HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-12-05, Page 3400
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Foos That Makntain
I ealth,
'It is not long ago since we thought
that we knew all there was to be
known about food.
Scientists told us that if we ate daily
certain definite proportions of what
they termed, in a knowing way, pro-
teids, carbohydrates, fate, and salts,
we should live well aid happily ever
afterwards. .
The first of these imposing looking
and sounding words simply means
foods containing nitrogen, such as
meat, fish, eggs, peas, beans, etc.; the
second includes edibles composed of
starch, or sugar. Fats and salts speak
for themselves.
But It has recently been discovered'
that there is a great deal more in the
constituents of tb.ese various classes
of food than 'meets the eye or tiokles
the palate. It is now quite obvious
that complete nutrition does not de-
pend only on such food elements as I
have just mentioned. A diet contain-
ing sufficient quantities of all the
above-mentioned nutritive substances
is now found to be deficient if it is
lacking in certain hitherto unknown
and rather mysterious compounds, one
kind of .which we can vitamines.
It is only recently thin these vita:
Trines have been- isolated in a crystal-
line form from certain constituents of
familiar foods, in which they are pre-
sent in very small amounts. It is he-
- lievecl now that this so-called vitamine
is only one of several as yet undis-
covered' compounds neces'.ary for com-
plete nutrition.
Everybody is, of course, aware that
all animals, vegetables, fruits, or other
living organisms, eatable and uneat-
able, contain either life-giving or
death -dealing elements. Take, for in-
stance, the common or garden bean;
that supplies us with a vitamine or
life-giving compound. On the other
hand, there is the East Indian bean,
which yields us the deadly poison
strychnine. •
As far removed from each other as
the Poles are the vivifying pineapple
and the poisonous poppy. And so on
throughout the entire range of the
animal and vegetable kingdoms. Fresh
meat contains 'vitamines: animal food
en theturn, ptomaines. What is not
.fur us is against us.
V it nines, then, 'etre as brilliantly
vital as, the active principles of such
'vegetable matter as strychnine are
'deadly. They are accumulated in a
relatively greater,- amount in some
1 stuffs, and vegetable a stn s, sach asyeasts,. the outer covering of rice, bar-
ley, wheat, etc., the brain, the heart,
and the eggs of mammals and birds.
The striking curative and disease -pre-
venting dualities of these foodstnfs
are due to this circumstance.
The richness of the raw egg in vita -
mines explains its place as the great
"stand-by" in the sick -room, in cases
where human vitality has sunk to a
low ebb: and in this category may be
placed also fresh milk and live oys-
These, not suite fully understood,
fife -giving compounds are believed to
act upon the processes of nutrition.
Their absence, or 'scarcity seems to
interfere with the' complicated pro-
cesses of tissue -change, with the wear -
and -tear and upkeep of the bodily
It used to be believed that scurvy,
at one time the curse of the Navy, was
snply due to the eating of consider-
able quantities of "salt junk." But it
e -as not so much the presence of so
much salt in the dietary as the total
ebectics of fresh vegetables that was
the essential. cause of the disease.
Tho introduction of lime -juice put an
end to these outbreaks of scurvy. It
Is only to -day that we know that the
nurative value of fresh vegetables and
fruit juice is chin to the vitamines
they contain.
Again, beri-beri is a alisease attend-
ed by great wasting of the body, con-
tracted by those who live largely on
rice which has been deprived of its
outer coating, i.e., polished rice. This
polished rice has been deprived of its
vitamine coat, and thus becomes a
tleath-d'ealing food.
It is important to note that vita -
mince are easily destroyed by long
storage, long heating and cooking.'
Hence the importance, in any dietary,
of fresh, uncooked vegetables, fruits,
'etc. Decent experiments tend to de-
monstrate that animal fats are much
richer in vitamines than vegetable
—.. -....la• —
Life on the Earth.
The more science delves into anti-
• quity, the more ancient does life an
ilte earth seem. to be. It Is now be,
iioved that mankind has existed for at
least 1,000,000 years.
Man, however, is relatively a recent
• animal, Studies have been''made of
ants preserved in amber (a feast]. gum
of cone•bearing trees) for 2,000,000
years, yet belonging to speeies'thakt
still survive.
Prof. C. D. Walcott has found fossils
of snails, worms and 'crustaceans
Which, he believes, lived 200,000,000
years age
Let folks step on your feet hereafter
wear shoos a size smaller if you like,
for corns will never again send electric
Sparks of pain through you, according
to this Cincinnati authority.
He says that a few drop of a drug
called freezone, applied directly upon
a tender, •aching cord, instantly re-
lieves soreness, and soon the entire
corn, root and all, lifts right out.
