Zurich Herald, 1919-11-07, Page 5A Carload of XXXXX CEDAR SHIN :A I .,ES has arrived, Best Quality. F. C. Kalbileith, Zurich Massey= Harris Implements WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCAL AGENTS FOF THE CELEBRATED MASS +Y -HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY AI44 YOUR WANTS IN THE LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS ALSO REPAIRS FOR MACHINERY, PLOW- POINTS, ETC. GIVE US A CALL Casr Wal er Zurich - - eta FOR SALE Pew fresh high grade Holstein heifers for sale. Good milkers and in good conddition. Clues. Gingerich, 13i miles north of Blake BOAR FOR SERVICE e Thorobrad Improved Berkshire boar for .servile, of a fine type. J. Hey, Jr. Zurich. HAY COUNCIL Say Council met for its regul- ar session on Saturday, November lst, 199. All rnember' were pres- ent. ' The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Mr, John McBride was appointed Inspector of the West Branch Dr ailn in place of Mr. Peter Deichert_ Jr., resigned. The following orders were oil_, when he glides out of bed in the ered to be passed. moaning he never wastes any time J Laporte, selecting Jurors, $4,00 tr•yiing to pick out the right tint F,. F Klopp, ditto, 4.00; A. F. lie,ss of socks, suspenders and necktie ditto, 5.03; M. M. Nestii:t for C.Rup .that will blend with the general of 3 months 39,00; F. W. Farneombe, feet, fees ;e inspection W. Smith award IN MEMORIAM 15 85; G. Holtzman itsurance : on Hall 15,00; Herald, printing re Moritz—In sad but ever loving telephone, 27.50; ditto re township memory of Alice Pearl, beloved 29.50; Hydro for Hall 4.19; freight wife of John Moritz, Ca valier, N. and express, tel sup, 31.90; Ger, D., and eldest beloved daughter of J. Theil, teaming tel. poles 30.90; Mr. and Mrs. IIy. Truemner, Zurich, W. Jarrott, grading with tractor, who fell asleep in Jesus on No r. icon, 6-7 4.00; 0. Miller, repeiring .gib, 1918, culverts con, 14-15, 18.25; Roy Web-.. er, labor re telephone 33.25; Ii, G.• Home to Jesus, home to Glory, Hess, livery re tel. 61.15; ditto lab -1 Every wave of trouble o'er or 34.80: express 17.03; fre'ght on She is now with other loved ones, poles 31.00, total 143.98; Bell Tel.' Ont hat happy peaceful shore. Co poles 246.81; Nor. Electric Co. Sleep in peace, dear Alice, Co, supplies 651.12, C. Eilbee grad . 'Tis sweet to breath your name ing 3.00; W. Smith wrk .re ditch a- In life we loved you very dearly, ward 78.00; W. Caldwell, inspector In death we do the same. . Elk Creel: H.S.D. 10.68; C. Badour, Ln your grave calmly sleeping, stringers for bridge 10.00; N. ser- While your spirit shines above, eras, digging te'ephone post 'holes Safe in your Saviour's keeping 32.00: Jos Corriveau, Sr.. repairing Wanting for those you lo ved. cul col 10-L.R.E. 20.00; D. Ginger -1 Sadly missed by Husband, Par- ich, rep. cul con 10-11 5.00; M. Tine ents, Sisters and brother. ey, repairing cul con 5, 10.25; Vic. Fee, dile across rd eon. 4, 2.75; F. Ducharme repairing rd L. R. E. ' 2,60; A. Baker rep and gra e. rd pt Blake to lake 135.00; P. Deichert Jr., inspector W. B. drain, 5.50. The council adjourned to meet again on Monday, Dee. 1st, at 1 »clock, p. m. A. F. Hess, Clerk. IA NEW USE FOR THE (AEROPLANE The Department of Agriculture at Ottawa has discovered a new use for the aeroplane. The Ent- omological Branch is investig;tting the mosquito in the Lower Fraser Valley in British Columbia. By using the aeroplane, the country can be surveyed in order to mop out the swampy areas and other breeding places that are readily lo- cated in photographs taken from, over heed, accordingly to a stat- eimient by Dr. C. Gordon Hewitt, Dominion Entomologist, that ap- pears, in the October Agricultural Gazette The aeroplane was used iin making a. comprehensive survey Of the complicated water system of the Fraser River and the adjacent bodies of permanent and Eempor' ary water in that district. .9. fli- ght reported by Dr. Hewitt has de nronstr'ated the possibility of us- ing this machine a'so for making ,surveys o; timber that is being killed or has already been destroy ed by various insects. Its use, it is believed, will help very greatly in the entolnelogiral work with war i. ious