Zurich Herald, 1919-09-19, Page 4Alcohol is Po.n
Doctors Say It Is a Genace
In Any and All IF rin
FIVE ounces of alcohol will kill a full-
grown healthy rnan within ten hours.
Taken in smaller but repeated doses
alcohol lets him live longer but gets him in
the end. All alcoholic beverages are poison,
slow or swift.
Medical science has established that
alcohol is a poison and a narcotic chemically
related to ether and chloroform, and not a
stimulant. A man was once brought out of
ether -who had taken eight ounces, and a man
was once brought out of chloroform who had
taken 22Y2 ounces, but no man ever reviv-
ed who swallowed five ounces of alcohol at
a single dose. The unconsciousness or
coma produced by alcohol if not brokers
within ten or twelve hours is followed by
practically certain death.
Alcohol as medicine has 'been expelled from the American Pharma-
copoeia by the American Medical Association.
5'`' ` icoh 1 in
• cy
beer of the ballot contains 2.51% alcohol by weight -over twice
as strong as the -''beer of the Ontario Temperance Act (2.50 Proof
%irifs). The Beer of the Ballot is intoxicating. Three glasses of the
Beer of the Ballot contains as much alcohol as a glass of whiskey.
When you are asked are you in favor of beer containing 2.51 % alco-
hol by weight—in shops, bars, or anywhere else, vote
Save yourself, save your family, save your country for the destiny
God intended unhaz dicapped by "booze."
Be careful—mark your ballot after each question with an X under the
column headed "No," or your vote will be lost to Temperance.
f9 9
o, t. 'z.
Treasurer. 0 f ice -Chairman and Secretary,
,(1001 Excelsior Life Bldg.,Toronto.)
DASHWOOD her parents, Mr, and Mrs, C
' \Valper, Zurich.
Mrs. A. J. Brunner has returned' Mr. George Koch spent a fe
to Chicago after an extended visit: days in Toronto recently,
with h?r parents' rIIENSALL.—
.31r. mid Mrs. J. Dietrich, of
4Shipl1a, Mr. an:l ItI;'s. ii. Eidt of
3+'0 .•st and Mr. and airy, J. Eidt of , Mr. Wm. J. Otcer�.e'n has purch-
Aiisa Craig spent Sunday- MAIasert Wm. Murdoch's itwetling.
\L', and 41rs. Stade.I Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Eisenhozfer
Miss Battle is at present visit -F ants family have moves to Brus-
iiig wits. M s. Oestreicher. , sele where Mr. Eisenhoffer has ch -
M. and Mrs. Art Doan of 'Shed- i argc' of the flax mill.
ford were v'sitors in town on Sunil Ir A, T. Douglas has sold his
day. c prop_rty - at the west to Mrs. Dal -
Mr. and Mrs. C. Firnkb=iner an.l' las,
Mr. and Mrrs. R. Goetz spent the' `W . M Harburn .has sold eleven
neck -land in Sarnia!lots in Moir's survey to Mr. Owen
Mr. and Mrs. S. lIreland of St- (Geiger.
ratford visited Mr. and Mrs. E, lir, P. Munn of Hay Township
Tremas on Sunday,
Mr. Geo. Howard spent last
Thursday -in London, att nding the
Mr and Mrs. Gco. Koch vent Sun
clay with Mr, and Mrs. 81=0Thiel, Blake.
Mrs. E. otterben and Mrs H.
Ehlers have returned from a vis-
it in Detroit.
Mr. Chas. Guenther of TavistocIt{ zveek',s issue.
'visited his family a few :lays this I Two good second hand bicycles
week, sale. W.. G. Hess.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Mcisaac and The members of the Zurkch
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ha'st spent Sun- Baseball Team journeyed to Ex -
day in town, eter o?n Tue.sday and had a e•
�v Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M•cAilieter„
who were v:,siting relatives here,
were called to their home in Ed-
mointon owing to the illness of
their daughter.
] 1isaes Dora and Nona Sherritt
�r- spending a few weeks at Kin-
carliRrss 4
The fine brick home of Jno. Bl-
ackwell of i3idilulph was totally-
otally- destroyed by fire the other day
with the contents.
E. A. Fo11'ck has sold his bakery
and confectionery business to A.
Mo ore.
Robt Sillery, of Usborne, has
bought the farm. of S. Grey in
Tuekeiismith, 'north of Brucefield,
Mr. S 1.1:°ry now owns 355 acres.
has purchased Mrs. T, 13ernph}lits
property and experts to move to
Hensel) soon,
Entries for the Zurich Fair are,
pouring in and the event promises
to be one of the most successful
.ever held by (the Society.. Of
course a great deal depends on the
weather. A full list of the prize
Wtiners will be printed in next
Mr. M. Or.stre:cher has returned
to Naperville after •spending kris
h'acation with his parents.
Mr. Cart Ashman and siister,
Velma, of Lindsay visited at the
corn^• of E, G. Kraft last wkee
Mr. and Mrs. George Koch. and
laughter Mvrt'.e and Mr. and Mrs,
Elmor' Th'e!. and children, of Blake
snotored to London and spent a
few days with J. M. pales. 1 Roy F'.nkb i ser hiss re:unre_1
Mrs Southerland and daurihtet . home from overse.as
elnd M'ss Elia Armoring spent, i The other evening an aeropla-
h. few months with friends and re- no landed near the river, Th.'
lativos in town. aviator had lost his course.
