Zurich Herald, 1919-09-12, Page 4Actual Experience
The Ontario Temperance ce Act is
Emptying Ontario's Jails
Jail Commitments Before and After Passage o the Act.
. 1915-6,235
From Annual Reports of Inspectors of Prisons 1015 acid 1918, and
Schedule H. Report of the Board of License Commissioners for Ontario
for the year 1918.
0 NTARIO'S experience with prohibition under the Ontario Tern-
perance Act since September 16. 1916, has been all the argument
any fair-minded man or woman wants, for prove that the Act
should neither be repealed nor weakened by Amendments.
Jail Commitments for crimes and offences of all kinds have decreas-
ed more than one-third since 1915.
Jail Commitments for drunkenness alone decreased from 6,235 in
1915, the year preceding the Act, to 2,595 in 1918.
Jail Commitments for drunkenness decreased despite the fact that the
Act makes drunkenness in public places a "prima facie" offence, punish-
able by fine or imprisonment, whether accompanied by "disorderli-
ness" or not. A drunken roan on the street has become a rare sight.
The number of commitments for drunkenness in Ontario in 1918 was
the lowest in seventeen years, although the population of the Province
increased by over 500,000.
Some jails received no drunkards in 1918 at all. Others show well
nigh unbelievable decreases, notably in the cities and larger towns.
Do you want to see the taste for alcoholic beverages revived, and the
population of Ontario's prisons, jails and lock -ups restored ?
If you are convinced that drunkenness is undesirable in this Province
mark X in the "No" column after each question.
"No!„ Four Times --"Not„
Mr. Harry Whetton, of Allandale
i� spendi" ng a, few weeks with fri-
elncls here,
Some weeks ago a strung of 'bl-
ack beads with cross was found
in Zurich and left at the Herald of -
fine. Owner can have same by
calliing herei.
Messrs.: iamb Schatz, and Martin
Schatz, o't .Bad,Axe,, Mich., ifrs. E.
Wlchert, of Lansing, Mich., and Mr.
.Edgar Edighoffer of Yale, Mich,
attended the funeral of the late
George Edighoffer, held on Tues-
The members of the family of
the late George Edighoffer wish
to express their heartfelt thanks
to the many friends who so kindly
extended their assistance and sym-
pathy dureng the family's recent
D I 11 D
Rader—At Dashwood, nen Sept.5th
Jacob Rader, aged 82 years 5
months and 15 days,
Edighoffer—At 15th;' eon., Hay, on
Sept. 6th, George •Edighoffer,
aged 81 years, 1 month and 16
An old man from the country
would exot believe that he could.
tear hies wife talk a. distance of 15
miles by telephone. His wife went,
to a neighboring city one day and
the old main went down town just
to sat.sfy himself by experimenting
with the telephone. He went do
the exchange office and told them
that he w alnted to talk to his wife.
They explailned how to operate the
pholne and the old man walked bol-
dly up and exclaimed '$Hello Jane'
At that instant lightning struck
the phone and knocked the old
man flat on the floor. As he
.scrambles to his feet he excitedly
cried, "That is Jane, by gosh."
Do not teed fowl same morning
when brought in.
Highest Cask Prices
---CASH FOR --
Cream and Eggs
W. O'Brien
Phone 94.
Our Stock of
Fall Shoes and Rubbers
is here.
Come lin and let us show you centimes. We can save ''`you !Hones -
as we sell at a close margin be -cause our expense is small.
Ir,.IHRT'PRTSV.2411,11T •4h.ffi ,�NrVhM,:•ri.aWV,P
PVCIarys Pandora
SO well known as to have become a
Canadian institution is this grand
working Pandora.
Glass oven door; tested thermometer; an oven
so evenly heated that even the beginner can
bake well with it. Grates work smoothly;
reservoir is enameled and may be removed
for cleaning.
. There is a lifetime of satisfaction in the
Pandora. 14
D• Tieman, Dashwood 1
Each and every one of the four questions on the ballot paper in this
Referendum must be answered or your ballot is "spoiled." And unless
you mark X after each question in the "No" column, the Ontario Tem-
perance Act will be spoiled, and years of Temperance progress lost.
Ontario Referendum Committee
Treasurer trice Chairman and Secretary
(1001 Excelsior Life Bldg, Toronto)
RFs --4
mfrs. H. Ehlers is visiting relati- Mr F. Kerr took part in the
Nes in Detroit at present. shooting tournament at Toronto
I1r, G. Oestreicher has purchased last week and was one of the high
the house and property of Mr. guns
Eail. London Fair is attracting many..
The Ladies Sid a;. the Luthe.•an from this part this week.
church picnicked to Grand !lend Russel Clark has been transfer -
one day East weeks red to the Bank of Commerce, .:
Mr Lou's Zeiler, who recently re- Walkerville, 31r. Hamacher of
tinned.. from overseas, spent afew: Waterloo has taken his place izere.°
days with his parents. nIessrs. N. Holtzman and .W
Mrs. Otterbe:;n is visiting in De- Finkbeiner of Detroit visited re
trait,latives here last week.
Mrs, C. W. Gage has returned to, Rev. Whiting, returned miss:oa
dter home in Detroit. She was ac- ary from Japan, occupied the pul-'.'
tcompanied by her mother, Mrs. pit in the Methodist church last;.
Ball who intend making he: future Sunday.
?tome there.
