HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-08-15, Page 5LOCAL MARKETS
(Corrected every Thursday.)
Eggs ... . 46
Dried Apples 06
Potatoes per bag 1,25
Wheat ... 2.06-2.11
Barley... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 80
Buckwheat ... ... ... ... .... 1.00
Flour ... ... ... ... ' e.50-6(.10
Bram ..., . . 38.00
Shorts ... .., ,..... „.. .., 44,00
Live Hogs fob Hensall 21.00
Zurich Mot
Fresh and Salt Meats
Bologna Ea-Lit:ages, etc
Highest Cash Price for Wool
Tunfolut &)
Ona111, Eggs,
utter and PouLvy
night Cash
Price Paha
Phone 94, Zurich
Delaware 8r. Hudson Co.'s
Also soft coal.
Our terms are cash on
.41tAy U)UNCIL
.Council met on. elatusdag,
August 2nd, 1919. Au llivni„,-:ri
were preseet ih unutee teiJrn
previous meeeeng were read anti
adopt ea,
The Re'e was aaether.: el to loale,
into tme, mattee of making teeep-.
hone tines connected with Dash -
sae whole shipment averaged 1450
wood central more sat.sfactory
giving preper service and te give I Pounds, The 'shipment was as
nec.s3ary irse,gac ions to havettem! eerie a bunch of cattle as everleft
rel:Mitred at once, these parts and ,commended' .
The Reeve was auehorhel to sup fancy Price'. The shipmegt was
crvise the work of repairing the 1 Valued elose to $37,000. Six ear -
telephone lines nor and south of ; loadwere loaded t Exeter else
Drysdale and the linea irons Zurei twe Denfielde
Recently a large shipment
what is considered to be. the high-,
est preced cattle to leave this dis
trict, was shipped from leer Properly Rodded Buildings Alone
Are Safe.
wed eDried by Mr. Wesley Stied
to a filen in jeisey Ctiy, N. J.
The shipment eompaised of . 148
head of steers. Sixty head aver- Rods May 13e Installed by Farmer
agod 1504 pounds each and the, Himself Efficiently and Cheaply—
Aluminum or Copper Material
Should Be Used—Be Sure Rods
Are Well Grounded.
(contributed by Ontario Department of
Agricuiture, Toronto.)
CCOMPANYING the heated
eummer days are the num.
eroua thunderstorms wfiich
ich Central to the west limits of . Albert erineent of e.ephen; Heron
infest the teeeperate regions
eCotenty, who was sentences . • .to
the Villege oi Zurich. I.
The follawing rates for the serve two years in prison some of our continent, and it is then we
year 1919 were. struck; Thedame i time ago by Magistrate Graydon need the proper answer to the ques-
t o be levied and •colectled. Coe 1 of Lonecon for &sertng• from the tion of practicability of lightning
unty Rate, $716,.70, 3 in e.s; High, i' W. 0 R., and who is now in Kings. rods. -Contemporaneous wit's this
way rate, $3610,50, 1% mills; Town ston Peretentiary, may be re:eased usually come the lightning loi agents
ship rate, 2 n -.i le Zer ee leo.keVi:- en the near future if the efforts and again a knowledge of the sub-
lago rata, 7% m l's, Dashwood Pol- , of his frOolds are suceessful. Vin- lett is neceseary. To answer the
ice. Tillage, 5 mi.lis. 'cent has served five months (4 question we can do no better than
S011000L SEC, RATES his sentenice, and his father, Cy- - rely
on the statistics rif insurance
Ctoneral Sehoel rate, 2 mills. -rus 'Vincent, has peti Toned for his companies. Iteeorts front these in
S. S. No 2, 2 3-10; NNo, 11, 3 3-10; son's release on the ground that
No. 3, 22-10; No. 7, 6 8-10; U. No, he is unable himself to carry : On
16; 5 8-10; No, 4, .3 5-10; No. 1,1 3 the work on his 100-aer e farm. J.
7-10; No 11, 41-10;; Ne, 10; 23-10 J. Merner, M. P. for South Huron,
No. 13, 3 6-10; No. 6, 3 3-10; U. No. has interested himself in the ease
9, 3 6-10; Nc. 8, 9-2-10; No. 12, 3 and Magistrate Graydon has ree-
4-10; No. 15, 3 6/10; No. 1, 8. I ei\ ed documents which enlist ee
The following ordeal were pas- signed before. the release can be
sed : made., Reports from pr -son au•t-
1913 show that 26 per cent. of their
risk% were on rodded buildings. The
total number of: claims paid were
193, which amounted to $40,904.53;
of these eight were rodded and dam-
age done only $57.64. If the rods
were no good thee 26 per cent. of
strokes should have been on rodded
Wendel Sthith., rep .r. i. eon 8-9 horities at Kings'on say that buildings, or, roughly, 50 strokes.
