HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-11-14, Page 1ZU ICH Vol. XX eeeeee,' RALD ZU'RICH; FRIDAY PiiORNI*G, NOVEMBER 14. 1919. eedil--41--+-4.-40—+-4-4-10--411,-4—+-4.—+-4-4-4-4-16-4-4111 *YOUR HARNESS NEEDS 4 4. 1 4, Itill be prenapily ethmaged lo Lem Sees sleet 4. I DOIMLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARMS, . i • • REPAIRING OF ALL RINDS 1 • Rugg, Blanketa, Bells i e T Full lice of Whip, Sweat Elias, Curry Combs, etc I A Trial Solicited • I FRED THIEL ZURICH I Mrs. J. Hey, Jr. entertained the, teaching titan of the 4' v. S. to a fowl supper one ,evening last week. '• Mr, Wm. Proudfoot;oi Goderich, leader oft he /Await party in the last Legislaturt been aPin,int ed a senator by the Dominion gov ,ernment. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••oossoosas0000safe******0••••••••••••••• PilEETEITS SHOWING OF Fall and Winter Goods You will have a great opportunity to purchase up-to- date merchandise at tempting prices from our large and well assorted 'tock. Fair Week Dress Goods Special Black and colored .Serges in that good all -wool quality, just the, right weight, fine weave, soft finish, 40 inches wide in shades of navy, black, green, burgundy nadbrown. VELOURS AND BROADCLOTM, , • For coats in all wool bright chiffon finish, full 54 inches wide, in shades of nigger, navy, copen grey taupq, prune, black and bur-. gundy. SILK WOOL JERSEY CLOTH Extra heavy wool Jersey Cloth inthe mew shades of Belgian Blue, taupe, brawn, white and navy, width' 36 inches, Areweliteeemgegige LADIES' UNDERWEAR Ladiee' white combrnation in medium weight, all wool, high neck atnd long sleeves. Reasonably priced. Ladies 'cream vest, high, neck andlong sleevest A splendid garm- ent with drawers to match. LADIES' SWEATERS We also have a nice range of ladies' pure wool Sweater Coats mad pulloverin Ali siztls. Men"s Clothing Department THE SNAPPY NEW FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS A. presentation of the cream of the modela. Fabrics, weaves, pat- terns and colors from, the leading apparel makers of Canada. Ineluded are the popular waist seam styles for young tnen. SMART OVERCDOATS FOR YOUNG FELOLWS We are on the mark. We've mad4e special provision for the young man's trade with many new excluive, perfetcl•y tailored suits and Ov coat. A. splendid riper of inen's felt Hats, Shirts, Ties, et .e Phone 39 PREETER Produce Wanted 1 1 1 1 • • 0.0.00101..0.0000.0.000.....mmings..esaamoasve 41r, C. EilVer was a visitor t G on Tuesday.., ; Mis Vieth Green spent the week eeitl, with friends in Exeter,. Jr Eldon Howald, of Stir itford, ;visiting friends here at present. • l&n o our streets are being greatly improved with a coat of gravel. Miss E. Guenther of Daehwoo:l, snimt Sunday at the home of Mr,. • Bennie. ••e Mr. and Mrs. Chu. Weber are., ,visiting relatives at Crosswelt, ,Miehe at present. MiSe „V Siebert is visiting fri- ends at Kitchener, New Hamburg and Platteville at present. Messrs. J. Preeter and N. E. Dalime attended the Boy's Parlia- ment at Exeter on Saturday. Mr. Robert Williams, who ead. been staying near Montreal, for the past few months, has returned to Zurich. Mies Gertrude Weber of Kitch- ener is visiting at the home of her parent e Mr and Mrs. Chas. Weber at present. rM, and Mrs. Levi Makins and family of Seaforth, and Mr. Lloyd Makins visited Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smith On Sunday. Me Hy. Deters, has recently ac- cepted a position from the Massey Haters Coe as agent for their line of farm Implements, at the diatrict of New Hamburg, and will move there shortly. The theory class will meet for the first time on Monday evening, Nov. 24th, at 8 o'clock, at the home. of Miss Elizabeth Rennie. Anyone wishing to join the class 2keitncily