HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-12-05, Page 2lom "As the Twig is Bent." A•sad case came to light in school last week. For some time numerous things ?had been missed. A book, a i half., dozed.. pencibs, a child's lunch, a Copy s- pair of rubbers, apples, and' nnmerears. •other small things. Ten; days agu''son eone obtained the key to the teac'ixer's:desk, • opened it and stole two -dollars out of her purse. The teacher said nothing, but watched. Al twelve -year-old• boy' from one of the '.best homes, but who had never had' spending money, suddenly began! treating everyone in• school. A little! judicious questioning brought out the •truth this boy had taken not only the; teacher's money but everything else; that diad been missing.., • 1 The entire neighborhood was upset j by the incident, Hew could it be that thi's boy, the son of :parents of ab- solute honety, could be a thief •? He had been brought up, in. the Sunday SchaoI, told the difference between sight and wrong, had all' sorts of ad- vantages, and yet had gone wrong:1 Now if it had been young "Peterkins whose family hadn't =eh; and who probably never was -taught anything at home, you could understand it. But this. boy's mother was so good and the soul of honesty. It ,did seem queer to the ones who! didn't go below the surface. But those who had watched the boy grow up rather felt that they could explain it. Two or three mothers got together' and exchanged confidences. There was the time when the boy was two and he carried home Jackie Smith's auto- mobile.' Of course, it only came from re dow gave hint a view of the mountains, with all of the uplift of a daily climb, in thought, to their summits, - The influence of such silent teach- ers in the Monte can hardly be estimat- ed, but in nothing else is the average honte so poorly furnished. Good taste • • t 11dte' er sentiment of mercy there I Dfutr ofIN BIND MR. \VESSO 'S 'May have boeri. S�reg11on could.last 1)e ,[; w' m,lt' ND 11VViiii�'LL W ••i:� trusted they said to one another: ! , .. TREASLJ :E they Would all be lite peril of their ��(y�{ i(1 Reese ; .Manuel took eminence and t O"•"'• ' ' . • gave tare order that the Movement N A prasperolis I:tt£;li h 1)lalxtet, T+'red shanld• Uegiu. Make the Blood R t 1 and Rccl by crick Wesson. lived in the•inierior.of • ^... io sprang totw';u^cl .and :tool.cl j Luzon and raised yet,°l3° great crcips, to raise his master, and res he dict PO. he UsingQAC. Williams' i6tltii5' 'i�ifl�f of tobacco, i lil'•h he :tei.t eiy'beet..liiurnlurett, in his ear: -.Jump ;ihali 1 I 'Pails. down the Rio Grande to the i:o vt]- of. ptialt," 1• e parri, During ono long period of an- i flet and ane of lite othere not. \ti'es- 1 Thin -Blooded people generally have settled political conditions it ,om . teU ' son to Ilii; feet, ( stomach ttunb!e. They seldom reoog- to trim .prudent ,..o etea •t. from leis :lie will walk too slowl," Woe 1. Pal- ; ni/0 the 1 c.t that thin blood is the usual custom and, intetectd of d000slt- to to Mansel, and whir a Ftroke cif• his i cause of indigestion, but it is. Thin ing in Aparri the money 11c'.'wveli for knife he cut the' lashing:; 01)[nrt j blood, weak, ' story blood, is one. of his tobacco, to bring }t bade with hilt. eltei1scn's ankles, . • I the most counneu causes of stomach and keep it in his house. At the end The moon lead nu yet risen; and the I trouble. The glands that furnish the of ae year he (,tel(1 count lit his tree- 1Ottlln dip made on a faint, getter- I di}.;estivii Ilig b are diminished in • sure roots twenty-five thousand ei.ver iilg'ligiit. :.",'-laruling from the; stern ; their activiti•; the stomach muscles i )la ed in the ehoi e of toilers. of the boat: was iinpr +eticable. ;en art- I are weakened and tha re is a loss o f carpets and easy chs.,.. Wall paper T , , a chin c ill the gave oolintot• the height of tithe bank at Mae ; nervice ford}. 