HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-12-05, Page 8The chilly autumn air reminds you to prepare with warmer clothes. We, can supply your wants tri all the various* lines of heavy Fall and winter wear. `. Dress Goods Serges, Mohairs, 'velvets, paname cloths etc„ in new variety of col- ors, at reasonable prices, Silks Are again in demand for fall wear, See our stock of taffettes, pail lege. etc. Seee:a', in Silk Pop'ins iin leading hsades. Reg. p;<-ic $1.75 to clear $1035 a yd en's Wear New Suits, Overcoats, Rain coats, underwear, fine shirts. Fall bats and caps, in abundant supply. Come early for beat choice. Overalls Good heavy weight overells and smocks in all sizes. Clearing at $1.85 each. J. Gascho & Son Massey= Minis Inipleinents WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCA'1 AGENTS FOE THE CELEBRATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO A.N- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR• WANTS IN THE LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS ALSO REPAIRS FOR MACHINERY, PLOW POINTS, ETC. GIVE US A CALL, Casper Walper Zurich - - Ont. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'++++++++++++++++ ++++++++ +++++4++++'%+4••' +++'++++++++++4++++4+ We have in stock a large supply of HEATERS and RANGES of the following leading makes to choose from: Peninsular, FiReCo, Treasure, Happy Thought and Grand Jewel. Also Regal and Elegant Peninsular Baseburners, Per- fection and Blue flame coal oil Heaters. "F' We also carry a complete line of Heavy and shelf hardware a Tinware, granite -ware, Alluminum, Paints, Oils, Varnishes ee Glass, Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Halters, Auto Oils, Greases, 'l' Accessories, Goodyear Auto Tires, at best prices. STADE &WEIDO k PREETER BLOCK 4,4++++++++++++++++÷+÷÷÷++ ZURICH- + +4-1.44++++++++++++++++++++4+4-14++++++++++++++++++++++ ,Just received a new supply of Oneida Community plate silver- ware ilver-ware in the most popular Adam Design, W. G. Hess. atosatemornsammomemonamineram .0 004000000000000000000000 e> 0 0 OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH How To Get Relief When Head and Nose are Stuffed Up. 0 0 0 ;!ti 00000000000' 000000 C.• 00000 Count fiftyl Your eolcl in head or 'catarrh disappears. Your slogged nos - Arils will open, the air passages of your Bead will clear and you. can breathe freely. No more snufflixig, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache; no struggling for breath at night. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm fron your druggist and apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air •passage of the head, soothing land Healing the swollen or inflamed mucous membrane, giving you instant Telief. Head colds and catarrh yield like ningic, Don't stay atuffed<up and itniserable. Relief is sure," ,WIFE'SS SIX POINTS Six points upon which a young woman bailed complaints against her husband were recited to the Willesden magistrate, He would not she said; (1) Allow her to speak to anyone .(2) Allow anyone to visit the house. ' H ; f 1 t (3) Allow her to take her little boy out, (4) Gi.ve her any housekeepiing money. (5) Let her have her own clothes to wear: and I(6) He threatened her life. The. court missionary was asked to act as arbitrator. CASTOR I For Wants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of CLEARANCE SALE ALL TRIMMED AND °Ul`aTti IMMED SHAPES to be clear - eclat, HALF PRICE From Sat„ Dee. 6th to Sat., Dee, 13th. Store will be closed for the Season, Dec. 13th. M. E. Routledge LOCAL MARKETS tCorrected every Thursday,) Eggs ...... Butter ... ... Dried apples ._. Fotatbes per bag Dutch Setts .. Wheat .. Oats ._. ... Barley ..... Buckwheat Bran ...... ... Shorts ..... ... HOgs ...... 