band in names by No he. Mr Robert bIcLinchey of the Gos'een Line, Stanley, had 'Mr. 114gDayttnenwitch a well lest July, Hie old well was 260 feet; deep and no water. ler. Mc -t Clinchey dug the new well about 30 feet from the old well only dig- geng 13 feet deep with 8 feet of water in it, Me. Dayman has al- so witched a couple of other wells withgreat succe.ss The monthly business meeting of the Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran Church was held last Wednesday evening at the parsonage. About 45 members attended. The pleas- ant: surprise of the evening was, that 34 mew members were accept ed, this brings the total member- ship to 69. Dues collected a- mounted to $36.85. After the mew members had be- en welcomed and due credit gi en Mrs R. Johnston and Mrs Ferd. Hess for their splendid success in obtaining new members and bus- • Mess. had been transacted, thepas- tor, Rev. H. Rem,be gave a short talk an —Luther from Birth to the age of Twenty-five. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday evening December at the home of Mrs. Ferd. Hess. At this occasion the pastor • will give an illustrated lecture. • . 1 to 1 • • • • • • • • • 2 • so • 4 • • • 4 2 2 • • • .!.4.%.,.*.‘cotl.o."4.1tagret,vat.stott4 VICTORY LOAN Up to Wednesday, Nov. 12:11, Hay Township and Hensall subsc- ribed to the Victory Loan ).919 the sum of $225,550; objective was $17- 000 Stanley and Bayfield $109,300; objective $130,000; Stephen $135.300 objective $150,000; Gray iind I3rue sels $200,800, objective $175,000. In the county $2,857,0.50 has been sub- scriLed, objective $2,700,000. C:inton has won the Princes' flag with 4 trests.. Flags have also been won by Hay Township and Hensall, lett, town of Goderieh, and Sea - fort le PROPERTY CHANGES Mr, Chas. Bell has' sold his res- idence property to Mr. Ed. Beaver who gets possession next Mr. Alex. Mousseau has purchas ed the furniture store o'wnel by Mr Thos. Johnston and his son, Mr Herbert Mousseau, is upenieg a garage on the premises. The, Corporation of the Town - Ship of Hay has purchased the pro - petty npon whiich the central tel- ephone office in 'Lark his loceted from the owner, Mr. A.. :0". Hese. Tine step was deemed necessary by the 'welled owing to the cost of installing the new cable in the °Mee. The stable on the pirern- esea will be toed for storing the telephone 'Supplies., No 19 GIRLS WANTED Can earn as high as $14.00 per week $4.00 to $5.50 per week For Beginners JACKSON CLOTHING CO. HENSALL = ONT. •0. Pli111111111111111N111151111111111:1111111;11,111111111511111501111111l 1111150111111111ifillelle11111M111111111011111111111111111111i11111111111111111142111111;111:21:111111EIRISIMEIMPAIIIM We have opened our ES' E; W ; 1 Papers, Mixed Paints and other lines. NEW GOODS in PlWT ‘GELAT 'CINGHANIRITf We are offering some bargains in • MESH GROCERIES. ALWAYS ON HAND Highest Prioesfor Farm Produce Your wants taken care of R. N. DOUGLAS • PHONE 11 on wr BLAKE IE AummannommumennumummammammEnnommummummummommumemmun .110WHOnselbitiiiirsilligatfeinelitiffe40414f00104HilliNIN4 1 1 1100,4140414§400004..00004,41K4fOMMAmOritifamOorE4**MOMIR4f6Mealt FALL SHOES We carry a complete stock for men, women and children. BUY NOW BEFORE PRICES ADV NCE BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED C. F 1TZ The Shoeman THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 Over 100 Branches Oportunily Shuns Those Upuprepared toGrasp It Start a Savings account today, in The Molsons Bank, and be ready for opportun:ty when it Comes along. • W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch nlyme•IMPO01119/1114..9111116M. The World's Watch Over Time Dealer in Watch es, Clocks, Musicat Instruments, etc. Repairing Promptly Done Hess the Jeweller Phone 67