HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-11-14, Page 8ISE G00 The chilly autumn air reminds you to prepare with warmer clothes. We can supply your Wants in all the various lines of heavy Fall and winter wear, A Dress Goods Bergen, Mohair®, velvets, paname cloths ,etc., 1n new variety of col- ors, at reasonable prices Silks Arc again in demand for fall wear. See our stock of taffettes, pail let:,. etc. Special in Silk Pop'ins in leading header. Reg. price, .1.75 to clears1.35 a yd .en's Wear New Suits, Overcoats, Rain coats, underwear, fine shirts. Fall hats and eaps, in abundant supply. Come early for best choice. Overalls Good heavy weight overells and smocks in all sizes. Clearing at $ 1.85 each. & Son J. Gascho (Corrected eery 1`1 d Eggs Butter Driest apples .. Potatoes per bag ... .._ Dutch Setts .. ... ... . - R'hea Oats . Barley Buckwheat 1.25', Bran 45.00 Shorts .•. 50,00,• NO, 1 Hogs 15.75 Ido:" a oma.e�wmaa.os-�v:•.a-uwerru.aw o. a No 4 •d NEWS No, b +++++++-i4++++++++++++++++31++++++++++++++++++++414+4 • + + + + + 3 -i• + + + 4 + 1 We have in stock a large supply of HEATERS and RANGES of the following leading makes to choose from: Peninsular, FiReCo, Treasure, Happy • Thought and Grand Jewel. Also Real * and ElegantPeninsular Baseburners, Regal Per- fection and Blue flame coal oil Heaters. .i.. 1,ilAd� ICIAL 3.E .i;, NS I L,..t:uv..iug are Lt1.'. ,.,.i..ia,re :urs agar ,u.1.., .,d g.•4en out 1,y 1,.,:. rienry ;..,,� +,.1, tie t,e.urning t., .>eer, at-. .,9 so t" ...te ui ,eine cotvnt on ,,.ur8uay.. 60 t;t i v aw;..aSIr�1V1i 1'►. 10 { 1Gl.elk;o4 e7' uOn 1iLeka .,LUZ'gaa . 1,61A1'1 :•u., db. 7S . 05 '6i4-7 (.vu. i. 37 55 s.4 1.95 AU 0 11 1i6 26 80; lv.o, 4 g7 1 61 fill 1.25 Nd„ 5 47 72 . 56 • 192 • 937 383 . We also carry a complete lime of Heavy and shelf Hardware +.1. Tinware, granite -ware, AIluminum, Paints, Oils, Varnishes 4' 4. Glass, Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Halters, Auto Oils, Greases, * Accessories, Goodyear Auto Tires, at best prices. STADE & WEIDO N Little Miss Margery Stewart • is, ?Co: visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Green, Parr Line. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoffrne.n, No. of Stephen have moved into the No, house purchased from Mr. John No. Zet tel. Prior to their departure No. from their former home they were No. presented with an address and a. No, handsome leather chair by neigh- No. bors and friends. No. ,The two delegates appointed by Nd. the Sunday School of the Evangel- ical church to attend the Boy e. Parliament in session at Exeter last week were Messrs Russell No. Preeter and Leroy O'Brien, the. No. 'former having had the honor of Nes being elected in the Cabinet at No. 1flrnieter of Finance Congra•tu'- lotions, Russell;. Y. P. A. RALLY On Sunday evening the Y. P. A. of the Evangelical church had' charge of the services, and redd- ered a splendid program. consist- ing of Music, singing and 'seve.;.l addresses were gis en by Mrs. Erratt of the Goshen Line, Stanley late of the West, where she had been engaged as deaconess,;, Mr: Hy. Pale of the 14th con., Hay;; and Miss Eutoeen Gueuther,•Pres i:dent of the Dashwood Y. P. A: Society. These addresses were very instructive and appreciated by all • present. The church was well filled, and a special offering was taken for the Missionarycatlse. + + + + + PREETER BLOCK - ZURiCH ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4.44-14+++++++++++++++S+ 4.++++++++++++ VerVelesilie ,�i�� ?F V WVIn.aisiow Nees No. No. N:o.. No. Nei. RIAY • 19 Se 14 64 52 56 27 106 16 113 34 125 21 .. 