Zurich Herald, 1919-10-31, Page 8The chilly autumn air reminds you to prepare with warmer clothes,
We cab supply your wants in all the varioue linea of heavy Fall and
winter wear.
Dress Goods
Serges, Mohairs, velvets, paname clothe etc., in new variety of col-
ors, a'.- reasonable prices.
Are again in demand for fall wear. See our stock of toilettes, pail
lets. etc. Special in Silk Pop'ins in leading hsades.
Reg. pried $1.75 to clear $1,35 a yd
Men's Wear
New Suits, Overcoats, Rain coats, underwear, fine shirts. Fall
hats and caps, in abundant supply. Come early for best choice.
Good heavy weight overells and smocks in all sizes.
Clearing at $1.85 each.
J. Gascho & Son
+ 4 4.• +++++++•1•++-F+4 41.i• ++++++++++++++ +4+
We have in stock a
''' �''�'� large supply of
.>i. �. HEATERS
Peninsular, FiReCo, Treasure, Happy
Thought and Grand Jewel. Also Regal
and Elegant Peninsular Baseburners, Per-
rection and Blue flame coal oil Heaters.
of the following
leading makes
to choose from:
- a-
We also carry a complete lime of Heavy and shelf Hardware
ee Tinware, granite -ware, Alluminum, Paints, Oils, Varnishes
1:. Glass, Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Halters, Auto- Oils, ureases,
4 Accessories, Goodyear Auto Tires, at best prices.
are farmers' best friends. When the old wind-
mill fails to "water the cows" be prepared with
a UNITED to pump water. And for scores of
other jobs your UNITED will save you hund-
reds of dollars. Run the washing machine, the
cream separator, churn, grindstone and many
other machines with
this Handy, -Reliable
Power Plant.
13/4 H. P. Specifications
are Unequaled
Ain. Bore, 5 M. Stroke, 18 in. lily Wheels
weigh 40 lbs. each. Total approximate weight
350 pounds. "Air Valve" fuel -saver =bur -
titer. Quick Speed Changing Device.
Ask Us for Prices on A11 Sloe Aglow
Ili 40 te 10
4110 .4, GO SI 1111 1111
,foie Agent
Micas Maida Routledge is spend
itng a few days at London.
Mrs, Geol. Brock of Hensel'
visiting at the home of Mrs. J.
1SSrs. (Dr.) B. Campbell is visit-
ing a few (days at London this
A number of town attended the
concert at Hensen last Friday `e'v
Mrs J J. Merner and son, Ted
of Seaforth, visited relatives here
on Wednesday.
Mrs. W. L. Siebert is attending
the convention of the Wom;ensf
Institute at London this week, as
a delegate of the local branch.
LOST -On Monday evening in t
,Zurich, a Rug, at corner of Zurich
road and Goshen Line. Finder
return to Herald office.
The France of Wa,es' vise: to
Canada is about to end. The the-
a,;sunds who have seen him want to
see him again. He has certainly
wan the hearts of all Canada. The
;Family Herald and Weekly Star
of Montreal with characteristic en-
'terpriee have secured a real life-
like portrait of the Prince, 16x22
Niches, that should be in every Can
adian home. It is a very pleasing
,portrait and bears a copy of the
Princes' autograph. The Family
'Herald sends a copy of this por-
trait free to all Family Herald
subscribers for 1920. The subsc-
miption price of that great family
paper is $L25 a year, big value in
itself, but with the Prince's, port-
rait certainly is the greatest val-
ue ever offered. The Famity HIere
ald and Weekly Star will be kept
busy booking orders, as the de -
e -nand has set in with a rush. Peo-
ple who are not subscribers to the
Family Herald and Weekly Star,
have no idea. of the treat they are
The wiring for the motor and
lights for the glove factory has
been completed and operations
will commence in a few days.
The majority in Ontario against
liquor is expected to reach, about
350,000, which means that the el-
ectors voted about 2 to 1. against
it being sold in any form except
under the doctor's prescription.
