HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-08-29, Page 8'.r7 r�rv.. 4FaL�,' rwi In See Baps, with. For Your Inspection FOR MEN For Ladies's Wear New silk poplins in fashionable I ,,•.a shades, Reps, cord .silks, Georget- ' • ' P ,' tes and crepe du chenes. Also Berges, poplins and garbardines for suits or dresses. our fine display of spring felt hats, fiine neglige shirts collars to match, new ties, gloves, suits, tweed rain coats. 1-Iousefurrl ,,ishings Window shades, curtain scrims, lino1eum.s, oilcloths, conguleums, nd tapestry rugs. I1tI1 TIL 11 1.E+ rrl / ' 1; Groceries at the BASEBALL TOURN ENT .n ZURICII on abor ay, Sept. lst Three Baseball Games Ooderich, Clinton, Seaforth and Zurich teams will play. Games called at 10.30 a. lilt, 2 and 4,30 p. tn. Fastest Diamond in Western Ont. Also Foot Races, 100 yd., 220 yd. and half mile. Open to all comers. 'A WELL ASSORTED STOCK 0 F GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO CALF AND PIG MEAL, PRATT'S BAY CHICK FEW, OYSTER SHELL, NEW G ARDEN SEEDS. J. Gascho & Son Gr in evening by Prof, Kekoa and troupe FINE SPORT GOOD PRIZES +++++++++++44+÷÷4+++++++.14+++++++++++4-h++++++++++++44 + 4 4. + + 4. + + 4. Oyu a "`'; 1 + .1. ;3,k? ;d ,l off \�`3 f 4 4. yd It �4.# •1* F Ii�r 1 + • fila' 4 h +`i ! i IAlso Green Sheaf and Silver Sh- + + 4.��� u11;�= eaf at lower prices. , + 4. + Pure '`' : nil a Rope + + + + + ' '�' Everyone in need of large hay fork rope should get our .;. + ,1. + + prices before buying. All sizes small ropes lin stock. /� PREETER: S E & El .1++. LOCK - ZURICH 4. + ++++++++++++++++++++++++44 +44e1-14++++++++++++++++++++ Got Medal Twine Our supply of Gold Medal Twine has arrived. Our prices and terms are as follows; 27c. per lb. 28e, for September payment. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST CHILDREN For a good day's Sport, be sure and come to (Zurich, on Monday, Sept. 1st. We will have fresh celery for sae on Monday, Sept. 1st. • W,. C. WAGNER. Zurich baseball team was in Clin- ton lastThursday and defeated the Doherty Organ Co. team of that town by the score of 13-7. Mr. and Mrs. John Laporte wish to announce the marriage of their son, Wilfred E., to Miss Marie Madeline Charron of the Parish of Staples Co., of Essex. ' The neariiege to take place in the Parish Church of thebride some= time in September. THE TOURNAMENT Next Monday if the weather is fine, it is expected that the biggest erowd seen in }Zurich for some time, will be at the sports. Every- body loves clelain, good sport and baseball is one of the cleanest for ms of pastime. There should be some good exhibitions on Monday as the teams taking part have all played good ball during the season, Then the running races should furnish some good contests. And don't miss the concert. It promises to be a real treat. Sec- ure your seats at once. The booth o'n the grounds will be run by the l aseball boys. 'The holidays are over sad y ou are starting back to school a- gain Drop in at our Book Sto re and get those school supplies MOW'. LOOK To the first 50 big children m eking a purchase at our store,we will give away absolutely FREE •a beautiful pen -holder, and to the little children slate pencils. ANNOUNCEMENT We are going out of the Gramophone and Record business, and are putting on sale the instrumei7 is iln stock, on these we will save you $5 to $25. Terms arranged if so desired by you. All Records going out at 75c each, If you want a bargain see us first. Zurich Book " Room PRESENTATION On Wednesday evening last, rM. and Mrs, E. Appel were given a, pleasant surprise when the mem- bers of the Ladies' Aid and the Sunday school teachers of St. Peter's Lutheran Church met at their home and presented them with two useful gifts. rThe fol- lowing address was read; Dear Mrs. Appel; - We, the members of the Ladies' Aid and Sunday School teachers of St. Peter's Lutheran Church have assembled here this evening to show in 'some manner our esteem towards you and !am- ity and the appreciation of the ac- tive part you have taken m our midst, both in our society and in the Sunday school, We fully re- alize that in your departure we are losing a most active worker. We therefore ask you to accept these two small gifts, as a remembrance from. the Ladies Aid and the Sun- day school. May God's richest blessing follow you and your fam- ily to your new home. Signed; Ladies' Aid