Zurich Herald, 1919-09-12, Page 8kok I. 31 nuilsiow areThirst9 The chilly autumn air reminds you to prepare with warmer clothes, We can supply your wants in all the variour lines of heavy Fall and winter wen'. • a 1 •1 Dress Goods Serges,, Mohairs, velvets, paname ors, at reasonable prices. Sil cloths etc., in new variety s 'f co1- Are again in demand for fall wear. See our stock of taffettes, pail letts, etc.Special in Silk Pop.ins in leading hsades. Reg. price $1.75 to clear $1.35 a yd° ,Men's Wear New Suits, Overcoats, Rain coats, underwear, fine shirts. Fall hats and caps, in abundant supply. Cone early for best choice. Overalls Good heavy weight overells and smocks en all sizes. Clearing at$ 1.85 each Fair Visitors You are cordially invited to visit this store while in town, and meet your friends here. Leave your panels in our care hwile seeing the Fair, ; J. Gascho & Son it 44++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + 4. 4. MONST TION 4. 4. ,+ + + —OF THE— + 4. + I FiReCo Stoves and i + Ranges + t ., . 4- Fair Day, 18 1.: Sept. Cuts the Fuel Bill in. Half. See 4. -fr 4. this wonderful stove operated. + + ISTADE &+. I PREETER BLOCK - ZURICH .4. + +4. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++4444 AT OUR STORE ON Mrs. C. Fritz is spending a few days at London. Mr, Louis Prang has sold one of the famous United gasoline eng- ines to Mr. Thos. Snowden, of near Mayfield The engine is 6 h.p. and will be iused for general work on the farm+. Messrs. Banish and Clark, of the Northern Electric Co., of London, were business visitors in town on Saturday in connection with the cable work, Hay council is install- ing on part of the telephone Syst- em. NO MORE CUT-OUTS ii law recently passed by the Ontario Legislature compels the removal of all cut-outs from autos and that all motor cycles must mut fie their machines so that the peo- ple well no longer be tormented. by the unearthly noises that have made life miserable for many. All drivers using cut-outs are liable to a fj1ne4 ! , N Ia E ENG E are farmers' best friends. When the Qid wind- mill fails to "water the cows" be prepared with a UNITED to pump water. And for scores of other jobs your UNITED will save you hund- reds of dollars. Run the washing machine, the cream separator, churn, grindstone and many other machines with this Handy, Reliable Power Plant United VA H. P. Specifications are Unequaled 13/4 in. Bore. 5 in. Stroke. 18 in. Fly Wheels weigh 40 lbs. each. Total approximate weight 350 pounds. "Air Valve" fuel-savercarbur- otor. Quick Speed Changing Device, Ask Usior Prices on All Size 1Englees l7 - --4-4....i.•fi •bi 2;l, . roam r .0.6.711;1 0 . 111011101.110,,.`,�: L. PRANG, Sole Agent ZURICH ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Ibn the case against Dr. Met- calfe, of Bayfield, for violation of the Medical Act by practising in Ontario without a license, Police Magistrate Reid of Goderich, gave judgment last week, convict- ing the defendant of a breach of the Act and imposing a- fine of $25 and costs. The evidence discl- osed that Dr. Metcalfe, after trea- ting a case, sent a statement of charges to the Ontario Workman esi Cefeepensation Board. This stat- ement the magistrate held to be a bill or account showing hope of reward. Council for the prosec- ution stated that the Ontario Med- iical Council did not desire to be int any way unfair to Dr. Metcalfe, but insisted that •he take out a certificate under either the Ontario or the Dom'nion Medical Council; that he is a resident of Bayfield for much of the time, and his. practising is said to keep any other doctor from .settling in Bay- field The Doctor's ability is Undoubted, and he could easily be- come qualified and take out a cer, of Bata to prO.oftse } , Ontario, � J. Mr. Jacob Haberer, Jr.,, has left for Stratford and is attending bus - knees college there. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz and family visited friends in Sebringville nal Stratford on Sunday` Miss Elizabeth Rennie who has been spending the summer at Gr- and Bend, will resume her teach- ing of piano and singing afters the 15th of September). No services will be held in the Lutheran church next Sunday ao1 the pastor, Rev. H. Rembe, is to`'. ducting Thanksgiving seirvces at Hespler On that day, OBITUARY One of the few remaining plan ers of Hay Tp. passed to the great beyond in the person of George Edighoffer on Saturday morning, Sept. 6th. The deceased was born in Oberseebach, Alsace-Lorraine. France on July 25th, 1838 and was the eldest of a family of four chil- dren all of whom pre -deceased hint in death some years ago,. •After receiving his public school education in both German and French languages he was drafted for the Standing army of France serving seven years as a soldier during which time he was several times promoted to positions of trust. After being honorably die - discharged he worked for the gov ,ernment for two years as book keeper in the civil service, which position he resigned having dec- ided to go to America. He left Paris Oct, 21st 1868 and after an exceeding rough voyage of 21 days arrived in New York. After going to Buffalo where he worked for six months, he left for Cane ada arriving in Hay Ty. taking