HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-10-31, Page 4II for Ceild ,••••7177,71, Canada fOl'a Canadians! This is a call to National Service— The Victory Loan 1919 which opens to -day. VDU are citizens of no mean country: Canada is a fair, free land. Canada is your country. Canada—now—has need to borrow from you---T-Lend: Lend without restraint of politics or fine distinctions of creed or party. The leaders of the political—parties endOise the Loan. It is CANADA that asks: • ;. And why— To clean up the last of the War's comMitments and expenses; To establish beyond all question the capacity and credit of your country; To care for the wounded and maimed soldier; To finance the bonus of the returned 'sqidier already paid; To enable the fruits of Victory to be garnered; To ensure the prosperity of you, her citizens. The guns of war are silent—but they are not yet cool. The Victory Loan 1919 is a War Loan. Canada's book of war is gloriously written—make this, the closing chapter, worthy one. The,responsi 'LENDJ -/-*,‘ k 4 See 0Xcial Prosfiecias an another )5age. LEND! LEAD 1 c Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-ofieration with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada. OR a 617 CRED1TON Rev. S. M. Hauch attended there opening of the Evangelical church Rev. M. Whiting is taking a post graduate course in a university in New York While sawing wood the other day, .John F. Smith cut his arm see erel y when it came in contact with the saw while reaching for an oil can. "Oh, dear," exclaimed the volun teer farrnerette, gazing in des- pair at the cow, "1 wish someone. would tell me which handle to pull to get the cream" Shoe Sale Buy your Shoes now and Save Money We are putting on a 15 day sale Oct, 11th to OOet. 25th. E Very pair of shohs, rubbers, etc., will be sold at bottom prices. OTI et some of these bargains while the stock astL Yon an 3 ave money here. Call and .see our bargain. Jos., IS es Bedard DrysdaIe BLAKE. uoIssitunwo ae}exa have under consideration the inst- The regular Octpber m.eeting ailing of a 15 h. p. motor, and of the Womens' Institute was held pump combined at a cost of $27, - at the home of Mrs. A. J. MacDon- 00.00 to give better service in the ald. There was a good attend- ance. The meeting was opened iin the usual way, and after the business and roll call was dispos- ed with, a number of very inter- esting papers were given, follow- ed. by selections on the piano. The meeting chased by singing the Nat- ional antherit The' November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. G. Freck- leton. The roll call will be resp- onded to by Xml s suggest en S. All ladies are cordially invited to at-, tend. Mrs Edighoffer returned home after spend'ng several weeks With friends in Fullerton. Mrs. Geo Pollock of Zurich vis- sioin on Nov. 1st. ited at the home of Mrs. Jas, Dinsmore last week. STANLEY TO'WNSHIP. water works department. Mr. Lloyd Rivers, son of Mr. and at Waterloo last Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Ricers of town, was dec- orated with the military Medal for conspicuous liravery overseas by the Prince of Wales at London last Thursday. The Women's Institute of Exet- er recently shipped a box of can- ned fruit, books and toys to the Children's Shelter at Goderich, Dr. and Mrs. F. Rodrigues and three daughters of India are vis- iting relatives here, Dr. McGillicuddy has sold his medical practice here to Dr. Gra- ham, of Rodney who takes posses - Miss Helen Tough is at present visiting friends in Seaforth. Mrs Geo. Armstrong and chil- drn of Brucefield visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Zapfe. Mr. Robert Boyes and son of ; ,rtrnondville spent last week on their farm north of Blake, EXETER While noting as deputy returlig officer, Samuel Hodgins. one of the prominent men of Bitidulph, died, 01 linarf, Talmo, the trenches. Forty medals Were given, a across with three bars for the boys who had served in France the medal eontaining the name. of the recipient and also of the don ers, the Council of Stanley Town- ship. Ralph Stephenson has purchased. the 50 -acre farm of Chas. Farqu- har which lies along side his own farm, the price paid is $5,,000. d Mr. We. Harvey has sold his pasture farm on Parr Line to Jas. McClymont and Wm. Logan for $2,500, A, reception was held at Goshen church last Friday eve. ih honor of Loyd Keys who has just returned from over -seas, during the even- ing he was presented with a sig- net ring. On Oct. 15th a very enthus:astia gathering was held in the. Towcp'- ship Hall at Varna when the fJ0- uneil presented meda's to the boys whoserved their country in the late war Thera was a good pro I grant of rriusc, songs., etc., pro e- ided by local talent, and .addrea- ses by Mr W. H. Johnson, of Kip -- pen, Rev. D. Johnston, of Varna, and Capt. S, E. 1VIcKegney, rector of St Pauls church, Clinton, a. veteran of the war, who recounted some of his experiences while in HENSALL. TEN .COMMANDMENTS 00,F AUTO DRIVINGr • 1 Driveon the right side of the road; A's just as good as the left, . ,2 Slow down when approachiog a erossroad; it is nearly as clan- - gerous as a railroad crossing. 