HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-08-15, Page 4timmentaosisememat
T is after a furnace is installed and
, the first cold snap tests it that you
know whether ,your investment in
COMFORT was wisely made or not.
Don't take ea tl'tance on it.
You can be sure of it under the McClary's
gaarantee. McClary's engineers will plan your
heating system without charge. They will guaran-
tee that the Sunshine furnace, installed according
to those plans, 3:4 111 heat your home comfortably,
Take advantage of this service.
Have a comfortable, well -heated home.
D. Tiernan, Dashwood
issued Thursday afternoons
from. the
Terms of subscription ;11.25 per year
In advance ; $2.00 may be charged
if not so paid. U. S. subscripti-
ons $1,75 strictly in advance. No
paper discontinued amid all ar-
rears are paid unless at the option
of the publisher. '.'he date to
which every subscription is paid
is denoted on the label.
Effect: after Jan 1st, 1919.
Display Advc::.,ing-Made known
.an application.
Stray Animals—One insertion 50c
gree insertions $1.00.
Farm or Beal Estate for sale
5Oe. each insertion foe one month
of four insertions, tic. for each
aubsegiii-nt insertion.
Mises 1:aneous articles of not
more ta.an five lines. For Sale, To
Rent, or Wel tad, Lost, Found, etc.,
each insertion 2.5o.
Local Reading notices, etc., 10c.
per line per insertion. 'No notice
less than 25c. Card of Thanks 5Dc.
Legal a.dvertisir,g 10c. and 5c, a
Auction Sales, $1 for one inser-
tion and $1.50 for two insertions
moderate size.
Profes iooat Cards not exceeding
1 inch,; per year.
Address all communications to
HER,,,LD 'RI11� I1�lC CO.
-ate .. �,. * .e. cr._maen....
...•a.s....•e.•...... e..u.e...••a. 44..u..e..a••o..nw'A., 6,•N•e,•C.•9
Hopes Women ill
Adopt This Hebit
As Weil As Men w
Miss Nettie B.rokenshire has re-
turned to ;Stratford, after spend-
ing a 'c''ouple of weeks with relati-
ves in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eidt and fam-
ily of 4d sa Craig spent Sunray at
the home of C. Stale.
Mr, and Mos. E. Haist and fam-
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Wuerth of
Crediton, visited Mr. and 'Mts. C.
Finkbeiner on Sunday.
11-1;:s. C. Fritz of Zurich visited
her sister Mrs. -J. Kellerman over
M:.ss Hessenaee of Kitchener is
v'siiing her sister, Mrs. Win,
Quarterly Sery:errs were condu-
cted by Rev. J. Cr. Litt of Kitchen-
er. in the Evangelical church Sun-
day evening.
Mr. L. Edighoffer spent a few
days In Toronto this week.
M.s Chas. Fanner and fans ly o2
Saline Mich., are visiting relatives
here at present.
• Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eidt and
family of Fer st sl ent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. C. Stade,
' Mr Ezra Bender of .Kitchener,
spent a few days With his lyaeeets,
Jhis week,
Dr Broughton of Toronto, sp-
ent the. week -end at the :tzomeof
J. Kellerman.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hoffman, Itir.
Chas. Czu.iithe•:, and .tir. and A.
Matz of Tav:s.ock and. Miss Rose
Ncsper of Buffalo spent Sundayin
to tin.
I11:as L Derbecker of Waterloo
:s \i ring M.ss E. Guenther this
Mr. and Mrs, Hy. Daters of
Zur;ch, spent Sunday with Mr, and
Zel s. E:1 Kraft.
4 The regular meeting of the
Blake Womens' In>stdtute will be
held at the home of Mrs. D. Tough
on Tuesday next August 19th„ All
ladies are cordially invited to at-
Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Moyers spent
Sunday with friends in the vill-
Mas. Geo, ,Armstrong and child-
ren of Brucefield, spent the week-
e,n.l at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
B. C. Zapfe.
Mrs, A.Clark and children retur-
ned to Bayfield on Saturday after
visiting friends in this vicinity.
Mies Anna May ,Haugh and bro-
ther Carman and ,Hazel of Bruce -
field visited at the home of Mr.
R. Allain last week.
Quite a number from here at-
tended the celebrat'on at Seafor:h
and Grand Bend on Wednesday,
Tho Misses Ida and Ruby Man -
,son of Toronto are visiting fri-
_ ends in this vicinity;,
has been engaged as principal of
•rxater High School.' Mrs. Chas, Meyers, accompanied
On Aug 6tli at Toronto,. Mr. by Mrs. A, Meyers spent Saturday
Rairy '1'riebner, of Cornwall, son with friends inZurich.
of ter, and Mrs. Frank Trreenee,
Stephen, was united in niaeriiage
to a,i.,ss Liaian Robinson.
Messrs. H. Smeth and R. E.
Pickard were in Ottawa last Week
as delegates to the Liberal Con-
vention at Ottawa.