Since Kitchener has worked rip a
reputation as being one place in
(Canada where a man can have hits
thirst quenched with little difficul-
ty it is said the immigration there
vastly outruns the accoanodation.
Owiing to the high rate of ex-
change on New York, the Post -
office Department has issued in-
structions that no further postal
notes whatever will be sold for
remiitainee to the United States.
When ordering your sale bills
you would find it of great advan-
tage to have the list of articles al-
so run in (the Herald. The Herald
covers a very wide field and pos-
sibly one bid would more than
cover the extra cost.
M.sa Elizabeth Rennie is forming
a class in theory. This class will
meet once a week. for the study
of the theoretr:,cal part of music.
No previous knowledge of music
is 'necessary to become a member
of the class, i,n .fact anyone who
has never had' the;. liance'to study'
musk' should, especially make use
of this opportunity. Any inion
mation will be gladly' given by
Miss Rennie. No age limit, any
person interested in music can be-.
come a member by paying amen
fee. Names to be handed to Miss
Rennie before Nov. 15.
It seems probable that in the
near future the United States wlil
export more coal than any other,
country Before 1914 both Great I
Britian and Germany surpassed; I
but during the twelve months that
preceded July, 1919, Great Britian
exported only about half as much1
as before the war, and, according
to the London lEconomist, it is lik-I
ely- to export a third less during
the twelve months following July
1919, The terms of the peace tre-
aty takes so much coal land away
from Germany that it can export
little except what it must supply
to Fralnce.
Only $2.50 Everywhere In North
Thirty-five volumes of the best
reading -in weekly installments -
for least has five cents a weal.
That is just what The Youth's Com
panion offer for 1920 really means
The contents of the new volume,
which will include 8 serial stor-
ies, over 200 short stories, fifty or
more articles by men of distinction
sketches and special departments,
would make 35 good Volumes (at
$1.65 each, if published in nook
form. And there is now a uni-
form flat price of $2,50 to all sub-
scribers in Canada and the United
If you subscribe as soon as you
see this notice you will receive all
the extra mentioned in the follow-
ing offer, including many of Capt.
Theodore Roberts's Up -river Folk
New subscribers for 1920 will re-
1. The Youth's .Companion - 1%2 is-
tsues iln 1920.
r2. All remaining weekly 1919 is-
3. The Compan'on Home Calendar
for 1920.
All the above only $2.50 every-
where in North America.
887 Commonwealth Ave., Boston,
New Subscriptions Received at this
Some Striking Figures of Sav-
ings Deposits from Bank State-
ments for August.
A. otal of $1,196,632,931 in sav-
Ings bank deposits is a gratifying
report that many of the countries
which have emerged from war
would be glad to report to -day.
This is the position of Canada as
revealed in the bank statement for
The amount is $181,9.21,066 better
than the same month last year, not
withstanding the fact ,that a good
part of it -las transferred to last
year's $600,000,000 Victory Loan, and
is $21,540,7778 better than July of
this year•
This is a promising outlook for
the Victory Loan campaign which
is at present being carried on. If
the depositors_ in Canada's savings
balnks were to say the word, they
could subscribe the $300,000,000 ask
ed nearly four times over. The
success of the present effort should
"be overwhelming.
That uniformity of type, that
low setness of conformation which
we see in the popular Scotch Sho-
rt3aornsof to ,day dxd,net happen
by, •cjtance le it ', was eth ;fled ': Out aq
an ideal by Amos Cruickshank, the
most: famous breeder' of Shorthorn,
cattle. He had set himself aro
ideal of what he thhought the Sh-
orthorn should be. He bought up
good stock itn his day from where -
ever he could get it.
One of Amos Cruickshenk's gre-
at developments was the bull Ch-
ampion of England; it is said that
Manly through the use of this
bull the now famous Scotch strain
of Shorthorns was produced, -
really a new strain of cattle, very
popular, one that everybody was
alnedous to get. Animals of this
breeding have been great show
yard winners.
7 cents trade or 6Ys cents cash per
Mi. for sett onions. Bring them
at once. Melick & Braun.
