HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-11-14, Page 3MAL AFRICA ND OF PLENTY DEVELOPMENT BY BRI- TAIN AND FIANCE. Conipletionn of Cape=to-Cai><o Railway—Morocco Rich Market For French. Beyond all doubt we shall see, in rig distant time, the realization of Cecil Rhodes's great dreamt of. a Cape to - Cairo railway, now that like elimina- tion of Germany front that ' single block of territory- which interrupted the continuity of l3ritish possession form Alexandria to Cape Town has been achieved. In the same way we shall see British capital take over the Bagdad railway, probably in coopera- tion with the French, and complete a railway extending from the Gulf of Alexandretta to the Persian Gulf and beyond to the point of junction with the railways of India. With France established in Syria and Britain as- sured of supremacy in Mesopotamia, the old obstacles to this railway will disappear. Enormous Railway Development... At no remote day passengers will take train in London, arrive in France by the Calais Tunnel, now to be con- structed without delay, pass through France and on down the valley of the Danube to Constantinople, and, cross- ing tho 'Bosporus by a train ferry, con- tinue,olong the road of Alexander the Great through the Cilician Gat to Alep- po, where passengers for Cairo and Cape Town will part with those going to Bagdad and Calcutta. Even more interesting, since less familiar to Canadians, is the promise of development of French colonial railways. With the expulsion of Ger- many from the Congo and the en- forced recognition by the Germans of French supremacy in Morocco France is at last free, without the old haunt- ing fear that she was building for Germany, to complete her railway sys- tems in her own African empire. French capital and French merchants can take up the task of completing the great work which for nearly a cen- tury the French have been pushing slowly in the regions from Algeria southward. Precisely as Britain will uow re- store prosperity in the Garden of Eden, the French will be able to trans- form Morocco, one of the richest bits of undeveloped land in the world. Tunis, Algeria, Morocco -- these three . states constitute an empire which lies almost at the door of France. Algiers is now but twenty hours from Marseilles. In them Route wrought miracles and France has gone far to restore the Roman prosperity and establish a French world. Of the three Morocco is po- tentially the richest, but all have a wonderful future. In Morocco there is a wide field for the young men who find a return to the restraints of civilization irksome; while French in- dustry, finding a market and a field for development inside the French customs system are bound to find ample opportunity for development. British Gains in War. Of course, Britain remains the great colonial nation and the real gainer in colonial expansion by the war. In Africa she has acquired three-quarters Of, a million square miles of German territory, against less than a third as great a gain by France. She has, moreover, rounded out her African es- tate and her road to Cape Town .is now clear. Under British rule the German colonies are bound to marc& rapidly to real prosperity, particularly German East Africa, which is an em- pire in itself. In Asia, too, the great prize is British. Mesopotamia and the first mortgage on Persia together serve as outworks for both Egypt and India. Thus, British manufacturers will find new markets, British shipping new ports, What has already been done in Egypt along the Nile will be repeated in Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and the Euphrates. If war is prevented for another half century it seems almost inevitable that North Africa will be brought back to the prosperity and civilization which it enjoyed under Rome, and even if war comes after only twenty- five years of truce we shall see Moroc- can troops and African troops restor- ing the balance between b"rench and German armies completely. Moreover, in a far shorter time we shall certainly see an enormous trans- formation of Africa; we shall see enormous railway expansion., and out Of this new and peaceful conquest we shall see arising a prosperity which will go far to liquidate the great costs of the recent war. In +cold weather feed about one- third of thescratch grains in the morning and two-thirds at night. In this way the hens are forced to exer- cise more if they receive all the grain they desire at the morning feed. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue!. Remove poi- sons from, little stothach, liver alld bowels Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels, Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." Pioneer Dog 1„emedies Book on DOG DISEASES and now to 7,'ee5 Mailed Fre9 to any Ad- dress by the Author. E. Clay Glover Co., tine. 118 West 31st Street • New York, U.S.A. Coughs arid Colds Mean Restiess Nights which sap the vitality. Danger lurks in every hour a cold is allowed to run. Assist nature to bring your children quickly back to health and strength and avoid serious complications by the prompt use of Gray's Syrup — over 60 years in use. piways y the Largo Sizobu•_�;2y,1,:.,-, CannIngg. Poultry. Just at this season, many poultry keepers are culling their flocks, pre- paratory to the winter laying season, and the "slacker" hens are being dis- posed of, Many housewives find that it pays to can them for an emergency meal or for use next summer. Canning of poultry is not radically different from the canning of fruits or vegetables, the same general princi- ples being followed. Among the gen- eral rules, however, are these: Birds should be killed and dressed the same day of canning; they should be singed, washed, cut up, and cooled as for table use; new rubbers should always be used; covers should be fitted and tested; the time of sterilization is important and should not be Shortened a minute (count time after water around' cans begins to boil). The length of sterilization varies from one and one-half to three hours, according to the method used. Garden cleaningi he fall is as important in its way as housecleaning ,in the spring, whether flowers or vege- tables make up the garden plot. The achievement of garden cleanliness at this season will often do mud). toward insuring healthiness and thriftiness of plants during the next growing sea- son. The foliage and branches of plants which have been attacked by disease or badly infested by insect pests should be cleaned up especially well and burned. Seasonable Models. 1i: Hurrah! Flow's ills 1 y p 0 II tringinnatl authority says corns * I dry vp and lift out a with fingers. 0 Hospitalrecords show that every time you eat a corn you invite lock, jaw or blood poison, which is needless, says a Cincinnati authority, who tells eou,tbat a quarter ounce of a drug called freezone can be -obtained at lit- tle cost from the drug store but is suf. flcient to ricl one's feet of every bard or soft .Corn or callus. You simply apply a few drops of freezone on a tender, aching corn and soreness is instantly relieved. Short. ly .the entire corn can be lifted out, root and all, withput pain. This drug is sticky but dries at once and is claimed to just shrivel up any corn without inflaming or even irri• eating the surrounding tissue or skin. If your wife wears high heels she will be glad to know of this. 0 9135-9044 ,i 9141 No. 9141—Ladies' Coat. Price, 25 cents. Adjustable collar, 51 or 48 -inch length. In 8 sizes, 84 to 48 ins. bust. Size 36 requires,51-inch length, with- out nap, 31/2 yds. 48 ins. wide; with nap, 3 yds. 54 ,ins. wide; 48 -inch length, without nap, 31%h yds. 48 ins. wide; with nap, 2% yds. 54 ins. wide. No. 9135—Ladies' and Misses' Sports Scarf. Price, 20 cents.. Gut in 3 sizes; small, 34, 35; medium, 38, 40; large, 42, 44 ins. bust measure. Small size requires, with or without collar, 1% yds. 44 to 54 ,ins. wide; lining, 1°/s yds. 30 ins. wide. No. 9044—Ladies' Two -Piece Skirt. Price, .20 cents. With or without "caught -under" panels, corded at low- er edge, in 39 or 35 -inch length. Cut in 7 sizes, 22 to 34 ins. waist. Size 20, with "caught -under" panels, 39 - inch length, VA yds. 36 fins. wide, or 3% yds. 40 ins. wide; without panes, 2% yds. 36 or 40 ins. wide. Width around bottom, 11/2 yds. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. Flamingo is a Queer Bird. The flamingo, one of the queerest of birds, sits on its nest while standing straight up, says a writer in the New York Sun. The birds build their nests in shallow ponds, where there is much mud. This they scrape together, Mak- ing little hillocks, like small islands appearing out of the water about a foot and a ha'if from the bottom. They make the foundations broad, and leave a small opening, or hollow pit, at the top, where they deposit their two eggs, the number the flamingo always lays. To hatch them theamingo stands over the nest, with its 'body just above the eggs. It couldn't put its long, awkward legs inside