This drug is a sticky ether coin -
pound,' but dries at once and .simply
shrivels up the corn without inflaming
or even irritating the surrounding
It is claimed that a quarter of an
ounce of freezone obtained sit any drug
store will cost very little but is sufda
tient to remove every hard or soft corn
or callus from one's feet. Cut this out.
especially if you are a woman reader
who wears high heels.
Look at tongue! Remove
sons from little stomach, "•
liver and bowels
Fol, : Wiintear Days
Accepte "California" Syrup of Figs
oiIy—look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having,the best and most
harmless laxativor physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels. Child-
ren love its delicious fruity taste, .Fell
directions for child's dose on each.
bottle. Give it without fear.
Mother! You must say "California."
The Singing Fire,,
The Fire's singing the song you knew
In the night's when the Mother was
singing too •
Singing the child in her arms to sleep,
Who trembled to hear the witch wind
Or over the housetops, storming, cry
To the ghostly • dark and the starless
"Life is' sweet as life is long;
With never a sigh or a farewell song:
Life is laughter, and life is play,
And the Dark will dream itself away!`"
That's the song the Fire sang to you,
There—where the Mother was singing
It is singing the same old song to -night
To the wintry dreamer, with temples
After the years, rain dark with tears—
After lost dreams of the beautiful
For the singing Fire has never known
That the listening dreamer dreams
Check ugly d druiff 1 Stop
hair coming out and
double its beauty.
a,-, .. 91::1
No. 9131—Ladies' Coat. Price, 25
cents. Gathered side sections; adjust-
able collar; 50 -inch length. Cut in 7
sizes, 34 to 46 ins. bust. Size 36,
without nue 3% yds. 48 ins. wide;
with nap, 31,4 yds. 54 ins. wide; lining,
41/4 yds. 36 ins. wide.
No. p159—Ladies' Suit Coat. Price,
25' edits. Adjustable collar; 40 -inch
length. Cut in '7 sizes, -34, 36, 38; 40,
42, 44 and 46 ins. bust measure. Size
36 requires, without nap, 31/4 yds. 48
ins. wide; with nap, 2i! yds. 54 ins.
wide; lining, 3% yds. 86 ins. wide.
9138 --Skirt. Sizes 22 to 38. Price,
2(!' cents.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the''Metall Co., 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
Be Thyself. '
Know then thyself, presume not God
to scan; '
The proper study of mankind is man
—Froin Pope's Essay on Ma
Change, friendly Fire,
And let this song
"Life is lonely and tempest tossed,
Too long—too long when Love is lost!"
But the Fire still sings the old loc}ed
"Life is sweet, as life is long!"
that singing
in the Dark be
Likewise be thyself. One of tire'
weaknesses of mankind is to copy,�not
originate. The geniuses of the world
have been the creators—theorigina-
tors. It is better to die with one
original great thought to your credit
than to live in the midst of reiiectecl.
glary. ' : ' ' '.
1.e miasma;of' •ttelusioe is; neta', ,to
.individuality—fatal to ori_gins);lit TSR:
you thinkeyou are like.benibbodY el8"i
instead of yourself you are lost it an
impenetrable swamp. If you go.
through life trying to ape somebody
else you never will be what God in-
tended you to be.
Be thyself and observe how you will
grow and be content. Be thyself and
make the most of what God has given
you. It is more valuable than the
counterfeit of imitation. An ounce of
originality is worth more than tons of
imitation. A mental crutch is worse
than a physeal crutch.
Parents make a fatal mistake in not
permitting their children to be them-
selves—children. A child knows noth-
ing of deceit or delusion until its in
divduality is- dwarfed by repression
and an over -supply of "don'ts." Child-
ren who are permitted to be just child-
ren—to be themselves—make the best
and purest men and women. Amid the
trials and sorrows of later life they
remain little children in their hearts
and thus are nearer the throne. In
illustrating her method a kindergar-
ten teacher once gave a class of
learned and scholarly mien the most
profound lesson of their lives by tell-
ing them they must be themselves—
like little children.
Those who are forev t imitating
others and never are themselves are
losing their own souls—not allowing
a genuine, true expression of their
own spirit. Nervous exhaulstion and
depression result from trying to pass
for something different from what you
are. •
The Almighty intended that each
man should be himself, each woman
A little "Da.nderine" cools, cleanses
and makes the feverish, itchy scalp
soft and pliable; then this stimulat-
ing tonic penetrates to the famished
hair roots, revitalizing and invigorat-
ing every hair in the head, thus stop-
ping the hair failing out, or getting
thin, dry, or fading.
After a few applications of "Dander-
ine"you seldom find a fallen hair or a
particle of dandruff, besides every
hair shows new life, vigor, brightness,
more color and thickness.