mss, . cts being eatit. „�,� cl on by the Federal, Pepertnlent 'of .;' gri- iceul'tui'b, ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST tMr•. and Mrs. W. B. Colles ret- urned front heir holidays last Friday. Mr, 0. Thte, of Calgary, .Ata , has accepted a position with M. P. Bender as shoemaker. This rich bit of sane common sense appeared recently in an Ont- ario weekly, and is worthy of be-. trig preserved in every family scrap album, "The happiest man in the world is then common, ev- ery day chap, who makes his own living, pays his own debts and has the respect of his neighbors. FIe saves a little money as he goes along, but doesn't try to get a corner on his local output and he is .not a slave to ambition or soc- iety He never expects to- wear out his trousers in the senate, and WORKING CLASSES B ACK- BONE OF LOAN • Their $500 and Under Subscrip- Stions Are Required to Make new Victory Loan a Success. Every little bit counts. Let no :citizen of Canada who has faith in the future of his country withold his financial help to the new Vie - tory Loan enterprise because he is only able to afford $100. He should take heart from the fact that the working classes for- med the backbone of the subscr- ibers to last year's Victory Loan There were no fewer than 707,70: subscribers of $500 and under and their subscriptiotas amounted to over $100,000,000. Now if ever y suoseri er of $500 a:nd under last year were to resol- ve to double the amount of their subscriptions during the present ef- fort the Loan would be on the str- aight road to success. The work-. ling classes stand to benefit consul- erable from the wise use of the' working capital provided by the Victory Loan. They have shared in the prosperity which has been CANADA'S FUTURE DEPENDS ON LOAN Steady Employment find Prosperity Hangs on Victory4,omn. Canada's future prosperity depends to a great extent upon the success Of the Victory Loan. No country can exist upon trade within its own boun- daries. Canada counts on the trade with Great Britain and' other allied countries to keep the flood of good times in the country. The surplus products of the farm and the factory find their way across the seas. The revenue of the karmer and the manufacturer is dependent on this trade relationship being suss tained. The employment of many hands depends on the orders that come to the firm. The pay envelope only comes with steady employment. Great Britain and overseas conn- tries are still desirous of continuing trade relations, but, overwhelmed with war expenses, they must be given credits for the time being. The farmer and the manufacturer must be paid for their products and manu- factured articles in cash. Therefore. Canada must finance the proposition to keep the tide of commerce coming this way. But in order to have the money on hand to do this great thing, Canada must bol row from her people. The Victory Loan offers bonds to subscribers paying 51,E per cent. in- terest. The guarantee behind the bonds makes them an absolutely safe investment. Victory Bonds are ac- cepted as collateral at any bank, and can easily be turned into money at a profit. it is then to the interests of every Canadian to subscribe for all the Victory Bonds he can, for it is profitable, it is patriotic, and it is necessary for the continued pros- perity of the country. CANADA NEEDS MONEY War Expenditures Still to Be Met From Proceeds of Vic- tory Loan. The war is over and won; but Can- ada's main expenditures for war will not be complete until well on into 1920. The $610,000,000 raised last year has all been spent, $400,000,000 having been largely devoted tpp sol- diers—to maintaining them, Sift- ing them home, providing the neces-' Bary medical services, training them. Most of the balance of the loan was lent to Great Britain to enable her to buy our surplus products. And money is still necessary — for sol- diers, for providing markets, for our surplus products, for the needs of reconstruction. And that is why an- other Victory Loan is necessary. Canada still needs money, and needs it badly. A Good Investment. Speculation is one thing. Invest- ment is another. The majority of citizens want an investment, not a