Zurich Herald, 1919-11-07, Page 8The chilly autumn air reminds you to prepare with warmer clothes, We can supply your wants in all the various lines of heavy Fall and ;wiluter wear. 't Dress Goods Berges, Mohairs, velvets, panarne cloths etc., in new variety of col- ora, at reasonable prices. Silks Aro again in demand for fall wear. See our stock of taffettes, pail feta, etc. Special in Silk Pop:ins in leading hsades. Reg. pric; $ 1.75 to clear $1.35 a yd en's Wear New Suits, Overcoats, Rain coats, underwear, fine shirts. Fall hats and caps, in abundant supply. Come early for best choice. Overalls Good heavy weight overells and smocks itn all sizes. Clearing at $1.85 each. Gascho & Son LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Thursday,) Eggs......... ....................i 54 Butter ... 45 Dried Apples ... "7 Dried Apples ... ... ... 06 Potatoes per bag .. ... 1.25 Dutch Setts ...... ... ... 6%-7 Wheat .: ... ... ... ... 1.95 Oats ... ... ... .. 80 Barley ......... ... ......... 1.25. 1.25 A,56-fl.1QE 45.00 50.00 16 25 +++++++++++++++4.+44+4.4.4-444444+++++++++++4444+++++++44 •i•:l••s~r•k•i••kd••t +•1•+++4 +•£4• 4.41.4••. ep.l••1••i••l•++ a••l••i •F•°•1••i•d••?~•1•o°•II•++++ l,.l„4+.,4 Buckwheat ...... Flour ... ... ... Bran ......... ... Shorts ......... Hoga LAL NEWS Mr, aind Mrs. C. L. Smith spent Sunday at Dashwood. Mises V Siebert aind M. Rout- ledge spent the week -end with friends at Dashwood. Mrs Fitzgerald and son, and Mr, D4cCu'tcheon, of London, vis- ited at the bone of Mrs. S. Rennie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mittelholtz are moving into Mrs. M. McCormick's house at the corner of Victoria and Queen Sts. Mr. Mittelholtz has• accepted a position with Messrs. Stade & Weida as tinsmith. The members of the Ladies'.Lid of the. Lutheran church were enter- tained or Wednesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. L. J. Kraft. A very pleas- ,+ ant social evening was spent. We have in stock a * The first snow of the season' fell large supply of 4 HEATERS .l. •i• and .l. 4. of the following $ leading makes RANGES to choose from: 4- ReCo, Treasure, Happy 1. Thought and Grand Jewel. Also Regal I and Elegant Peninsular Baseburners, Per- I Peninsular, Fi F f ecti°on and Blue flame coal oil Heaters. 4. + 4. 4. 3 We also carry a complete lime of Heayy amd shelf Hardware e d' Tinware, granite -ware, .Aluminum, Paints, Oils, Varnishes ; + Glass, Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Halters, Auto Oils, Greases, ? .f. Accessories, Goodyear Auto Tires, at best prices. .g. .4 sT DE &WEIDO +. + .+ t PREETER BLOCK - ZURICH 4. + 4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ a fa • h c1isT.ow areThirsig Victory Loan 1919 Is Bridge Between War and Peace. Agricultural and Industrial Pros- perity of Canada Depends on Success of the Loan. Why is it necessary to have another Victory Loan? Have you heard this query? Or have you asked it? The Victory Loan of this year stands out as the bridge between war and peace. The war is over. Our boys won that. The reconstruction period is dawning and we at home must win that. Much of the money that Canada is asking for will be needed to clean up the war debt. The expenses of demobilization were heavy, and there is still much of it unpaid. Now that our men are back, let it not be said that we repudiated the debt for bringing them back. The sick and wounded soldiers still in hospitals are expecting that Can- ada will care for them and their de- pendents until they have been re- turned to health and strength. The hospital services must be maintained at full strength as long as there are returned men needing attention. Many men through disability are unable to return to their pre-war occupations. The Department of Sol- i diers' Civil Re-establishment is do- ing a fine work in training returned soldiers in trades and professions that they can earn ;a living at, and is following up the training and see- ing that they obtain remunerative employment. The maintaining of this branch of reconstructive service calls for much funds, and the Victory Loch will be used to _pay for it as well as the other purposes. Under the Soldiers' Land Settle- ment Act, enough money is lent to returned soldiers to enable them to buy and stock a farm. This money will be repaid at a low rate of in- terest. The soldier is thus given a chance to re -instate himself in civil life, and production is given a