44 11 9i. 38 34 1.1 59 13 48 16 25 201 679 334 STEKIEN 1 ,47 11.3 i 17 36 t 3 52 . 45 61 4 35 • 125 63 5 29 82 23 6 51 105 50 ? 24 , 56 43 8 19 111 9 9 53 115 27 . 346 827 297 USBORN'E 1 142 180 24 2 46 107 63 3 t 119 127 20 38 137 65 146 /'551 .172 GGtDERICE, TOWNSHIP• 1 617 37 46 2 23 46 35 3 ; 34 49 33 4 611. 2n 1.3 5 ; 64 74 12 6 42 25 29 1431 .252 167 STANLEY 2.9 22 27 29 72 77 tate 19 31 '50 61 12 bti 56 1277 $Tr 255 . EXETER 1 . 127 t 41 a t11115 t 52 3 , 108 , 67 4 53 19 No. 1 Noir Nei, 3 No. 4 Not. 5 : W. C T. U. NOTES No. The meeting of the W. C. T No foe November will be held on No). 26th, instead of the 19th., Mrs. C. No. Heyrock and Mrs. F. B. Meyer and. possibly several others will attend the Provincial convention in eine. 1ph. A report will be given on No. the 26th.. CIGARETTE NEXT? ja14 The secretary of the temperance Majority for Hicks over Eller - board of the Methodist church in; iington-774. Majority for Hicks, y the United •States has given war •, over Morgan -1251. ;ring that the next crusade will be against the sigarette. And, eel the world seems to be experience NO BETTER INVESTMENT cling a return of the crusading .sp i THAN CANADA'S BONDS frit, the threat is not to be lightly ignored. Who would have dared ,gosnn,, T, A. Crerar Says Canadians to predict a few years ago that' Must Save, Produce and Trade what has happened in the United That Calnada must save, prod - States andd Canada in regardto ince and trade, ie emphasized in a the liquor traffic would hapten? letter written recently by Hon T. When the crusading spirit gets go- A. Crerar to Sir Augustus. Nan.. i;ng there is no telling where it ten of Winnipeg, in connection w, will stop. )With the Victory Loan eampaign, After stating that the loan should be supported throughout Canada in' the strongest possible way by Report for room IV. of Z.P.S., every section of the people, 0 Mr for October. Subjects for. all, Crerar says; classes; Compos tion, ALithmede, "Unfortunately, it wa.s tmposs- Geography and Reading 2ble at the time of the signing of, SO. V;— Russell Preeter, 72%; ' the armistice to stop expenditure Meda Surerus 63, Bruce Klopp 62.5, ccaused by the war. Even yet Ivan Kalbfleisch 58, Iva Kalbflei our soldiers are .not all back and eat 56. Dorothy Campbell 55, demobilized. Much money is re - Jr. V;—Whitney Brokenshire 70; euired for soldiers' land settle:nl- Bennie Weber 69.5, Gordon fVaiper ent, for pensions, for vocational tr- 69.5; Lennis O'Brien 66, Albert Si-'aaijning of returned men and for bert 64; Inez Yungblut 61, Culoine 1 the special care of thousands of the Geiger 60; Dorothy Fritz b9.5; Hilda Neuschwatnger 57. Sr. IV ;— Veola Prang Se,' Mabel }Teeter 75, Muriel Howald 67.5, Mary Mittelholtz 57.5. N. E. Dahms,principal_ NI ' El ENGINES are farmers' best friends. When the old wind- mill fails to"water the cows" be prepared with a UNITED to pump water. And for scores of other jobs your UNITED will save you hund- reds of dollars. Run the washing machine, the cream separator, churn, grindstone and many other machines with this Handy, Reliable Power Plant. United 13/a H. P. Spedf(e.a"tions are Unequaled 33/4 In. Eore. 5 in. Stroke. 18 in. Fly Wheels weigh 40 ib3, each. Total approximate weight 350 pounds. "Aft Valve" fuel -saver carbur- etor. Quiclt Speed Changing Device. Ash Us for Prices es All Size &ioetnes •603 i 1'19 tHENS ALL 1 204 3t BAYFIELD 'lt I. ! 