and Sun- day School.. Mrs. Appel responded very suit- ably after which Rev. Rembe . in hits own behalf, gave an address , and presented her with a certifi- cate of recognition for her services rendered as Vice-Frea of the Ladies' Aid, Sunday School teach- er and member of the choir. Mrs. Appel once more thanked the Pas - ZURICH SCHOOL FAIR Following is prize list of the (Zurich School Fair, which will be fixed later. More classes will also be added. VEGETABLES Best !collection of 5 Carrots; best edit. of 5 Onions; best coll. df 5 Beets; best Pumpkin; beat collection of garden vegetables. FLOWERS Best bouquet from home garden best potted flowers. MANUAL WORK. (Special) Bird (House by boys in school; Log Cabin. Mounted Weeds; (Collection of .weeds; Mounted Insects. Writing in each rooms. 'ART; Print in capital letters the word "Drawing;" Water colors. } Knitting; Crochet Work and tat- ting; Sewing; hand sewing; Button holes; Mending; Neatest doll's out -fit, (COOKING; Loaf ple Pie, Best light 5 coil, of cookies. PUBLIC SPEAKING 1. How I grew my plot. d, How 1 raised my chickens. 1 Canadian Hero or Heroine. 4. European War 1914-1918. 5 Canada and the War. 6. Wild Birds I know. 7. Weeds of my section i .•••. or IAn'y topic of pupil's choosing. RULES All exhibitors must be living at least 3 months in section. All exhibits must be work of ex- hibitor. Mr. Calvin Williams. of Buffalo, N. Y.. is .visiting his brothers and sisters here The •concert in the Town 'next Monday night iwll be rain ar shim. --. _ -4.---- LOST Between iZur;.ch and Hensall, on Monday. a gent's watch. Kindly inform L. J. Kraft, Zurich. of bread; Ap- Cake, Biscuits; Hall held, B0 RN Schrag-In Hay Township, on Aug. on Aug. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Schrag, a. daughter. Grigg -Ian Stephen, on Aug,. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Grigg, a eon. IDIEID Kellerman -At Dashwood, on' Aug 20th, Barbara Haugh, wife of George Kellerman, in her 63rd. year. LIVE POULTRY WANTED TAKEN EVERY SATURDAY 1FORF.(NO0N Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in., +y tor, Memmbers of the Aid and Highest Casio Prices Sunday Sehnol for their kindness, shown towards her. Lunch was then served by the ladies, after which they departed, feeling that a very element evening had been. spent by All. --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien P F9 lE„ 63 Melick St Brauu Zurich's,Busy Store Announcement We have the agency for the well known L ois Phonographs Three styles to choose from, ranging in price from $125 to $225. Beautiful tone, universal reproducer plays all records, no unnecessary noise. You will be convinced on hearing it at our store at your convenience. Installment terms arranged on any of these instruments: Binder Twine, Harvest Tools Paint, Rope, Car of Fresh Canada Cement, WoVen Fence, Stoves, etc. Overalls and Smocks When you need working clothes you should call at our store for ;our needs.;SEA full line of over- alls, smocks, etc. See our line of Carhaz is Overalls and Smocks None Better ros. Zurich Phone 78 T. L, WORM Phone 78 JUST ARRIVED A nice line of ladies' silL waists in to -day's 1 eading styles and shades TO CLEAR Ladies' white voile Waaists at 75c and $1.00, LADIES' HOSE Silk and cotton hose in the follow- ing shades; White, black, grey, taupe, sand, champagne, nigger. SILKS* SILKS! Our silk department is complete crepe de theme, poplins, taffeta; crepe~ Faille, etc. PULL -OVER SWEATER COOATS All wool at $7.50 SPECIAL IN OUR WHITEWARE DEPARTMENT Just arrived, lovely washable cam- isoles, . 01.25 $1.,50 $2.00 SUMMER UNDERWEAR • Ladies' combination suits sleeve- less and short sleeves. LAIN ZbA'%g Get one. Keep dry. Windproof and Rainproof. Regular $20 for $15. Regular $25 for $16. MADE -TO ORDER CLOTHING Men's made -to- order clothing. Every suit guaranteed to fit. Give us a trials. GHATS AND CAPS Mena' hats and caps in all colors. Buy your spring hat here and save nsoneye - UNDERWEAR A big stock of men's and young men's combination suits, white load tan. FREE* ►UREE ! FREE! With every pound of Minto tea we give away FREE one silver tea spoon, Roger quality. ken . PINEAPPLES Just arrived, fresh pineapples. This is the week to buy pineapples as the price is going up. Phone or maid orders promptly attended ta. Seed Corn, Sorghum, Hansel Seed, Garden Seeds, Etc. T. L. W1 -IM Phone 78-