$18.00; Herald Prenteng Co., prin- Vincent is well-behaved and his In that year the insurance com-
thig Votees' Lists, e`.c. 111.50; ditto good conduct renders hm, eliesieiepanies figured an efficiency of 99.5
.1 -a
re. telephone e.75; Can. Ind. Tel. for parnle in the near future, per cent. In Iowthe efficiency runs
Co. supplies 91.60; • North Elec., 1
• $)8.7 per cent. and in Michigan, where
the rodding is inspected the efficiency
GOVT. LOARD TO SELL WHEAT; is 99.9 per cent. From these we are
supp., 120.10; B. tel. Co. switehing
a' Hensall re Tuckersmith 6 mos. CASH eOrt, hiele eagalega' forted to agree that lightning rods
2.00;5 G. T. R., freight on iron 7.00, The Government has finady de- are a pro•tection, and we must now
ditto on tel wire, lee; 3. Galiman terzeened its podcy in eagard to conpstiitilienegwtilrereyaanrd11910o0w into urods..
Jr., deg 'Schwalm drain 6.00; Tru- this yeases wheat crop. The
ed Concrete Steel Co., bridgemain i....aLures of •the plhumber of pernkilled by
an are; !gaoling was 7 13, of which 2 51 were
iron 72.12; Woodstock HospiA.I, 3 'tle board to buy and markt' killed in the open, 158 in houses, 57
mos for C. Rupp 39.00; CEilber, et the erop ef 1919. under trees, and 56 in barns, of the
grading 18.00; Stade & Weidoerone eiey. A cash payment on account! remainder the circumstances were
etc.. 50.30; ditto tel. sup. .70; to be made to the farmer at '• the unknown. From this it appears that
Jos. McDonald, rep, culvert conelie sells his wheat, it is more dangerous in the open than
9.00; J. Campbell haul plank 2 ZO; (3) The. whanywhere else. The reason of thiseat erop of Canada probably is that the house, tree, etc.,
John iZettel, part payment W. B. to be sold by the., board at the pre- act as conductors and carry the
dralat 620.00; E. Dater, work on calling world prices, •and the sur- charge directly to the ground with -
bridge e,00; 5, Dietz, part pay -i plus proceeds after expenses are out harming the occupants. Of those
ment in.speting bridges 30.50; J. 1 'ducted, to be distributed to the killed in the open the most were
Laporte; tel expenses re townhisp criginal sraised above their surroundings, onaliere of the wheat ein
horse -back, a load of hay or an agri-
proportion to grade and quantiSy. cultural implement. In
1.85; Poul Paul -Badour, rep. evil L. R.
3,00; Jos. Corriveau, elg. ditch L.! (l) No specular ng on exchanges Holstein, for the years 187 4 to 18S3
R. 2511; Clerk part salary 100 0); A: or profiteering by handlers to be summary reports show that yearly
Baker, rept road and grading S,, allowed in disposing of the Nel.,egaiegoue of every million buildings, 5 e9
22 - Alex. Foster, art pay- erop
oC 1919 to. the disadVantee'le•dinary. buildings -Mouses, barns), 50ph
6,277 churches, 8,524 windmills, and
306 factories were struck. Naturally
the total number of churches in that
country are less than any other type
01 building and yet they were more
often struck, which is due to their
height and especially of their spire.
Thus all high or projecting objects
are more liable to be struck and
hence should. be rodded.
A lightning rod is merely a mo-
tallic rod sunk in damp earth and
terminating in a point or points
above a projecting structure. Now
unlike charges of electricity attract,
thus the charge of the cloud attracts
the oppositely, induced charge on the
earth up through the rod to the point
where it slowly leaks off into the air
about it and thus ieninee it. This -
ionized or charged nif now existe
within a field af electrical force
which cuesee a eurrent or th::iricity
to travel elewly through the, atmo-
sphere to the cloud which tends to
neutralize tho charge on the cloud
above the building end hence pre-
vents a diecharge. However, the dis-
charge is not alweys prevented as
lightning sonletiee8 vets with a
"freak 'nature" and a discharge oc-
Phone House or Office—No. 10. ment„ 'bridge contract, 400,00; ditto of either producer or consumee.
use of Nock and tackee 3.00. (5) A timet and immediate cash
The Council adjourned to meet , sale by the farmer, and a speedy
again on Saturday Sept. 6th, at movement of the estop along the
1 (Mock, p. m. !usual ehannels of transport,
IA. F. H•ses, CLERK.' The personal of the boarl w'll
be made known very -shortly, as
also w:11 the initial cash payment
to he made on account of the far-
Bring your picnic parties to the
Pavilion on the Beach.
Special attention is being paid
to picnic parties. Free tables and
free hot water supply .