the nest, and to sit on the hillock would jeopardize the eggs. Young flamingoes do not fly readily, although they run very fast. Once they learn to fly they show speed and resemble sky rockets, with their bril- liant red plumage. Flamingoes were first noticed in 1683 by Dampier, on the Cape Verde Islands. Ever since they have been hunted to provide feathers for milady's hats. The Reason. Little Girl (looking over newspaper advertisements)—"Mamma, why do all these boarding houses object to child. ren?" Fond Mamma—"I am sure I don't know. Go and see what the baby is howling about, and tell Johnny to stop throwing things at people in the street, and make George and Kate stop fight- ' ing, and tell Dick if he doesn't stop banging that drum so hard I'll take it 1 away from him." Keys of a piano can be cleaned by wiping them with milk. i ell4 glanced. Cereal That is what Grape -Nuts food is Called, because it supplies the vital mineral elements so often lacking in other foods. provides all the goodness of wheat and barley. It's easily digested and has a wonder;-- fully likable flavor. `v her e s a Reason ``car Grape:Nuts 0 -'v.,: At all Grocers. A, ,,',+i'iY.y ',x++4�,,ev ��'�'('�'1'!4rtinr' 'ee 'v., fvl' 1 Vtii4 is.e.'„t\;�' ls°cr .#4v'n\'-4, .• �A'"' Give Cuticura the Care Of Your Skin And watch that troublesome erup- tion disappear. Bathe with Cuti- cura Soap, dry and apply Cuticura Ointment, For eruptions, rashes, irritations, etc., they are wonder- ful. Nothing so insures a clear skin and good hair as making Cuticura your every -day toilet preparations. Cuticura Soap 26c., Ointment 25 and 60c.. Tal- cum 26c. plus Canadian duties. Sold everywhere. For sntmple each free address: " Caticara, Dept. If, Boston, II. 8. A." His Plunder. A. man will chase a dollar as a, dog would chase a hare, And after it he runs up hill, down dale, and everywhere, And as he keeps pursuing it for many a weary mile It seems as if 'twas shrinking, ing smaller all the while. When. first he starts out after it its 1s huge, immense, But when he catches it at last it looks like thirty cents. grow- Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, — I have used MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and in my family for years, and for the every day ills and accidents of life I consider it has no equal. I would not start on a voyage with- out it if it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. R. DESJARDIN. Schr. "Storke," St. Andre, Kamou- raska. Things Near At Hand, Is your heart burning And your soul yearning Great tasks to do for the few, While all around you Small things abound you Better than others can do? 'Waste not in sighing Time that is flying, Tackle the things near at hand; Small though the deed be, Great may the need be, These should thy service command. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. Cold "Don'ts." ,.This is the season for colds. If you want to avoid one— Don't be afraid of fresh air, It can- not of itself ever give anyone a cold in the head. Don't forget exercise, and a,dd as muck fat as possible to your daily con- sumption of food. Don't overburden yourself with thick clothes. Ventilation as well as warmth should be alined at. Don't toast yourself by the fire. This only heats one side of the body, while the other may be chilled by a current of cold air. Don't treat a cold as a trivial mat- ter. It may lead to influenza and serious illness. Don't sneeze without covering your mouth with a handkerchief. A man with a cold can easily throw his poison germs 12 ft. by a sneeze. Cloves Are Flower Buds, Cloves are the unopened flower buds of an evergreen tree which grows in the Spice Islands.. They are dried in the sun a week and then packed for exportation. aazsal;xx:o,;xMQVS. Classified Advertisements. 1.1NI�Y1 Alts $�E TO 550WI+FILY. /t(1 Advertise--Men Women Start one of our specialty Candy Factories in your home, small room anywhere. (,rand Opportunity. We tell Trow and furnish everything. Candymakers %Reuse, 1819 Itanstead St., Philadelphia, Pet,. 11) USXNLSESF,'S, TORONTO" PROPER 1IIcs, Ontario and Western farms for sale or exchange. Davis, 129 Victoria St„ 'Pot•ento, (1 ANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ICTO., Nei Internal and external, cured without Pain by. our home treatment, Write us before too late. Dr. Beeman MedleeJ Co„ Limited, Col'lingwood,.Ont. At the Theatre. Uncle Garge: " 'Ave yer ':got any good seats inside?" Box Office Clerk: "We've Te've got a few stalls vacant, sir." Uncle Garge: "Now look 'e 'ere, young feller, I may be oop fra t' coun- try, but I ain't no bloomin' hoss!" I2inar .'s r,j-ni 'eat Cues Garget in Cows. Names. Teacher: "And what is your name?" First Pupil: "Jule, sir." Teacher: "Don't say `Jule': say 'Julius.' And what is your name?" Second Pupil: "Bilious, teacher." i FOGGY? 