, C. Fritz; Temp. Sunt N. • E. Dahm,s; Miss. Supt., L. Faust; • .Auditors, J. Oascho, C. 1"rltz; Lib- aarians L. O'Brien, M. Hey; Parer • p'rEbutors R< Pree'er t Horne' Dept Supee. Jane. Lamont ; Set. Cradle roll', •Mrs P. 13. Meer .11 •, Stares. ate 7'1riel ope2A a reinir4! Ml" fou . Chtistmat, . A PULL LINE .OF WINTER WEAR DRESS GOODS OF ALL KINDS, MEN'S AND BOYS' SWEATER COATS, GLOVES MITTS, HEAVY RUBBERS ETC. ETC. Alsol adies' aid Children's underwear, caps, scarfs, mitts and gloves. XMAS GOODS nice assortment of Toys of all kind", D o1ite ,Dishes, • Xmas. booklets, cards, etc. • FR ESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND POULTRY TAKEN EVERY WEDNESDAY FORENOON' R. N. DOUGLAS .PHONE 11 on 97 BLAKE illigrallilllifiltilliltIlltI1111111iMillIffiN11111111141111111011111f111110111111111111111111111111111111111111011111N14111gItlii110141MINIIIM1111111111111111111111i1MMINNSISPitt 't«4�Arf41se1M111tto tt3r1••tt•n•Q44lA�4f�rr)♦tt•a • 4. r ''4 :.11l11Wla+ulluo�" aN1.11k Xmas Gifts 4 1e111i t11111 ,IILNIII e. Nothing nicer or more appreciated them a pair of comfortable felt house slip, i��( �`tl lb►�' pers or felt shoes. We ... g--4, �li'i have a. fine also: tment for 7�'�lt I th l 1'.d ho Buy ; Useful 1 { f e � ay trade Special Values in Rubbers, Socks, Etc. BUTTER AND. EGOS WANTED C. FRITZ The Shoeman 044•olow$i4•+la•444 iH►.414**-*44 +b**tt#11+NU444 `e I i 1 I For -one Gift Bud* COMMUNITY PLATE All cst: Y.t#', and styles )ra Ladles area Gents with al, mintier) tops. Pricks renge tfrom $.1:9Q to $7.O0., • Silverware for. Xmas. Gifts. ..Ste our display Hess the. Je lle°: °lime' 7