HaljtYy the breezes right
Drop us a card;
off the
September 6t1i. to 13th
From er.sent appearances the. mers at the time of the sale of
WsLrrn Fair of Lo ado n, Ontario , his wheat.
will tee the best Exhibition this
year in its history. At this early 1
eietespace- for -8x1114'its is about Bievcle, with coaster treke.
all taken and it remains now for
a good Live- Stock entry which is Price $10. C. FRITZ.
[ast coming in to iie the S osk
barns, when with favorable we,H
tior conditions vislter., will see e,
KIDNEvs AT B4Dly the greetess saccess ever attaenee 1
T Do not let our supply of Cou•
i ' k i g . lay the Weston Fair. neer Check Books run too low.
There will be a Dog Show from
We sell Appleford's check books,
Tuesday to Friday noon of Exhib- W
Mon week. A Pur •e Food Seow first-class in every respect. Let
will be held in the Process Build- as have your order.
ing throughout the entire weele— . Herald Press, Zurich, Opt
no extra adm-ssion. Butter male- ea.
we are ft nation of meet cutters end Irlg as usual in the Dairy Bolding
Hot We:Alter Suggestions on the
'tour -blood is elled With uric lead, says a, each day Egg tend wooll exhile.
Care of Cream.
'well-known authority, who warns us to its in the Dairy Building by the ,
be constantly on guard aga,inst kidney , Govermnene also Moving pictures The season of 1 01i) is likely to be
one specially tryiag for those who
trouble 1 tender canvas on Soc7ety row. Tr-
deeire to ship sweet cream, on ac-
count of the great scarcity of ice. In
many localities, not a pound of ice
was harvested during the winter sea -
and thus the waste is retained in the , sportation building with overflow son of 1918-19. The ice -houses are
empty and there is nothing but water
blood to poizon the entire system. exhibits ni tele Machinery Hall.
to cool the cream. On some farms
When your kidneys ache and feel like Every one within reach of London
pains in the 'back or the urine Is eloruly, '1- s'
e.salse at least one day off fuer" is a searei'Y " water during
hot weather which means added dife-
milts- in cooling. the cream.
hunps of lead, and. you have stinging el -mufti
lull of sediment, or the bladder is irri- and Neale the exhibits. ,Corrie and
The iirst thing is to have a cool -
table, obliging you to seek relief during • eelehrat". Peace and Prosperity
the night; when you havo severe head- with re All informal.on from ing• tank of some kind for holding
etches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleeplasso the Secretary, Genera', Offices. Lon the cream can. One properly built
of cement, or wood and insulatine
mess, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad . then, One. material, in best. Failing this, a coar-
Weather, evet from your pharmacist; about +—ee oil barrel, with the Melee burned to
rake tablespoonful of Salts if Back
hurts or Bladder bothers—Drin tt
lots of water.
The kidnegs do their utmost to free actot• Dernonetrations by several
become wea.k from the overwork; they
buiz large manufacturering companiee.
the blood of this irritating acid,
grand Automobile Show in Iran -
get sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog i
four ounces of Jed belts; take a
tablespoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast each morning and in a few
days your kidneys will act fine. This
lemons salts is made from the add of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
lithia, and has been used for generations
to flush and stimulate clogged kidney,e,
to neutralize the aeids in urine so it is
Ino longer e, source of irritation, thus
ending urinary and bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot
injure; makes i delightful effervescent
lithiesevater drink, and nobody can make
ia mistake by teeing a, little occasionally
to keep the !damp clean and active.
the Herald wilt go to press Wed-
nesday afternoon.. All news
!copy must be in by Tuesday night,
Turing June, July and August
Salosman Wantsd
To Represent
The greatest demand for Nursery
Stock in Years.
Pr:Lish and European Markets a-
gain open for Canadian Fruit.
Lergsst list of Fruit tind Ornamen-
tal Steele, Seel PoWoes,
etc., grown in Canada
should be soldered to the -ioicauctjr.
In fact, all masses of metal of any
size should be connected to the rod'
-or grounded well, as in these induced
currents may be set up by a dis-
charge, which in jumping from one
piece to another may come in context
with some hillaniable material,
Good lightning rods bought from a
reliable firm properly installed will
not only decrease your insurance
premiums, but insure you against an
enormous danger and expense,
R. C. Moffat, 13,S,A., O. A. College,
Good second-hand s:x
ave piano ease organ.
On'.' good second-hand N
Williams sewing machine.
and s?..e them. A Bargain.
H. WEL,L Zureeli.
eaotTI)FOOT, K1LLOBAN, k 00011 11,
Barrieters, Selicitors, Notaries
Public &a, 0111,u, WI the Square, 2zid
door from liamilton et. Gotierieb,
ee e fenes 10 loan at 104'014 rates
111. Pao , J. L. leneumeer,
H. J. 1), Coolilo.
Mr, Cooke will be in Beifeell On Friday
and eatearday of each week.