3—Look out for childdren, You . can never tell what they'll do,and you're always in the wrong if you. . hit 4mTlrey: to help instead of hinder ,the traffic officer; he's there for your good, and he's got a tough IA job. 5 Bo sure that your 'diminere' really dim; it's no joke driving in- to a blinding glare, as you prob- ably know:, 6 Read and obey the warning signs; they are not put up as orn- aments 7 If you feel youlve got to speed—do it where it wont kill anybody but yourself. 8 When makng minor repai's, stop where your car may be seen from. both directions; otherwise you may stop longer than you an- ticipate, 9 Speeding around corners is a straight route to the hospital.11on't race past a stopped street car. Some day the jury may call it manslaugh4.e.... 10 Use d'screation. The fact that you had the right of way wont bring anybody back to life—least of all yourself. AT THE KIRK "The new meenister gave us a . gran' ,sermon this mornin'. "Och, ay. it was awfu' fine. But • d'ye ken he read ATP "Read it; a' cared - if he'd whistled it." _ THE WISE DOC A member of the national med- ieal association tells the following story at the expense of a physic- ian; "Are you sure," an anxious pat— ient once asked—"are you sure 1 shall recover? I have herd that doctors have sometimes given wr- ong diagnoses and treated a pat- ient for pneumonia who afterwards died of typhoid fever." "You have been wofully misin- formed," replied the physician in- dignantly. "If I treat a man for pnetun.onia, he dies of pneumonia. AN APPROPRIATE ENDING A correspondent of the Denver News writes; Last Saturday an elder announced; "Owing to a misunderstanding, the supply ar- ranged for in the absence of the regular pastor there will be no ser- - vice. The congregation will rise - and sing 'Praise God from. Whom all Blessings Flow' and be dismis- sed. Mrs. R Campbell and daughter, Miss Nellie, have left for Ontario, Cal., where they will reside. On 16th Oct., Miss Sarah Lavine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. 1V.I. Harburn, florist, was united in mar nage to Mr. Maurice Ray Johnst- on, son of Mr. Chas. Johnston, of Varna. They will reside in Flint, Mich. PRESENT STANDING- OF PART- IES IN LEGISLATURE United Farmers 45, Liberals 29, Conservatives 25, Labor 11, soldi- er 1 In adddition to this, a. recou nt has been demanded in Genere- ille, which may increase the United Farmers by one and reduce the Conservative ranks by the same amount. Leslie Mitchell, whose farm, is located a short distance south- east of London, in the vicinity of Pond Mills, is reported to have ds covered oil on his property while digging for water. The oil was reached at 85 feet from; the surfaze and a sample has been secured for examination as to its commenial possibilities "What is your name, little boy? inquired the hindergartener of ie - new pupil. "I don't know,'esaid ' the little boy, bashfully. "Well, what does• father cell on?" the, black sm ith 1 -moil) cos of Th os 1 Sharpe and has taken possession, "I dontknow,') still more bash- fully , o "How doees your mother A masquerade dance will be held 1 en,,, here to -night, Oet. 31st, The Lon- ' l' 11 you when the griddle cakes i are mc' den Harpers will furnish the mus- liearileo iiv, new pp ua, done?" "She don't call T 1 there 01r.,1 dy," i A. movement is under way to have Heneall 'take advantage of the Housing Act to provide more houses for the village. Mr. Chas Jinks and E. Bates at- tended the plowing and tractor de- monstration at Chatham last week Mr. Geo. Brock, has purchased LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Thursday.) Eggs Butter Dried Apples Dried Apples ... Potatoes per bag ...... 1.25, Dutch Setts Wheat.............................8095, Oats Barley 1.25. Buckwheat 1.25. 0.50--0.10p 15.00 50.00, 16.25 51, 15, 7 Brain . Shorts Hogs FOR SALE Few fresh high grade Holstein heifers for sale. Good milkers and in good conddition. Chris. Gingerich, 14 miles north of Blake- ••••••=•••••11101.10.01100MMINIINIMISOIMPIZIMIPANINNINIMIONIIIMMIN...MO•01. CIDER MILL WILL BE OPERATED EVERY rIONDAY AND THURSDAY VNT1L FURTHER NOTICE Menno Steckle • NORTH OF BLAKE *411,....r=11.116.97/1)..9FIRCIIP.6.11.8012.••••4011.1.11• NOTICE have taken over Massey -Harris repairs. Full stock of everything. A.10, plow points, etc, J. 3. B A RRY BOAR FOR SERVICE Thorohred Impro'ved 13erkshire, hoar for service, of -a line type. J. Hey, Jr, Zurich.