M'ss Myrtle Koch returned home The remains of Christopher
On Sunday from Grand .Send
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shrader and
SiDA, Mannie, and daughter, Wil y-.
Barine, spent a Few days with •Mrs,
[George Koch i-eeentdy.
117rs, L. Will'vr* and Children sp.
t thei Week -g•.•••' L the home or
photo of the team taken.
Jos. Edwards, of near here, pas-•
sed away on Sept. 4th.
Miss Fssie and 1VIr, Eldon Beck-
er, accornpan.e3 byu the Misse,
Gut,ska of M'ldmaay, visited 1rion-
c'.s Iv rc- last week:,t
Eilber, who died in Carnnna. Mich„ r
were brought here and the funer;a,l
hers on Monday of last week. He !
had attailned the a^e of 88 years
and 8 rnonthe, Its wife prede-
e^'sed him seven weeks ago. Two
sorts and two daughters surVive I
It's Grandmother's Recipe to
keep her Locks Dark,
Glossy, Beautiful.
The old-time mixture of Sage Tea
and Sulphur for darkening gray,
streaked and faded hair Is grand-
mother's recipe, and folks are again
using it to keep their hair a good,
even Color, which 9s quite eensible, as
we are living in an age when a youth-
ful appearance is of the greatest ad-
Nowadays, though, we don't have
the troublesome task of gathering the
sage and the mussy mixing at home.
All drug stores sell the ready -to -use
product, improved by the addition of
other ingredients, Called "Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound," It is very
popular because nobody can discover
it has been applied. Simply moisten
your comb or a soft brush with it and
draw this through your hair, taking'
one small strand at time, by morning
the gray hair disappears, but what de-
lights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound, Is that, be-
pidep, ;beautifully darkening the hair
after a few applications, it also pro-
duces that soft lustre and appearance
of abundance which is so attractive.
This ready -to -use preparation Is a de..
lightful toilet requisite for tboee who
desire a more youthful appearance, It
S not intended for the cure, mitiga.
/to* or prsr,ntton ok d • ., r..... .
The marriage took place at Bay-
ieli ori Sept. 3rd of Miss .Janet E.
rreeo and Mr, T. Clayton Prouty,
ott. of (near Exeter.
?11r. R• Davis, a few dfays ago
isomle way fell off a load of
tgrave^ t alnd broke his collar 'gone,
Several young men were fined
5 . alnd costs before Magistrates J.
a;wkins and B. W. F. Beavers for
'stlirbiing the peace. •
I 1.Thseph P. Hunter, youngest son
Of Mr alnd Mrs. Hunter, Usborne,
•,sthe was kicked In the face by a
holt died from the injuries on Sep.
Menno Steckle
L4 T
On MONDAY, Sept. 29th at
2 O'clock. Property of Iate J'no.
IE. Bossdnberry, Auctioneer,
Jno. Douglas,
Jlno. Manson, Executors,
Do not feed fowl same morning
when brought in.
Highest Cash Prices
----CASH POR --
Cream and Eggs
W. O'Brien
Phone 94.. Zurich
Our Stock
Fall Shoes
Come In and let us show you ourljnes. We can save you money -
as we sell at a close margin be -cause out' expense is. small.
ldi%�11i'P(.i15. t:. y...�a".GY.i'jrr,�.. 'S•
a, .., .-,.,,... • > 4,1"a?ePa 6rY'.µ$f'it. ?.iik�abP,? �e ?.n:;'!$ii+EP14:W.tfkiAl r +fit, , .
-�. HE Boiler doesn't crowd the dinner off the
1 Pandora on wash -days. You can set the
boiler either way, across,or lengthwise of the top.
✓� There is no guess -work baking either. The oven
`\/ has a glass door which keeps the baking in full
view. The thermometer tells whether the oven.
is hot enough or riot. The oven, as you must have.
heard, is very evenly heated.
This dependable range has easy -working grates ; porcelain,
enameled reservoir, which may be removed for cleaning,
The Pandora is the sort of range you have always wanted. See it.
D. Tiernan, Dashwood
HE withstood everything in the field and
above all was, and still is, the last and
only car to survive until the cessation of
hostilities"—Extract from letter received by
Ford Motor Company from a British Soldier,
in Africa.
Over shell -torn roads, through water soaked fields, second only
to the tanks in its power to climb debris and crater holes, the
Ford car made a world famous record in the fighting area of the
great war. In press despatches, in field reports, m letters, in
rhyme and song the praises of the Ford were sounded.
In France 700 cars out of 1,000 were Fords
In Italy - 850 cars out of 1,000 were Fords
In Egypt - 996 cars out- of 1000 were Fords
In Mesopotamia 999 cars out of 1, 000 were Fords
The Ford power plant that established this world-wide record
in every theatre of the war remains the same. It will be in the
Ford you buy.
Ford Runabout, $660, Touring, $690. On open models the Electric Starting and Lighting
Equipmentis $100 extra. Coupe, $976. Sedan, $1,175 (closed model prices include Eectric
Starting and Lighting Equipment). Demountable rims, tire -carrier and non-skid tires
on rear as optional equipment on closed cars only at $25 extra. These prices are f, o. b.
?orci, Ont., and do not include War Tax.
Buy only Genuine Ford Paris, V00 Canadian
, stealers and over 2,000 Service Garages supply them.
acs.. ,lime'
BROS4Deaters„ Hen