60 50 10 1.50 81¢-7 1.95 80 1.25 1.25' 4.59-0.10 1.5.00 50.00 15.75 LOCAL NEWS Mr, C. Kei'er has moved into the house he purchased from Mrs. J. Kalbfle*ch, Mr. W. O'Br:.en, produce merch- ant, will take in live poultry on Wednesday forenoon as well" 'as Saturday forenoon. Huron county council proposes to make the Lake Road a Provinc-- i.al County Road next year. "This road in Bruce and Lambton coun- ties has been assumed as such a road and Huron county will likely do the same. This step is decided dn. Hay will receive 60 per cent towards maintenance of the Saubie Line in this townsihp While cutting some trees in Stanley 'for Mr. F. C. Kalbfiesch,'• who has purchased a number 'fiotii farmers in that township, Andrew Price had a narrow ceeafie from serious injury. The t1_`_e which being feliede•went ovees:be` fore expected, and in swinging'. a round caught Mr. Prise and threiir: him, 15 feet against a fence. Luck' ily he escaped ,with 'only' slight Mei juires to his back. A proclamation published in last weekts Ontarco tlazet.i.e will put an end to optireians or "eye spec- ialists" peddling glasses from , house to house, An optometry act was passed at the last session of the legislature, but was not to come into operation, pending a. proclamation. The act fixes a maximum fine of $100, and a rnin- .imunc of $10 ofr any person con- victed of selling, fitting or sup- plying glasses by going fromhowie to house, or from place to place, or int any other manner than from. a permanent place of business, and notwithstanding that he is the hol der of a municipal license as a. peddler or trans ent trader. Like penalties are fixed for anyone ape pending to his name the .term "op, tometri,st." or "optician'•, or any.: other initials to which he is not entitled, to deceive the public. PRESENTATION On Wednesday evening, Nov.. 19th the Ladies' Md of St. peteees Lutheran church met at the home„ of Mrs. Henry. Daters, prior to her departure for New Hamburg... The following address, was read;. Dear Mrs. iDatere;-1- On hearing of your intend ed departure from our midst;' We, the Ladies' Aid of St. .Peter a Luth. Church, have 'assembled .here this evening to bid you farewell, and. in a small way show our appret . i,alion of your services in our Sue- iety, As a membeic of our Aid you have always shown ,you;.;self ready and willing to help when ever you could, and in your dep- arture we feel we are losing an earnest and a faithful worker in the Masters' Cause. We therefore ask you to aeeept this small gift as a reraembralnee of our society Our hest wishes follow you and Mr. Daters to your new home, and if in time you .should return remem ber there will be a glad weleoiiie. awaiting . you. Signed on behalf of the Ladies`Aiad. Mrs, Daters although taken eons pletely by surprize, responded . in en able trimmer. After lunch was served, alt departed tar ;their homes feeliin gthat a pleasant ev- ening lied been spent. big Stone, Does him damage T.he storm which struck.this see - tion or Ontario iaat Saturday ev- ening was probably the worst ever experienced here. The damage done wag ',ery exteneiva ,Several ,barns were uemol3shed, many were unroofed and many roofs were stripped and lett ahingleless. Large and small trees in the woods were .blown over and orchards were levelled. Many telephones were put out 'of commission and hydro power was off from Saturday ev- ening until Sunday evening. .A. break' in line having occured be- low Exeter. The damage done by the fierce wind in the village however was not large, although a nummber of roofs suffered. The thew fence enclosing the skating rink was also injured but has been straightened out. again. Among the principal losers by the storm in this section are ;— Mr. Penhale, 2nd con., Hay, new barn blown over, Mr. John Campbell, 2nd con.,Hay lagre shed blown over. Mr. David .Witmer, Babylon, tarn uanroofed, kr. Wm. Finlay, near 'Blake, &de of baron blown in, which caused roof to fall in. ' Mr. Wilfred Laporte, Sauble Line; barn unroofed. Mr. Gea. A. Biesson, Goe heu line barn, 'root hadly damaged. Nearly "every :farmer sustained damage to buildings, wood lots, orchards, and fences. A Great Event Ain event of the greatest imp,, ortance to tevery man and woman iintere.sted in agriculture in this Province, i.s the approaching Con- {.rerition °of the U. F. 0,, to be held en Toronto on Deeember 16, 17 and 18. ' This gathering will be of great significance to the farm.