HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-10-24, Page 8The chilly autumn air reminds you to prepare with warmer clothes.
We can supply your wants in all the v ariove. lines of heavy Fall and
;winter weary 1 i
ress tmds
Serges, Mohairs, velvets, paname cloths eta, M new variety of col-
ors, a; reasonable prices. . , i i . i t 1 t ; f.
a: it
ie demand for fall wear. See our stock of taffettes, pail
Sl:etea1 in Sill: Pop ins in leading hsades.
Are again
lets eta
to clear $1.35 a yd
res e2r
New Suits, Overcoats, Rath coats, underwear, fine shirts, Fall
hats and caps, in abundant supply. Conte early for best choice.
ve I. Hs
Good heavy weight overells and smocks in all sizes.
Clearing at $1.85 each.
C: , ;Son .
44++ +++++++++++++++++++a -e++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ E+
We have in stock a
large supply of
of the following
leading makes
to choose from:
+ +
+ - +
ete'f+ 4-
+ , n;n .
f\y� /�
,§ �1.. ? tom:. ( +
—f OPEN/NSULAR�" h 4.
t Peninsular, FiReCo3.
, Treasure, Happy
• Thought and Grand Jewel. Also Regal I
and Elegant Peninsular Baseburners, Per I
• fection and Blue flame .coal oil Heaters.
+ • We also carry a complete lime of Heavy and shelf Hardware
.� Tinware, granite -ware, Allumin um, Paints, Oils, Varnishes .'r�.
Glass, Rotes, Blankets, Trunks, Halters, Auto Oils, Greases, ;+
.� Accessories, Goodyear Auto Tires, at best prices,
L ,,,,, +
yen'.D:� �. .+•. =i !� E I D1/4,0, f:i
• +
are farmers' best friends. When the old wind-
mill fails to "water the cows" be prepared with
a UNITED to pump water. And for scores of
other jobs your UNITED will save you hund-
reds of dollars. Run the washing machine, the
cream separator, churn, grindstone and many
other machines with
this Handy, Reliable
Power Plant.
United 134 H. P. Specifications
are Unequaled
334 in. 13oro, 5 in, Stroke, 18 in. Fly Wheels
weigh 40 lbs. each. Total approximate weight
350 pounds. "Air Valve" fuel saver carbur.
ator, Quick Speed Changing Device.
Ash Us for Ptices on dill Size Engines
—�, rot.
Agent e L I
Get as much of the Victory Loan
as you can handle --it will be your
last chance to subscribe to a Can-
adian Victory Loan. It will. :tot
be taxable u'niess your income ex-
ceeds $2,000 with an additional ex-
emption of $200 for each child un-
der 16 years,
Mr, Ezra Koe]aler. on Wednesday
had the+ misfortune to receive ser-
ious injuries to one of his hands,
whet, it came between the longue
et a wagon and a cement wall.
The flesh oln one finger was badly
tor., and he will be laid up for
some time as a result,
'1'l1+> Rally Day ,services held in
the Evangelleal. church last Bun -
1n loving memory of S.tdie
Woods who died at Brigden Ont.
on October 26th, 1918.
One year has passed, our hearts
stili sore
As time goes on, we miss her more
One of the dearest, one of the best,
We miss her most who loved her
Oftirnes we sit and think of ner
When we are alone;
For memory is the only thing
That grief can call its own.
Some day we hope to meet her
Some day, we know not when,
We shall clasp her hand in a getter
And never part again.
day were well attended. The Father, Mcteer, Bro.hert and
chureh was decorated with the �5[siers''
fruits of the field and garden and'
the services serrvices were most in:eresti.rg, IN MEMORIAM
A f;rne program was given in the
evening by the scholars and choir.
The :Busks of the cora are extra
third:, the trees are loaded with
ruts, and the squirrels are laying
in a big store. The musk rats
are building their homes and lay-
ing away large quantities of roots
and rnfany other signs are for a
long severe winter, so pronounce
the weather prophets who say
these signs never fail
!Zuri,eh needs a dumping gro-
und foe rubbish, tin cans, etc. Since
the big swamp has alt 'ween purch-
ased or leased by private parties
the outlet its now cut off and peo-
ple are at a loss where to get rid
of the .stuff. One party, a little
more. intelligent (?1 than the ord-
inary, took a novel way to get his
overplus stock of cans, old tinware
etc. He packed it in a sack and
the other night when the hydro
was off for a short time; carried
it to the basement oftthe Township
Hall and deposited it near the fur-
nace. The caretaker found :t these
and it is there yet for public insp-
ectio'n, A fine dumping' ground,
TIO doubt, but not large enough!.