'In this state nothing will. may be selected in gine' restful tints, Belt there ;; to g ernlnent that l)r�:ni::4.1 stability, and point. '• .t,T the Ii•'rty proceeded. to � more quickly restore appetite, diges- may -family r be displayed yu but the decorations may be amt y par- Wesson decided that it would be safe, traits framed in objectionable ornate to reopen his account at Aparri,' • moulding cremes representations of "`' ' Mexicali silver' dollars Are. large Indian: in gaudy war paint, or so -call - some itinerant vendor and suggestive some load for a man. Wesson hale arms, At the same moment the boat. ing in the heavens above or the five stout wooden boxes made to care- slipping in her modrings, heeled end - ea thnot be earth beneath, fill measurement, and iu these deposit. d.ellly. .Pablo grasped at the c•:in[ipy ....._ ed his sifter dollars, five thousand with • one. hand and with. the other Seasonable Recipes. each, liox. Their ho placed these boxes tliruFt Wesson overboard. . Mock Bisque Soup.—Simmer one on board one of his boats. and, with "Who's. that?„ cried Man'.iol at the quart of tomatoes until they will go seven native ace•vants who had been sl)lasli• with him a lying yule and . whom he "The master . slipped'." answered' through. the strainer, adding one- trusted absolutely, embatiio l for tine Pablo, fourth teaspoon of soda just before re- "It. is good!" said :Manuel. "Our moving from the fire. Strain, and add journey to Aparri. •. Si; of the seivt-tit rr,;;ed the ]coat, hands are free from blood; -and with 1 to a white sauce made with one quart andhis iirnts tied and the crocodiaee to of mill:, two tablespoons of butter and the seventh steered. The 'keel ] el i he will not trouble us." a half cup of lour. Season to suit bottom ')art of the bn at, wen, formed ' ' ,c':th one fart liable kicked the cut with salt and pepper, and tt o table- Seem a hollowed -out tor: the sides, bow and eters. were built up oe,rough b,rvnhna cerci:. overheard: spoons of sugar. Pour in flog, soup' , Meanwhile Wesson, swimming :tions dishes and place one tablespoon of plttnits, fitted into niches in the dug- with tine• swift aturent, was preferring whipped cream on each service. Then; out and secured iu place by ,1)a.l_oon to take his chalices with titr_eroco- s rinkle mined parsley an the Bream, • lacings without the use of a nail. ' p (tiles rather than melte at once for Pear and Cheese Salad.—Select 3m}iiships was to canopy woven land. lint when he lead been carried halves of large canned Fartict pe' s. brass, under which tt'{+s. on passacl.the a hundred yards d had he Place on lettuce leaf or sewing plate,, clay in cunlptuty with his five hose of silver' touched bottom and wn led aslmre. fill hollow in pear with cottage cheese, •1 platrurlu of bamboo polo. extend- Here inion :e woe:J.t0es me:veulue and cover with sweetened whipped 1• P1 111„ eatri; stele of flue boat outside shim, anti, cratvliiig int the bushes, he ed oil paintings, purchased perhaps of coins; ta'o of them trtnl e a cumber- etlass rotilitl to' the bow by way of the ; tion and a normal'ntttritoil than good, outer hanibao'.piatfdrni: r 1'ich, red blood. directly Here Pahlo.quicltly severed the ban.- Dr. 'Milian's Pink Pills' act boo Cords that bound his holster's on the blood, making it rich and red, and this enriched blood strengthens weak nerves, stimnlates;tired.muscles,,. ,t[nd awakens to normal activity the glands that snjxply the' digestive fluiele• The first siga of returning health is an improved appetite, • and •soon:; the; effect of these blood improvirig pi11e is felt throughout the whole system. You find that what 'you eat does net: - distress you and that you are daily' ;;rowing stronger and lnaro..vigoreus. Mr. J. J. Murray, 'Regent Street, To- ronto, bears testimony to the value ,of Dr. Williams' kink Pills in cases, of this kind. lie "says:'--"lhlring`titS lat- ter part of 1513 1 was a sick man, My stomach seemed simply down and out. I had no desire for food, and whet I ate it.ciistiesoed nae;' I was pale, did not sleep ;1 r.iL i;ai.;rrtiliy got up in the morning/feeling grouchy, lily wife was worried ager nt;' ec}coition and urgers me to try 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills, reminding 1110 of the: good they had dol,j our c:ieast daughter when she was in e somewhat similar eandi- tion. 1 decided to fo}low her advice and got`a supply incl here is the story • in a nutshell: 1 have got my at:petite back. sleep sounciiy of night. enjoy any meals and a111 so g:'atieed with What' the pills have done f,:r me that I strongly advise their lime for all pale, sick people." ' You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in' medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The -Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville', Ont. "Courtesy is the eye Which overlooks your friend's broken gateway, but sees the rose whic'la, blossoms in his gar- den." c• ream o • boiled salad dressing• SaiIor's Duff.