-. ing community. You should ke- ep in touch with . every move made You can do this by reading the, farmer's own paper, ,The Farm- er's Sun, which will give moat, ex- haustive reports of every matter discussed at the great Convention. During 1920 there will be many iniprovementa.. in' The Sun. Every department J. 11 be enlarged, re- modeled and strengthened, Al- though the cost of the improve- ments to be made will be great, and an increase in the subscripte ion price necesasry, the' price has not been raised yet and $1.00 if remitted at once, will secure for ,you, without doubt, the greatest farm paper for • 1320. �caend in your subscription at once and get your neighbor to take ad vintage of the 'present subscript- ion price. There ids nd other paper just like the Sun, and none in the same position to help you. Over 30,- 000 Ontario tarmers subscribed for the Sinn ,Why not you? Send your order direct to The Farmer's SUN, Toronto, Ont, • NEARLY 8,400 KILLED. In Ontario last year, . the lives of 3,880 persons were claimed by con- '•samption. , This Is all the; more ter- rible because most of them might have been saved had they been helped in time. Here is a case in point. Several :years ago a man canite to the 'Mus- koka Free Hospital for Consiimp titres. He had been on Active .Ser- vice in Africa, where hardship and exposure' had broken down his health. Suspicious of his syniptotns he sought our aid:' A short time ago he wrote; "Through your Hospital a soldier of the South African 'War regained his health and a family a happy home." This is not an isolated ease, for many others have been restored 'to health and anxious families. It takes 'much money to carryon the work. Your gift, for 'whatever amount, will be gratefully received. Contributions may be sent to Sir William Gage, 84 Spadine avenue, or George A. Reid, 223 College street, Toronto. 1111111111►1111}Inill �k WiMMMEA ,,;,,111, dl writ f111111t1 Xmas Gifts Now is the time to select your Gifts for Xmas. OUR LINE CONSISTS OF Pyrex Ware A good assortment to choose from.. That clean, Lastlylooking glass, cook."Ing and Baking ware that will stand oven heat and not break. Aluminum Ware A pplendid line to choose from.. These make choice gifts for the wife, If it is for service and long life, choose aluminum. Silverware Knives and Forks, Spoons, Etc. Ice Skates & Hockey Sticks That boy or girl would enjoy a good pair of skates. We have them. Automobile an d Star, also several cheaper brands to choose Iron}, FULL STOCK OF FURNITURE Zuirich's Busy Store Meliek Rrann PHONE 63 Men's Waistline Overcoats New Coats'for young men ar e being shown in the waistline and. belted models: The styles are quite snappy and the cloths are of unusual quality and appearance;, Perfectknit . Sweater Coats For , en the perfeetknit sivea ter coats are the ideal coats. They are lure wool and of good w eight and come in many new pates terns. arra original' color. If you want: a real dressy coat with ,satisfaction guaranteed, see these. Prices from $.50 to $9.00 Den�my Bros. Zurich ANNOUNCEMENT 1 have taken the, contrast to handle Ford paras and will stock a complete line of genuine Ford repairs, Bring your Motor car troubles to us. We specialize an any make All repairing guaranteed. We repair not eeperinlent. H. Mousseau Zurich GARAGE STAND AT T. JOHNSON 'S FORMER 'FURNITURE STOitE A visit to our store will secure you a REAL BARGAIN Ladies' and Mena Rain Coats, Ladies Voile and Silk waists and alit Summer Dress Goode. New Fall Blouses in Georgette white, flesh, maize and peach $7.0 i { i to $10.00 Mean's Suits in different shades and styles'. • $17, $19, $21, $23, Every Suit a Bargain Pall and Winter Underwear,work mitts mad. Gloves, Overalls awl Jackets, New Fall Hats, Caps, Soc ks, Umbrellas and Sweaters. Ladies' Skirts, latest styles in bro wn, nave, black and taupe, PRICE $6.00 Ladies' silk gloves in grey, black,, white, taupe and tan. Ladies dark blue apron 85c, and $1. ' Fresh celery and peaches every' S aturday"and on fair Day.' Order I ilarl y. Feltex looks and wears better than l$noleuny, Live Poultry taken every Wednesm day. Highest Market Prices. Fresq Groceries at all times Butterick Patterns For Sale Phone 44. , WURm.'� Phone