speculation. And they want a safe investment. Victory Bonds fill that requirement as does no other invest- ment. Because behind every bond there is the national wealth of Can- ada— a wealth so great that it stag- gers the imagination. Canadian Bank Clearings. That Canada is well able to sup- port the Victory Loan is clearly shown by the Canadian bank clear- ings for the current year. They in- dicate that the year's total will ex- ceed aceed $15,000,000,000 compared with $13,776,000,000 in 1918. And the year's total clearings should be three times those of 1909. Must Subscribe More Dividing the people of Canada into three classes — the comparatively poor, the moderately wealthy, and the very 'wealthy — it would seem that if contributions to the Victory Loans constitute service to the na- tion, the moderately wealthy class is hardly doing its share, 'Of the money subscribed to the Victory Loan 1918, two hundred and seventy-one'million dollars were in bonds of $5,000 and under, ninety-four millions in bonds of between $5,000 and $25,- 000, and three hundred and one mil- lions in bonds of $25,000 and over. Be true to yourself. Buy Victory Bonds. You did it before. You can do it again. Buy Victory, Bonds. Your dollar may be the last straw that sweeps the Victory Loan over the top. Would you take the chance the good fortune of Canada luring of making it a failure? the war an 1 after, and /hay will Lend your money that participate in the advantages of your pay the trade and business which will; follow llowpo may be always idled , as will the success of the Victory continuo during the reeonstruciien Loan. period as the effect of their fiat -1 •tial help and co-operation. Victory Bonds are the fodder that Let the slogan of the average, keeps the machinery 'of Canada's in- man and woman in Canadali .I Onstrial world running at full speed* e "Double last year's subscription,'> and all will bo well wills. the Vie!: • ory Loan; 1910, sem Baking Alm In clear glass door is only one of the ' modern features of this dependable range. Its baking qualities you know.. The cooking top will take the boiler either , across or lengthwise, making it easy to cook the regular dinner on wash -day. t, Grates work smoothly. Hot water reservoir is enamel; and may be removed for cleaning. A dependable ther- mometer takes all guess -work out of baking. No other range will quite satisfy you once you see the Pandora. WCIdry's Pandora , 13 FOR SALE BY L. TIEMAN, DASHWOO U MELICK & BRAUN, ZURICH as.v,+{..ta,.::«. W. .0 T. U• NOTES BAR TOBACCO, RAISE FOOD WOMEN URGE Washington, Oct. 28.—Gloomy news for 6mA:ens, The wives of several million farm els are out wtih the W. C, T. U. to knife Lady Nicotine and rid the nation of , her seductive charms. The National congress of farm wo- men, wheeh opened in Hagestown, Md„ to -day wild present a resol- ution• to congress pe i ionin;; tor the leg:,elation to prohili_ the ;,row ling of tabbaco in the Uni_ed Stat- es. "Not that we think smoking a vice," explained Mrs. Benigria G. Dalb of Houston, Texas, secretary of the congress, "but we. do feel that eating is more essential,. If 'we're goiing to get enough to feed ourselves' and Europe until Europe is rehabi'itated, we'll have have to produce more food. "There are about 1,370.000 acres in this country devoted to tobacco growing. We want to have this immense acreage converted to the raising of food crops." A PREMIUM FOR PURE'' BRED RAMS 'Any sheep ra.ser who purchases l a' pure bred regaster'ed ram of any recognized breed recorded in the Canadaiae National Live Stock Re cords or eligible for such registr- 1 a'ti,o;n for use in his own flock, and who has not previously send a pure bred registered ram shall be . entitled to the annual premium of $5.00 for two consecutive yearn pr- ovided he will comply with the re- gulations specified in Pamph'e: No. 19 Information concerning the Policy Rgearding Pure Bred Rams. issued byt he Live Stock Branch, Ottawa. This pamplet will be sent free upon applieation to the Publications Branch, Department of Agjriculture, Ottawa. It has be- en, decided that the best way to move the value of pure bred rams is to help every sheep raiser, who has not