HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-10-24, Page 1URICH Voi. XX R L ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 24, 1919. No 16 YOUR HARNESS NEEDS Will be promptly attended to here. See:us about DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS Rugs, Blankets, Bells Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc A Trial Solicited FRED THIEL ZURICH 44 -4t -9"4--..t. 40 4. .19 4. 4. + It. + + eseetwooeceseesesompoosoessoseasagmeoeseamose • 0 • • • • • • • -0 alislaluseammaismonrutsum.,.......aasussgurgromampavsonameasnmEMMIxamo Mr. W. F. Braun was in London Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Southeot,and children, have left for California where they will spend the winter. Mr. W. B. ICOIles, manager of the local branch, of the Maisons Bank, is having two. weeks holi- days. 6566 00 08860000080 • SHOWING OF F 410 • 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 .0 0 -0 ,• •0 0 • • 11 and inter G MONIMG1101...411811•111110 M O.Vriteis making large ishipments of celery at prese.tt. Rev. Mr. St. Clair, of Centralia, Was a visitor in the village oalYlon day. Rev. P. 47- Meyer is atteorling., the S. S. iqabVention at Torinto this week. Mr. and Mrs. .L Wein of Cred- iton spent Sunday at the home if Melick. rM. R.."*.P.eStade, tax collector for Uy township, has started oe his annual rounas. te?..:party who borrdwe :axle of meelicavy sledges return same a ()nee, L. Prang. Dr. ande!Irs. E. W. Stoskopf re- turliedelertia chener on Meade af- ter a. Pleasant visit with. relatives. here. 084000"'G.0 o° The political meetings held in O the Town Hall last Thursday and • Friday nights were largely at- tended; • O LOST—On Monday evening ln • Zurich, a Rug, at corner of Zurich • road •and Goshen Line. Finder • • return to Herald office. Mr. John Laporte, reeve of Hay • nship, has secured one of the • • county tractors and road gredels, • • and the outfit is doing good work • on the roads in the township. Mr. Alex Rennie recently brought • a hunch of hens to Mr. W. O'Br 1 which averaged. 7% lbs. each. One hen weighed 9% lbs. This is the' kind of fowl to raise at the pres- ent time when the prices areeigh. rM Peter Haberer brought a bunch of ripe raspberries to our office on Tuesday which. looked 'very appetizing at this time of the year. They are of the ever- _ bearing variety. fwee •4 , change has been made :n the 6,3 bee of the morning services in 0. the Lutheran church 1egirnthgx ect Sunday. The services 1.1l O at 10 a. m, instead of 10.3u, and • Sunday School immediately atter 2 the sereicee. • • Mr. Moses Geiger returned home • on Saturday from a few months to visit with relatives in Saskatche w- • • an. While away he visited dif- O ferent parts of that province, also • • .Manitoba and Dakota and speaks • very highly of the western comers% • Th te executors of the estate 01 late Samuel Boehler have.old • the is the 50 -acre farm, 13 miles south if • e Zurich, to Mr. David Dualia.rme, who gets possession in :December • 0 00 ods 0 0 0 0 • • • You will have a great opportunity to purchase up -to- • _date merchandise at tempting prices from our large and well assorted...ttfixtk. Fair Week Dress Goods Special Black and colored Serges in that good all -wool quality, just the right weight, fine weave, soft finish, 40 inches wide in shades of navy. black, green, burgundy nadbrowtn. VELOURS AND BROADCLOTOS. For coats in all wool bright chiffon finish, full 54 inches wide, in shades of nigger, navy, copen grey taupe, prnne, black and bur- gundy, SILK WOOL JERSEY CLOTH Extra. Ilea.vy wool Jersey Cloth bathe new shades of Belgian Blue, taupe, brown, white and navy, width 36 inches. .reeeee LADIES' UNDERWEAR Ladieswhite combination in medium, weight, all wool, high neck arid long sleeves. Reasonably priced. Ladies' 'cream vest, high neck andlang sleevest A splendid garm- ent with drawers to match. , • LADIES' SWEATERS • 0 1 0 00 0 0 0 • 0• • 0 0 • 