HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-08-29, Page 5LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Thursday.) Egg . .. .................. ...... 46 44 • Dried Apples .. ... ... ... 06 Potatoes per bag ......... 1.e5 Wheat . ... ... ... ... 2.0 6-2.11 Oats ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .r 60.-G5 Barley ... ... ... ... ... ._. ... ... 80 Buckwheat •. 1.00 Flour ... e.50 -a.10 Brant... ... ...-........... 38.00 .... 44.00 Live Hogs fob Hensall .._ 21.00 urialt Meet MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats •B•oIegfc wEau0ages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH .FOR t?K1NS & 1111)ES 71121 bi' & noloheTt WANED 6w'aFiA `l� 2024m m, 21 F LOCAL ray THE CONCERT S ,s ane J .FOUNT) Mee. H, E. Ra ale and daughter, i, :f. Small 'sum of Money, Por par A J T 4 ¥ T 4* ' HON haveelux•ne.t to their homein {tangs] s apply at Herald Office. Mareetta. 00, Harrison Holtzman has rctur.^.ea The concert to be held in the How to Grow Plants til' Winter bolxx from. a resit t1 Ba,t e C#.elc,! FOR SALE lYLllel] Tonin Mall on Labor Day evening From Cuttings. Good e storey frame house, and under the auspices of • the Base- Mr and. Mrs John 'VLCDonafd o1 ball Club 'lib something extra Detroit are 'vi leirIe Mr, and Mrs. 2',4 acres of land. Good stable on soft 1' a u will o I August Ploughing Destroys a Cone , II. \Vcinzel. premises, hart and .water we a. good. Pref. Luther Kekoa and siderfble Propcmtioii of White Also 5 acres pasture land partly company will give a program of Mr. and Mrs, Ben Eilber, and P Grubs and Wire SeorcuS infesting Ch ele_�n and Mrs. Sam Eilber, of grown in cedars. Will be avid Old sod Fields—Flax is a'pleaz' Uhler, M:�ch., are visiting relatives to-gether or stpara*ely. W.11 ee did Crop far a First Craw cmeSSuCh here, , sold reasonable. for quick oa Fieids. IVLs. Murray, of Hamilton, rep- A Ply to 'H, F. 'Wes I Ai, ?ur'eh. COUNTER CHECK HOOKS (Contributed by (enteric, Department of ,res mice the W. C. T. iJ., dell,'- Agricuiture. Toronto.) €erect an address in the M tha.li e: lie and of the sums church last Sunday moreing and Hawaiin Songs, Dances and music Alsc extra features by Adair and Adair, etc. This concert was given at the Grand Opera House London, lsatt ser ng and l:r)d..ced t•ei' favorable comment by the• city's dailies. Get your tickers early, TELL US TILE NEWS Wo presume that there never WEN anewspaper in an,/ locality that gave ata elle local happenings. OWAIID t mer, tho letialon'r ilowee in the Evangelical church in the evening, grower often wonders how the stock of geraniums in COUNTY NE.".• !ee. h flower border talc, be increased to and preserved by sante other means It is often that someone comes than by taking up the old plants in and someone goes that the rep- orter does not see. Ic happens tate autumn; the last trained method ii is missed several not having, perhaps, proved success - friar, tn.- tiro^s They get the impression fill in past seasons. lay starting lair - of the crop was destroyed. It Lightning struck the barn of Andrew Dessardine near Grand Do not let your supply of Cou nter Check Books run too low. We sell Appleford's check books, respect. Let first-class ib every �` us have your order. Bend, a week ago Sunday, and it was burned to the ground. The barn was put up new this summer, and weenot quite finished. Part that the editor :does not care 'to ly early, toward the enol of August, mention them.. This is a m:s ake before cold chilly nights appear, a In most country towns the local nice supply of young plants, more work is the Barnes` work connect- especially of all kinds of geraniums ed with a newspaper. A. man of the flowering kind, or those have may be a good editoral wrbier, ing fragrant leaves, or even the but a failure. at the local work; bronze or silver -leaved kinds, can be and vice versa. Editorial m•iter- ial is obtainedby- study, by tead- ing 'newspapers, sometimes by using scissors. Personals and local happenings can't be read and clipped from other papers,. had by starting cuttings' or slips of these plants. First of all obtain a shallow box about three inches deep, ten or twelve inches wide, and from twelve to twenty-four inches in length, ,an empty haddie (fish) box uttera y' 00 , J It teases phys',ea1 as well as m•cn- a' hi, tel exertion ts' get ten or twelve will do very well. It should have 1C4t" r' �l + lumps of local news in a town some small hales bored through the le ° C a,s + of this size Most people