I can't hear you.
The cause is your telephone
needs a pair of batteries. Call
at ,Hess the Jeweller for Phone.
Batteries of high amperage.
Few choicely bred White Leg-
horn cockerels. Apply A. P.
Hess, 'Zurich:
Twine accounts are now past -
due. (Oct, 1ste Melick & Braun.
All empty Canada Cementsacks
outstanding should be returned at
once if possible. Me;ick&Braun.
-----'a•-- --
We carry in stock at all times
a complete line of all makes of
plow points but do not stock job-
bers points We get our points
from firms that make the plow and
will fit better than jobbers points.
We are sole agents for Zurich for
these. repair s. L. Prang. '
For Infants and Children
hi Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
the leSignature of
Now is the time to buy that new stove. you have been
wanting the past few years. Stove prices are still clim-
bing. and owing to the steel strikes and labor troubles,
shipments of stoves and steel products will be slow and
irregular. We have bought. a. good stock of leading
makes in advance, and can still give you prompt service,
and at moderate prices. Wehandle McClarya celebrated
Pandora, Doherty's High Oven and Banquet (Steel Range)
(guaranteedd for period of 25 years(..
We also can supply you with !
Hard Coal Heaters
Base Burners (with and without oven. Also several
smaller stovers namely Oak Stoves and Tortoise Stoves,
We have a good 2nd hand Base Burner with oven good
as new at a bargain $45.00.
Aluminumware Sets
We are offering a few sets of aluminum consisting of
4 pieces, Stewing Kettle, Utility, Kettle with lid double
Boiler, and coffee percolator at $8.50 cash or separate or
piece may be had at $2,25. Tese are bargains don't fail to
get cine of these sets.
Zurich's Busy Store
eliek ( Braun
New Neckwear
The Best: is none too good for you. Your new suit will set
one oft hese richly colored Silk Ties off to perfection. We'rve
bought dozens of stylish Ties, new shipments have arrived. We
know they'll please YOU.
V :&LU EIS, The to $3.00.
Denomy Bros.
The Prince of Wales
A lenge. photo of the popular heir to the Throne for all Herald read-
The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal have se:.ured theleY-
elusive rights for all Canada tor a real good photo, 16x22 inches,
of the Prince of Wales. It is by VanDyke, the celebrated London,
England photographer, taken on the eve of the Pri'nce's departure
far Canada,
The Herald has made arrangements with the Family Herald and.
Weekly Star whereby we are permitted to include the Prince}e
photo in a clubbing offer.
We now make the following offer, good only until December 31at,1919
The Fam;ly Herald and Weekly Star one year, cost $1.25.
The Zurich Herald one year, $1251,
We offer both papers for one ye'i.reach, and an outograplied copy of
the Prince of Wales portrait, size 1&x22 inches, all for $2.35.
All orders to be sent to this office,
HERALD Printong Co. Zurich.
WARNING -This offer is good only until 31st 1919, when it is :ann-
ounced the price of The Family Herald will be $1,50 a year.
A visit to our store will secure you a
Ladies' and Men's Rain Coats, La dies Voile and Silk waists and all
Summer Dress Goods.
New Fall Blouses in Georgette white, flesh, maize and peach $7,50
I I ( to $10.00
Meh's Sante in different. shades and styles. $17, $19, $21, $23, 25, 27,
Every Suit a Bargain
Fall and Winter Underwear, work mitts mad Gloves, Overalls and
Jackets, New Fall Hats, Caps, Soc ks, Umbrellas and Sweaters.
Ladies' Skirts, latest styles 1in(/�,bra .wai, naye, black and taupe.
PRICE $6+00
Ladies' silk gloves in grey, black, white, taupe and tan.
Ladies dark blue apron 85c. and $1.
Fresh celery and peaches every S aturday and on Fair Day. Order
1 Early.
Feltex looks and wears better than liteoloum!.
Live Poultry taken every Wednes=
day. Highest Market Prices.
Fresci Groceries at all tines
Butterick Patterns For Sale
Phare 78 TL WURM !h0 1