previously used a pure bred ram• to iuse his own flock for demonstrating the e•a'.ue of this practice Therefore the Dominion Department of Agriculture will grant to bona fide applicants who comply with the above mentioned regulations a sum of $5,00 annually for two years, for each pure bred rgeietered ram. No individdual sheep raiser sahll be permitted to receive premiums for more than four rams Regular forms to be used in making applications under th,s policy are to be found in the back of Pamphlet No. 19. One of he provincial high scho-1 '01 inspectors has suggested an iinnobetion which already has been put into practice in some 'chools in Eastern Ontario. He suggests a uniform. dress for the girls— a white middy with blue collar,bla_k cliffs an•ic ie and blue serge skirt. Gymnasium bloomers should he worn on days that calisthenics are held. ,Accordi'ng to report, the new spee•m has met with the :tp- probat ^n 01 almost everybody, as it does away with elaborate 7arbs which are unconsciously contrasted with the dress of other students. - —�---- FOR' SALE A good second hand Savage 22 Caliber Repeating Rifle: W G. Hess, Zurich, w COUNTER CHUCK BOOKS Do not let your supply of Cou ; nter Check Books run too low. We sell Applefotd s check books, first-class in every respect. Let us have your order. +y.`trio: i1;M: 4ih. v. iirgtii'1"i, 4 C 1aikrz V64WY. %.+n�diR,Tnt1?l.ri'5,44•• 2.5 ThesebyPromotirr9Dites kiCheerftineSSandlestlreniains neither OpiTum,IMorphine n rd tSlCrc�l, i`t'O i"�AROO'T1�i liieezpreOId1)r.frlY Ptcapiia Ecru= A,Jx Secld maze/$.5,7,4 ih Sagar -S,glyravi tam? A� hetp:ea F�medy foF C oiled polattd Digi r hnQl and Fevristness and oS01+SL P iesti#t3rott rc gon. i Tat•Sinte Sisnaittre of F' � g, Tae C,,ENTAUR COti X MONTREAL Fu NEW YOPK. tikt x Exact Copy of Wrapper. For Infants and Children. pothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In !Ise For Over Thirty dears tH6 CLNTAUN COMPANY. NLTN Vont K Crtr. r edeterlee HENSALL Sam Horton of this village has sold his farm near Lumley to Ar- thur Jones. Mr F. W. Smallacombe, of Bin- scarth, Man., is visiting old friends herr:, Mr. Kennedy of London recently i demonstrated Nukol in our vil- lage The soldier's memorial will lik- ely be erected in front of our town lhall. sE. Mr. Jas Parks was ane of the prize winners at the plowing match in Chatham ----+---- BANK SA.VINCS $1.50 per HEAD. Canada le Position to Lend Four Times More Than Victory Loin Objective. The success of the Victory Loan should pe overwhelm;ng. With savings bank deposits totalling $1,227,000,000 and the co-operation of depositors and bankers Victory Loan workers have good material j upon which to work. The figures are taken from the official statement of the Canadian chartered banks issued at Ottawa They show another good increase lin savings bank deposits, amount iing to $30,000,000 over the August figures and of $189,000 000 over Sep- tember 1918. The savings of the people are quite apart from the commercial ances They represent the thrift and economy which Canadians are} are pract'sing in view of th:. Loan campaign, and it is eminently sat- isfactory to fin 1 that they ,work out at over $150 fog' every Can't 1- ian man. woman and child on ov- er $750 per family. As inddices to prospc'rtiy and in- dustry $1,227.000,000 in saviings banks, deposits arc eloquent, in- deed. BUSINESS CARDS PROLTUFOUT, KULLOltAN, & COOKE, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &e. Office, ou the Square, 2nd door from Humiitou St. Goderich. Private funds to loan at low,�est rates roO PnouoT, K. 0. J. L. KTLLO1UN. H. J. I). COO$E. Mr. Co3ke will be in Hensall on Friday and Saturday of each week. SIMItgleCeo OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co. unty of Huron, Sales conductedin any part of the county. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed Address Zurich, R. R. No. 2, or phone Zurich. LIVE P O U LT RV WANTED TAKEN EVERY SATURDAY FORENOON Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in, H ighest Cask Prices ---CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich Delaware & Hudson Co.'s Kr COAL Also soft coal. Our terms are cash on delivery. Cantolon HENSALL ONT.