On Aug. 2nd. at the Anglican
church, Lucan, the marriage -took
place* of Mess Laura Fox and Mr.
VV. R Elliott, oi Stephen.
tediek.th Ors
! Mess Li Lin Geiser is rapidly im-
pioving in heath
1 .Communion S 1\'Kelt were held
:n the Evangelical church last Sun
e.r. and Mrs, T. Mawhinney and
1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Mawhinney eee-
ent.y motored to Part Stanley and
Itook the local boat trip to Cleve-
1 red Kerr is in Chicago this we-
ek taking part in the shooing to-
Mr. Marcus Roszell, B. A., of
Cal. donia, has been engeged as
pr.rieipal of the pubic i school
ht re,
Freeman IVlorlock has xnovetrin-
to the dwelling he pureleee n'r
Mr. Chris.`Eilber. e` "7.3174
George Wolper, of. the township
of Stephen, near Grand Bend; had
his left leg broken near the hip
and his right arm broken' near the
shoulder when his automohi e tur-
ned turtle on the Mud Creek hill,
north oi Parkil-il. He turned his
car out of a rat, in the hill sudden-
ly and the car turned completely
over, breaking a front wheel and
they steering wheel. The car
Lortunately turned back on its side
• M ss es Irene Pope of Toronto and End Mr. \Yelper drew himself :from
Lydia of London are visiting Mr. the wreck, Where he was found.
Getty bell Sr. After Mr. Waiper's injuries recei-
Mr. (i 9 Hc,ward has returned \-ed attention, ha was taken home.
from Guelph where he attended He will be laid up for several man-
t it9 O. ... C. ills,.
The I'td.sses Anna, Hazel and
Ca man Haugh of Brucefiedd are
\:siting f1•ienls- in town.
Mts. W. MacLaran of Hensail and
Glass Of hot water each morn 11 s. R. Stowell of Gadsbay Alta.,'
1 Eng helps us look and feel vi ited with Me. and :sirs. G. S.
clean, sweet, fresh. Howard,
Al.s, Evelyn Howard spent the
Iia.ppy, bright, alert—vigorous and week -end at the home of Mr. R.
'wivaclons--a good clear skin: a nat. Allan Blake.
ural, rosy complexion and freedom. The f,ax m 1: has stared thresh -
iron illness aro assurcl only by ::ng this lv>ek.
clean, healthy blood. If only every
'woman and likewise every nran could
real h >e the wonders of the mauling
inside bath what a gratifying change
;would take place. I till. and Mts. Steve Vain of Tor -
Instead of the thousands of sickly, onto arrived here last week on a
anaemic -looking men, women and`, \ d �` bei,: here i11rs. Vain was
girls with pasty or muddy complex- l,..sea:ously lid ,
ions; instead of the multitudes of taken
"nerve wrecks,' "rundown.+," "brain. i Alf. Taylor and men have cam -
tags" and pessimists tine. should see a lyl:ted '1 Line teme.lt church shed
virile, of tis i.,t'c throng of rosy-
+cheeked people everywhere.
An inside bath is had by drinking,
-each morning before breakfast, a
Mass of real hot water with a tea -
:spoonful of limestone phosphate in it
to wadi frora the siomaeh liver, kid-
neys anti ten yard, r.f bevels the pre-
vious day's indigestible waste, sour
$ernlentations and poisons, talus
cleansing, sweetening and freshening
the entire alimentary canal before
putting more food into the stomach.
Those subject to sick headache, bil-
iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism,
colds; and partieulary those Who have
e pallid, sallow complexion and who
,re constipated very often, i are
urged to obtain a quarter pound of
limestone phosphate at the drug store
;which will cost but a trifle but is
;sufficient to demonstrate the quick
and remarkable ehaie e in both health
Sad appearance awaiting those who
practice internal sanitation. We must .
remember that fez si<1, cleanliness is
Tho Counc:1 of the Township of
Stephen convened in the Town
Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 1th
day of August 1919 at 1 p, in. All
members were present with tiie ex
ception of Mr. Penha:e. The Min-
e/es of the previous meeting were
read and adopted.
The cierk was oree.ed t o not-
ify the Engineers of the Counties
of Huron and 111:ddk sex to feruh-
with rebuild the bridge opposite
Lots 15 on the Boundary Line be-
tween the Tow:tships of Stephen
and McGillivray owing to the feet
that it is in a dangerous state of
The following
for ilia Egmondville .Presuyteeian Fred, Keri` tale S. 13, ;+?50);ditto
orders were pas -
Fall wli'aat fin this section is tur-
ning out w-nend. The sample is
good :ail are Cie:d a:ve;agCi3 near-
ly 35 tets'.i.I- r,ee a• r'.
Lres fags have ncd-
dad a mot.Jr t;euse to their und-
ertaking cqui pinent.
Mr. an.t Mfrs. Mark Drysdale are
camping at Grand Bend.
Lieut. Ross Dougall returner
home last week feoin overseas. He
erFsted with the 16'st Battalion..