The village should bay a piece of
land suitably! oeated for this prir-
The Elections
The Hearst government was
badly defeated a.t the polis on Mori'
day and a number of cabinet min
inters, including' th.e leader, Sir
Willdam Hearst, were left behind
the turn -over. The U. F. 0.
will have over forty seats in the,
next Legislature, the Conservativ-
es and liberals each about 28 se-
ats and the balance will be rep-.
resented by- labor dna independe
nts. None of the parties willl
have a clear working majority
and it is a possibility that another
provincial election will have to be
held within a year.
The contest in South Huro.i was
a three -cornered one, and this
with the addition of the women
voters made a forecast of the re-
sult a difficult one. Mr. A. Hicks-
ickethe U. F. 0. candidate, took an
early lead and as returns ;vere ,re-
ceived from the townships his
majority grew. He le d his op-
ponents in all places except in the
larger towns and villages. Air.
Morgan and Mr. Ellerington re-
ceived about an equal number of
votes. The supporters of Mr
Hicks fee; highly elated over the
result in South Huron and in the
The. following is the unofficial
result of the vote in Hay Town.9hip
In loving memory of l.va, bell-
oved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hy.
cher, who died at Preston, on
Oct,{. 25th, 1918.
Days of sadness still come o'er tis.
Tears and silence often flow,
For memory keeps her ever near
Tho' she died one year ago.
Bitter griefs or shocks severe;
Departed one we loved so dear,
Our loss is great, wee'll not eom-
But trust in God to meet again.
Gone never to be forgotten.
Father mother, sisters and bro-
Twine accounts are now past -
due (Oct. 1st.) Melick & Braun.
All empty Canada Cement sacks
outstanding should be returned at
°nee if possible. Melick&Braun,
Noev its the time to buy that new stove, you have been
wanting the past few years, Stove prices are still clim-
bing, and owing to the eteel strikes and labor troubles,
shipments of stoves and steel products will be slow and
irregular. We have bought, a good stock of leading
snakes itn advance, and can still give you prompt service,
and at moderate prices. Wehandlo McClasys celebrated
Pandora, Doherty's High Oven and Panquet (Steel Range)
(guaranteedd for period of 25 years(
We also can supply you with
Coal Heaters
Base Burners (with and without oven, Also several
smaller stovers namely Oalc Stoves and Tortoise Stoves.
We have a good 2nd hand Base Burner with oven good
As new at a bargain $45.00.
S : , Ea,
Alu inurnware S -_ is
We are offering a few sets of alum'iinurn consisting of
4 pieces, Stewing Kettle, Utility, Kettle with lid double
Boiler, and coffee percolator at $8,50 cash or separate or
piece may be had at $2.25. 'Tse are bargains don't fail to
get otne of these sets.
Oleic Bra
PHOffa E x:63
)hti^�'tr"�` rI :,."• 4tini.+v,WG. F, L•.'i3v 0.k , 9..w„r',vlf r +rn i ...
irAlf4 M 7.41;.,
Tersey cow, middle aged, fresh,
good milker. Apply to Ed. dart
man, 1 mile north of Blake.
Pure Bred White Rock cocker-
els, $1' each. E. Bosseeiberry.
We carry in stock at all times
a complete line of all makes of
plow points but do not stock job-
bers points We get our points
from firms that make the plow and
will fit better than jobbers points,
We are sole agents Por Zurich for
these repairs. L. prang
Leichester Sheep, twenty-six
Grade Cattle, eleven Horses, one
Yorkshire Sow and litter, also
Farm Implements, etc., at Lot 4,
Coin. 2, Bayfield Road, Goderichi
Township, (one and a -half miles
south of Goder:ch; on TUESDAY
October 28th, at 1 o'clock p. rn•.
T. Gundry. J.W.&Isaac Salkeld,
Aurtioinser. 1'roprieto r3.
From east part lot 24, on, 8,
Hay, a oineeyear old red heifer.
Notify Mr. J. B. Forrest or Mr.
Wm. Love, R. R. No. 3, Zurich.