—One egg. two table- spoons of sugar, two tablespoons of butter, one-half cup of molasses, one the ten -cent store, but it was dear to teaspoon of soda cuss -ea -ea in one-half ; bow to the stern without going under Jackie's heart. The lad's mother ex- cup of hot water, one and ogle -half• 'rise nfi}ctr in- charge sent li;m up the canopy. ilu: river with a squad of soldiers. A Occasionally Wesson caught sight little below the place where the rob - of the nose and eyes of a great croco dile protruding above the surface of bery had occurred, they met the boat the water, and twice he saw stretched with its crew of freebooters, and took out upon the bank the whole laud- them into custody, Manuel and his • the gime:. ea Tite platiorrts rested upon tho \1i.t •i' and gave additional buoyancy to te:;.i boat; moreover, they enabled the „a101110te to else from the fell into a slumber from which ho did not waken until sunr e. �::i that meriting he strtiggleil through the forest toward •Aparri, where ell, ar- rived safely a tulle after noun. plained that he was too young to know it was naughty, and it was such a little thing and her son wanted it so badly, it seemed a shame to make a fuss about it acid have him return.it, a one n o thin cream cups flour. Mix ,in order named and steam one hour in buttered pudding dish. Burnt Cream Sauce.—Melt one-half cup granulated -sugar in enameled so she kept it, saucepan, dd pit f A year or so later it was a sack of and set over hot water until the sugar pop- corn he took awa • -from • Jennymelts again. • y Raspberry and Currant Ice.—Boil Jones. Jennie eried and told his Ix my mother, but it w•as silly to cry over a four cups of water and one and one - little sack of pop corn. She did give third cups of -sugar twenty minutes. Jexmie a pickle, however, to buy an- Put rive cups of canned raspberries other. All softs of incidents came up.' and two of -canned currants through One told of half a dozen - fresh cookies ricer and stf.''ain through double cheese- disappearing off the table while the cloth to remove seeds. When the boy and his mother were calling; an- syrup is cool, -add fruit juice , and other had her early roses picked by freeze. the boy, who, his mother explained, Lemon Ice Cream.—Scald one pint.youngest of .the nativee, Pablo, who was so fond of flowers. of rich milk and stir into it one level' S table oonfu1 of cornstarch. Add one- was acting as steersman, sent toward The conversation narrowed down to � slim, the mother. Was she exactly Honest? half cup of sugar and cook in double At nightfall Aparri was still twelve She never went by a candy counter boiler ten minutes, stirring frequently, miles distant. The boat was run without picking. up one o.' two pieces, Then add the yolks of two eggs, beaten alongside the bank and moored by long and fruit vendors knew her afar off with a half cup off: sugar, stir until 'lines to two trees. After supper Wes - and hastily covered their choice peach- well blended, add one pint of cream soil, -s feeling sleepy, closed his egos. es and plums when she approached., and strain. When cold -add one table- The boatman nearest him gave a sig. Two or three books with tell-tale lib-; spoon of lemon extract and freeze. nal; the others stole close and then, rarer tags were on her book shelves; Hot Maple Sauce.—Boil two cups of all together, threw themselves upon end had been for months. And she; maple syrup with a half cup of cream their master, prided herself on seeinghew maw! or butter until it threads. While still J 'Wesson •awoke, struggling and cry. times a week she could get the better' hot, pour over the serving of ice of the grocer or butcher in malting cream. change. Her argument always v.as, Creole Chicken. ;Cut in pieces for that they always charged her too much serving,. season with salt and pepper but - and she had the right to met even, and brown in four tablespoons of but - I he mother would not deliberately ter smelted, to which has been added e out and put her hand in soineene s one-fourth cup of finely chopped onion. 