boost. Of the total amount of the forth- coming loan, $24,000,000 has been apportioned to finance these soldier - farmers. Pensions to the disabled and de - as walk Room II, for the mointh of Sept- asathe authorizr ed gratulorious ties�will bet ember andd October. other items on. the expense sheet.; Jr. III;- Mildred Geiger 84; An- These are some of the obligations na Mittelholtz 81, Dorothy Breerneee-caesiefeVeto the returned soldier what 79; Leonard Prang 74, Evelyn Du- charme 73;. Kenneth Koehler 69. Claude Meidinger 68, Luella Reich - chert 68, Vernon Davidson 67, Leon success. The money is needed t aril Wagner 67; Austin Hey SG, Wes, .Callfas 66, Elmore Leibold 60 Alvin Gascho 45. Sr. II; -Helen Foster 86; Marth- Heideman 81, Agnes Dietrich 79; on Tuesday night. The weather has been cold and disagreeable all week. The strike of the coal rain ers is cauoing uneasiness among those who have not yet received their supply for the winter. Al- though the .majority in the village have been able to secure a suf- ficient quantity, still some have recei 17ed a shovelful. The shortage may cause hardship and discomfort, Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT The following is the Report of is ` neer in health. The maintaining of Canada's pros- perity is an important reason why the; 'Victory Loan should be a smashin ITER GINES are farmers' best friends. When the old wind- mill fails to "water the cows" be prepared with a UNITED to pump water. And for scores of other jobs your UNITED will save you hund- reds of dollars. Run the washing machine, the cream separator, churn, grindstone and many other machines with this Handy, Reliable Power Plant. United 13/4 H. P. Specifications are Unequaled 33/4 M. Bore. 5 in. Stroke. 18 in. Fly Wheels weigh 40 lbs. each. Total approximate weight 350 pounds. "Air Valve" fuel -saver carbur• dtor. Ouiek Speed Changing Device. Ask Us for Prices on All Size Engines IES ,+ PRANG, Sole Agent ZU RICt finance the credits to overseas coun tries so that they may continue thei trade relations with us. If Canada cannot give these credits other coun- tries will, and then Canada will lose all that great overseas trade that has Beulah Koehler 78, Gladys '12elick, been the mainstay of our agricultural 76, Angela Mittleholtz 75, Francis and industrial life for so long. Dietrich 6.4, Vice ;Diechert 63, Ar- As an investment Victory Bonds are son Keller 61, Hazel Bedard 57, eminent. Paying 5% per cent., seIl- ing above par on the open market, and guaranteed by the Dominion— what further reason can you have for hesitating? The Victory Loan 1919 ought to be oversubscribed, and all right-thinking citizens will do their utmost to see that such.• a re- sult is obtained. Mervyn Schwalm 55. Jr. II; -Stella Callfas 86, Doro- thy tZettle 85, Russell Ducharme 76 Edward Brenner 75, Willie Neeb 70 Goldie Uttley 59, Alice Dietz 5.1, Rose Albrecht 40. Average attendance 31., 0. M. (Aileen, teacher'. Report of Room III for the month of October, based on pun- ctuality. and perfect work. • • Jr. IV ;-Luella Decher 431, Eleanor Ducharme 426, Madelena' Mriainger 396, Ethel Deitrich 392, Marguerite Prang 376, Ed.mund Be dard 375, Frances Mittelholtz 372, Ortha Melick 372, Newell Geiger 371, Milton Hey 363, Lloyd Wolper 360, Gerald Bedard '301, Theodore Deichert 186. Sr. III;- Lizzie Leibold 388, Lu1u Albrecht 373, Lillian Rader 363, &u - sten Schwalm: 362, John Kochenes 254, Elda Callfas 347, Ivan Yungbhit 347, Edwin Gascho 346, Ruth Bren- ner 341, Frieda Deichert 286. Sr. III (b); -Idella Howald 357, Garnet Wolper 386, Ethel Hess 350 Irene Decher 314. Gordon Schwalm 301, Raymond Fisher 294, Fred. Da'vidsom 241, Gilbert Ducharme 221. 1 F. Kalbfle's2h teacher SETT ONIO NNS WANTED 7 tents trade or 6a cents cash per id. for sett onions. Bring them at once. . Melick & Braun: HELLO THERE; I can't hear you. The cause is your telephone needs a pair of batteries, Call at Hess the Jeweller for , Phone Batteries of high amperage, ASTO R I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years hlways'bears the ,w• !y areae of lease TO CARE FOR WOUNDED Money From Victory Loan Will Be Used to Re-establish Soldiers. Our soldiers in France faced perils other than those of shell and •gas and machine-gun fire. There was the peril of tuberculosis. Up to August last 3,909 soldiers suffering from this disease had been returned to Canada. These were placed in sani- toriunis under the