Zurich Herald, 1919-08-15, Page 8FOR MEN Your iiiSiitCi1011 For Ladies's Wear New silk poplins in fashionable " 1 : shades, Reps, cord silks, Georget- , • :!! • tes and crepe du chenes, Also serges, poplins and garbardines for suits o dresbefa See our fine display of spring caps, felt hats, fine neglige shirts with collars to match, new ties, gloves, suits, tweed rain coats, .0•1/111.11111•1.1111.0.0101101111.1 liousefurnishings Window shades, curtain scrims, linoleums, oilcloths, conguleums, axed tapestry rugs. -s-- .1ltri ,4 ka...*.aee •.,, eV ,,52011=1=1921041=iislOORIGMIlillIMSWKIHMODAZZOCCittl=52=1161111 """" `E"'k ef'1 f Jitt JLL FeR TEE Z71 t. Notitagrtg• POWER8z LG T POWER for 'Washing-Chun-ling-Milking- Separator-Grindstono ELECTR:CITY for Flat-iron-Toastor-Vvalum Cleaner -L -Fan LIGHT for House-Barnt-Dairy-Silo-Driveways WATER for House -Dairy or Barns This dependablo Electric Plant is right now doing chores and household tasks on hundreds of Canadian farm. s. And also sup- plying them with bright and safe electx ic light and pumping the water for house and barns. It is fully ant-Croatia—starts itself and stops itself—one of the five sizes will just fit your farm— There is a sample set up here, come in and see it run. 1.1 ff Age Zurich, ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST roceries A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO CALF AND PIG MEAL, PRATT'S BABY CHICK FEED, OYSTER SHELL, NEW GARDEN., SEEDS. Jo Gascho & Son %leo' 4eiff w‘a ins Our supply of Gold. Medal Twine has waived. Our prices and term a are as follows; 27c. per lb. 28c. for September payment. Also Green Sheaf and Silver Sh- eaf at lower prices. Pure afi - ilia ope 4. 4. 4. + Mrs C. Fritz spent the week -end iin Dasliaroodl. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Knechtel of Kitchener visited relatives here for a fear days. Mr. Morris Rau of Detroit is Vis- iting his pare.nts, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rau, Goshen Line, allsses Nettle and Matilda Well, of Detroit, are visiting their par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Well, of town. Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter a.nd family. and Miss Fanny Preeter left on Wednesday on a. motor tylea to Detroit, Mich.. 4. 4. Everyone in need of large hay fork rope should get our4. T. prices before buying. All sizes small ropes in stock. + 6 ONLY Mrs. 3 Wing and Mrs, J. Shiery, of Kitchener, are spending the iweek at the home of the fOrmeris mother, Mrs. P. Hauch. •• Mss Margaret Hess was 'one of the successful candidates at the re- cent exams. of the lower school for entrance to Normal school, passing with honors The following pupils of Z. P. 8, were successful at the recent ex anis for entrance to the Model school;—W. T. Blackwell, Srnior. graduation, J. W. Haberer and O. Zettel M. M. Hoffman pas.el J n all subjects but arithmetic and will have this subjeet to her next >e- ar's exams. 4, ZURiC1-1 3: F RAW 1e).7ry Mows in st at $2 thBe they hst Foil 'MEV at last year prices 4. ONE DAIN HAY LOAD ER, NONE BETTER. PETER HAMILTON SCUPFLER, 13 EST ON MARKET PETER HAMILTON CULTIVAT0 R. BISSELL DISC HARROW EISSEL LAND ROLLER ONE 41/2 h. p. UNITED GASOLINE ENGINE, SLIGHTLY USED. ABOVE: WILL BE SOLD AT CTJTPRICES, AS WE NFICO THEMON- EY. We handle primps, piping, etc ZURICH +—+ 11 mmollsoMalle ADMINISTRATORS SALE OE Farm, Farm Stock, Implem- ents, etc. Estate of Robert John Richardson, Deceased; by PUB- LIC, AUCTION will be held at Lot No. 10, B. IL N. Cane:es:on, Stanley Towais'elp. on Satarday, Aug. 22rd, 1919, at oma o'clock, p. m. Foe Particulars see Posters or apply to Thomas Brolwnett, Ad- ministrator; W. Brydone, Solicitor; T. Gundry, Auctioneer. +-eV' CLERK'S NOTICE —OF— Voters' List, 1919, Municipality of the Township of HayCounty of Euroin't, NOTICE is hereby given that I IdLVIFtramstait.tecl or delivexed to the persons mentioned in Section 9 of The Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by said. section to be so transmitted or dei vered i of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment roll of , the said Municipality to be entit- led to vote in the said municipality at electons for inera'er:, of the Leg saie A,s -M. 1' and at Municieal Mentions; and that the said list was first posted up in my office at Zurich on the 30th day of July, 1919, and remains there. for insp- ection. And I hereby all ulon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor rented according to law. Dated this 30th day of July, 1919. A. F. HESS, Clerk of Hay Township. 