take a co �9 t 1 bottom for drainage. Pack this box 10erl� local paper to get the local hap- firmly with moist, clean, gritty sand; penings Don't be a,rai.l to :,ell sand that will snake good stone mor - POULTRY TAKEN EVERY SAT - the editor or reporter that you tar will do. Then take the terminal have fr:ends who are interested in or top -part of the young growth of your friends. You owe it as a plants about four or five inches in duty to thein to let your friends length, each shoot or cutting having know of their doings. Perhaps from four to six joints where leaves are produced. Make the base of the you think the paper shows par-. cutting just below one of these nodes tiality, but just see if the pa.pee or leaf joints, making a clean cut dosen't treat you right if you with a sharp knife fiat across. Cut give it a chance. off some of the lower leaves, leaving -_--e,---- two or three leaves at the top. Cut LEG • L VERBIAGE all bloom buds and blossoms If a riven were to give snottier where possible. Make a hole or drill in the wet sand deep enough to set an orange he would simply say; fully half the length of stems of cut - "I give you this orange." But tings in the sand. Water them well wheiri the transaction is intrusted once and keep the sand moist until to a Conn'?yen,cer to put in well- cuttings are rooted, which should be r he adopts this form; ae in five or six weeks' time. The box 1r.6 pcan be set out of doors in partial hereby give and convey to you all shade until the first week in Septem- and singular, my estate and inter- ber, when they can be taken into ests, right,t itle, claim -.and advan- the window. When cuttings have tagos al alnd in said orange, to- roots about an inch in length dig gather with all its rind, juice.• pulp them •carefully from the sand without and pips, and all rights and ad- injuring the roots and pot them '' singly into small 2 33, inch pots or vantages therein, with full ].ower set then about two inches apart in to bite, cult., suck and oth?,_•Wise well -drained shallow boxes in a soil eat the same or give the sane a- Ii made up of one part sand, one part way with or without the rind, skin leaf mould, and about six parts of juice, pulp or pips, anything here- light loamy soil enriched with one ilnbefore or hereinafter or in any part o1 dry pulverized cow manure other deed or deeds, instrument or instruments of whatever nature or kind soeve•• to the conl'rary in any wise inotwithetandinge" m 9 IEN Phone 94 Zurich Delaware & Hudson Co. s LACKAL COAL Also soft coal. Our terms are cash on delivery, tel HENSA,t-.L ONT. Phone House or Office -No. 10. GRAND BEND SUMMER RESORT Bring your picnic parties to the Pavilion on the Beach. Special attention 'is being paid to picnic parties. Free tables and free hot water supply . Enjoy the breezes right off the water. Drop us a card; E.C.ECCLESTON. LESS WIEAT F BACK ANO KIDNEYS IPJRT Take a glass of Salts to flush Kidneys if Bladder bothers yon -Drink lots of water. was not insured. County Crown Attorney, C. Se- eger alnd 1\trs. Seager of Goder- 11011 celebrated their golden wedd ing on Aug, 18th. Henry- Horton, enumerator for South Huron, has• sold hie tee -'-ere farm •near Kippen to Mr. Wm. Ccoper of Hay Township. convention of the U. F, 0. will be held en Wingham on Sept. 8th to sale^_t a candidate for the Come moans. !Duri.ng a severe th relerslorm,. recently the barn of Jahn Leary of near Cromarty, was struck by light.ni hg and destroyed. Sem.r of •th • stock and the seasou's crop were lost. Eating meat regularly eventually pro- duces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known authority, be- cause the uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and mis- ery in the kidney region; rheumatic twin- ges, severe headaches, acid stomach, con- stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kid- neys aren't elating right, or if bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of :Tad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes sand lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for gonerations to flush clogged kidneys end stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer irri- gates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jed Salts cannot injure anyone; wakes a delightful effervescent Mille, weter drink which millions of men and i eeeeu take now and then to keep the kids eye and urinary or ane cleans thus neoidlin serious kidney di ease. TO CORRESI'ONDENiI'S the Herald will go to press \" ;oda reesday afternoon. All newg copy must be fat by Tuesday night. . touring ,tune, July* and August 1. ees Methods of Keeping Cow Records. Four things are necessary for keep- ing cow records: 1. •A monthly milk sheet, ruled so that there shall be a column for re- cording the weight of the morning and evening milking of each cow for each day of the month, though some use a sheet ruled for three days -only, and estimate the weight of milk given for the month from these three days, - which may be consecutive, or on the first, tenth and twentieth of the month, making ten-day beriods be- tween. The Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto, will furnish (free) monthly milk record sheets to those interested. 2. A milk scale —preferably one having a dial face and two hands, one of which shows the net weight of Milk in the pail, when properly set. This scale costs about five dollars. 3. A four to eight bottle Babcock test, where it is desired to know what each cow's milk tests in fat. This will cost from eight to twelve dollars complete. (If a member of a cow - testing association or convenient to a creamery or cheese factory, ar- rangements can usually be made to test the samples, hence the tester is not needed, but a progressive dairy- man should have his own testing out- fit and use it.) 4. The fourth and most important requirement is "The -will -to-do." Without this, milk sheets, scales, testers, etc., are valueless. By having scale, sheet, pencil, sample bottles properly labelled, eta, all convenient- ly arranged, it takes but little time to keep a record of each milking cow in the herd., We would add a fifth need, which is some form of permanent record book for monthly totals and tests, as milk sheets, and notes or records of testing, are likely to be lost and not available for reference, But if these are recorded once a month in a per- manent form, they will prove a source of help in breeding, feeding and weedie.g dairy eowS. -- Prof. IL H. Apaal, 0, , z 'Collee,, Guelph. To Represent THE OLD RELIABLE FU NT - HIL NUSERIES The greatest demand for Nursery Stock in Years. Lr:tisk and European Markets a- ga:cx' open for Canadian Fruit. Larac s:: 1 s:; of Fruit an.l Ornamen- tal Stock, Seel Petaio :s, etc., grown in Canada Wr:te for particulars tine ti VieHinFten Established 18i7 TORONTO, ONT. THE WESTERN FAIR .September 6th to -13th Prom present appearances the Western Fair of -London, Ontario well b3' the best Exhibition this year in its history. At' this early e for Exhibits is about Herald Press, Zurich, Ont The ZURICH LIBRARY Is Now Open. Hours: Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon and Evening 2 to 5 and 7 to9 o'clock. Library at Miss Lydia Faust's home. from the pasture field. This last is plantsinthe widow inaempe date spm one of the best possible fertilizers all taken and it remains now for for lotne ttaa good Live Stock entry which is t f"1 the S.oels ture of 60 to 70 dog. Fahr., an ordi- nary house temperature. — Willialu Hunt, 0. A. College, Guelph. White Grubs and Wfa•eworms. White grubs are the larvae of the large dark brown May beetles, or "June Bugs," as they are commonly called, and, being underground feeders, are very difficult to control. A great variety of experiments have been made with chemicals h h 1 o1 many fast; coming in o i. barns, when with favorable wea- ther conditions visitors will the greates•; saccess over attained l y the, Western Fair. Show from There will be a Dog Tuesday to Fr:day nova ofExhib d ition week. A Pure n Show will be held in the Process Build- ing throughout the entire week- 'ssian. Butter mak- l�amevE4 no extra aunt l;u ]ling sorts, but none has proved successful. brig as usual in the Dairy adoptioThe n of a system ofmethod of ntrol is rotationthe of each day Eggand vcooll exlthq crops. No field should be left in' its in the Dairy Building bl fur's grass for more than threw years. An Government also moving res old pasture, when broken up, is often I under canvas on Society Tr - found to be full of these grubs, and ' actor Demonstrations l��tnlrtia 1l they rvi11 attach the roots of any f their ,large manufactur.,rtn, Iran- ordinaryplants that are sown in place food which has been remove A grand Antnmobile Show in ed. Corn and potatoes will suffer spar tation boil`''ing with overflow severely, but clover is least affected exhibits 'ni tte Machinery H. by them and may be seeded down: Evers one within reach of L°tido h with rye. After the second year any .should take at least one C day and crop will usually be safe. Deep : d hal v'�sit the exhibits. ploughing in October before the ') etity weather becomes cold will expose the celebrate eapenf and ion P tr mi grubs and destroy many. Pigs and ' with is All poultry, crews and oilier birds and 1l1e Secretary, General. Offices Lon skunks greedily devoid them. Where dtenOnt. an old field is found to be badly in-; , '' � fested, it is a good plan to turn in been found effective. some hogs; they will soon root out prevalerli idea that salt and eat up all the grubs. If the field will kill them; but this is an entire is large it would be well to portio mistake. The only remedy is a short atthem with hurdleswto a sinal] portion rotation of crops as is the case of move a time, and when that is eedieg White Grubs. Ploughing in August them on' to a fresh fending and cross -ploughing in September ground. will destroy great numbers. Clean Wirevvoriare the larvae of Click cultivation, leaving no weeds or oth- beetles, so called from their curious er shelter the beetles, in fence c habit of springing up in the air with corners and for the ere is also of im- a "click" when laid upon their backs. portance. Flax is a particularly vale The beetles are long and narrow, cable crop for sowing on old sod, as rounded clove, with very short legs, the worms injure it but very Tattle. and usually dull gray or black in color. The grecs aid long and Break up the old pastures is the roundfroadvice all farmers should follow.— which ttheylgetvertheirinamelofskinr Wine_ Dr. C. J. S. Bethune, 0. A. College, Guelph, Eto BUSINESS CARDS .nom eKotroyoo , fiULl.OI A,N, & comm. Barririie.ri S'ilieitorr, Notaries Public &c Cit ee, u„ alae Square, 2nd door trete Jfr.iniiten• . t,. t derioh. Private fume; to loan at lowest rates tit W. Peeenn er, Ji C. J. L. KILmm:s. H. J. I!. Comm it Mr. Cooke will be in ensall 00 Friday end Saturday of each week. • ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Pablie Com rnissioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canticle Treat,Co. Herald Office,. Zurich. OSCAR KLOPP - Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conduetedin any part of the county. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed Address Zurich, R. R. No, 2, or phone Zurich. TO ADVERTISERS During Juno, July and August the Herald will go to press Wed- nesday afternoon. All copies for change of advert!sements must be in our office by Monday noon to insure insertion. over Dr. 11 '. E erre' e'd. P., DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASEWOO1) EVERY THURSDAY, MAIN OFF'TCP - HEN? ‘LL. ir A .' eery ►:,G -';Fe. eE' :, WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTE D LOCAL AGENTS FOE THE CELEBRATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS IN THE (LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS • •- i -• • ALSO REPAIRS FOR MACHINERY, PLOW POINTS, ETC. GIVE Z S A CALL sp urich worms, and yellow or whitish in color. Their life -history is very simi- lar to that of the White Grubs, as they thrive in old pastures and take two or three years to mature. They feed upon. the roots of any plants that may be grown where they are, and are Especially injurious to corn and potatoes, in the latter of which they often burrow great holes. An in the case of the White Grubs, no t,y .at.Ulglbt pi: tlrc_h soil with poisons of South Africa Raised .15(,003 Men. 'thanksgiving Services throughout the Union of South Africa, some 1lelcl partly in lenghsh and partly in Mitch, emphasize the fact that in n11 war operations in Africa. arta] over- ;s, the Union gave the services of ,iearly 150,000 amen, of whom 313 officers and 6,320 men were killed in action, 11,661 of all ranks were killed in action, 11,661 of all ranks were wounded, and 1,344 taken prise raper 444 203 Missing. 1,7 1 A Carload of XXXX CEDAR SHINGLES has arrived, Best Quality. KaIbfieih, Zurich stern LondonSc, SeptembeTr th 1 Zfth, 1919 This is the Great Agricultural Exhibition of Western Ontario Exhibits the Very Best Two Attract:ons Spee:1 Eeents Better Daily Than Ever Jonny J. Jones Midway Exposition PLENTY OF MUM FIREWORKS EVERY NIGHT PURE FOOD SHOW TRACTOR DEMONSTRATIONS -_....... ..�w..,� Autoe Entrance c:. rhe: Dundee an 1 Egerton Strs. Usual Entrance at Gat :s,Or; nd Stand 50c. and '25c. Prize Lists Entry Foems and all information from the: Secret -try Lt. -Col. W. M. GARTSJIORE, President. A. M. RUNT, Seer tart'. in pp subscribers s1 .51 J4ei e cellal.. ist