1St 1 • 35 90 74 27 _ 226 164- SCHOOL REPORT IMINIMMINIMINENVIMINININIMMOUNOWEIMIll SETT ONIO INNS WANTED 7 cents trade or 61,S cents cash per l!l. for sett onions. Bring .theta, at dnce. Melick & Braun'. HELLO THERE; I can't hear you. The cause is your teleph' ne :needs a pair of batteries. Call at Hess the ,Jeweller for phone Batteries of high amperage. CASTOR IA $ Per Wants and Children. 410004,00 0 a el, • Mrs Use For Over 3O'Yearf Alwayse beats lif L. PRANG, , Sole Agent ZURICH! Stgo tuts boys who came back shattered in health of body and mind. The Canadian people must provide the means to do so. I have '10 fear that they will." "Our country has heavy financial burdens to face; as a nation we insist meet them lin the same way as would an individual; we m,unnt save, produce and trade.. To the person who saves there is no bet- ter investment than Canada's bonds, STOVES Now is the time to lacy that new stove. you have been wanting the past feu years. Stove prices are still clim- bing. and owing to the steel strikes and labor troubles, shipments, of stoves and steel products will be ■low and irregular. We have iaought a good stock of leading makes in. advance, and eats ,still give you prompt service, and at moderate prices. Wehandle $feclarye celebrated Pandora, Doherty's ll3gh Oven and Banquet (Steel Rangel (guaranteedd for period 41 25 years(. We a'.so, can supply you with Hard Coal Heaters Bas; Burners (with and without oven. Miro several smaller shoves, n malty Oak Stove* and Tortoise Stoves. We have a good had hand Base Burner with oven good as new at a bargain $145.00. ;;;i.., tl1111111Se— SPECIAL Aluminumware Sets We are, offering; a few sets of aluminum consisting of 4 pieces, Stewing Kettle, Utility, Kettle with lid double Roder, and coffee percelatorat $8.50 cash or separate or piece may be had at $2.25. 'Pete are bargains don't feats ger oine• oafthese seta. Zurich's Busy Store Meliek & hand PHONE 63 New Neckwear The Best is .none too good toll you. Your new suit will set one oft hese richly colored Silk Ties off to perfection. Welder bought dozens of stylish Ties, ne w shipments have arrived. We know they'll please YOU. V ALU EIS, 75c to $3.00. Denomy Bros. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the Z r - inch Branch 13ible Society will be held on Friday Evening November 21.st, in the Evangelical church, commencing at 7.30 p. m. Bev. R, J Bowen, the agent of the 'Up- per Canada Bible Society will ad- dress the meeting. The various thatches of Zurich and vicinity are ,specially invited to take an avtive itntere8t in this great work for the AttuThe Secretary Erazlch % r 1131ble Society. Zurick• ANNO JNOEMENT WILL Open an up-to-date garage on Monday, Nov. 17th. REPAIRS TO ANY MAKE OF CARS. WORK DONE AT REASO NABLE PRICES �a MOUBSea Zurich GARAGE STAND AT T..TOHNSON 'S FORMER IFURNITUrE STt .tbl? A visit to our store will secure you A.,. REAL BARG Ladies' and Men's Rain Coats, Ladies Voile and Silk waist>t.and alt. Summer Dress Goods, " i New Pail Blouses in Georgette white, flesh, maize and peach $7.50 . ( ' 1 to $10.00 Mein's Suits in different shades an d styles. $17, $19, $21„, 2:$23, 25, a Every Suit a Barg)in Fall and Winter Underwear, work mitts nad Gloves,,, Overalls 1us,4 Jackets, New Tall Hats, Caps, Soc k8, Umbrellas aa,d. Sweaters. Ladies' Skirts, latest styles in bro wm, ave, black aid taupe, e Ladies' silk gloves in grey, black, white, taupe sagil tan. Ladies dark blue apron 85e. and $1. f Fresh celery and peaches every S aturday and op, Fair Day. tlyde t, i • Early. Feltex looks and wears better than .litroleumt 'Wye Poultry taken every Wedne* day. Highest Market Prices. From Groceries it all times Bi tterick Patterns For Sale Phone 78 Tip 1 DIM phone n