'eTffeliallenliaMEWIMI'Mav' ' cft, RI 0 a ,311, emacsoanznuavaximmanmaniasoomnareeemarsanamor..a- Announce ent 11?..e=17 4.6101101 'MAMA We have the agency for the well known Lois Phonographs Three styles to choose from, ranging in price from $125 to $225. Beautiful tone, universal reproducer plays all records, no unnecessary noise. You will be convinced on hearing it at our store at your convenience. Installment - terms arranged on any of these instruments. IMANCIVAPASEBASIMAAMART.A.CAre Binder Twine, Harvest Tools Paint, Rope, Car of Fresh Canada Cement, WoVen Fence, Stoves, etc. tr4, Witift,44`0 Stei.grohe!.. aill22118XIMMIS Last Thursday evening Zurich baseball team played a picked team of campers at Grand Bend and the game ended in a tie, six all. The game was a good one, taking into consideration the sancb, diamond, which made real fast playing impossible. Battery for iZurich, Thiel, Hoff- man and Callas, !ZURICH 7, MITCHELL 2 Ls t Fr'.dae eveni ig the Mitolel team played the local team here and at the end of 7 innings the score stood, Zurich 7, Mitchell 2, Or account of darkness the game, had to be tailed., The game was olne of the best played here this Season and Mitchell should ffel„. proud of her baseball team. A few costly errors an the 5th innings brought in four runs for Zurich. enough to gain the vixtory. Luther, Kekon, who pitched for Zurich, was In fine form, allowing only a few scattered -hits and striking out 7 men Brabbi, the Mitchell pit-' eher, also pitched ball and struck out 6 man. The line-up foe Zurch was; E. Wurm, e; L, Kekoa, p ; C. 0. is 1); Clar. Hoffman, 2 vl b: Wra`fe; 3 b; L, W. Hoffman se; :Braun f ; C. Either, c I; T.. L Wurra, 1 1. Score by innings; Mitchel( 1010000—(2 Zurich 01 1 1 4 0 x-7 Zinedie bes ball team plaee I the Seaforth team at the big celebre_ ation held at Seaforth on Wednes- day, and easily defeated them by the aeon', of 13-7. Heavy bitting enabled our team to run -up the seore, Battery for Zurleh, Warm and -Clavfneor Hoffman, -----+---- Doctere have received notice from the board of license comm- issioners for Ontario that special forms for liquor proscriptions are to be used henceforth. One is to lea used when a patient is receiv-,, the order for anything up to a quart of spirits, orea dozen bot - ties of beer, and the other when the doctor procures for his own use in practice a quantity not to exceed ten galoas, GRAND ti NEVER LEI 11ER 11AM GEE BOY She Kept Her Locks Dark and Glossy, with Sage Tea and Sulphur. When you darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, because it's do* a so naturally, so evenly. Preparir g this mixture, though, at home is mussy and trouble- some. At little cost you can buy at any drug store the ready -to -use prep- aration, improved by the addition of other ingredients called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning all gray hair disappearSi and, after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark- ened, glossy and luxuriamt. • C4fay, faded hair, though no dis- grace, is a sign of old age, and as we all ,desire a youthful and attractive appearance, get busy at once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound and look years younger. This ready - to -use preparation is a delightful tot-, let requisite and not a medicine. It is not intended for the cure, mitiga- tion or prevention of disease, t SlItemmoneorian, verIks Sm 111,i c s When you need working clothes you should call at our store for your needs.. 7A full line of over - alis, smocks, ete. See our line of Carharts Overalls and Smocks None Better Phone 78 JUST ARRIVED A nine line of ladies' silL waists in to -day's 1 eading styles and ,shades TO CLEAR Ladies' white voile Waaists at 75o and $1.00, LADIES' HOSE Silk and cotten hose in the follow- ing shades; White, black, grey, taupe, sand, thampagne, nigger. ......13AMAC11111411121112-2 SILKS* SILKS! Our silk department is complete crepe de chene, poplins, taffeta, crepe Faille, etc. PTJLL-OVER SWEATER COOATS All wool at $7,50 SPECIAL IN OUR WHITEWARE DEPARTMENT Just arrived, lovely washable cam- isoles, $1425 $1.50 $2.00 SUMMER UNDERWEAR Ladies' combinationesuits sleeve- less and short sleeves. Get and $15. Rem 18 ft RAIN COATS One. Keep dry. Windproof Rainproof. Regular $20 for Regular $25 for $18. MADE -TO ORDER CLOTHING Men's made -to- order clothing. Every suit guaranteed to fit. Give us a triaak. HATS AND CAPS Meals' hats and caps in all colors Buy your spring hat here and save money, MAISACAMISVM.ILAMAAMIA(..01.M026100•2161ORMIONION14 UNDERWEAR A big stock of man's and young men's combination suits, white nad tan'. Rectlwa..15564,.03...1...cormamicilerdrinCtIlia721.413- FREE* FREE! FREE! With every pound of Minto tea we give away FREE' one alive'. tea _spoon, Roger quality. PINEAPPLES Just arrived, fresh pineapples. This is the week to buy pineapple as the price, is going up. Phone or mail orders promptly attended to Seed Corn, Sorghum, flangel Seed, Garden Seeds, Etc. =Se 061.1.30119112/1111 mencrgems rernercomnstsressnanommalemoroseammempue