1 If Bilious, Constipated or Headachy take "Cascarets." To -morrow the sun will shine for you. Everything will seem clear, rosy and bright Your system is filled with liver and bowel poison which keeps your skin sallow, your stomach upset, your head foggy and aching. Your meals are turning into poison, gases and acids. Yost cannot feel right. Don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel splendid always by taking Cascarets occasionally. They act without grip- ing or inconvenience. They never sicken you like Calomel, Salts, Oil or nasty, harsh pills. They cost so little too—Cascarets work while you sleep. F8$ S.9.7rF, Alowto .lstwenty other pairs. t id Bros., Bothwell, Ontario. W.1.1.U742D '11/0'211 Aa2t'IJRS= tA'1IAT XIAVF 'YOU? Laprice? lteid Urea, ]3othweil, Ontario, WANTBla WIIrtST CLASS GARAGE MAN. State experience and wages wanted. Reid Bros„ Bothwell, Ont. SITUATIONS Vrvo.a. `l'T., ,t RI YOU LOOK.LNU FOR AN OPEN - .CA. 111E to prove your ability? Or, are you just drifting along on the principle that everything ,comes to him who waits"—without much thought of your efficiency? If you are in the latter class, be up and doing—train your mind and memory so as to be ready for Op- portunity when it comes your way. In other words, Pelmanisel If you know you have ability, why not use the wait. ing moments to improve your efficiency and incidentally acquire that Personality which means so rnuah in seeking Sud - cess? Small town or big city, or on the township side line, it matters not—that Pelman Syctem is eondueted by mail. "Mind and Memory" tells you all about it. It is a book that's free and lays ne obligation upon you to enroll, though you'll be surprised to find how moderate is the fee required. 'W'rite for the b00% and particulars to -day to the Pelma Institute, 786 Temple Building, Toronto, Canada. The starfish has no nose, but it i{ believed that the whole of its under, side is endowed with a sense of smell Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Canada's steam mileage totals 38; 604. KNOCKS OUT PAS THE FIRST ROUND Comforting relief from pairs makes Sloan's the World's Liniment This famous reliever of rheumy+t' e aches, soreness, stiffness, painful sprains, neuralgic pains, and most other external twinges that humanity suffers from, enjoys its great sales because it practically never fails to bring speedy, comforting relief. Always ready for use, it takes little to penetrate without rubbing and pri- duce results. Clean. refreshing. Made in Canada, At all dreg stores. 85c, 70; $1.40. 30 S'i-TACO!J' ldS ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" t+'or Colds, Pain, Headache, Neural- package which contains complete di-' gia, Toothache, Earache, and for rections. Then you are getting real Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin pre- ritis, take Aspirin marked with the scribed by physicians for over nine. Dame "Bayer" or you are not taking teen years. Now made in Canada. lAspiriu at all. Handy tin boxes containingg 12 tab* Accept only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a, few cents. Druggiats Aspirin" in an unbroken "Bayer" also sell larger "Bayer" packages. There is only one Aspirin--,"Bayer"--Yeas must say "Bayer" Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mona acetiraeidester of Salieyllcaeld. while it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer` manufacture,itped withttheirpsneral trade ularle,ithe "gayerhlets Cressv' Bayer Coutnaa$, t.r ,151, Ask Your Drug -gist For r.iles' y ror,9wie,<,} "ar For 1920 T 'is FREE and the best large -figure it Calendar published. It gives the Wea- ther forecast for each day in the year, also time of Sunrise and Sunset and phases of the Moon. "An exceptionally tionally cornplete and useful Calendar!" That's what everybody says. The edition is limited. It is there- fore very important that you call early so that you will be sure to get this splendid free Calendar at the beginning of the yea('. Just go to your druggist, tell him your name 1920 Cal and address, and that you want Dr. Miles ndar. He will do the rest -- ;T` EE. lignsugtessomimmoumszworivalmammuniiitswe ISSUE No. 46—'1f1, ht