HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-08-22, Page 8For Your Inspection For Lad ies's Wear FOR MEN New silk poplins in fashionable 1 ; ; I *1 shades, Reps, cord silks, Georget- tes and crepe du chenes. Also serges, poplins and garbardines for suits or dresses. See our fine display of spring caps, felt hats, fine neglige shirts with collars to match, hew ties, gloves, suits, tweed rain coats. Housefurnishings Window shades, curtain scrims, litoleums, oilcloths, conguleums, and tapestry rugs. Groceries A. WELL ASSORTED STOCK 0 F GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO CALF AND PIG MEAL, PRATT'S BABY CHICK FEND, OYSTER SHELL, NEW GARDEN SEEDS: J. Gascho Son 41-14-1-144,++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++41 .F••3.•i•d••F••%• •i••i•3•••i••F•E•+•i•+3•.Ir..i•.l••l..y.g••i••t••i•+•E••F•+++: •II•.3^•i.•3.•i..i••p..g 4. Gold Medal Twine f Our supply of Gold Medal Twine o- d7 t, e has arrived. Our prices and . 4. 4. 4. 'l e' ° i ,� terms are a.s follows; .i. 4. �, ��r!�rr• •1• 4.,.`,w'4t ,�JV i •, 27c. per Ib. + 14.,�' ; i<F'. .i' 28c. for September payment, s ,l.t 411, ti fti salt i `, ;•���,,, Also Green Sheaf and Silver Sh- -. 1,1 �1� � 7 J eaf at lower prices. 7 M urs laF:' anilla Rope ..g4. ee a Everyone in need of large hay fork rope should get our 4. + prices before buying. All sizes small ropes in stock. '1• STADE &WEIDO + 4.PREETER. BLOCK - ZURICH 4. 4. 44++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6 ONLY FAMOtJS No. 21 Fleury Piows in stock at 4421while they last Following at last year's prices ONE DAIN HAY LOAD ER, NONE BETTER. PETER HAMILTON SCUFFLED, B EST ON MARKET PETER HAMILTON CULTI V ATO R. BISSELL DISC HARROW BISSEL LAND ROLLER ONE 4% h. p. UNITED GASOLINE ENGINE, SLIGHTLY USED. ABOVE WILL IBE SOLD AT CUTPRICES, AS WE 1.0.1250 PHEMON- 1 EY. We handle pumps, piping, etc LPRANG .JlOH ! reit! be at the B jiiSEBALL TOURNMENT ZURICH on l;9 Sept. 1st Three Baseball Games Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth and Zurich teams will play. Games called at 10.30 a. tri., 2 and 4,30 p. tn. Fastest Diamond in Western Ont. Meso Foot Races, 100 yd,, 220 yd. and half mile. Open to all comers. Gr, wnd Concert in evening by Prof. I{e koa and troupe FINE. SPORT GOOD PRIZES ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr, and Mrs Percy Robinson and Mr. Eldon Howal.d of Kitchener is visiting friends here. Miss Lila Eilber of Crediton is, visiting relatives here this week. A joint meeting of Huron and Lambton county representatives .was held at Grand Bend on Aug- ust 1st with the object of reaching, some agreement with regard to the respective liability of the two counties for the cost of the new bledge to be erected ever the Aux Sauble River at that point. A1 - though, so it is held by the Huron county authorities, the bridge is wholy w,thin the county of Lamb - ton, Huron county has in the past contr,butrd towards its maintenan- ce, and the claim was put forth by Lambton that this county sho- uld pay ane -half the cost of the new bridge. The good roads co- mmission of this country repres- ented. Huron at the joint meeting aind it was agreed to go ahead with the ezection of the Lew 1 raige Huron to pay one-half the cost. ALL BASEBALL TOURNAMENT At a well attended meeting held last Friday night it was decided to hold a baseball tournament in Ztur.ch o'n Monday, Septi 1st, Lab- or Day• Four trams wid play for the Championship of South Hur- on and libr.ral pr=zea are -being of fered A $nuanber of interesting foot rac s are also on the program. The day will be brought to a close by a concert in the Town Hall. A strong committee has been selected to make arrangem- ents to make the day a big suc- cess. All roads will lead to Zurich an Labor Day. children of Ai:sa Craig spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. Ezra Bender, 14th. con. Mr. and Mrs. Rossm.an nad son of Mdnckton, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Bender and sons of Listowel, vis- ited at the home of Mr. B. Pfile, 14th. con, over Sunday. Mr. Wm. Lamont and daughters attended the funeral of Mr. La- mcant's mother, the late Mrs. Ja- mes Esier, at 'Varna, held last Friday. (Zurich Library will be closed from Aug 23rd to August 30th, as the librarian, Miss L. Faust, is attending the Y. P. A. convention at St. Jacobs and visiting relati- ves in Stratford and Kitchener. THE CONCERT -°-The concert to be held in the Town Hall on Labor Day evening under the auspiices of the Base- ball Club will be something extra. good. Prof. Luther Kekoa and company will give a program of Hawaiin Softs, Dances and music Alsc extra features by Adair and Adair, etc. This concert was giveln at the Grand