A few cents buys a bottle of de-
lightful "Danderine„ at any drug or
toilet counter.
iintorica's Pioneer kion nemedieil
Zook onp}, �±
and now to 7°c`eed
Nailed Free to any Ad-
dress .by ;the Author.
E. Clay Glover Co.. Eno.
118 West 31,Xit Street
New Yorke, i;.4.s. j
herself and each child itself. The
world was not planned for duplicity.
Nature never irritates. .. One flower
does not deceive itself that --it is any
other kind of a flower. One animal
does not deceive itself that it can imi-
tate any other animal.
Nothing disintegrates personality so
rapidly as this effort to be a co tnter-
felt. It creates a false nervous energy,
a constant fear of discovery and a final
revelation that is deadly. "Thou shalt
not be found out" is the commandment
upon which the fool builds his earthly
Be thyself. It means. contentment.
It assures self-respect—the-only road
to the respect of others. It leads
to confidence and power. Be thyself.
rh those two words dwell the philoso-
phy that spells happiness and peace:
Why They Are Coupled.
Locomotives would not be able to
pull their "loads, especially on wet or
slippery rails, unless the large wheels
were "coupled" by side -rods.
The pulling power of a locomotive
depends on its "adhesion"—that is, the
weight that comes on the driving -
wheels, and makes them grip the
rails. By coupling two or more pairs
of wheels together, the force of the
cylinders is caused to revolve them
all in -unison, and much more of the
weight of the_locomotive is utilized
for adb.esion.
That is why engines for heavy
goods have often eight coupled wheels,
and sometimes twelve.
Do thoroughly whatever work God
may give you tb do, and cultivate all
your talents besides.
If your tea or toffee
• does make you restless
or nervous, try
This delightful cereal. drink is
not only- wholesome and economi-
cal but is truly satisfying in its rich
coffee -like flavour. It can be seared.
to the youngest as well as. oldest.
for it leaves absolutely no harm.
ful eii,-effects.
,Hardly a'Compliment.
"The school mistress is interested in
y.ou, dad."
"How's that?"
"Why, to -day after she'd told me six
times to sit down and behave myself
she said she wondered what kind of a
father I had."
I was cured of terrible lumbago by
I was cured of a bad case of ear-
'I -was cured of sensitive lungs by
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. Five Dollars costs three cents.
Fowls of the.heavier breeds cease to
produce a profitable number of eggs
at the end .of their second laying year.
This holds true with the lighter breeds
at the end ofteir third laying' year.
Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Spoiled the Yarn.
Uncle (telling tall yarn to young
nephew) : "We had more than a mile
to go to get out of the forest when we
heard the howls of a pack of wolves
behind us. I strained every nerve, but
all in vain; Now I could hear their
panting breath; at last I felt their
muzzles touching me when—"
Nephew: "You must have felt glad,
Uncle: "Glad! Why?"
Nephew: "When you found they
had muzzles on."
World's Busiest Station.
Nearly a quarter of a million people
use Charing Cross Underground Sta-
tion (London) daily. The ,number of
passengers entering and alght^ing at
this station is tukie up of 19Q,000 or-
dinary and workman's ticket holders,
and 32,000 season ticket holders. The
District, Bakerloo and Hampstead
Railways serve this station, and a
total of 2,920 trains pass through the
station daily. The new stairways now
under construction -will relieve to a
large extent the congestion during the
rush hours of the world's busiest sta-
Rid System of Clogged -up
Waste and Poisons -
with "Cascarets."
Like carbon clogs and chokes a mo-
tor, so the excess bile in liver, and the
constipated waste in the bowels, pro-
duce foggy brains, headache, sour, acid
stomach, indigestion, sallow skin,
sleepless nights, and bad colds.
Lea gentle, harmless "Cascarets” rid
the system of the toxins, a8ids, gases,
and poisons which are keeping you up-
set. '
Take Cascarets and enjoy the
nicest, gentlest laxative -cathartic you
ever experienced. Cascarets never
gripe, sicken, or cause inconvenience.
They work while you sleep. A box
of Cascarets costs so little too.
Conclusive Proof.
"Yes," said the traveller, "I had an
amusing journey up to town. There
were two Scotsmen in the carriage."
"How do you know they were Scots-
men?" asked the cashier curiously,
"!y their accent, 1 suppose?"
"No; you see, they both happened
to take their pipesout together, Well,
they filled them, and then, each calmly
waited for the other to strike a
`Well, what happened?"
"Oh, I brought out my pipe, so both
of them waited for my match!"
There are more than 375 women's
clubs in the Philippine Islands.