Mr. ;leen feickart of Detroit,
visited his parents here 1afit week.
Air net 1 Mrs, Jany::s Cheney,
'I'c ionto ftamerly of this village,
renews 1 a~quaintances here last
more important than outside, be- } The on"en clop is being harvest
'cause the skin cines not absorb iminir- ; eft here. Sr me patches arc good
hies to cont min:Ito the, blood, while it 1:4 others are a Cailtxre,
',Abe Bares in the thirty feetof Uawels wa147 ss Glade -s Cooke and I•T3, To.,
wtio' i
1 Smith. wer unifeel in marriage at
""***"'"'"'""°"'—'""`" '` """'° Trivitt Memorial church on lth,
TheyHerald to subscribers in i Ito,* w. rEa rnm
2i,f�ra or thr, 11,1 al
Canada to An. 1st, 3,920r tor 40' Newey,:
teentle, ..t.rL 1,,.; d Mr. Wethey of Carlton Plane,
tile and plank 19,25; Dom. Road
Mach Co. repairs and Exp. 52.00;
David Webb Ince, ace. for over -s
seeing bridge work 16 00; J. Steph-
an r fund statute labor 21,09; F.
11Ic'Ktevee gr.ivel S. B.. 625; ditto
25.35;Jos. Lawson pr. L•r:dge con-
tracts 500.00.
The. Council adjourned to meet
again on Tuesday, the 2nd dee; of
September 191.9 at 1 p. m,
Henry Eilber, Clerk.
Zurich ...
Ailsa Craig ... .., ..
Blyth ............ ...
Exeter ....•....
Goderieh , ... .,.
Kirkton ... ... .
Mitchell ,.. _„ ...
Parkhill ....... ,., ...
St, Marys , ...
Thc'df orcl
Toronto . .,. .
West MoGilliv=ray -
Neil Sparks of London, £Ylil-
Hospital, spent the week -end
friends in this vicinity.
...Sept. 17-18
. ... Sept 23-2.4
• Sept 22-23
.Sept. 15-16
Oct, 1-2
,,. ,,.Sept 15-17
• ..... ,Oct 2-3
.,. S:spt 6-131
... Sept 23-24
,:Sept is -19
Sept 18.10
• ,Sept 18-19
.Sept 24-25
• Aug 28 Sep 6
..:Oct 2,
.. .,Oct, $w
Wi'tti hcgm- .,./, ,, ...
eveltos 41.1
An Old Fashioned Custom
The appointment of individuals as Executors is
an old-fashioned custom that is gradually dying out.
In naming friends as Executors ofyotlr estate you
unconsciously burden Chen with.additional responsibilhies.
The appointment of this Company as your
Executor will relieve you of any feeling of obligation to
Apply to the local agent for Zurich and district
he - will gladly explain the extensive seivico which this
Company) can render your Estate.
Manaoed in connaction wrai!
The Huron & Erie Mortgage'Car rotation,
Applications For Guaranteed Investment Receipts eeaeivod,by
_ dee
for res
"''Hing Tip 'West_P--- � to W.
"Return Trip Esst"-18 from Wilit 9PEE'.
1 a _ _
August 14, From stations in Ontario West and South of Toronto to and including IIamilton and Windsor, Ont.
and From stations on Owen Sound, Walkerton, Teeswater, Wingham, Elora, Listowel, Goderich, St. Mary's,,
Port Burwell and St. Thomas branches.
Liugust 21. From stations Toronto and Korth to Dolton, inclusive.
Full �,articu$are from Canadian Pacific Ticket AF.e;,tn. we B. HPWA.R.D, District Passenger Agent, Toronto
August 12,
August 19.
From stations in Ontario West of Smith's Falls to and including Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore
Line and Havelock-Peterboro' Line.
From stations Kingston to Renfrew Junction,.,inolusive.
From stations Toronto to Parry Sound, inclusive.
From stations Bethany Junction to Port ItcNicoll and Burketou to Bobcaygeon, inclusive.
'I, . ,
\P now
---^--0.0.. •
t i'L'r h s7: s 1 tPi
Ih $7,e ' i f k '• 1.,tt
,' V( •
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' 4iitr fltixdnt
.•� ill ��I 4
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r�dllil :��• ��.�1�:
ORD Touring Cars and
I Roadsters can now be supplied with
new Ford electric stat ting and lighting ---
This electric equipment is a Ford product
built by the Ford Company in their own
factory, and consisting of Generator,
Starting Motor and Storage Battery.
It is as reliable and efficient as the Ford Motor, into
which it is built.
The Ford Standard 1V,lagneto also supplies ignition
independent of the batteries.
. Fotcl Runabout, P6o. Touring, 469o.
On open models the Electric Starting and Lighting Equipment is y$zoo extra,
Coupe, hee. Sedan, §ixx75, (Closed model prices include Electric Starting
and Lighting Equipment).
These prices are f. o. b. Ford, Ont., and do not include the War Tax.
ar e:
Electric Starting and Lighting