1'lac'Ket to rot) thele. caked form of one of those monsters basking in the sun. • It seemed to the planter that his progress down the river was sldwei than usual and that his boatmen were remarkably taciturn. But, being of ;a associates, never doubting that their victim had perished in the river, had proceeded with the greatest delibera- tion to divide • the. spoils. They had buried four bo'xesin a placer that Pab- lo afterwards pointed out, and. the rest of the was found n on leisurely disposition aid shaving. - - — money p rsots.'. - ing to press- trim, he let -them. their course and sat reading under his ..oto explained the conspiracy. He canopy, unmindful of the-nmtterfngs. and two others had been ignorant of of the oarsmen and of the irresolute, it until they were aboard, the boat; sullen and frightened glances that the then, intimidated by superior num- bers and'a display of pistols, ;they lead pretended to join it. The man wise had knelt with Pablo to raise Wesson to Itis -:feet had •deliberately released his hold of the prisoner at the right time, and lead been aware that Pablo had cut the cords. And these three faithful ones had stayed with the others. hopeful that their master had been preserved, and meaning when they ruched Aparri to tell the officials what t ley knew, • The four criminals were tried and condemned to long imprisonment, Wesson deposited his recovered silver as he had planned to do and then re- turned with Pablo and the two other faithful servants to'bis plantation. ing out: "Pablo! Manuel!" Then he was silent, for Pablo,. pinioning one of his arms, was looking down into his face and Manuel was kneeling on his chest. "You have all turned traitors!" said Litt wet; melte When the chicken 1s bxo'vned remove Wesson quietly. "Traitors and rob- lioneist? Had she taught the boy front frying pan, thicken mixture in bens!" honesty? She had told hint was pan with four tablespoons of flour, add +'Ali!" snarled rilanuel, threatening wrong to steal, but hail she taught two cups of stock or boiling water, his master's throat with the point of !cin? that? Surmase when he took the .two cups canned tomato, one finely his knife. "It is time that we should elate, away baric in his baby days, she chopped red pepper, one-half cup of have some of the money, Beep thy land explained to him the rights of shopped celery, and salt to taste. Re mouth shut!" others and made lti;tt return the toy. place chicken and simmer until tender, Wr:lld he hart. deliberately stolen, Serve on platter surrouncted with rennet,* when he was twelve years old? 'sauce, and garni,hets with parsley. It seemed h�arcliy probable to the j " '-q-"j��!"�"" i t hit nc who di r=te beginuseed to teach the 5 he case. No EL I Sita l lA' IED WWI - . 1: they a city rights of others, all de. t ed If you begin with the littlest tith14.4 and ,ineiti on •absolute honesty re;;. rctless of what the other fellow 'tees.. the big things will take care of th 11 moves. Parents, Attention: BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs, - .Anile Malette, Montpelier, Que., writes: --"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for some time and am well satisfied with them. They are surely the best medicine I know of for `e,trr1111;1;ili discovery that ap- llttlo ones." What e1rc. Malette says reexenstely five hu,idrhd thane el thousands of outer mothers say. ee e ehiltiren 1') Canada to• -day are Once they have 'used the Tablets for r...ght, eine •naturally and pro- their children 'they would use, nothing cc ,ecrt.ed action to the else. The Tablets are a:.mild but o.:''. flat this appalling condition of thorough laxative; are absolutely free e i1 s :•stay be rectified as soon as p,r. eil:.e. Draft e atistics show that r etc my per eeni:-of the men were re - j - •tt:rl for deflect;; that mold have been ,: e -,?rted (se enr0t1 byeare in child - heel Weight and rate of gain form eee of tl.e hest tests of health in Cit Borne Decoration. I7eity Van 1),,ke cal; the pictures t; } tall the windows of his home: Ti : ur h. them le gets glimpses of the Lewes, y which Yee beyond the section or livieg Once hcunded by the stone walle a'' his home. Through one s11ch 'bc1.1r -°e'r'g ,he could see the.' ocean, and remo-i feel the cold spray and the ecegth of the salt air. Another win - frons opiates, narcotics or other harm- ful drugs and may be given to the youngest baby with perfect safety and good results. They are sold by xne1i- eine dealers 'or by mail at. 25 cents a box from The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co., lirockviile, Ont. •--"--.-'_?fib..-........,_..