Opera Horse London, las`. ser'ng and preducec7 very favorable eomanent by the City's daili^s. Get your tickert early. DIiED Leslie—At Blake, on Aug. 15th, John Leslie, aged 85 years. ,Ester—At Varna, on Aug. Mrs James Esler, aged years. FOR SALE Good 2 storey frame house, and 2', acres of land. Good stable on prem'ses, hard and soft water wells Also 5 acres pasture land partly grown in cedars. Will be sold to-gether or separately. Will be sold reasonable for quick sale. Apply to H. F. Ic c s _ l ih, Zur:ch. -----•l•---- 13th, 88 The day started with a bad game at the race track diamond between Zur:ch and Seaforth, which Zurich won by a score of 13--7. The score, however, scarcely indicate , the game as tZurch scored eeeeii runs in the first inning. After thatt he locals got down to busing' ess an'i the game after that was a dandy and kept the big croWd • of fans in a roar to the finish. Zurich have a snappy team,' all home boys, and most of them veterans at the game, and are a. gentlemanly team and a pleasure to see in action. The above appeare 1 In the Hur- on Expos:tor last week and refers to the baseb•.rll game won by the, Zurich team from S°aforth at the; Veteran Day celebration. Last Fr:day evening the Goshen Lino South baseball team played the Zurich "Near -Hitters" and were defeated by the score of 12 • to 11. Davis at second was are -i guiar. "Tight -wad," held all that came his way, Denomy as short. grabbed at everything in sight and Stopped a few. Oesele et third covered most of the infield, and had a "close shave" of really • stopping a fdw. Battery for Goshen Line, Truemner and BreWn COMB SAGI IEA IN FADEB OB GRAY IIAIQ If Mixed with Sulphur it Darkens so Naturally Nobody can Tell. Grandmother kept her hair beauti- fully darkened, glossy and attractive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this sim- ple mixture was applied with wonder- ful effect. 13y asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get a large bot- tle of this old-time recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, all ready to use, at very littte'cost. This simple mixture Can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Cotnpound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied -- it's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it through your hair, taking orwi strand at a time. By morning the gray, hair disappears; after another application or two, it is restored to its natural color and looks glossy, soft and beautiful. This preparation is a. delightful toilet requisite. Xt is not ins tended for the cure, mitigation or pre vtll�+srJiw,c.� ... :� 51.Y.:. r_�.,.:1"lFv,�!t,ripAi':N;''•ru.r.. �fx+.;''�' , .i.'r,,4 a au:..''.Yoe ,hf•... ,.. n.. _edict t"` Brauu Zurich's, : usy Store Announcement We have the agency for the well known Lois Phonographs Three styles to choose from, ranging in price from $125 to $225. Beautiful tone, universal reproducer plays all records, no unnecessary noise. You will be convinced on hearing it at our store at your convenience. Installment terms arranged on any of these instruments. Binder Twine, Harvest Tools Paint, Rope, Car of Fresh Canada Cement, WoVen Fence, Stoves, etc. Overalls and Smocks When you need working clothes you should call at our store for your needs.'j_A full line of over- alls, smocks, etc. See our line of Carharts Overalls and Smocks None Better enomy *giros. 4 Zurich Phone 78 T. L. WURM Phone 78 JUST ARRIVED A nice line of ladies' silL waists in to -day's 1 eading styles and shades TO CLEAR Ladies' white voile Waaist;s at 75o and $1.00. LADIES' HOSE Silk and cotton h.ose in the follow- ing shades; White, black, grey, taupe, sand, champagne, nigger. SILKS* SILKS! Our silk department is complete crepe de chene, poplins, taffeta, crepe Faille, etc. PULL -OVER. SWEATER COOATS All wool at $7,50 SPECIAL IN OUR WHITEW ARE DEPARTMENT Just arrived, lovely washable cam- isoles, x$1.25 $1.50 $2.00 SUNNIER UNDERWEAR Ladiella combination suits sleeve- less and short sleeves. RAIN COATS Get one. Keep dry. Windproof and Rainproof. Regular $20 for $15, Regular $25 for $16. MEN MADE -TO ORDER CLOTHING Men's made -to- order clothing. Every suit guaranteed to fit. Give us a triallo. HATS AND CAPS Mena' hats and caps in all colors.. Buy your spring hat here an3i save money, UNDERWEAR A big stock of men's and young men's combination suits, white nad tan'. FREE* FREE; FREE! With every pound of Minto teat we give away FREE one silver tea spoon, Roger quality. PINEAPPLES Just arrived, fresh pineapples. This is the week to buy pineapples, as the price is going up. Phone or mall orders promptly attended to. Seed Corn, Sorghum, rlangel Seed, Garden Seeds, Etc. aw TILIWURM Phone 78