ANDREW F. H2188, Notary Pudic
Com missioner, Conveyancing,
Fire anti Life Insurance. Agent
Corporation and Canada Trust
Co, Herald Office. Zurich.
Licensed Auctioneer for the Co-
unty of Huron, Sales conductedin
any part of the county. Charges
Call anteed Address Zurich, R. R. No.
moderate and satisfactioe guar -
2, or phone Zurich.
Is Now Open. Hours:
Wednesday and Saturday
Afternoon and Evening
2" to 5 and 7 toe:, o'clock. At
Library at Miss Lydia
Faust's hcme. MAIN OFFICR — IIENe ILL
•••••••••••socmisCuerweacx Yorteenswoono.iint
During June, July and August
the Herald well go to press Wed-
nesday afternoon. All copies for
change of advertisements must be
in our office by Monday noon to
insure insertion.
Dr. E. S. Eadie
h ssey= anis Inalhemeats.
A uncemellt
A Carload of
has arrived Best Quality.
Kaibileis uric
On: 11
eEr.f Arfit, k,,"-73.
curs between the clouds and the
lightning rod. This is due to a re-
versed conelielon being uvery sudden- This is the Great Agricultural
ly broght about by ineluteloa and
through he transfer tricit
Exhtbrhon of Western Ontario
the slow of elecy I. •
tair biL8 not time to
charge the the clued before the ideah a•ia,
takes place. 11 18 now that improper
Two Attract -one Jonny ..T.eoecks
careful inspeetion by the owner at Eahibi
installation proves disastrous. Hence '
.ii o,; el
Speel Eeents Bette,.
nods sbotud preferably lie alune.o
the time of installation is inoet VerDaily y Best Than Ever Expositien
inum or copper, as these do not rust ! PLENTY OF MUSIC FIREWORKS EVERY NIelIIT
easily, and weight 10)0111, these PURE FOOD SHOW TR \a.' TOR DEMONSTR.e.1 IONS
ounces per runni g fool. There.%
should be a continuous rod startieg
in moist earth about eight to teo feet Auto Entr.the.k cerees Duntia.s an 1 Egertan Stye. 13zi,it .Entianeo
below the surface anti running up at Gat :s, nd Sten.1 51a. and e5e.
the corner of the building to the
cave, hence along the slant edge of prize legs Entry Fo:ml and al infolmalien frem the Seerea,ry
the roof to the peak age aloes theM. HUNT, e oeetery.
I t -011 W. M. eiARTSHOREg gr na A
reieeee the eeeisell eaver, seek pert_ ridge to tEe other end, runt dow11.
cover the oppose e slant side ;tenni to the -
is, in 1113' gr ound and having a
euro, and thence to damn ground.
will anewer the purpore, This should
This conductor should be fastened
firmly to the structure by metallic;
fasteners and not insulated from it.
It should also be protected to a
height of eight or ten feet above
ground by nailing a board over it
to prevent cattle from disturbing it
in any way. Metallic nickel pointed
uprights about five feet hign are eol-
tiered and braced firmly to the con-
ducting rod running along the ridge
tine placed about 20 or 30 feet apart.
In the case of a house, an upright
be near the well so as to be conven-
ient for pumping cold water into it.
Each lot of cream should be cool-
ed at once after separating, end be-
fore mixing with previous lots. A
Separate pail or can should be used
for this part of the cooling process.
Allow the cream to remain lar this
special can set _10 the cold water,
nom one separation to the next, be-
ing careful to wash it frequ•ently, 08
the warm cream .53411 soon beco•ine
tainted with the -sour cream organ-
isms, if this 011.11 01' pail he not kept should extend ehert way abveach
sweet. . chimney and shoed be bent in, sO
Keeping pails, cans, eine clean, that the point would pri),:eet above
1 le the centre of the flue to pr.?v9nt a
and immediate cooling to 5)
discharge paseing down elle chimney
Write for Particulars certainly below 60 degh told frequent
shipment or dlidelivevy Of the ovate, by the fairly good conduetors, the
gehne re the Plaill points ie liot leeneher
e heated eand ootOn barn a
care of cream. --Prof. IL II, Dean, rod also should extend above each
tir s. a
ventilator 011(101, All weather vanes,
._ ,
Established. 1831 0AColleme Guelph finials, ridge ironwork, eavetrougets,.
metal hay -tracks, and even litter cae-
TORONTO, QNT). , : , 4,,jazujsa,,LoAs IP geg,geu)dttetoiel
0 new •47' CZ!
a ee
'Teel reee e
- es.
The .4'""d
1,11 11 •,.„4
re) ere. e
*- • t....;eh e
I 1.1