--... Where It Was. The teacher had written 92.7 on the blackboard, and to show the effect of multiplying by ten rubbed out the decimal point. 'She then turned to the class and said:— "Now, diary, where is -the decimal point?" "On the duster, hiss," replied Mary, without hest'tion, . A Plant That Eats. • "Tul-tui," as the natives call it, is the most wonderful vegetable Plant in the world. It grows on- certain South Pacific islands, and in appearance is lace a giant turnip, but blood -red in color. • The traitors bound Wesson's feet To the white man`it is a very tough together; then, turning him upon his and tasteless xegetable. To the na- face, they lashed his elbows behind his Mites, however, it is a main item of back. They did not trouble themselves 'their diet. . They cook it and mix it to gag him, for they knew well that all elith their eoco-nut and bread -fruit, round was jungle,. for it is supposed to be very nourish- ne of them lighted a 0 gcotton dip ging. They cultivate the plant in a floating in a bowl of cocoanut oil, and rough sort of fashion in large Glitches by that light and in Wesson's hearing or swamps. - they discussed what it' was best to do. Its most pecilliar feature is that it Four boxes of the silver were to be has to be fed, and for this . purpase taken ashore and buried until the me the native children go oval' the island portunity arrived for leaving the conn- .collecting all decayed vegetable mat - try with the treasure. The contents ter. This is soaked lit plenty ,of. salt of the fifth box were to be divided at water, and is then taken' in armfuls once. to the plants and put in the centre of As for Wesson, Manuel urged that the leaf -steins or on the short thick there was only one•safe way to'deal •stein from which the leaves spread with him. Ile must bo taken to a se- oat on every side. eluded spot on shore and there slain Slowly but surely the decayed mat - and buried. , ter disappears, the leaves stiffen and No one tettered a word of protest; spread out erect—signs, apparently, Manuel had pronounced thefRientence, that the plant has dined heartily, for "And you have all lived wth nae se it really is a case of feeding a plant, long!" exclaimed Wesson bitterly. There is no opening oa the stem or the "And Yon will hill nae ,for a little, leaves; the food is slowly and grad - money! Ah, well—take then the - tally absorbed in a silent and wonder• matey; let nue go." ful =tuner. . One of the men stirred uneasily and spoke in a low voice to I.VIanuel. "Ah, yes!" cried Manuel vindictive. ly. ':Let him go! To have us hunted through the hush—upon the water -a re eau Int till w e a g , and he gets Iris sit. vor dollars back and sees las hanged!" "I will give you any word," said Wesson, `:Take the money: let nae. go." ' But Manuel seemed to overpower The Great West Permanent Loan Company. Toronto Office.. 20 king St. West. 44 allowed on eaviesgs. Interest computed quarterly. Withdrawable by Cheque. lgy%eala on I7ebentuli-ea, Interest payable half yearly, Paid. rap Capital $2,412,15711. irigheet Prices rata Por RAW FURS & GINSENG Write for price lists and shipping tags 2'3 Years ofeReliable Trading Reference -•--Union Bank of Canada. ' N. SILVER 2d0 at. Paul St. W., SPontresl, P.Q. MICANEMO. CO IM JOHNS The oldest established LTD, RAW RJR DEALERS in• Montreal Highest Market Prices Paid. Satisfaction f;uaranteed to Trippers. Send for Our Pries List, 410 St. Paul St. West • Montreal RAY FAIUVER who does not attend the Tenth Annual Toronto Fat Stock Show will miss seeing the beat collec- tion of fat butcher stock ever assembled in Canada. JUDGING, '10:00 A.M. THURSDAY, DEC. 11'TH AUCTION SALE, 10:00 A.M. FRIDAY, DEC. 12TH +o�T, Toronto (t�9 Fat She)�•rr,, UNION STOCK YARDS TORONTO ®.xru wvvv,n wvww�r. •. r,v .. v+nn •sag e ,y Health The Care of the Skin. i3ecause,of the very important func- tions that the skin discharges, it is necessary to health—to say nothing of beauty—to keep it in the best possible condition. That does not consist simply in keeping it -clean, although that is, :of course, essential; }t nlustlbe kept always in such a condition that it will perform thoroughly and active- ly all its functions, and in order to maintain that condition we must rem- ember that the skin is' an eliminative as well as a protective organ, If it is called upon to get rid of too eon- centrated an amount of poisonous material from•within, it may suffer quite as much as from injuZiious fluences that act from without. It is 'very impdrtant, therefore, in main- taining the health of the skin to see that . tthi3 digestive and excretory organs function properly so that as little waste Material as: possible re- Mains- to be excreted in the sweat. If these organs are in good order, they must be kept so'by goad living—Which decidedly does -not mean high living -- and by daily active exercise; ; A muddy skin, especially in the' young, is. almost -always. a sign .of ,in- digestion and sluggish excretion, but another frequent cause of 'blemishes on the skin is a, disordered neryous 'syal:eixi.' 