0 • • 0 0 0 • 0• • 0 • • • • Phone • 4weeeVtent We also have a nice range of ladies' pure wool Sweater Coats nad pullovers in all sizes. lot en's De art THE SNAPPY NEW FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS A presentation of the cream of the models. Fabrics, weaves, pat- terns and colors from the leading apparel makers of Canada. Included are the popular waist seam styles for young men. SMART OVERC,00ATS FOR YOUNG FELOLWS We are on the mark. We've =die special provision for the young man's trade with many new exeluive, perfetcly tailored suits and Ov 'ercoate, A splendid ngaer of men's felt Hats, Shirts, Ties, et .c 7,0,4101444 »'flt.Ptw r. 0011 4. 122===IISEN1111201.. 59 Produce Wanted 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 • 00 0 0 • 00• • 0 • • • • • 0 0• a 00 • • 0• 00 • • • 0 0a 0 0 0 00 0 •*•;3060.,:.orKz.eti.s::. B4iet 64D8(00,17M3 --',Zeffe:43:Melktbolgilf•00, next. The 50 -acre grass farm, be- ing part of lot 14, con 11, Hay, has"i'''" been purchased by Mr. Wililam Koehler. 0101MIZIMMEIRRESMINIMAC2ZSCREIEE31 J earn as hig as $14.00 per ,week $4.00 to $5.50 per week For Beginners CKS1014 CLOT HENSALL = AC; 4 ...NO, t0.0. 11111111111;11111111iIIIIIIIIIRIN111116111111111111111MiiIIIIII 111111:1111111111111111111SIIIIIIIMIIIiiIIIIIIIIMMIlli11211111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111illliiiiENIMINIIIMIN We have opened our NW GOODS in 1: PRINTS' (GLATEM MligHAM 8 NW. i We are offering some bargains in :=1 Wall Papers, Mixed Paints and other lines. FRESH GROCERIES ALWA.YS ON HND Highest Pricesfor"Farin Produce '&1 Your wants taken care of R. N. 0 LICiLAS Ig PHONE 11 on 97 BLAKE AillIlliiii1101111111Tliiiillt111111111111111illili19121111111IIINIIIIIIIIIMMINIIIIIIDIMIIM1111111r111141111M111111111VISMINIENI111101111 -71352ic@mref f 4.,44Eff -,,ak.E441,6af Hav413:01f ftiat214Z+ The glove factory in Zurich ce. pects to begin operations next Monday or Tuesday. The powe.! lines have been extended from the 4. flour mill to the factory and the ' motor and lights are being th- stalled, Miss Hilton, the fore - lady, is in charge and nine or ten 'ee .girls and women will be employed at the start. • V. L CANVASSERS The 'Victory Loan campaign 'Jill be started next Monday. Huron county's objective is $2,700,000 end Messrs. Wm. Lamont and John Laporte will look after the west portion of Hay Township. 'rh bonds wilt be sold at par, will bear 53 per cent intcee•s' and run eith- er five of fifteen years, W. C. T. U. NOTES A. largely attended meetine.of the W, C. T. U. was held at the home of Mrs. A. Geiger, Wednee day evening Oct. 15. The meeting was opened w;t7.1 sNiging alter which the busine was transacted, Eight new •meee- here were received in this iing. In the edueat'onal earl 'el 'or the Pres:clent the bane'. which was sub milted to the people was invent:- ly explained, and ee_s raw vote en, The Rennie Queeette then favored the ladies with a re!ee 1In Mrs, Meyer vondueted the deve'- !one! exerSses and Tlev, rife gave a few remarks on the SI of Power. ,As ()int!, af the memllers, Mrs, Sotitheott, was leavin:r )ar locality, the rein of the t.n'ntr was spent in a 1o(i1 alter whieh the Ptties served tuncht 9). We carry a complete stock for men, women and children. BUY NOW BEFORE PRICES ADVANCE BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED C. FRITZ The Shoeman 700440104114462000e4fewta-411.444areere0+ileeem2.1eireveVrelifteztficomme4. 021.11.4k11*.....16.01114.06,4144=...... 1 THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 Over 100 Branches Opor!unity Shuns Those Upnprepared toGrasp 11 Start a Savings account today, in The Molsons Bank, and Ix., ready for opportuulty when it Comes along. W. B. COLLES Manager. Zurich Branch 4.0440¢g......1.4.444*.1.170.1*4.444rNIntli4104014e01.47'leiene.411.r,t .41 The Virld's Watch Over Time D.,aler in Watch es, Clocks, Musical Instruments, etc. Repairing Promptly Done Hess the Jeweller 4 4