up a piece of lead on July 11th, 1869 an which property he resided • at the time of his demise'. The deceased was in the posses- sion of a very robust disposition, hut during the last few years the ones so stalwart frame began to show signs of advanced years. Du- ring the last year he was more or less confined to the house and six. weeks ago he took to bed grow- ing gradually weaker until he pas. sed peacefully away, He was truce married. Of the first union two children were born who predeceaseded hinv. InI s the year 1973 he was married to his prase'* widow who with 4 sonic and 3 daughters mourn the loss of a kind husband and an affeetion. at father, The eate`Mr. Edighoffer was a constant member of the Evangeli- teal church and filled many prom- inent positions in the gift of the church with tact, dignity ani°;'aith fullnese.1 The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. F. B. Meyer and Mev. W. i Yager conducted the services The remains were laid to rest in Bronson Line eeanetery Whore they aWatt the call on reb'ttr- HOT, ME,AL',S t' , , The Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Lutheran Church will serve meals ad both days of the Fair, at the Dominion House, on Wednesday alnd Thursday, Sept: -17th and 18th.. ----1-- AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects at Dash- wood an Saturday, Sept, 20th at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Ball, proprietoress Frank Taylor, auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, etc., ,on :Saturday, 'Sept. 20th., in 'Zurich at 2 p.'m E. Bossenberry, auction- eer+, Johln Zettel, Proprietor. NOTICE 'As I have retired from, business I must have all my accounts set- tled by Nov. 1st. 1919. T. & M. Johnson, Zurich. NOTICE I have (taken over Massey -Harris repairis. Full stock of everything. Also °plow points, etc. J. J. BARRY Opposite Town Hall Clear, Peachy Skin Awaits Anyone Who Drinks Hot Water Saysiln inside bath, before break- fast helps us look and feel 'clean, sweet, fresh'. Sparkling and vivacious --merry, bright, alert—a good, clear skin and a natural, rosy, healthy complexion are assured only by pure blood. If only every man and woman could be induced to adopt the morning inside bath, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, anaemic -looking men, women and girls, with pasty or muddy complexions; instead of the multi- tudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns," "brain fags" and pessimists we should see a virile optimistic throng of rosy-cheeked people everywhere. An inside bath is had by drinking each morning, before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a tea- spoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stomach; liver, kid- neys and ten yards of bowels the pre- vious day's indigestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, swet';enin,; and freshening the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach, Those subject to sick headache, bil- iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, Olds; and partioulary those who have a pallid, sallow complexion and who are constipated very often, are urged to obtain a.quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store which will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remark- able emarkable change in both health and appent% ance, awaiting those who practice iin- ternal sanitation, We must remem- ber that -inside cleanliness is more fat portant than outside, because the skit doos`not absorb impurities# to cots- tamtnate the blood while the pore* �In iginthirtTtetto!b.: sslitd ,.Si.�;'n:i.t -,.r ,6::,xi .o.,,.,:¢s;;" (3 ti4.. Extra '4Special Fair Week and as long as they last Blue Enamel mel Oil Heaters $6 cash Plain Steel Oil Heaters $5.50 cash You cannot be without one of these Oil Heaters at this season of the year. Do not miss this opportunity Do not fail to visit us on Fair Day and see our display of e Aluminum Ware, Stoves and Heaters, etc. Now is the time to figure on cold days coming. Fair Visitors leave your Parc els, coats, etc., in our care. Zurich's Busy Store e ( le f ;Joann cs; PHONE .63 Overalls and Smocks When you need working clothes you should call at our store for your needs. 'CA full line of over *ails, smocks, etc. See our Iine of Carharts Overalls and Smocks None Better Denomy Bros. Zurich A Visit to Wurm's Store during Fair Week will secure you a REAL BARGAIN Ladies' and Men's Rain Coats, La dies Voile and Silk waists and all Summer Dress Goods. New Fall Blouses in Georgette white, flesh, maize and peach $7.50 I I I ! to $10.00 Men's Suits in different shades and stypes, 117, $19, $21, $23, 25, 27. Every Suit a Bargain Fall and Winter Underwear, work mitts bad Gloves, Overalls and, Jackets; New Fall Hats, Caps, Socks, Umbrellas and Sweaters, Ladies' Skirts, latest styles in bro•win, nave, black and taupe. PRICE $6.00 Ladies' silk glovesin grey, black, white, taupe and tan. Ladies dark blue apron 85c, and $1. Fresh celery asnd peaches every Saturday and on Fair Day, Order* Earl y. Feltex looks and wears better than ' li�ioleun>♦, Live Poultry taken every Wednesft day. Highest Market Prices. Fresq Groceries at all times Butterick Patterns For Sale - Phone 18 T. L. wuRm Phone 78 •rr<,. ;,