You don't have to rub it in
to get quick, comfort=
ing relief
Classified Advertisements.
1171OETRAIi AGENTS .pr.rl'F T" '
JJII Prints, Pinlelled. Poitruite •,d'
Frames, write for 'Catalogue awl 1 r eth
List, United Art Co., 4 J unsri 1 1t Are.,
,4 TT1'.NTIONI A11 1. 1i.'C 1i ',';•;i'.t, ,
.4.73.. Canada's' most successful
soloist, supplies concert talent hi.10
or part procrannnr.s ire kr
best. Write now for t ruts. Non': .11-
ers. Toronto. •
i IIIST CLASS t9:AR.1Ci1'.
11' State e:perit-nce. and \i'4't• tt :L
I etd 1;rr,C.. I'r tbwell Ont.
AnS O M X.E A.:ZE tl t7 S.
MI I O\ J a 431?it j rti .Al'l-• it ;`1' -13 •
e to r 1..t„tful of
rM. r 11'J i .i', to ;:or,• i ;i:u 1 <d ,; I
get a lur•:•er. ting, c;
which not era t
ir.l is t -„n �et,I tr t n; ;e -
;t . at I t••t c.
g'tAN11.:H. 1'II Alut *t, l r.4r1
.J itt, r.:•. rsR:i :i; < all. ct t ' ,t:k
Man b5 oar iieUnt^ 'rrs, t'n••+ t. , •t.' tt3
B =i'or,• tr,;, t: S•r.
CO- Ltrntt.•d, :r,di7l:t:rr
nveil t•. r j,in'. tFrd
an 4:l ete;a i.eteliig.lt to be
on a 1ic;n e'y bridle, ft:
current from dry 1r..rir.i ., .....cd
-to the harness. —-
TLivar:'rr Liuimcnt Cures Gars'et 10 Co;va,
IOld cabbage cci.un'rpe left in the
_den harbor next year's pests.
Once you've tried it on that stiff
Joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rheu-y'
matic twinge, lame 'back, you'll find
a warm, soothing relief you never
thought a liniment could produce.
Won't stain the skin, leaves no
muss, wastes no time in applying, sure
to give quick results. A large bottle
means economy. Your town or any
other druggist has it. Made in. Can-
ada. Get it to -day. 35e., 70d., $1.40.
SINCE - 1870
Yrs, Col.:3, All ° =
Gone—dot ` 4." ti
Bit of Coup -114 e'
Left 'y^
to •S r..:..+w..l•
Feel great this morning. As soon as I
felt it coming on yesterday I used
Gray's Syrup and nipped it in the bud.
just couldn't miss an hour at the oficc,
we are so busy and short-handed.
Gray's Syrup is a habit in our family,
daze folks have used it for sixty years.
1 Alwoya buy the 1.,.-r3 St.:0 04
5r, ".
When 4 Days: OW, Cross
and Cried, CutUcuraKaeals.
"My baby brrt :e: had ecerr-ta
which began when he was about
fora- days cZ i. It came
s --:s in little pimples and then
a , a rash. and ho Ness cov-
ered. He was so cross
s that he could not sleep,
and he cried.
t `"Tnislasted about two
'3..••i� months before we uzed
Cuticura. Itheiped him, so we bought
more, and he was all healed after we
had used two cakes of Soap and two
boxes of Ointment." (Signed) Miss
Almda Williartis Youngs Cove.
N. Iie., May 22, leis.
Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum for all toilet purposes,
Soap 28c, Ointment 25 and Sec. Sold
throughouttheDmainion. CanadiianDcpct:
r mons, Limited.St. Peal St., MM ont:e..1.
Outleura Soap shaves wither. slag.
Not Aspirin at .All without the "Bayer Cross"
13'or Colds, Fain, Readache, 1r-eural package which contains complete di-
gia, Toothache, Earache, and for reotions. Then you are getting real
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- Aspirin—the genuine .Aspirin Teo..
Title, take Aspirin marked with the scribed by physicians for over nine -
name "Bayer" or you are not taking teen years. Now made in Canada,
.Aspirin at all. Handy tin boxes containing 12 deb-
Accept only "Ba,yer ,Tablets of Iets cost but a few cents. Druggists
Aspirin" an an unbroken "Bayer" also Bell larger "Bayer"' packager.
'nacre is try one Aslpirinm"" aayezo--Von "inset say "Bayer"
Aspirin is the trade mark (rd bstored In Canada) of Payer manufacture of Mose.
aanticaeldeater of Selioylioaol.i. lino It la Noon known that Abrririn means Bayer
*111 be sta sped withttthelrAgeneralstrade Imitations,
"13ayer trees."Bayer Company
ED. MOUE No. 49—'39.