'So intimate, indeed, is the re- lation between the skin,and the nerv- ous system that a great many pliys- icians'regard.most skin diseases as of nervous origin. • The quality of the skin varies great- ly with different individaials. Some have naturally a coarse, rugose, more on lees hairy skin. Others have a skin that seems to be only a thin veil of the finest texture, tinted with healthy blood that flows actively through the minute vessels in and :beneath it. .This freshness can be maintained lfor along time by preserving the e1a'sticityk of the skin by cleanliness, by friction and by exercising its contractile power. The skin contracts' undef the enfluence of cold and 1 elaxes under that of warmth, and the more it is exercised by this Man's the better.' I11 youth and early adult life the hest exercise is the cold bath followed: by a brisk rub; in middle and old age the -plunge into cold water is ina4is- able, but a cold sponge bath after a warm dip, followed by a rub, loin answer the purpose„ - The choice of a soap is important, for the frequent use of an irritating soap tides much harm.•."It seems4n- necessary to warn against the abpse of cosmetics, yet that.nubject s1i4u1d not be passed without remark. A little well-prepared make-up, free from mereuuials, is not very objectionable if used in moderation; but the lavish use of paints and• powders clogs ,the skin and is ruinous to the complexion, Friction with a rough -towel on a heal, thy skin brings roses with which art cannot vie. Well Done, Alligator! : Human nature is very selfish, ,t\Te only call animals "useful” when they have proved that they. can serve our- selves. ` . Theu we begin to praise them and offer them our protection. There is an alligfttor in Florida named "Dick," who certainly descxves our admiration by this rule. He is in great demand as a "sewer crawler," and tate way in which his usefulness was discovered makes an interesting story. • A superintendent of sewers in Mori - .da, the owner of "Dick," had been worried by 500 feet of clogged sewer pipe, Fifteeu hundred dollars halt been spent in trying to dean thepipe, but no contrivance proved sece ssfnt. The question of ripping out the pipe was being considered, when the super- intendent, watching his alligator crawling through sonle tile in the yard, had a brain wave, He tied a long rope round the alit - gator, and put him down the 1n.11 1icll 3. Dragging the rope after hill), 11.,tc% made the. 600 feet journey through the - sewer pipe, and eventually emerged id the ocher end - The pipe, now being "three.ded" with rope,, to which a chain had been enacted; it was easily cleansed oe 11: congested musses by [ir:ag }ug the chain bank anti forth. - "JJicic:3" career is now made. s. It is sincerely to be hoped that;lar) Will live to enjoy his fame en'l lxv;;tl• la_!ty for runny years ';o conte. Frank, At Any Rate, - .After he 'had been demobilized ii1ipp- san went to tate photographer anti was taken hi all sot•l.s''of poses in hie 0111- ...-.---. form, soon to be discarded. rtonsslialaw POE, 05 YE4Ut5 avra eealcyOnae eteeee xl Ho was proudiywahowieg all these to a t IP,n a friend, when he asked: �g8p�,',{t �pp'jryj,�� �Qg�;r�g� jry��jp{p��, ' � .. p for Distemper, 3oifttgnia Pink-1:Syo, dough to Cola.' Twen- ty-five years' .use among the 1001 hereemen in America have given the COMPOUND an enviable revoret as a pre- ventative and cure. A few drops daily will keep tlrc animal in condition and his system, w 11 resist ,:100ase. Jleenlar doses prescribed will cure. 9E ie:tee eneleZ0A.t. 00,, Goshen, Zdct,, 1T, '0. A. "W1i101: clo yen. think is the boat, Tom?" Tho 0:;ger elan wee disgusted ? at Slinpsonee Vf111117, and ee111•fed prompt- ly: "VVell, personelie, 1 1h.1' t I like heat the one i411OPe yott :ale wearing the gas•antlslc . " } h t!