Poll Ellerington Hicks Morgan The Prince of Wales has captured
1 19 18 80 the hearts of alt Canada. Rich
2 14 64 34 and poor, old and young, are etl-
3 52 56 121 raptured with his easy manner and
45 27 113 106 59 happy expression. He is so die"
6 34 1125 13 ferent to what many expected.
48 No wonder a great demand has
7 28 44 16 been ;created for a real life -like,
8 11 91 25 portrait of our popular futureK'ng
Majority for Hicks, 221. Incom- Photographers and art:sts ha,+e
plete returns give Mr. Hicks over failed to secure a satisfactory snap.
600 majority in South. Huron, shot of the Royal visitor. He was
not here to pose for them,,' It re-
mained -for The Family Herald and
Weekly Star of Montreal to sec-
ure a portrait that would be eat -
factory, and they have succeeded.!
Just before leaving for Canada the
Prince gave a si;ecial »!:ting to the
celebrated London, Eng, photogr-
apher, VanDyke, The agents of
The Herald were instructed to see -
ere the right to reproducce it in
Canada, and that great weekly is
now offering -it to its reader's.
It is expected that Ontario has
oted "No" by over 100,000 [najor-
ity on the four ques'.ions on there!
erendum ballot. The returns are
not complete bul what have vecn
received indicate alarge major-
ity for a continued dry Ontario.
The .larger cities voted wet but
the .smaller 'centers and rural:id-
itngs voted dry in large numbers.
Bay township is also in thedry
column th',s time, Incomplete re- The Herald has succeeded i!n
turns give the vote as follows; making an arrangement with the
qucstion Yes No
1 501 732
2 547 702
3 544 704
4 610 637
Family Herald and Weekly Sitar
by wh'nh our readers may have a
copy, Our announcement wet be
found on page 8. The demand for
thee picture in Canada will be en-
Some, of the townships in .South` or.nous, and we advise our readers
Huron voted 8 to 1 in the -NO' to take advantage of the oppor-
x, + tueity wi.heut delay,
Cali and e e our
Coat Sweaters.. :warm Underwear Gloves
Hats Caps Raincoats Suits
Large range to choose from.
Denomy ros. Zurich
The Prince of Wales
A le.rge photo of the popu:ar noir to the Throne for all herald read-
The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal have se.urecl thepx..
elusive rights for .all Canada tor a real good photo, 16x22 ifncheg,,
of the Priince of Wales. It is by VanDyke, the celebrated Londoc.,
England photographer, taken on the eve of the Prince's departure
for Canada,
The Herald has made arrangements with the Family Herald and
Weekly Star whereby we are permitted to include the Princely
photo in a clubbing offer.
\'4 re now make th.e following oifer,good only until December 31st,191,5
The Pam'ly Herald and Weekly Star one year, cost $1,25,
The !Zurich Herald one year, $1.20.
We offer both papers for one ye•area.ch, and an autographed copy of
the Prince of Wales portrait, size 16x22 inches, all for $2.35.
All orders to be sent to this office,
t l r' ' t. i r , , t . HERALD Printong Co. Zurich.
WARNING—This offer is goad only until 31st 1919, when it is ann-
ounced the price of The Family Herald will be $1.59 a year.
A visit to our store will secure you a
Ladies' and Me.r's Rain Coats, La dies Voile and Silk waists and all
Summer Dress Goods.
New Fall Blouses en Georgette white, flesh, maize ,and ,peach $7.5G
< to $10,00
Men's Suits in different shades and styles'. $17, $19, $21, $23, 25, 2i{ '
Every Suit a
Fall and Winter Underwear, work mitts mad Gloves, Overalls aadl
Jackets, New Fall Hats, Cams, Soc ks, Umbrellas and Sweaters.
Ladies' Skirts, latest styles in bro w,n, nava, black and taupe.
PRICE $6.00
Ladies' silk gloves in grey, black, white, taupe and tan.
Ladies dark blue apron 85e. and $1.
Fresh celery and peaches every S aturday and on Fair Day. Order
1 Early.
Feltex looks and wears better than linoleum!.
Live Poultry taken every Wednes=
day. Highest Market Prices.
Fresli Groceries at all times
Butterk.ck Patterns For Salle
hone 78 T. 3+n! 1- y' � ,'r ; hone 78
is rw