Quite a number from here are BLAKE
attending London Fair this week. LATE JOHN LESLIE
Jacob Rader died at his home
heir on Friday Sept 5th after a
lingering illness, Iit is eua rive 3
'by a grown up fan! 1y. The fun-
eral which was cun,luete.I ny
Graupner to the Bronson Line
cemetery, was held an Monday and
eves largely attended.
Mss, T. Neelands has
&rota Chicago where she
Was born on the 20th of April.
1831 at Heck in 'the parish of L ch-
D= za :i:sh r.. Seetiand.
hee ahnet e e.:teen .enn
ago he went t Diad'y.
shire where he. ee eereenae.
app.enzices ip of three years
the Drapery bus ness and remain- •
ed at. it for upwards of t«:ee*»e ye
i ars when he married. Ann Holland,
daughter of Wm. Holland. Bn ° 1., r
[Dudley. Th 1363 he m,g:•atei •
returned 'Canada and the same yes
has been ` settler; in the Township oft ' I k_.
itri<siiing for some time. 1 ham, Ont., where her de.i nee
Rev. S. A. McConnell resumed I upwards of !IVO Fear •I" ee
moved to Blake then 1 -1 Pere
in the Township of Hay, Crenate.
of Huron. where he an; lnls
fine farm on the London Road,
'Her in life resided until 'the
5aorth known as the Graham farm` of their death. 'He was thxar ,..
ant recently owned by Mr. Holl- t years engaged in the general store
and. business and Postmaster- in Blake
Thos Peart has sold his property But owing to Tailing health hal to
eleer the Methodist church to iwen snit out his business in 1897; an 1
(;tenger, who intends erecting a has' •been living a quiet: life s
fine residenlce on this corner, •up to the time of his death. His
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Case of De -
tits duties last Sunday as pastor
of Carmel church.
George Glen has purchased the
troit have returned from a visit
to Detroit,
On Sept. est. Miss Mabel Me -
!Taggart of Exeter was united in
Marriage to Mr. John Glenn, Rev.
Trumpet of Exeter performed the
wife predeceased him by thirteen
years, i
Exeter Pair will be held next
Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. Wethy of Carleton ?lacchas
arrived and taken eharge of the
High Behool,
hlr* Oke p* s4g4 114roi'ttroak
Aug, 31st. aged 81 years.
Mr. T. L. Purdy has purchased T.
A. Powell's 150 -acre farm in Rib-
bert for $13,000,
C. Baskerville met with a
nasty accident the other day wheel
he was thrown from his motorcy-
cle when the front wheel came of.
Hf? was thrown against a wire
fence and badly cut.
Reeve Beaver and H. W. Doerr
attended the opening of the new
hydro station pumping plant at.
Stratford recently.
The employees of the -flax.
mill went on strike recently for
higher wages and were granted=
increase to 51.50 per day.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hmailton and
son, of Seattle, Wash., are visiting
relatives here.. They made the
trip here by auto and travelled
over 5Dee mties.
She, raiz' 44 Sulphur with it to
P.aitere. Color, Gloats
'o lthithess.
Ceeeretean ranl.n sgts brewed into a
bar try torn ur, Lwj auiphur added. will
tuaii. Agra/. ettre,a1ted and faded hair
's21, a ,d iuxsriant. Just
a !err e:.rr ins!., . ^weal.. prove .a revela-
1f i s. n 's932. ka.; fs '.a di,r , streaked or
graft: efe4e,e, nae Sage 'reef and sur=
venue r +rlyoa• s' r•, e„ though, is trou-
brass`drJ:a2 A:.a. sleds..•:Y' way in to gait !.
Wale .ne lifioyetlVe f . •g and Suipbur
ours pet ,d ata y stere all ready
tar art... 1 iZ la, the VIA -time recipe
trn•trrimed b• The addition of other in-
rredi:vo•t >
r }jn,r ar'ia'p'y, gray, faded hair I5 not
sinful., We all desire to retain our
Youthful appearance and attraotive-
ne,se. Sy darkening your hair with
Wyreth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound,
no one can tell, because it doesi it ao
naturally, so evenly. You just dampen
a sponge or soft brush with It and
draw this through your hair, taking
one atnali strand at a time; by morning
alt gray hairs have disappeared, and,
atter another application or two, your
hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy,
set and luxurieant.
'this preparation le a delightful toilet
ire+quisite and le not Intended for the
*lark. mitigation or previatlosa, eat
Electria- Starting and Lighting
{..HE new Ford. Electrical System is as great an
achievement as the Ford Motor.
No better starting and lighting system is supplied
with any car—at any price.
See it for yourself. See it work.1 It is a complete
two -unit system, Starting Motor, Generator and
Battery—built into _the-Ford_Motor---a product
of the Ford plant.
:The Ford car is -also' egnipped $'with the Standard
Magneto to provide_ ignition independentppf_the
The whole system isscontrolled from -an instrument
board on the cowl.
It is now supplied\.as Standard Equipment on all
Ford Enclosed Models.
If you will phone or call—we will introduce you
;to the Ford Sedan. You owe it to yourself to learn
(why men 'a'rho can afford big costly cars prefer the,
Ford Sedan. •
PRICES --including Electric Starting and Lighting, Ford Sedan
$1175. Ford' Coupe UT G. f. o, b. cord, Ont. (War tax extra.) in
Demountable rims, tire carrier an d bon -skid tires on rear as optional
nee,, ecluipnient on closed c, ars oenl • at ,$26,00 extra,,
COOK BR059 Dealers, HensaMl