direction of the Department of Soldiers' Civil Re- establishment, and they are one of the departments of that branch that must be maintained, and come under the head of capital war outlay. All of these men and some 20,000 others, disabled or ill, will be' looked after with money raised through the Victory Loan 1919. It is the sacred duty of ,Canadians that the money is forthcoming. Credits Must Be Established for Sale of Surplus Products. STOVES Now is the time to buy that mew stove. you have beeu wanting the past few years. Stove prices are still clim- bing. and owing to the steel strikes and labor troubles, shipments of stoves and steel products will be slow end irregular. We have bought, a good stock of leading makes im advance, and can still give you prompt service, and at moderate prices. Wehaindh McCiarys celebrated Pandora, Doherty's High Oven and Panquet (Steel Range) (guaranteedd for period of 25 years(.. Weealso can supply you with Hard Coal Heaters Base Burners (with and without oven. Also several smaller stovers namely Oak Stoves and Tortoise Stoves. We have a good 2nd hand Base Burner with oven good as new at a bargain $45.00. SPECIAL Aluminumware Sets We are offering a few sets of alumenum consisting of 4 pieces, Stewing Kettle, Utility, Kettle wkth lid double Boiler, and coffee percolator at $8.50 cash or separate or piece may be had at $2,25. Tese are bargains don't fail to get one of these sets. Zurich's Busy Store Melick r Bra ,n PHONE 63 w Neckwear The Besi: is none too good foe you. Your new suit will set one oft hese richly colored Silk Ties off te'perfection. We've bought dozens of stylish Ties, new shipments have arrived. We lrnow they'll please YOU. V LLU ES, 75c to 83.00. Denomy Bros. Zurich The Prince of Wales A lerge photo of the popu'ar heir to the Throne for all Herald read.. • ers. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal have seeped theex- elusive rights for all Canada for a real good photo, 16x22 incheae, of the Prince of Wales. It is by VanDyke, the celebrated London, England photographer, taken on the eve of the Primce's departure for Canada. The Herald has made arrangements with the Family Herald and Weekly Star whereby we are permitted to include the Prince'ia photo in a clubbing offer. We now make the following offer, good only until December 31st,1919 The Fam'ly Herald and Weekly Star one year, cost $1.25. The Zurich Herald one year, $1 25. We offer both papers for one yea.reach, and an outographed copy of the Prince of Wales portrait, size 16x22 inches, all for $2.35. All orders to be sent to this office, l HERALD Priintong Co. Zurich. WARNING-Th:s offer is good only until 31st 1919, when it is ann- ounced the price of The Family Herald will be $1,50 a year. Success of Victory- Loan 1919 Will Insure Steady IVlarkets for harmers. It takes some six bushels of wheat to feed the average person in Canada annually. Roughly, therefore, the eight million people here consume about 50,000,000 bushels each year. But even hi a poor year the crop is some five times that amount, and the surplus must be sold if the farm- ers arc to get a return for their time and labor. But the sale of the crop must be finwnct•d, Great Britain, which provides our greatest market, has not the ready cash; and so'Can- ada must find means of raising the money. Hence the Victory Loan 1919. in view of the tart that the pros' perity of th' trot, euon is dependent to a consideraler resent upon the sale of h r +;err ),. ;rain the neees city of the Snore,, ing forthcoming is patent. _... A visit to our store will secure you a • REAL �: {�{ GAIN ,_ Ladies' and Me 's Rain Coats, La dies Voile and Silk waists and all Summer Dress Goods, New Fall Blouses in Georgette white, flesh, maize and peach $7.50 1 y t to $10.00 Men's Sults in different shades and styles. $17, $19, $21, $23, 25, 2:, EverySuit a Bargain Fall and Winter (,Underwear, work ..mitts mad Gloves, Overalls and Jackets; New Fall Hats, Cans, Soc ks, Umbrellas and Sweaters. Ladies' Skirts, latest styles in bro way, nave, black and taupe. PRICE $6.00 Ladies' silk gloves in grey, black, white, taupe and tan. Ladies dark blue apron 85a, and $1. Fresh celery and peaches every S aturday and on Fair Day. Order t - 1 Early. Feltex looks and wears better than liteoleum. Live Poultry taken every Wednes ..clay. Highest Market Prices. 1 resq Groceries at all times Buttericl ,Patterns For Sale Phone 78 TWuRM Phone "